League of Legends Series

Da SilverQuillTales

101K 1.5K 352

Enjoy these one-shots. * I don't do smut. * I take requests, but I'm slow so bear with me. [Requests Currentl... Altro

Thresh x Miss Fortune
Zed x Akali
Tryndamere x Ashe
Vladimir x Ahri
Rengar x Nidalee
Riven x Zac
Vayne x Lucian
Darius x Lux
Bard x Sona
Yasuo x Riven
Wukong x Ahri
Talon x Quinn
Draven x Sona
Orianna x Viktor
Ezreal x Sona
Syndra x Zed
Quinn x Zed
Kha'Zix x Elise
Jarvan x Shyvana
Caitlyn x Jayce
Lux x Ezreal
Veigar x Lulu
Graves x Ahri
Varus x Lulu
Garen x Katarina
Yasuo x Taliyah
Trundle x Ashe
Ahri x Zed
Caitlyn x Vi
Taric x Diana
Ahri x Thresh
Garen x Lux
Katarina x Talon
Aatrox x Evelynn
Ahri x Vel'Koz
Taliyah x Ekko
Diana x Talon
Zoe x Kayn
Urgot x Katarina
Sejuani x Tryndamere
Lulu x Amumu
Kayn x Zed
Malphite x Taliyah
Leona x Diana
Jhin x Jinx
Riven x Talon

Pantheon x Leona

15.7K 86 20
Da SilverQuillTales

It was during the early hours of morning, the sun still barely peeking from over the horizon, the pale moon beating down on the Solaris household. Its large exterior gleaming with dark golden bronze, and it was a majestic sight, one which caused Leona's heart to grow weary. She wanted more to life, and she wanted to be free, her place was not here at home. She wanted away from the serene beauty that was her home, spending her days drinking tea isolated within the mansion's walls, she knew how to fight, how to protect herself and others, she was meant for so much more, but none saw that, and instead she was trapped, treated like a porcelain doll.

Which is why today she was running away, she had tried to talk her way out, but the world was conspiring against her, even the gentlest breeze could crack her soft exterior, or so they were convinced. She was forced to come to this, and she would not let this opportunity escape. She wasn't sure how much she would need, but Leona packed the essentials, a fair amount of clothes, a skin of water and food that would not stale on her journey, and ultimately, her sword which she had managed to sneak during the previous night.

Her large leather pack was filled to the brim, and she smiled ready to depart, she wouldn't be leaving through the great halls of the mansion. However, she had been stealing bed sheets for the past month, storing them in a hidden compartment in her wardrobe. Leona finally pulled out the bedsheets from their hiding spot. She had knotted them in advance and attached them to her bedpost, pulling as hard as she could to ensure the bedsheets would not loosen on her. Once she was assured she could safely make it to the ground, she secured her pack to her back and stood on the window sill, lowering the knotted sheets.

She took a moment to appreciate the crisp morning breeze and slid off the window sill, slowly lowering herself, making sure to avoid putting too much pressure on the linen, any sudden movement could loosen one of the knots, and she would be screwed. As she neared the ground, her worst fear came to light as the bedsheets came undone, and she plummeted little did she know, she was barely a foot off the terrain. A loud yelp escaped her lips, but she found herself on the ground in a split second and frowned, hoping no one had heard or seen her.

Unfortunately for the young Solari, a large shadow towered over her, and she froze, staring at the stone wall in front of her. She had come this far, and she would not be going down without a fight, with a silent battlecry she picked herself up and turned swiftly elbowing the figure behind her. However, her elbow was caught with ease, and she heard a deep familiar chuckle uncertain whether she should be relieved or even more worried. "Milady, you're up early," the spearman stated with a knowing look.

Leona chuckled nervously, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "Pantheon, it's so good to see you, just taking a morning walk," she lied, knowing she sounded ridiculous.

"Right," the man trailed off, his god-like presence making the lady gulp. "You're running away." His voice was raw with emotion. She had never heard him so upset, and she took a step back, clutching the straps of her pack. If it had been anyone else, she would have made a run for it, but she doubted that reckless plan would work against Pantheon. If he weren't her sworn protector, he would have made her eat dirt, and in a one-on-one situation, she stood no chance, and so she sighed in defeat and looked up at the man, his helmet making him all the more intimidating.

"Are you going to stop me?" She asked. Although just a moment ago she had sighed in defeat, her eyes blazed with determination, and the Artisan of War planted his spear in the soft ground bending the knee.

"I will follow you to the ends of the earth, through hell and back if necessary, my spear is yours to wield milady," he spoke earnestly.

"How many times have I told you not to do that?" she sighed, placing her hands on either side of his head, removing his helmet. His hair was held in a bun, and Leona stared at the soft smile on his lips. A smile only she got to see, it was rare for Pantheon to remove his helmet, much less to have someone remove it for him. But he did not mind, not with her at least. With a nod of acknowledgment, he rose to his feet, gently taking his helmet from her. He was a different man altogether when his helmet was off, and there was this certain shine to him that always attracted her.

She had seen the spearman at work, his cold and cruel eyes decimating battalions of men, a one-man army, that was how he had earned the title "Artisan of War." Yet, he was also kind, gentle, and loving. She did not mind the killer within him, and it was merely a part of him she had grown accustomed to, and also come to love over the years. "Where do you plan on going if you don't mind me asking."

"The Institute of War," she said proudly. The man acknowledged her decision with a thoughtful hum and took her hand in his knowing she would not relent in the pursuit of her freedom.

"We best hurry then," he said, glancing at the pale moon watching over them. And so with a common goal, the two set off, and Leona most of all did not look back at her home, she would always remain a Solari at heart, but never would she look back at the cold, glassy reflection of the moon, only the rising sun awaited her. They walked in comfortable silence as the sun now beat against the thicket, their long shadows looming over the two as they traveled down the dirt path.

In good fortune, a merchant stopped in his tracks, offering the two warriors a lift, being the generous woman that she was, Leona paid the man handsomely. Pantheon had been quick to the rescue taking a few gold coins back, scolding her silently. "Milady, we still have a ways to go before we arrive at the Institute. Every coin is priceless." She nodded, dropping them back in her small leather pouch as she handed it to Pantheon, entrusting the money to him. Seeing this, the merchant sneered quietly at the spearman but kept his mouth shut riding in brooding silence, still wishing for the extra gold coins the woman had given him.

"You always call me that," she murmured under her breath. "We're friends, Leona is fine." Her words had barely been audible due to the sound of the wheels reverberating against the dirt path and her quiet, gentle voice, but he heard her all the same.

"What was that?" he inquired, acting clueless. Leona frown, certain he had heard her, but perhaps she was wrong, so she averted her gaze and stared at the perfect blue sky, not a cloud to be seen.

"It's nothing." A smug smile tugged at the spearman's lips, and he nodded. As the comfortable silence settled once more, it was short-lived as the horses came to an abrupt stop and neighed in fright. Bandits surrounded the wagon, and Leona glanced at Pantheon, feeling sorry for the bandits. Ever since he had become her protector, he had rarely tasted the thrill of war, shield pounding against shield, the feel of his spear piercing through flesh, along with the honor and glory that came with every kill, stripping the men of their armor. He took a deep breath restraining himself, but his excitement was bubbling over, and he could no longer control himself as he drew his spear, leaving his shield strapped to his back, he would not be needing it.

After the carnage, they approached the town, the two dismounted the wagon and waved goodbye to the merchant thanking him from the bottom of their hearts. The merchant, however, was not as thrilled as they were, but thankful they had been there when the bandits appeared. The sun would be setting soon, and he counted the gold coins inside the pouch and stared at Leona, who was already beginning to wander the crowded streets, her eyes large like a child's as she took in the outside world.

She waltzed up to one of the merchants and stared at the silver encrusted dagger picking it up with care. Leona was easy to set apart from the crowd; her silk attire and mesmerizing beauty made her unavoidable. "Ah, little lady," the merchant cried out, watching the woman pick up the dagger. "That isn't for someone like you."

"Someone like me?" she clarified, toying with the dagger. Pantheon towered over the Solari, gently placing a hand on her shoulder. He glanced at the blade and its exquisite craftsmanship, such a priceless possession had no business in the hands of a lowly merchant and reaching over the counter, Pantheon grabbed the man's collar pulling him through the table. He held him above the ground, the man shaking in his boots as the Artisan of War's merciless eyes peered down into his.

"So this is how merchants make their living?" he scoffed. "Hiring bandits to kill and loot anyone who is foolish enough to travel this way, simply to steal and sell their wares, have you no honor?!" His booming voice attracted many eyes, and Leona stared at Pantheon, realizing he was still very much covered in blood from his last encounter. The merchant, however, glared back in defiance, and before he could speak, Pantheon dropped the man. "They are privileged to die at my feet." Leona set a hand on his arm, stopping the Artisan of War from raising his spear.

"Not here," she whispered. Men, women, and children alike stared, their eyes cold, glaring daggers at the merchant lying defeated in the middle of the street. His reputation had already been tarnished, and it was not their duty to slay the man. Pantheon nodded, his spear had only ever killed on the battlefield, and he sheathed his weapon turning his back.

"Be thankful the sun shines down upon you," the spearman growled, had Leona not intervened, he would have taken great pleasure in running the man through. Pantheon paid the Innkeeper for a room, and the man was quick to obey the warrior's wishes sliding over a key. She frowned at the interaction and followed suit as Pantheon climbed the stairs to the second floor. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"They're afraid of you," she spoke quietly. Pantheon chuckled and set a hand on her head.

"I am the Artisan of War, it is my duty to be feared, as long as you do not fear me, what others see of me does not matter in the least," he assured. After a half-hour of pointless arguing over who should get the bed, Leona had finally given in taking the bed to herself. She had offered to share, but he would do no such thing. Resorting to his list of excuses he had crafted in a handful of seconds about his duties as her protector and others of the sort. In reality, though, Pantheon was just bashful at the prospect of sharing a bed with the lady he had sworn to protect, no matter how innocent she had made it sound, it seemed like a sin. She had made a point that he was no longer her protector, just her friend, but even then, he could not bring himself to accept her offer.

He had watched over her since he could remember, watching her blossom into the beautiful woman she was today. His admiration and adoration for her growing by the day. It seemed like a cruel irony, all he had ever wanted to be was her friend, but now, he was well past the line of friendship, an amicable friendship would not be enough to sate his love for her.

As the sun rose, Pantheon was already well awake, he stared at the sleeping figure on the bed and sighed, tilting his head to the side. He sat on the edge of the bed, shaking the Solari gently, and with a groan, she awoke, slapping his hand away. "The Institute of War awaits," he spoke slowly, hoping his words would reach her through her drowsiness. Those five words had her up and ready to go in record time, and the warrior chuckled, grabbing their packs as they made for the road.

Soon enough, the dirt path was replaced with a cobblestone path; each slab carefully inserted into the ground. In the distance, a looming building greeted the two warriors, and Leona practically ran on ahead, the warrior watching her enthusiastic figure with a carefree grin. He caught up to her soon enough as they reached the threshold, and before she took a step inside, he placed a hand on her shoulder, squeezing affectionately. "Are you ready?"

Pantheon could tell she was nervous, but she nodded anyway, and together, they entered the building taking in the elegant decor. As the two stated their purpose, they were separated as those called summoners thoroughly analyzed them. Her measurements were recorded, and the men and women talked amongst themselves as they had her stand still, fitting her with a proper set of armor. Lastly, they replaced her sword, and she swung it with ease, showing off her ability to wield a sword, and to her surprise, she was handed a shield that matched both her sword and attire and finally, she felt like a true-born warrior. She had never wielded a shield before, but she could learn, Pantheon was after all a master of warfare. "Leona the Radiant Dawn," they named her, and with a proud smile, the Solari closed her eyes, offering a bow to the summoners.

As she met up with Pantheon, she realized that little had changed about him. He still wore his battle-worn armor with pride, his spear, and shield residing on his back. "How do I look?" She asked, her nervousness had long disappeared, and he could see the pride she held, her radiant beauty was enhanced by her armor, and had he not known better, he would have mistaken her for a goddess. He was left speechless but offered a polite smile with a nod of approval.

As the two entered the great hall, many eyes glanced their way, it was rare to see new faces, and Leona quickly caught on as she stared back. They spotted a table near the back of the great hall and made way towards it, keeping away from the masses of champions crowding the center of the hall. As Pantheon passed two burly men, he watched without much thought until one of them tripped Leona, she fell with a quiet yelp, catching her weight on her hands. The bulkier of the two brothers stood, his axe gripped tightly between his hands as he swung at the Solari. She brought up her shield in time, absorbing the impact, but the man was made for brute strength, and the impact caused her to let out a pained groan, falling to the ground.

Pantheon stepped forward, but the other brother stopped him spinning his axes daring for the man to intervene. The Artisan of War was ready to mop the floor with their blood, but Leona stared pleadingly at him not to do anything rash, this was her fight, and he relaxed lowering his spear as he watched his friend get bashed to the ground over and over again, amazed that every time she stood back up. His blood boiled, and he clenched his fist, digging his nails in the palm of his hand, his knuckles turning white. Finally, Leona dropped her shield, as she remained to lie on her side, her face painted with a pained expression staring at nothing in particular. Her face was flushed with embarrassment, and the Noxian commander knelt beside her, gripping locks of her hair as he forced her head off the ground. "Ain't even worth it," he scoffed, kicking her sword away as the man walked away, his brother following suit, and before long, the two were left alone in the great hall and Pantheon knelt beside her.

"Are you alright?" She did not answer but picked herself up, her disheveled hair cascading down the length of her face. She felt weak and defeated, her heart felt heavy, and her eyes teary, but she held back. Part of her had wanted Pantheon to intervene, but the other part of her had wanted her to stand up and prove herself, but tonight had not been that night. She had just made a fool of herself. Pantheon, however, did not expect for her to push him away, but she did crawling to her sword as she gripped it loosely rising to her feet, she collected her shield walking out of the great hall.

Pantheon followed after her but was met with a withering glare, causing him to halt. She wasn't mad at the spearman, she just wanted to be alone, and he respected those wishes as he parted ways with her with a few words. "My side always welcomes you," he whispered. She nodded half-heartedly and arrived at her room, collapsing on the other side. The sun had already set, and her fireplace was barren, the cold room, silent and empty. Her bed looked uninviting, and so did the looming shadows edging towards her. Although night had already fallen, she could not find the means to comfort herself or fall to slumber. So she opted to roam the halls taking time to soak what had transpired today. Had it been a real fight, that man would have killed her, he looked remorseless, in some ways, he resembled Pantheon, but she knew Pantheon as a different man than most did.

Speaking of the devil, she froze as the two brothers turned the corner, walking towards her, the larger of the two was limping carrying his brother who was out cold, blood dripping from both his nose and mouth, they avoided all contact with the woman and kept on walking pretending she had not been there. She wanted to call out to the two, but residual fear rang in her ear, and she opted not to. A pair of large hands settled on her shoulders, and she jumped struggling with great force. Pantheon pulled her back against his chest, wrapping both arms around her neck, effectively trapping her against him.

"Did you do that to them?" She asked calmly, holding onto his massive forearms.

"Perhaps, what do you think?" He asked suggestively, his breath hitting her ear. Leona awkwardly squirmed and closed her eyes, easing the tremor in her chest. "I agreed not to intervene, nothing beyond that," he growled anger flaring in his voice. He let go of the Solari and eyed her with care. Leona had changed out of her armor in a simple short-sleeved tunic that revealed the bruises on her arms that had nearly finished forming. "You should be resting."

"I couldn't sleep," she admitted, as Pantheon turned away, the Solari took hold of his arm. "Was this a mistake?" His brows furrowed, and he held Leona's hand affectionately. The two ended up in his room, sharing a bottle of ale in silence. There wasn't much tension, but a lot of hesitation on her part. She would glance up at the spearman from time to time, her lips parting, but whenever he glanced back, she would avert her eyes and take another sip.

"Tell me what's bothering you," he said softly, yet it still sounded like an order on his part, and Leona set down her glass playing with the hem of her tunic nervously.

"Our first match is tomorrow..." she trailed off. "And after today, I'm not sure I'm ready. You're strong, and you've spent your whole life on the battlefields, but I'm...I," she sighed, taking another drink to down her sorrows. "I know this is what I wanted but-"

"Potential. You have potential, one you have yet to discover, do not become discouraged because of one defeat, as long as you stand back up, nothing can stop you."

"You're just saying that," she chuckled softly.

"It takes courage and strength to stand back up after falling, but you did until the very end, you would put most men to shame," he grinned downing his glass in turn. "I will stand by you as I always have," he vowed softly, rounding the table. Leona stood nervously, the butterflies in her stomach churning rapidly, she backed up slowly until her back hit the door, her hands resting on the handle, but Pantheon caught up in two large strides, taking hold of her wrists bringing them together between their chests. She could not escape forever, and tonight he would assure that she would not escape from his grasp again. He removed his helmet, chucking it aside without a care in the world.

He leaned down, nuzzling the crook of her neck, inhaling her scent, and without a second to lose, he trailed up to her lips. His rough and chapped lips captured her soft ones as he brought her in for a passionate kiss he had been craving for years. Leona finally relaxed into the embrace but held her breath, and he chuckled, smiling against her lips as he deepened the kiss. His arm slid around her waist, gently pulling her closer, he had longed for this day for as long as he could remember and now, he felt at peace, like the weight of the world had been lifted from his shoulders, all his insecurities vanishing into thin air. The Solari pushed against his chest weakly, and he pulled away watching her catch her breath, he couldn't help but chuckle and place a kiss on her forehead. "You do know you're supposed to breathe, right?"

"Shut up, I was nervous," she gushed, staring at his chest.

"We will do this together," he whispered. "You're not alone." He gave her a quick kiss once again and opened his door reluctant to let her go, but she needed to rest for tomorrow's match, knowing she would get none if she remained with him. "Goodnight, Leona." 

And here is the redo for this one-shot, and naturally I will be remaking quite a few as these pieces were written about three years ago, and frankly I am very ashamed of them lol.

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