Chim - Lights Out

By cryingonthemetro

74K 1.1K 13

Vote and comment if you like it! all credit goes to the original author on GAM! More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 11

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By cryingonthemetro

Chapter Eleven

"Cheryl! Hurry up, I want to use the shower too this morning!" I was shouted at from the otherside of the door.

"I think you owe me this shower Kimberley after your performance last night," I shouted back. That would work. Sure enough she didn't say anything else, bless her she was cute. I was actually quite looking foward to the day ahead. I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off, quickly changing into my outfit to avoid the chill of the room, it was so nice to not have to wear that stupid uniform! I scraped my hair back into a loose ponytail, it was raining outside still, so there was no point in doing anything fancy with it, I put a quick dab of mascara on, I was never one for to much make up and made my way out of the steamy bathroom. As I went for the door I stopped and looked at the big mirror, half of which was still covered in condensation, it would be fun to leave Kim a little message, tease her abit more about the previous night, 

No I will not brush your teeth this morning I wrote across the mirror in large letters so she couldn't miss it, that would do the trick and with that I made my way out of the bathroom.

"It's all yours now miss impatient," I said cheekily.

She mock frowned, "Oi I'm not impatient, you just took your time,"

"Kimberley, I had a stressfull night looking after Miss Smirnoff," I laughed at my own comment.

"Shut up you," She joked as she walked into the bathroom closing the door behind her, "What did you do in here? Make fire?" She shouted through the door referring to the steam that was all around the bathroom, I was waiting for her to come across my little message and sure enough a few seconds later she responded to it, "Oi! How much abuse am I going to get from you today about last night?" She laughed through the door.

"Got my message then, I'm being serious, I won't brush them again Kimberley," Teasing her even more. "And when I feel the times right to stop babe," I heard her mutter a few swear words in a non serious way and the shower turned on. How Sarah managed to sleep through all of this I have no idea, it was now coming up ten o clock and she had not moved from the position she was in earlier in the morning, but I'm not complaining, I don't know how appreciative she would be if we did wake her up! I was in the middle of attempting to make my bed when there was a knock on the door and it opened, Nicola and Nadine coming into view.

"Heya," I smiled, greatfull that I didn't do anything to embarrassing last night.

The both smiled back,"Heya, how is the drunkard?" Nadine said, looking towards Kimberleys's un-made bed.

I laughed, "Oh she is feeling a bit sore, but I think her conscience is worse," They both laughed as did I, "But she's just trying to wash away her sins in the shower at the moment," 

"OI I HEARD THAT," Came Kimberleys voice from behind the door, causing us all to laugh, all whilst Sarah was still dead to the world.

Breaking from her laughter Nadine called to Kimberley through the door, "Come out here babe, we want to talk to yous about your behaviour last night," We again burst into laughter, poor Kimberely was never going to live this down. The bathroom door opened and Kimberley came out in a pair of skinny jeans and her bra.

"Put some clothes on women," Nicola piped up.

"I forgot my top and you wanted to talk to me, you can't have it both ways babe, it's either me half naked or nothing," She smiled.

"We'll take half naked," Nadine smiled, earning a nod from Nicola. "So how is your head?" Nadine smirked.

Kimberley shot her a playfull death look, "I've already had all this from Cheryl, I don't need it from you two aswell," She whined.

"Well Kimberley, Cheryl is the one who took you home," Nicola reminded her, making Kimberley fall silent.

I tried to get the conversation off Kimberley for a bit, "What time did you all get back anyway, I didn't hear Sarah come in,"

"Ohh well thats a story in itself," Nadine answered, her eyebrows raised looking towards the lump that was Sarah.

"And that story is? Kimberley asked.

"Well when I sent you off with Cheryl, my plan was to round up Nicola and Sarah and catch you up, I managed to find Nicola pretty easily but we couldn't find Sarah anywhere, looking in all the obvious places asking all the people that know her and no one had seen her for a bit. So me and Nicola were getting pretty worried by this point and we thought maybe she had followed you home, we had a quick look around the house again, which was hard because of all the people there and we noticed a certain someone's arm falling out of a kitchen cupboard, we opened up the cupboard door and sure enough there was Sarah with a empty bottle of Smirnoff sleeping or passed out, I did not know, by now this was like half one so thats why we were pretty late, I hope she wasn't to hard to get back,"

"She has a name," Added Kimberley, "And so I wasn't the only person who was bad last night then?" Kimberley smiled, clearly thinking she had been let off the hook.

"Ahh but Kim, we expect that from Sarah, not you, what happenend to you, you were fine when we left!?" Nicola asked.

"I really don't know," Kimberley answered shurugging her shoulders, "Martin just kept passing me drink after drink, It was when he suggested going upstairs together that I ran out the house to throw up," Kimberley cringed at the thought.

"Hold on, so he asks you to go upstairs when your blind drunk? And you run out the house to be sick? I dont know who to feel more sorry for," Nicola said.

"Yeah right, taking advantage or what," Nadine added. "I think it's a good job you ran out Kim," 

"It wasn't like that," Kimberley said weakly, obviously not to sure herself. "Anyways, I said to Cheryl I'd take her out, as a kind of sorry, into town, do any of you want to come? I'm taking Sarah as a no straight away," Kimberley chuckled to herself.

"Kimberley, I wish my hangovers were like yours, how can you want to go out in this weather!?" Nadine asked shocked.

"It's not to bad, I have an umbrella and because I have things to prove," She winked at me.

"I've told her she's got nothing to prove, but it's a lost cause with her," I smiled.

"When our Kimberley has her heart set on something she does it," Nadine smiled at her.

"Exactly, I do, so are you going to come or not?" She asked again.

"I'm sorry babe, but I'm not up for going out in this weather and coming back with nothing more then a cold," Nicola said.

"I agree, I do not have your motavation Kim," Nadine added.

Kimberley laughed, "Okay I'll take your excuses, you don't mind if it's just me and you do you Cheryl?"

"If I can handle you when your drunk, I'm sure your be a doddle when your sober," I giggled.

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