Consumed By Love (on hold)

By Divergent_obsessed46

120K 5.2K 1.3K

"I am someone looking for love. Real Love. Ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can't- live- without- each- o... More

Chapter 1>>>
Chapter 2>>>
Chapter 3>>>
Chapter 4>>>
Chapter 5>>>
Chapter 6>>>
Chapter 7>>>
Chapter 8>>>
Chapter 9>>>
Chapter 10>>>
Chapter 11>>>
Chapter 12>>>
Chapter 13>>>
Chapter 14>>>
Chapter 15>>>
Chapter 16>>>
Chapter 17>>>
Chapter 18>>>
Chapter 19>>>
Chapter 21>>>
Chapter 22>>>
Chapter 23>>>
Chapter 24>>>
Chapter 25>>>
Chapter 26>>>
Chapter 27>>>
Chapter 28>>>
Chapter 29>>>
Chapter 30>>>
Chapter 31>>>
Chapter 32>>>
Chapter 33>>>
Chapter 34>>>
Chapter 35>>>
Chapter 36>>>
Chapter 37>>>
Chapter 38>>>
Chapter 39>>>
Chapter 40>>>
Chapter 41>>>
Chapter 42>>>
Chapter 43>>>
Chapter 44>>>

Chapter 20>>>

3K 131 30
By Divergent_obsessed46

Her big green eyes had mesmerized him for as long as he could remember and whether she knew it or not, he would do anything she asked, so long as she gazed those eyes upon him.

Theo's POV
Shai and I have been 'together' for about three months now. It's almost Christmas break and I'm wanting to ask her if she'll come visit my family with me. I know she'll want to see her family and trust me I'm fine with that. And she'll have three weeks of break to do so. I just want her to meet everyone.

Schools been getting in the way of our time together, she's in the part where grades matter most and where homework is flowing like a river. She's doing fine in my class, and no I'm not giving special treatment to her.

We celebrated her birthday last month, and getting to do that with her was very special. We have a connection... and that for me is the most special thing of all.

She's been seeing a therapist like I told her while back, and I don't think she hates it as much as she did. I've met the woman- who's name is Trudy- and she's very sweet.

Shai's been doing better about the incident, almost fully back to her old self. But she does get a few nightmares here and there, and is still jumpy at times when a boy bumps into her at school. Just the contact of an unknown man brings memories back.

I took my share in that as well, where sometimes placing a hand on her or surprising her with a kiss when she wasn't looking would send her jerking or into random tears. She always apologized and said it wasn't me. But I knew in some sense it was me... so I had to step back. Give her some space and some time.

"God! Could she give us anymore homework?" I hear Shai say as she enters my apartment. I gave her an extra key so if she needed to, at any time she could come over. She already had that ability but if I wasn't home she could get in.

I'm in the bedroom changing out of my work clothes when I hear her. "Theo?" She calls again. "In the bedroom!" I say.

We're not living together, but she comes over whenever she can and I've let her keep much of her things here.

"So she-- Oh my lord! Sorry!" Shai says walking in but turning and shielding her eyes when she sees me changing. I'm in boxers and only boxers at the moment, this is the least dressed I've been in front of her.

"It's fine, you can turn around." I say once my sweat pants are on, and now I'm pulling on a shirt since it's a bit chilly in here.

"What were you complaining about?" I ask.

"Oh Well Ms. Fethfeild, my science teacher gave us three packets to fill out by tomorrow and a project due next week." Shai says flopping down on the bed.

"Yeah, her class is hard." I comment knowing what she's like.

"Look at the bright side." I say.

"And that is?? And don't tell me that it's I'll get smarter or shit like that." Shai tells me making me laugh.

"No, that Christmas break is a  week away. Next Friday you'll get to leave and not return for another few weeks." I say and a smile grows on her face.

"That's right! I'm shocked that I didn't remember." Shai says and I sit by her on the bed, as she sits up and leans her head on my shoulder.

"Isn't your birthday next week?" She asks pulling her head off me. "It may be." I say scratching my head, she just laughs.

"I know it is, but why don't you want to talk about it?" Shai asks.

"Because it isn't a big deal." I say getting up and walking towards the kitchen.

"Oh that's a lie. It's so a big deal! It's the first time I'll get to celebrate your birthday with you!"

"What if I don't want to do anything? Or get anything." I say knowing she'll probably plan to get me a gift knowing Shai.

"Then you'll be forced to smile and be grateful." She says going back into the bedroom to change.

I get a pan out and add some oil to it to heat it up.

"Anything I'm planning, you're not getting out of." Shai shouts from the bathroom, where she has some things stored too. It feels like whenever she's over that we do actually live together, even though that's not the case. But I'm perfectly fine with what it's like now, the feeling is enough at this point in time.

As I'm rubbing spices on the meat she walks back out, in her sweats and sweatshirt-still barefoot.

"Aren't your feet cold?" I ask placing the cuts of meat in the sizzling pan.

"No." Shai states simply, making me smile. It's the smallest things like that that make me smile the easiest.

"It's below freezing outside and not to mention that it's a winter in Oxford. Which means it's even more cold." I tell her.

She laughs, "My feet still aren't cold."

She walks over to me and plants a kiss on my lips when I turn my face.

"Can I ask you something?" Shai asks walking back to the bar stool she was sitting on, at the counter behind me.

"Of course." I say getting things out of the fridge and preheating the oven.

"Why me?" Those words I always told myself she'd ask someday. Why I chose her, and I knew that someday I'd have to answer.

But with all the hours in the day and months I've been with her... I still don't have an answer- a real solid answer.

I turn to look at her, but still aware of the foods cooking behind me on the stove and in the oven.

"Because you're not like any other girl I've ever seen or met." I tell her and turn back around to turn the meat. Then sticking the pan in the oven.

"Most people think I'm just a normal teenage girl, nothing special or different." She says, her voice holding something.

"Well, that's a lie. And whoever told you that didn't know you well enough." I say walking over to the cupboard to get plates and glasses out.

"You think I'm something?"

I look at her, her beautiful green eyes that I loose myself in looking at me for an answer. "Yes." I say simply. Not needed to add anything to it, it's the truth. And sometimes the truth doesn't need to be more than one word.

"I'm sure you've had other relationships in the past. What sets me apart?" She questions, and I can't blame her for wanting to know so much especially about this topic.

"I did yes." I say choosing my words carefully.

"Like I said, I've never met anyone like you." I say taking the pan out of the oven, the smell of the meat and spices mixed filling the kitchen's air.

"You keep saying that so I'm going to guess you mean that in a good way...?" Shai says walking over to help with drinks while I get the food ready.

"Yes. Nothing but good." I tell her, and out of the corner of my eye I see her smile.

The smile that's contagious, the smile that warms me and my heart.

Once we dip up and sit down at the table, I don't know why or how but my heart sends messages to my brain... and soon my mouth.

"I like you because you're different. You're out there yet you have the right level of control. You're not into some of the things lots of girls are into, or the women I was in previous relationships with." I say, and Shai smiles small taking a sip of water.

"You make me feel something. And it's something I've never felt before, something I've never experienced." I say. "And it's a feeling that I don't want to go away."

"Why you... Why not you??" I say and now Shai's gazing right into my eyes as I pour my feelings out to her.

"You're like this treasure that I've found, that I've been able to claim as mine. You've shown me things without even meaning to."

"Why you... Why me? I mean I'm this thirty year old philosophy teacher, and you could have this twenty year old hot guy instead. I'm nothing special or different, whereas you... to me you are." I say and after realizing all that came out of my mouth I watch her. For her reaction, and I get smiles and tears.

Shai gets up and hugs me, I wrap my arms around her almost instantly.

"You are special, to me you are. And thank you for all you said." She says kissing me.

She pulls back and looks at me, "And you are hot." Shai adds making me laugh and kiss her again.

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