TMNT and Disney crossover (bo...

By LeslieHowell021

12.6K 277 28

After the Kraang invaded New York City, the big four rests at Lilo's old cabin and April's farmhouse until Le... More

Within the woods (1/3)
Within the woods (2/3)
Within the woods (3/3)
A foot too big (1/3)
A foot too big (2/3)
A foot too big (3/3)
Buried secrets (2/3)
Buried secrets (3/3)
The croaking (1/3)
The croaking (2/3)
The croaking (3/3)
In dreams (1/3)
In dreams (2/3)
In dreams (3/3)
Race with the demon (1/3)
Race with the demon (2/3)
Race with the demon (3/3)
Eyes of the chimera (1/3)
Eyes of the chimera (2/3)
Eyes of the chimera (3/3)
Vision quest (1/3)
Vision quest (2/3)
Vision quest (3/3)
Return to New York (1/3)
Return to New York (2/3)
Return to New York (3/3)
Serpent hunt (1/3)
Serpent hunt (2/3)
Serpent hunt (3/3)
The pig and the rhino (1/3)
The pig and the rhino (2/3)
The pig and the rhino (3/3)
Battle for New York (1/6)
Battle for New York (2/6)
Battle for New York (3/6)
Battle for New York (4/6)
Battle for New York (5/6)
Battle for New York (6/6)
Casey Jones vs the underworld (1/3)
Casey Jones vs the underworld (2/3)
Casey Jones vs the underworld (3/3)
The noxious avenger (1/3)
The noxious avenger (2/3)
The noxious avenger (3/3)
Clash of the mighty mutanimals (1/3)
Clash of the mighty mutanimals (2/3)
Clash of the mighty mutanimals (3/3)
Meet Mondo Gecko (1/3)
Meet Mondo Gecko (2/3)
Meet Mondo Gecko (3/3)
The deadly venom (1/3)
The deadly venom (2/3)
The deadly venom (3/3)
Turtles in time (1/3)
Turtles in time (2/3)
Turtles in time (3/3)
Tale of the yokai (1/3)
Tale of the yokai (2/3)
Tale of the yokai (3/3)
Attack of Mega Shredder (1/3)
Attack of Mega Shredder (2/3)
Attack of Mega Shredder (3/3)
The creeping doom (1/3)
The creeping doom (2/3)
The creeping doom (3/3)
The fourfold trap (1/3)
The fourfold trap (2/3)
The fourfold trap (3/3)
Dinosaurs seen in sewers (1/3)
Dinosaurs seen in sewers (2/3)
Dinosaurs seen in sewers (3/3)
Annabaition Earth (1/6)
Annabaition Earth (2/6)
Annabaition Earth (3/6)
Annabaition Earth (4/6)
Annabaition Earth (5/6)
Annabaition Earth (6/6)
Earth's destruction
The new home & ending of book 3

Buried secrets (1/3)

229 3 4
By LeslieHowell021

Lilo's POV
I was helping Stitch with a bucket when the guys are helping. Elsa cleaned the chimney, Rapunzel moped the floor, Merida dusted the pictures, Anna wiped the windows, Baymax was helping me with the bathroom when he accidentally knocked Stitch down the stairs. He found a secret door and we all went down.
"A trap door? I didn't know we had a basement." I said
"What do you think is down there?" Anna said
"Definitely not a poltergeist." Merida said
"Only one way to find out." Elsa said as she opened the door
"Eh who's going first?" Rapunzel asked
"Not it!" Everyone except for Anna, she groaned and we went in to see..........
A Kraang ship!
"How did they find us?!" I said
"I don't think they did. It looks like it's been buried here for years." Rapunzel said
"What the heck is a Kraang ship doing underneath my house?" The door opens
"Only one way to find out, come on." Anna said as we went in.
"Guys look." Elsa said as she spotted a man frozen in a capsule
"Is that a man in there?" Stitch said
"I have scanned life in the man." Baymax said
"Okay don't touch anything, I repeat don't touch anything." Rapunzel said, A beeping sound went on "Merida!"
"Baymax did it!" Merida said, the capsule opened and I gasped
"Who's David?"
"My brother in law." I answered, he collapsed, Punzie and Elsa helped him up. When he saw their faces he screamed, Stitch calmed him down
"Where am I? And who are-" He looks at me and widened his eyes "Li-Lilo? But how? Just a few days ago you were only 2 years old." David fainted and so did I.
Elsa's POV
In the living room, I made everyone cold water. I handed a cup to Lilo and she gives it to David.
"Here you go David. Just relax."
"Thank you Lilo, I'm still a little shaky. I know this is hard to believe but the Kraang ship has been here for years. It was your grandfather who discovered it, he made the mistake of awaking the Kraang. They paid him back by experimenting on him, they knew we were next, we were there ginnypigs. After you were born, it was clear you were very special. We knew it was a matter of time before the Kraang came for you, we escaped. Nani fled with you to the city, I was captured and put into stacie, frozen." All of us got quiet, Baymax scanned Lilo.
"You're experiencing Shock."
"Baymax it's fine but all these years, I never knew what happened to you. Nani never told me."
"But know you know." David looked around "Where is Nani anyway?"
"Nani? Oh she got turned into a wicked Kraang headed mutant-" I pushed Stitch
"You had to pull the Merida didn't you."
"He's just joking David, Nani is on a cruise ship in Hawaii, she won't be back for a while." Anna said
"I'm just so glad to have my Lilo back." David hugs Lilo and I start hearing a voice in my head, I ignore it and watch.
I was walking back with a bucket of water when I saw April and her mother, Mikey was spying on them. Then the voice is back and I lose control
Don't fear, I'm your new friend.

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