Inevitable Withdrawal - cash...

By crystellethemage

95.7K 3.3K 1.9K

Falling in love with the temperamental and demanding Senator Nash Grier was not Cameron Dallas had planned. B... More

Through A Glass Darkly
Blue Monday
Bad Romance
Permanent Stain
Walk Away
Who Am I, Comparatively
Against the Wind
Love Is A Twisted Dance
And If You Stay
All This Time
Locked in a Haze
In A Perfect World
A Walk to Remember
The Tension is Here
Life Is A Dream
The Desire of My Heart
In Oceans Deep
City of Delusion
Flicker in the Night
Say Something
Beauty in the Breakdown
Inevitable Withdrawal

Best of Me

2.9K 84 200
By crystellethemage

Lily Ann Dallas-Grier and Adrian Hamilton Dallas-Grier own me now. They command my complete attention when they are awake and they're a handful. Lily definitely has the domineering personality of her father along with his bright blue eyes. Adrian is more calm and it's cliche but they're exact opposites of each other. Lily has bright blue eyes with dark hair while Adrian has blonde hair with dark brown eyes. I love them both so much and the two of them with Nash make up my entire world.

The twins are 8 months old now and it's been a whirlwind figuring out how to do this father stuff. When Nash donated his sperm I didn't care what sex our baby was, I just wanted him or her to be healthy. It was shocking when they told us that we were having twins, they don't run in Nash's family so I suppose they do in the surrogate's family. Having twins was something we hadn't considered and it threw me into panic mode as I began to redesign our nursery to include in our second baby. I wanted everything to be perfect for our babies.

Watching them be born was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I couldn't wait to hold them, Nash and I fell in love right away with our babies. My hand shook as I signed their paperwork and I trembled when they handed me Lily for the first time. She was so small and I was scared of hurting her, it was the same with Adrian when we switched off.

Nash and I were on the same boat, we didn't want anyone else raising our babies so I officially resigned from my position and trained Matthew to replace me. He was eager to learn and modeled the way I did things very well.

Nash didn't adjust too well to not having me there, he had daily meltdowns and Matt would call me multiple times a day because he didn't know how to deal with Nash's demanding personality. When I was there I prevented a lot of meltdowns so Matthew didn't know how Nash was before I became his assistant. Well now he knows, it's kind of funny to listen to Matthew panic because he's scared of Nash.

Things are better now but Matthew wanted to quit a few times in the beginning. I'm glad he held out because he's been a really good assistant for my demanding husband.

It's early morning and Nash is sleeping beside me, I usually get up at night with the twins when he has to go into work. The twins sleep through the night most of the time but there are days when they're fussy because they're teething.

Nash's alarm is about to go off so I sit up a stretch some before I get out of bed and pull on my boxers. I'm a little sore from last night but it's the best kind of sore, it's the kind that reminds me that I have an absolutely amazing husband who craves me just like I crave him.

I peek in the nursery, the babies are still sleeping so I close the door quietly before I head to the kitchen and begin to cook breakfast for Nash.

A stay at home dad. I never imagined that I would end up here but now that I've arrived, I have to say I love my life and I wouldn't do anything differently. This kind of life is not for everyone and it's certainly not one I envisioned when I was working hard in college to obtain my dual degree in Psychology and Political Science.

Nash changed the path of my life completely and I don't regret a single moment of it.

I have a family, I am in love and I am happy. What more could I want?

There is one thing that weighs on my mind a bit. We haven't told my family that we are married and have children. They don't even know I'm in a relationship. Nash's reelection is behind us and he doesn't intend to run again. If news of our relationship gets out, the fallout wouldn't necessarily hurt us. Nash has always been adamant about the fact that he wouldn't care if his political career was damaged if it got out that he is gay and is married to a man.

I do want my family to meet my children but I struggle with actually taking the first step in telling my mom. I know she's going to be hurt that I kept it from her for so long, especially when she hears that she's a grandmother and she's missed almost a year of her grandchildren's life.

I brew Nash's coffee and by the time he's walking into the kitchen everything is ready for us to eat. I feel his arms wrap around my waist and he kisses the side of my neck as he runs his hands up and down my chest and abdomen.

"Morning, baby." His deep morning voice is so sexy, it makes me want to drop to my knees and worship his cock but we don't have enough time. Senate will be in session today and it's important to be there because they're voting on a bill that could go either way.

Even though I no longer work on the Hill I still do Nash's schedule, he won't let anyone else touch it and we do talk about things that he probably shouldn't be sharing with me. The trust between us is 100% and it truly has to be that way in order to have a healthy relationship.

"Not too sore, I hope?" He says as I turn around in his arms and kiss his lips tenderly.

"Never," I reply and he gives me a cheeky grin. The cold Senator that I met seems so far away, it's a distant memory but I can still picture my hands shaking slightly when I first met him. He didn't pay attention to me but I made him notice me, I worked hard for him to notice me and it really paid off. I never ever imagined that this would be my life. I thought I'd be the assistant to a U.S. Senator that I pined for from afar and dealt with unrequited love but that Senator is right here in my arms, he's my husband and we're deliriously in love.

It's funny how life works.

We kiss softly and his hands immediately go down to my ass where he squeezes the sore cheeks. He had a hard day yesterday and had a lot of steam to blow off, I didn't mind him relieving his stress with me at all.

We part after a few minutes and I already miss his lips.

We eat breakfast together and Nash's phone starts buzzing, it's almost time for him to leave to his office.

I pick up his phone as he finishes drinking his coffee.

From Matt
Hi Senator Grier, the Senator from Texas would like to meet with you prior to the session. You don't have any meeting scheduled this morning, is it okay to fit him in?

"Babe, Texas wants to meet with you today. He probably wants to change your mind about your vote," I tell him and he frowns because although he's Republican from a conservative state, Nash is actually very moderate when it comes to his voting. He is fiscally conservative but more liberal when it comes to social issues especially considering the fact that he is now married to a man.

When Nash was first elected he was married to Lea, she was more of a trophy wife than anything else. Nash doesn't talk too much about his marriage with Lea anymore, finding out that she had aborted their child dealt a blow to him that he's never fully recovered from. I think it's something that will always hurt even if it abates a little bit with time. I'm still so bitter over how his mother told him that absolutely gut-wrenching news. Nash hasn't spoken to her since despite her trying. She still hasn't given up and I don't feel bad for her at all because maybe she should have considered the consequences of her actions before she goes through with them.

"I know what that fucker wants but I'm not changing my vote. He thinks I'm going to run again for a third time and he uses his support as some sort of leverage. Obviously it won't work but it'll be interesting to see him try," Nash replies with a hint of amusement in his voice.

Ever since his bill passed he's been so lax about his duties in the Senate, he hasn't been slacking but he admittedly doesn't have the same fervor he had before. I know it's because he's shifted all of his attention from his work to his family.

I hear one of the twins crying and I know the other will join in soon. Nash has to leave so I kiss him goodbye before I head to the nursery to get my crying babies.

Lily is lying on her crib crying, I pick her up first and take her to the changing table where I change her diaper and wash her up before I put her down on the floor with some toys while I do the same with Adrian.

It's difficult juggling two infants at the same time but it gets easier as they get older.

I take them with me to the kitchen and put them in their high chairs, I turn on some music and then begin to prepare their milk and rice cereal. I make funny faces as I try to sing with the children's music that I have playing, I dance a little bit and my babies giggle at my antics. I love putting smiles on their faces.

I feed them and when I'm finished I change them, then I work on cleaning up the kitchen and making the rest of their bottles for the day.

They begin to cry and I frown because they're fed and clean but I check their diapers anyway. Their faces begin to turn red and when I place my hand on their foreheads, they're both burning up. They weren't like that this morning.

I freak out and get them dressed with shaking hands. I'm so nervous and scared because they feel really hot, they're crying inconsolably and I don't know what's wrong. I work quickly to get the strapped in their car seats and pack all of the milk I had prepared, I grab their diaper bag and load the car before I put them in the car.

I rush them to the hospital, I try to stay within the speeding limit but I just want to get them to the hospital so they can figure out what's wrong. I'm calling Nash as I drive using my car's bluetooth and his phone just rings then goes to voicemail. That never happens, he always picks up no matter where he is. I know Senate is probably in session right now and it's going to be a long day but Nash always has his phone, he picks it up when he sees that it's me calling.

"Baby, call me please," I say as I leave a voicemail, my voice weak. "The twins are sick and I'm rushing to Children's National with them, I need you, Nash. I'm so scared."

I park the car and grab my crying babies, I have to carry them, the diaper bag and their formula bag but I manage it as I rush inside. I get them checked in and soon we're in a room in the emergency department and they're getting checked out by the doctor. They're running very high fevers and I'm just scared, I need Nash. I need his support.

My hands tremble as I try to call him again and it rings before going to voicemail.

"Nash, you need to call me back and you need to get here now. They're running super high fevers and they're inconsolable. Please, baby." I tell him with a wavering voice because I'm honestly about to lose it.

I register them and provide our insurance card, the financial person who is registering us glances at me curiously as she types in the information. Nash's name is on the insurance card because he's the primary holder. We're all covered under his insurance, I know she's wondering who I am and why my children have the last name Dallas-Grier. I glance at her name tag but I don't care, the only thing that's important to me is getting our babies better.

The doctor walks back in an hour after a nurse squirts some medicine in their mouths.

They're admitted because they're running high fevers that are not broken with medication. We get a high-security hospital room, the hospital is clearly not able to release any information on our children or us, but they also screen which nurse gets assigned to our children.

Nash finally calls me back 2 hours after the twins are admitted, I have Adrian in my arms, I'm feeding him because he wouldn't allow the nurses to feed him at all. He finally latches on to the bottle after I sing softly to him, the lullaby that Nash always sings them before he puts them to sleep.

I hand him off to the nurse who continues feeding him now that he's started and I pick up the phone immediately.

"Where the fuck are you, Nash." I tell him as I stress out. I need him, I need him with me so badly, I can't deal with this without him.

"I'm on my way, baby. I'm so fucking sorry, I left my phone in the office before the session started in the chamber and I never got a chance to get it until we were done. Fuck, I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that by yourself," he sounds horrible. He sounds so guilty and I squeeze my eyes shut as I feel the stress leave my body.

"God, I'm sorry I lashed out at you, baby. I just need you. We all need you," I tell him softly.

"I'm here baby, I'll be up in 1 minute," he says.

"Okay, I'll see you soon." I respond and I hang up the phone. I turn back to the nurse who has Adrian in her arms and take him back from her. She leaves to give me privacy and I rock Adrian gently as he sucks on his bottle.

The door opens and I turn, Nash quickly enters and shuts it behind him. His eyes are red, he's been crying and he comes up to us right away and wraps his arms around Adrian and I. He presses a soft kiss on my forehead.

"I'm so fucking sorry, baby." He murmurs, his voice cracks a bit. He clears his throat, trying to hold back the tears but I guess he can't stop them as he starts to sniffle softly.

"They were fine this morning," I explain quietly. "They ate and I had them with me in the kitchen when they started crying inconsolably. Nothing I did help, I tried to feed them again, they refused to latch on. Their diapers were clean. They just kept crying and crying, and then they started to turn warm. They got hot so fast and when I checked their temperature I freaked the fuck out. That's when I started calling you, I rushed them here and they have really bad ear infections. None of the medications they gave them in the ER broke their fever so they were admitted so they can get stuff through an IV."

Nash pulls away as Lily starts to cry, he goes to her crib and picks her up gently. He gets a bottle and starts singing to her softly, she latches on and I feel relieved, I was so scared that she wouldn't want to eat again. Babies need to eat every few hours or they easily get dehydrated.

Nash and I stay with them 24 hours a day, every day that they're there. The nurses are very nice and professional, they don't give us any curious looks. They just do what they need to do and then leave to give us privacy. We do all the care for our babies, they just give the medications. They get drops in their ears and once they're fever free, they're able to eat without issue they discharge them.

On the way home I pick up the prescription ear drops for them and then we head home. It has been so much more manageable with Nash there with me, I definitely could not have gone through it by myself.

He takes the rest of the week off and stays with us which was amazing. The twins are all better and we get to spend so much family time together. The evening before Nash returns to Senate the bell rings to let us know there's someone at the gate. Nash is putting the babies to sleep before we go outside and get in the hot tub for a while. I glance at the iPad we have set up on the kitchen counter.

It's a news van and my eyes widen because they've never shown up like this before. Some big news must have broken directly regarding Nash for them to show up like this.

I turn on the news channel and then run upstairs to get Nash, he's just putting Lily down as I enter the nursery, Adrian is already sleeping in his crib.

I want until we're out of the nursery and the door is closed before I begin to speak.

"Babe, there's a news van at our gate," I tell him softly and he raises an eyebrow but doesn't seem scared like I am.

We got down to the kitchen and I turn on the baby monitor as we sit at the counter and face the tv that's mounted on the wall.

"And now for an exclusive story brought to us by an anonymous source who claimed that this past week Senator Nash Grier of North Carolina was allegedly at Children's National in regards to two twin babies and not just any twin babies but according to our source allegedly his own twin babies. The source went to claim that Senator Grier was a accompanied by a man, Cameron Dallas-Grier, and that he is allegedly married to the a Senator. We were able to independently verify that Senator Grier had an assistant until 8 months ago, which is the age of these alleged twins, when he resigned at that time and was replaced by another assistant. We are here at Senator Grier's home, we've attempted to buzz the gate and question the Senator regarding these claims, no answer yet. We will keep you posted with any news regarding this story," a blond reporter says with a smirk on her face.

I clench my jaw because I immediately know who broke the news. The fucking financial representative at the hospital who took down our insurance information and gave me that look. I'm so glad I'm detail oriented because I remember the bitch's name too.

"Madison Beer," I state firmly.

"What, baby?" Nash looks away from the television and he's not even upset, I knew he wouldn't be because he's said many times that he doesn't care if it gets out about our family.

I will have to deal with my mother's calls and I'm sure Nash's mother will attempt to talk to him but I really want that bitch to be punished for releasing information that wasn't hers to release.

"The name of the person who leaked it, it was the rep who took down our insurance information. She gave me this interested look and I glanced at her name afterwards but the babies were my main concern so I didn't think anything of it," I explain to him, he can tell I'm upset. He walks up to me and pulls me into his arms, he rubs calming circles on my lower back as he listens to me.

He knows exactly what to do to make me feel better because I instantly feel myself relaxing.

"I'll take care of it, baby. I promise," he tells me reassuringly before he pulls my lips to his and kisses me tenderly.

I refuse to let her ruin our night so I pull away and grab the bottle of wine with the wine glasses and the baby monitor before I lead Nash outside.

We get naked then get into the hot tub and drink our wine in between hot kisses.

I straddle him as I get more into our kisses, we're both so hard and ready to blow off steam.

"Mm, you taste good. I want to taste more of you," I whisper coquettishly and I love the way his crystal blue eyes darken with lust.

I get off him momentarily and make him sit at the edge of the tub before I kneel on the seat. He's sticking all the way up and I lick the tip of his cock then lick all the way down to the base. I give him an innocent smile when he growls at me.

"Damn, you look good." He says lowly as I grip the base of his cock and take him in my mouth. He grabs my head and I slap his hand away but he comes back tugs on my hair roughly. I can't stop leaking pre-cum from how turned on I am.

This sexy man is my husband and it blows my mind sometimes.

He guides my head like he wants as he thrusts up into my mouth. His thrusts are rough me he controls my head expertly. I swallow to prevent me from gagging but I choke on his cock when he deep throats me and I can feel him hit the back of my throat.

"Fuck, just like that baby." He moans when I scrape my teeth ever so lightly against his cock. I can feel saliva leaking from my mouth and he pulls me off his cock and lifts me up to meet his lips in a searing, intense kiss that leaves me even more breathless and light headed with lust for my husband.

We change positions until I'm kneeling over the edge of hot tub and he positions himself behind me and spreads my asscheeks before he smacks each wet cheek lightly. It stings and the pain feels so good, I love it.

"You like that, don't you baby? You like it when I'm rough with you," he says before he leans in and licks my hole roughly.  My answer dies in my throat as he circles my hole and slips his tongue inside me.

"Nash," I moan weakly because he knows exactly what to do to make me feel so amazing.

He fucks me with his tongue and it brushes up against my prostate, sending jolts of pleasure down my spine. But I know he's teasing me, he doesn't want me to cum.

"Baby, please." I plead as I shiver and tremble when he wiggles his tongue inside me right against my prostate again.

"You're so fucking sexy," he mutters as he pulls away leaving me to whimper at the loss.

He sits down and pulls me back onto his lip, this position is intimate, we're face to face with our chests flush up against each other's. I don't hesitate to meet his lips and battle with his tongue in my mouth as he slides into me slowly, allowing me to adjust to his length.

Our kiss is rough and passionate, our heads move in tandem with our lips. He suck on my bottom lip lightly as he squeezes my ass and begins to thrust inside me.

I wrap my hands around his neck and curl my fingers at the hair at the base of his spine.

"Fuck me, baby. Harder," I beg against his lips as my kiss grows desperate for more.

I bounce on his cock as he thrusts up, our slick wet skin slaps against one another's and the water in the hot tub splashes as our movements grow faster and harder.

"You gonna cum, baby? You gonna cum from my dick?" He mutters as he pulls away from my lips, I arch my neck with a loud moan and he leans in, his tongue and teeth nip and lick at my sweet spot just as he slams me down on his cock. He hits my prostate directly and I feel so fucking good, so fucking amazing.

I feel loved and desired, our feelings for each other are as intense as the first day.

"Fuck, I'm cumming!" I yell as I spurt ropes of cum into our hot tub. My hole clenches convulsively around Nash as I cum hard, he pounds me roughly through my o.rgasm until he groans loudly and fills me up with his cum.

Our fervent movements slow to a stop until we're both breathing hard and our moans die down.

"So fucking good, so sexy. I'm so lucky, goddamn." Nash mutters as he presses hard, short kisses on my lips. I giggle softly against his lips.

We sit there in each other's presence for a while until we get up and grab our wine and the monitor before we head inside.

We shower together and I peek in on our twins before I join Nash in bed. I grab my phone and see I have a lot of missed calls from my mother.

The moment of truth has come.

Nash has his phone in his hand too, I call my mother back and lift the phone to my ear.

It only rings once before my mother answers.

"You're married and you have 2 children, you never told me! I went around telling everyone that you didn't have a boyfriend or anything, I look like an idiot!!" My mother wails and I roll my eyes at her dramatics, I know she's genuinely upset at being in the dark about my personal life but Nash is the most important person to me and protecting his career comes along with that.

"I understand where you're coming from, mom. But Nash is my husband, he and my children come first so I did what I thought was best to protect my family and his career," I explain calmly, I know arguing with her will just make her upset, my mother isn't a bad person but she does like to boast to her friends at the bridge club.

I hear her take ragged breaths as she understands my explanation.

"I'll just have to tell them I knew all along and I was sworn to secrecy not to tell the," she says after a few moments of silence.

"That's fine, mom. Whatever you want to do at this point is fine. We're not going to deny our relationship, we're not ashamed at all. It's just not the publics business what goes on in Nash's personal life but it's out now so that's fine too." I tell her softly, Nash is on the phone as well but his conversation doesn't appear to be going as well as mine.

"Can... can I meet them? I know Sierra would like to meet them as well." She asks softly and I know she has a lot more questions, I appreciate the fact that she's holding back.

"Of course mom, we'll fly you both down. I would love for you guys to meet my family now that it's out in the open," I reply with a small smile on my face because I do want my mom to be an active part of my family. I just wanted to protect Nash fully, that's all.

We hang up after I promise to call her back with flight details.

My attention turns to Nash and he looks so unhappy, I hate seeing him that way. I know he must be talking to one of his parents, most likely his mother.

"Well mother, considering the fact that you assisted my ex-wife in aborting my first child without even stopping to think or ask what I would think about it, I figured you wouldn't care about my children now." Nash says bitingly and he doesn't give his mother another second to speak he just hangs up and I rub his shoulders gently as I lean in and press a soft kiss on his skin.

"I'm here for you, baby." I tell him simply because I know the loss of his first child is still painful and I imagine will always be painful. No one and nothing can replace that child but the twins and I are here for him now, I know he loves us deeply. His feelings about his first child do not diminish his feelings for us.

I feel like it's hypocritical for Elizabeth to be upset that Nash has kept her from his children, just because she knows doesn't mean she'll meet them anytime soon. That decision I'll leave completely up to Nash.

"You're the best of me, baby, you and our children. I love you three so much. You're my world and nothing or no one else matters he replies quietly and we stare into each other's eyes for a few moments.

"I love you too," I tell him before I lean in and lose myself in his lips.

I know he'll have to release a statement and I'll get hounded every time I leave the house but that doesn't matter. We have each other and our children, quite honestly, that's all we need.

A/N- Revisiting some completed stories and short stories for 1k followers. Stay tuned for more ❤️

Didn't swerve the smut. ☺️

Any favorites you guys want revisited? Inquiring minds would like to know.

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