Divergent: The Outsider 2

By XBraveWriterX

83.6K 2.7K 461

Tris goes through her wedding, dangerous job, and singing. How will she cope through it all? Wedding plans... More

Divergent: The Outsider 2
|Chapter 1|
|Chapter 2|
|Chapter 3|
|Chapter 4|
|Chapter 5|
|Chapter 6|
|Chapter 7|
|Chapter 8|
|Chapter 9|
|Chapter 10|
|Chapter 11|
|Chapter 12|
|Chapter 13|
|Chapter 14|
|Chapter 15|
|Chapter 16|
|Chapter 17|
|Chapter 18|
|Chapter 19|
|Chapter 20|
|Chapter 21|
|Chapter 22|
|Chapter 24|
|Chapter 25|
|Chapter 26|
|Chapter 27|
|Chapter 28|
|Chapter 29|
|Chapter 30|
|Chapter 31|
|Chapter 32|
|Chapter 33|
|Chapter 34|
|Chapter 35|
|Chapter 36|
|Chapter 37|
|Chapter 38|
|Chapter 39|
|Chapter 40|
|Chapter 41|
|Chapter 42|
|Chapter 43|
|Chapter 44|
|Chapter 45|
|Chapter 46|
|Chapter 47|
|Chapter 48|
|Chapter 49|
|Chapter 50|
|Chapter 51|
|Chapter 52|
|Chapter 53|
|Chapter 54|
|Chapter 55|
|Chapter 56|
|Chapter 57|
|Chapter 58|
|Chapter 59|
|Chapter 60|
|Chapter 61|
|Chapter 62|
|Ending's Author's Note|

|Chapter 23|

1.3K 42 5
By XBraveWriterX

I watch as Tobias sprawls with another opponent, Drew, one of the other fights. The crowd is cheering loudly, cheering on my husband and cheering on for Drew.

When Tobias told me that he was going to give us his major that he did in college and instead of getting the job that he majored in he would become a fighter. I was a bit nervous that he was throwing away all of his hard work away and the fact that he can get seriously hurt was ludicrous.

Tobias always won his fights, all of them even against the craziest and toughest people. Of course he isn't superman and wouldn't get hit, but he did. After fights I would go in the back to dress his wounds or ice his forming bruises.

He wouldn't even go to work the next day depending on how hurt he was. I think Tobias' is going to retire in this career, but that is a very long way from here. He isn't even 26 yet.

Drew sends a strong left hook to Tobias, who dodges it and kicks Drew from under his feet. The crowd groans at how hard Drew fell but the cheers get loud. I always wondered why did people like seeing two people fighting until the start bleed, then Tobias joined, and I thought the same thing.

Tobias knows I really don't care for his job, but I am supportive. I am always scared that if he gets hit too hard in his temple it could cause bad damage and who would I be left with? My friends of course but what family? They all despise of me.

Before Tobias can send an uppercut to Drew, he swings himself off of the ground and punches Tobias hard in the jaw and sends a kick to his ribs making me gasp and cover my hand over my mouth.

"It's okay." Christina says grabbing my hand giving it a hard squeeze.

Tobias falls to the ground and I wait for a second and he doesn't get up. Drew towers over him and I think that I won't see Tobias again, actually breathing. I know I am thinking the worse, but how can I think that everything is peachy when my husband is in a fight!"

Tobias lifts his foot and kicks him hard in the shin and Drew falls to the ground. Tobias stands up and gets on top of him and I see him wince, Tobias swings his hand and punches Drew in the face and Drew's eyes roll in the back of my hand. The crowd goes crazy as they see that Tobias won.

I am so shocked that I don't do anything, that was really a close call. The ref holds Tobias hand up while Drew's team help pick him up and take him to the medics to see if he damaged anything.

Tobias goes to the back and I stand up excusing myself as I shimmy through the aisle to get to Tobias, the gang tries to ask me where I am going but I am going one place, and that is to see my husband.

I go to the backstage door and show my pass that I get for being his wife, the guards let me through and I walk quickly to the center of the backstage. I see Tobias with sweatpants on instead of his boxing shorts but he remained shirtless. He is holding ice on his ribs and I see that he has a cut on his eyebrow from getting punched in the face earlier.

"Tobias." I gasp lowly and run to him and he looks up smiling at me. I basically jump in his lap since he was sitting down and I kiss his lips hard, he groans and I pull away.

"You scared me half to death." I say scolding him with frustration in my eyes, why did he have to pick such a reckless job. At least he didn't join the army I think that would have been worse.

"Don't I always?" He smirks kissing my forehead and his two coaches walk out from the back, Amar and Max.

"You did a good job Four, he was a tough opponent." Amar says and Tobias and I nod my head.

"Hello, Tris. How are you doing?" Max says noticing me sitting on Tobias' lap.

"Fair." I say shrugging my shoulders. "How are you?"

"Well, happy now that my champ won his game. We are one step closer to fighting the top dog, Mathew." Max says making me almost snort back laughter, a fighter with the name Mathew? Well, I can't prejudge because he might be the most diesel dude ever.

"Well, congratulations but we have a lot of interviews." Amar says as flashing starts to appear but the body guards push them back, they aren't allowed behind here at any time unless gave permission which is great.

"Are they broken?" I ask skimming my hands over his ribs and he shakes his head at me.

"No," He says. "Probably just bruised, they should be fine in two days."

"Let's just go home, I am happy that you don't fight for three more weeks." I say and he smiles standing up with me in his arms bridal style, he winces but continues carrying me.

"You can put me down now." I say laughing and he shakes his head pressing his lips to mine briefly and goes to his locker to get his shirt on and grab his phone. He picks me back up and he walks out of the door and we almost collide with the gang.

"There you are." Amber gasps making me furrow my eyebrows at them confused.

"Where did you think I went?" I ask as the boys start congratulating Tobias. They shrug and we move forward but Christina stops us.

"Great, we are all together. So, Tris and I were talking about going away like on a group vacation. You know like when we went to L.A. But, Amber and Duke can go with us." She says and the others start asking questions.




"Well, maybe somewhere warm like an island. Hawaii or Bahamas. I was thinking during our vacation hours for Thanksgiving. You might want to spend time with your family but me and Tris could go." Christina says holding her hand up for me to high five it. I chuckle and slap my palm against hers.

"Mom might be mad, but we can like have a pre-thanksgiving dinner. Eat before the holiday because who says we have to eat on the day." Zeke says and Uriah nods his head agreeing to both parts.

We finish off with everyone saying that they will check with their jobs and family members and if it is the clear, we are going on vacation in two weeks.




a/n: I know boring chapter. I wanted to briefly thank all of you who has been commenting more.

It really makes my day or morning to see a notification for this story. Are you still enjoying it?

This vacation is going to have a lot to do with things in the future, that is why I put it in there. Did anyone else see the male fragrance for men with Theo James?

I was so turnt! I saw it on my computer after listening to music way before it got on television and I was really excited. Also, did you see the Allegiant trailer? I was so turnt and angry at the same time. Why is it pink? Where is my husband Uriah? WHY!?!?!


Always love Uriah,

Always love Divergent,

Peace and Love,

Stay Dauntless.

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