Falling For The Bad Boy

By Wordsmith_Ana

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© Copyrights Reserved. Meet June Sullivan -- The Queen Bee of the school. Meet Zayden Parker -- The Bad Boy o... More

Chapter One.
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four.
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine.
Chapter ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter twelve
Chapter Thirteen:
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter twenty three.
Chapter twenty four.
Chapter Twenty Five.
Chapter Twenty Six.
Chapter Twenty Seven.
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine.
Chapter Thirty.
Chapter Thirty One.
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three.
Chapter Thirty Four.
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One.
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three.
Chapter Forty Four.
Chapter Forty Five.
Chapter Forty Six.
E X T R A S --- Graduation ---
E X T R A S --- Panicked Pandy ---
E X T R A S --- Bad Boy ---
Friendship's Day Special

Chapter Thirty Nine.

83 5 0
By Wordsmith_Ana

The first thing I did after realizing I'm literally naked in front of Zayden freaking Parker was to scream and run inside the bathroom again. I closed the door in a reflex of moment and sat down on the floor, breathing heavily.


"Um...are you okay?" I heard his voice from outside.

What a jerk? He's still here?

Didn't he have any decency to leave me alone for some time?
Didn't he get it?

Oh well. He wasn't any decent guy. He was a self obsessed, arrogant perverted jerk. And my embarrassment wasn't going to change anything about his nature.

"Get your stinking ass out of here!" I shouted with hatred.

"Oops. Language, Pandy,"

That's it. These three words were enough to make me feel all the emotions at the same time again. I was angry, that how could he act like everything was fine? I was confused, that what actually was his purpose of being so goody goody all of a sudden? I was hurt, that it didn't matter to him or he didn't care how much he'd hurt me.
And in the end, my heart fluttered and suddenly I was even happy, that he called me by my nickname after so long. I closed my eyes because of the burning and weak sensation in my body. Soft sobs left my mouth and tears fell down on my naked thighs as I looked down.

What was life doing to me?

What did he want from me?

Why couldn't he leave me alone?

Why did he leave me alone before?

"June..." His voice came closer as he said this. I heard concern in his tone suddenly.

I didn't reply. Why would I?

"I'm sorry I came inside...don't cry.." He said.

I cried harder at that. He was sorry because he saw me naked? Why wasn't he sorry about what he did?
Oh wait. Because probably he wasn't sorry at all.

"And I'm sorry for everything else, too."

I think I just died from a major heart attack.

He was sorry?

And he was sorry now?

After all the damage was already done. I let out a sarcastic laugh and wiped my tears.

"You're sorry, now?" I asked, my voice came out really bitter.

"Yes," I heard his soft whisper.

"And can I know, why?" I asked again.

"Um...yeah. Because, I am?" He answered, not sure of himself.

"Okay." I stood up; replying.
"Give me my towel...and get out of here," I bitterly stated again.

"Yeah, here." He said, lightly knocking on the door.

I opened it slightly and snatched the towel.

"Now get the hell out of here!" I shouted again in hatred.

"No, wait, I want to say something." His voice came out scared and confused, as if he wanted to say something but he was confused about what he should say and scared about should he say that?

"What?" I asked, wrapping my towel around my body again.

"W-wa....wait. Don't become like this. Come back.."

My heart jumped out of my throat and literally fell.
The way in which his voice broke when he said those words was heartbreaking. He was sorry. He was guilty. He really wanted me back.

Say you want him back too. Tell him you love him.

"Please give me my best friend back?" He said.

And the thing I was afraid about, happened.

He wanted me back as his best friend. His best friend only.
Even after all that happened, he wanted that? Even after he is almost aware how I felt for him? Even after what he did to me, he expected me to get back to him in a way he wanted? I knew I was being selfish. Heck, yes! But after ages I was thinking about myself and I know I needed to do it.

"Stay away from me as much as possible. I don't want you."

I plainly said and with that, turned on the shower and stood away from it, keeping myself dry. I wanted him to feel like I was ignoring him. I wanted him to feel what I felt.

He deserved that.

"Please..." His voice still reached my ears and he knocked on the door few times.

My heart broke more and pleaded to open the door and fall in his arms. But I knew it could make all this worse. I needed to stay stone hearted. I needed to be this arrogant bitch. I started murmuring some stupid song. I sung it really bad but it finally made him stop the knockings and leave the changing rooms. I turned off the shower and stepped out of the bathroom, sighing. I quickly wore my clothes and ran out of the club.

Sitting in my car, I left for home. I was now just worried how Drake would return back home. I'll call him once I get home.

It was dark till now and I was really tired. I was just two lanes away from home when I saw some guys fighting at the roadside.
They looked dangerous so I decided to ignore them. But as I drove closer to them, I recognized some figures and faces. My face drained all the color out when I saw what was happening. I stopped the engine and got out of the car immediately.

There was Zayd, Shawn and some other guys from our school.

"Stop right there, bastards!" I screamed at the top of my voice and raced towards the figure that lay on the ground now. He was injured. Blood was dripping from his nose and his elbows and jaw were badly injured.

All the faces turned towards me including the one that was injured.

"Are you guys crazy? What are you doing to him?" I threw all my anger at them.

I was scared as hell.

Zayd's condition looked horrible at the time and my heart knew no matter what he treated me like, I still wanted him alright always.

"June, what're you doing here? Leave this place right now. I'll explain everything to you later." Zayd stood up, speaking shit to me.

"Shut up! Why are they all beating you?" I asked him, walking towards him to have a closer look on his injuries.

"They aren't beating me. No one beats Zayden Parker. We're having a fight." He said in his cocky attitude.

"Yeah right!" I angrily muttered.

"You're right, June, we're beating him. He deserves it. Don't you think? After all that he did to you, you still want him okay? Don't you want revenge? We'll beat him in front of you now, June. You will feel better by seeing him in that condition."

My eyes widened in disbelief when I saw the person saying all this. Never in my life have I imagined him to go so low and do all this.

I really trusted him.

"J-James?" I asked, still not believing it was him.
"I don't know why you're doing this. But I want you to stop right here. Let's go, Zayd. We need to go to the hospital." I said; ignoring everyone around.

I softly held Zayd's hand and pulled him towards my car. He obediently did what I made him do.

"You're such a chicken, Parker." James said and all the guys laughed.

"He's not a chicken, you jerk. You're a chicken that you only want to beat him. You can't win over him in anything and you know that. That's why you're doing this. Because you know he's better than you in everything else." My words left all the faces in front of me shocked and mad. I smirked at their reaction and turned towards Zayd. His reaction was even funnier. He was gaping at me with shock plastered all over his face. And that's when I realized what have I just said. I just defended him...over James.

Oh my God. What have I done?

But right now I needed to take him to the hospital. I ignored everything else and made him sit on the passenger seat of the car. Then I drove away. Fast.

While driving, I could feel his eyes on me the whole time. I felt really nervous and insecure under his gaze and wanted to punch his nose and make him look away. But his already bruised nose would be broken if I would punch him.

I even saw his lips curving up in a smirk.

"STOP STARING ASSHOLE!" I yelled between my gritted teeth. He was irritating me.

"You're so sexy when you're angry." He said, chuckling.

My face reddened more with anger.

"Don't call me that." I spoke in the same tone.

"What?" He cocked an eyebrow up.

That freaking sexy Greek God. Ugh.

"Nothing. Just keep your mouth shut."

After that snap, he kept quiet till we reached the hospital.
He was admitted for few hours in an AC room and I sat outside it, dumbfounded.

I was tired as hell, still sat there for him.

Eventually, I fell asleep.


Happy Diwali Guys <3

How're you all? How did you like the chapter?

Do you think everything will fall back in place?

Well, we should always be patient.
How ironical! I'm too impatient lol :p

Well, the next update...I really can't promise it anytime soon.

I'll try my best :)

PS: your votes will pull me towards wattpad :p maybe I'll update sooner then.

Love ya :*



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