His Playboy Ways

By Bookworm_Tina

2.4M 42.8K 14.3K

"Please don't leave." he pleaded. His once arrogant, obnoxious, confident gaze looked so vulnerable, helpless... More

A New Beginning
Hello California
Mr Cocky Jerk
A Sweet Gesture
Changing Rooms and an Old Friend
Mason Behaving Badly
Getting Even
An End of a Growing Friendship?
A Charitable Event
My Childhood Bestie
Deals and Bets
Carly in the Club
From Makeover to Boyfriend
Disaster Date
Down Memory Lane
** Authors Note**
Operation Breakup Part 2
Coming Clean
Back To His Playboy Ways
Daddy Mason and Mommy Carly
Too Many Doses of Drama
You're Not Alone
Pokerfaced Playboy
Something Like Déjà vu
Secrets out of the Turkey
Why So Distant Mr Playboy?
Hangovers, Shopping and A Surprise
The Playboy's Game
Standing As Strangers
The Breaking Point
The Sleeping Angel
A Fresh Start
Goodbyes Are Always Hard
Making it Memorable
An Unexpected Twist
Stuck In The Past
All Grown Up
The Doctor and The Playboy
Revelations, An Old Friend and Planning with the Playboy
A Little Like Old Times
Too Late For Confessions
A Twist Of Fate
This Was Meant To Be
Finding Something New - His Playboy Ways Extra
His Playboy Ways spin off
Author note

Operation Breakup Part 1

53.3K 861 189
By Bookworm_Tina

'Hi honey, sorry your dad and I won't be able to make it for dinner tonight, something came up.'

I sighed shoving my phone in my back pocket after reading the text my mom sent. It looked as if I was to spend yet another evening having dinner with my brother and his annoying girlfriend like I'd been doing all week although I had my dinner alone in my room or living room away from Liam and his girlfriend, however my mom cancelling was no shocker since I was expecting my mom to cancel our very rare dinner plans.

"Hey babe." I felt Mason's arms wrap around my waist as he whispered in my ear. It was just a little over two weeks since Mason and I were a fake couple and I was getting more and more irritated with the whole fake relationship thing because for starters it caused a lot of gossip around the school and secondly Mason was way to mushy and clingy for my liking, he enjoyed touching me, such as he was currently doing like grabbing my waist from behind, holding my hand way too much and hugging. Any other normal girl would love it but I was different, I liked my space and didn't fancy being held so often.

I looked around my surroundings and noticed that the school halls were practically empty with maybe a few freshmen's or sophomores loitering around so I didn't see the need for Mason to hug me from behind. I peeled his hands off of me and turned around crossing my arms over my chest.

"What? Breaking up with me so soon?" Mason asked with a fake pout.

I raised a brow at him, ignoring him thinking I wasn't in the mood to banter with or hear any of his cocky sarcastic remarks. I opened my locker and took out whatever books I needed for the weekend and shoved them in my bag, while doing so I spoke, "No one is around us Mason, I don't see the need for you to go all 'boyfriend' on me."

Mason being Mason ignored me and once again I felt the warmth of his arms around me, I opened my mouth to speak but instead turned around and saw Amber walking down the hallway with Nate and Damien nearby. So shuffling around in Mason's grip I put my arms around his neck and planted on a fake smile. "God this is annoying, I hate touching you." I said in between my fake smile and gritted teeth.

"That makes two of us." he mumbled back, his expression mimicking mine.

"I missed you today babe." I told him as soon as Amber, Damien and Nate were in hearing distance.

Mason grinned and took me off guard by bringing his face closer to mine and just when I was about to pull away thinking he was going to violate one of my rules and kiss me, he instead brushed his nose over mine in a lovingly manner. "I think I missed you more." He said.

I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes at his cheesy comeback but instead smiled at him. "Oh God I think I'm going to throw up." I heard Amber remark. Me too Ambs, me too I mentally told myself but decided to ignore her remark.

Amber cleared her throat loudly, "In case you guys haven't noticed we're standing right here." Hearing that the both of us pulled away from our embrace.

Even though Mason and I pulled away and turned to look at a glaring Amber, an expressionless Nate and an irritable Damien, Mason quickly pulled me closer to his side and put one hand around my waist and once again I had to supress the urge to shrug it off. "Now come on Rubylocks, my girlfriend and I were just innocently talking whiles I've heard that you're the common reason for Nate always being late for football meetings and practices, you two practically eat each other's faces off." Mason smirked at Amber.

Amber glared colder towards Mason if that was even possible. "That's because he's my boyfriend!" she snapped.

My eyes widened slightly and shot Amber a warning stare. "And Mason is mine so I would appreciate it if you two got along."

Damien scoffed. "Yeah right, because getting along with Mason is so easy."

"Aw don't be so bitter Damien; I'm sure you'll find a guy who'll one day love you." Mason told him with a smirk. I saw Damien narrow his eyes at Mason and his jaw clench. Fighting off the urge to laugh at Mason's comment I decided to ease down the tension. "So-" I paused as Nate spoke the same time as me. I chuckled together with Nate, I wish everyone was like him, he was so laid back and chilled out that he got along with everyone, I only hoped that trait rubbed off on his girlfriend who was still hell bent on believing that Mason changed and wasn't the same little naïve boy I once knew and he only became my friend again for some 'ulterior motive'.

"So what are you up to for the weekend?" I asked mostly towards Amber, hoping to divert her attention elsewhere other than the thought of killing Mason.

Amber shrugged and leaned in closer to Nate who wrapped his arms around her. "Probably go catch a movie with Nate or something later on tonight."

"Want to join us?" Nate asked politely.

I shook my head. "No, thanks but I have some homework to catch up on."

"What about you Damien?" I asked. I couldn't exactly exclude him from our conversation he was after all still a friend of mine and despite my bitter feelings towards him I couldn't put pass the fact that he saved me from almost getting molested in a club not too long ago.

Damien shrugged his shoulders with his bitter expression not leaving his face which I guessed was towards Mason, I still wondered why Damien and Mason didn't like one another, it was obviously a mutual feeling. I made a mental note to ask Mason about it sometime. "I have a tennis tournament on Sunday so I'd probably be hitting the nets all weekend."

I smiled in response to him. "Well it was fun chit chatting with you guys but my girlfriend and I have to go now." Mason said.

"You ready babe?" he asked me.

"Um, how about I meet you in the parking lot?" I asked.

Mason smiled and nodded but lightly kissed my forehead before heading out. That action of his caught me off guard, throughout the two weeks Mason and I had been fake-dating not once had we shared any sort of kissing, whether it be on the cheek or forehead. I'd made it clear that I didn't want any major display of affections, which was also an excuse when some random girls asked why they've never seen Mason and me kiss.

Shaking off my thoughts I smiled sweetly at Nate and Damien. "Hey if you guys don't mind may I speak to Amber alone for a second?"

The guys nodded and Nate kissed Amber quickly on the cheek before heading out with Damien. I made sure to wave bye to the guys and wish Damien good luck for his tennis tournament. When the guys left I finally spoke, in a slightly annoyed tone. "What was that?"

She looked confused and asked, "What was what?"

"The whole part where you snapped at Mason and told him Nate was your boyfriend as if Mason isn't mine."

"Mason isn't." she said casually.

"Ambs, you and I are the only ones who know that and I'd appreciate it if it stayed that way. C'mon Ambs, I know you don't like Mason after what he did but cut him some slack, he apologized and I forgave him." I paused to take in a breath. "Right now I need Damien and well everyone else to believe that Mason really is my boyfriend so please don't mess this up for me."

Amber looked at me for a long few seconds before finally sighing and nodding slowly which in return I smiled lightly. "Thank you."

"I still don't get why you turned a guy like Damien down, you were once in love with him." Amber said as we walked out of the school hallway and to the parking lot.

"I was not in love, it was just a childish crush but that was once, which was a long time ago." I told her.

"Then why not just turn him down? Why do you have to put up a façade and out of all the people to be your fake boyfriend you choose douchebag Clarke?"

"Because Mason is the most wanted and popular guy at school." when Amber opened her mouth to probably call me crazy for choosing Mason and about Mason being the biggest jerk I cut her off, "Look, I will one day explain everything to you but right now Mason's waiting for me in his car and I should get going."

"Fine, but why are you travelling with him? Where's your car?" Amber asked.

I groaned slightly. "My brother's home and his car is in for service or something so he and his precious little Nicole needed a car to travel around and me being the good little sister couldn't turn down my big brother's puppy dog eyes and agreed for him to use my car. It's only for this week; I'll be driving myself from next week when his car will be back."

Amber looked at me blankly then with a pitiful expression after hearing my rant. She mumbled a bye and walked off to her car while I walked to Mason's where he was patiently waiting thankfully without any new girl which he frequently had around him.

"Ready to go babe?" he asked when I jumped in the car.

I rolled my eyes at him. "I hate that name in public when we're actually a couple what makes you think I'll like it when we're alone?"

Mason smirked at me. "Oh I know you hate it that's why I use it babe." He winked.

"Mason I will dislocate your limbs from your body if you call me that name one more time. Now shut up and drive."

Mason just chuckled and put the car on gear before driving off.

We drove in comfortable silence to my house, which I wasn't too keen on going home too because of my brothers and his girlfriend's presence, well mostly because of Nicole. She was too nice, and nobody could be too nice there was always some motive behind that niceness of theirs and she was a bit too attractive to like my brother that much. What irritated me the most was that she wanted to be not only a part of Liam's life but mine too, she wanted to be like an older sister to me so she was always in my space, trying to talk and do sisterly stuff. I wasn't used to having someone offer so much attention to me for which I was glad, I couldn't just overnight become her best friend and start painting each other's nails, heck not even Amber and I did that.

"Somebody seems to be in deep thoughts." Mason said breaking away my reverie.

"I wish I wasn't." I sighed.

Mason turned to me for a second before turning his gaze back to the road. "Why? What's up?"

"I don't really get what he sees in her, I mean sure she's pretty but there is much more to a person than looks." I announced more to myself.

"Okay." Mason drawled before continuing, "I'm going to take a wild guess and say you're talking about Liam and his girlfriend."

"Yeah, she's been staying over all week with Liam, it was bad enough having her around two weekends ago now she decides to spend her study break with Liam and me." I whined.

"I don't get why you don't like she seems pretty nice." Mason shrugged.

"That's the problem, she's way too nice."

Mason frowned and looked at me quickly before turning his attention back to the road. "So you don't like her because she's nice?"

"Pretty much yeah."

"Okay Carly you are officially crazy." Mason remarked.

"No I am not. Think about it, nobody is a perfect little angel, there has to be some darkness even in the brightest of lights."

"Can't you just be happy for your brother and tolerate her for the week?" Mason asked.

"The only reason I've remained dormant so long is because of my brother or I would've erupted a long time ago. I can't believe I'm actually glad my mom cancelled family dinner night tonight, at least I won't have to sit opposite little miss perfect Nicole."

"I just hope my brother and his girlfriend decide to go out so I can be at peace, sitting in my room buried behind a book." I added.

"You can still do that if Liam's home." Mason pointed out.

"I know but they're quite... loud." I mumbled.

Mason stayed quiet for a few seconds before laughing. "You mean loud as in..." he trailed off looking at me with an idiotic grin hoping I catch his drift.

"As in yeah. It's terrible, I hate having a room opposite my brother." I answered.

Mason laughed again.

"It's not funny, you try living in my room and see." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Already inviting the bf to stay over huh? Don't you think we're moving a little fast for innocent little you?" Mason asked with a smirk.

"But then again this is you we're talking about and if the Carly I once knew is still in you I think we're moving too slow." Mason added as an afterthought.

I rolled my eyes. "Forget it Mason, I don't even want to kiss you so forget whatever it is your dirty mind is thinking."

Mason chuckled in response while I rolled my eyes but couldn't stop the small smile that seemed to have crept its way into my face. Mason, crazy and idiotic as he was, he still made me laugh frequently.

"Well here's hoping you get your 'quiet' weekend." Mason grinned at me.

"I would invite you over but I honestly think I need some time away from you; being your girlfriend for two weeks straight is starting to take its strain on me."

"No offence." I added quickly.

"Oh none taken, I feel the same way, I need a breather from you too. You're fine as a friend but as a girlfriend you're too much to handle and in a bad way. I think some liberation from you would do good for me." Mason said.

I frowned and mouthed the word 'liberation', I couldn't have been such a bad girlfriend right? Sure I was a little bossy and belittled Mason a bit but I didn't cling to him like other normal girlfriends did.

"No offence." Mason added with a grin. I didn't know why but I thought Mason only said that to get back at what I told him. Oh well, I thought and brushed it off.

We stopped at a traffic light that was red and I looked out my window aimlessly until a certain brunette caught my attention. I looked more attentively to make sure and I was right, it was Nicole. She was walking on the street as if window shopping but she stopped by a tall guy who looked around her age. I was surprised when she walked up to him with a wide smile thereafter hugging him.

"I knew it. Nobody is that nice." I mumbled to myself.

Mason didn't seem to hear me because I felt the car move again and before I lost sight of her I quickly shouted, "Pull over on the side Mason."

"Why?" Mason asked.

"Just do it!" I snapped.

I heard Mason sigh obviously not in the mood to argue and eventually we pulled over, clearing my view and my doubts were confirmed the brunette girl was in fact Nicole, she was standing and talking to the same guy she hugged. She wasn't only just talking but looked to be giggling too.

"Okay I doubt you pulled me over so we can make out." Mason said breaking the silence.

"Nope." I said simple then pointed out my window. "Look over there."

Mason unbuckled his seatbelt and moved over to my side, he was slightly hovering over me while looking out my side of the window. "I told you nobody was that nice." I said looking away from the window and at Mason whose face was probably only an inch or two away from mine.

"So she's talking to a guy, big deal." Mason casually said still glancing out the window.

I looked back out the window and took a closer look at the guy, catching a glimpse at his face I gasped as I recognized the guy. "What?" Mason asked turning his gaze towards me.

"I know that guy, he's Kyle!" I exclaimed.

Mason looked at me confused. "I will explain after this." And I pulled my phone out of my pocket which was quite a mission since I had dodge touching Mason's face and avoid mistakenly kissing him since he didn't budge to move while I dug in my pocket. Unlocking the phone I went to my camera and snapped a picture of Nicole laughing with Kyle. I looked at the picture and grinned to myself before putting my phone away again.

After putting the phone away I felt Mason's very close gaze on me, I looked at him and asked innocently, "What?"

"You can be really evil." He said, his breath fanning over my face. He still didn't move away and was basically hovering over me with his weight resting on his hand that was on my seat.

"And you should move over." I told him shoving him slightly.

He smirked. "Why? Does having me this close make you nervous?" Didn't he ask me the same question before?

"Just move and start the car again, I don't want Nicole to think I'm spying on her." I told him and finally he moved and started the car.

When we were on the road again Mason said, "You were actually spying on her."

"I was not. I just happened to spot her with a guy on the way from school, it isn't spying; spying would be following her around." I defended myself.

"Fine. But are you going to show Liam that picture?" Mason asked seriously.

I shrugged. "Maybe."

"Carly, don't do anything until you're one hundred percent sure." Mason drawled.

"I am certain that Nicole is cheating on my brother." I stated.

"How can you assume that the guy she was talking to is a guy she's romantically involved with?"

"I could easily see the chemistry between Kyle and her."

By the time Mason could respond we were already pulling up my driveway and Mason put the car on park. I was about to open the door but Mason stopped me by speaking. "All I'm saying is give her a chance maybe she is really nice."

"Yeah because cheating on her boyfriend just proves how nice she is." I said sarcastically rolling my eyes, Mason was going to say something but I cut him off, "And don't you dare take her side Clarke. All I'm doing is looking out for my brother and I know that Nicole is bad news I just have to make him see that."

Mason sighed and put up his hands defensively. "Fine, I won't argue but damn I see you haven't lost your bossiness."

I smiled at him closed mouth and was about to open the door again to only be stopped by his voice yet again. "Oh, you still haven't told me who Kyle was."

"Oh yeah, you know him actually since you broke his nose. He's the same guy who tried to touch me up at the school's carwash." I casually said.

Without waiting for Mason to reply I opened the door and got out but before I could shut it I peeped my head through the open door. "Thanks for the ride Speckles, have a good weekend." I flashed him a smile and walked to my front door.

I walked in the house and realized it was too quiet, I knew Nicole wasn't home but I expected my brother to be. By the quietness around me I soon figured I was home alone, for which I was slightly happy. I ran up to my room and decided to take a cool shower before starting with my homework.

After a fairly long shower and solving some terribly difficult calculus problems I felt my stomach grumble so I headed downstairs to get myself a bite.

"Hey sweetie, I didn't hear you get in." I shrieked a little by the annoying voice of Nicole's.

I shut the fridge door and took a bite into my apple. "I could say the same to you Nicole." I attempted a smile.

"When I got home you weren't here so I didn't hear when you eventually did." I added with a shrug when Nicole looked at me dumbfounded.

"Oh I was out to get some supplies." She said with a smile packing some things in the kitchen top shelf.

"You shouldn't have worried. My mom normally does that." I told her.

"Oh it wasn't a bother, I thought I'd help your mom, I know how busy she is." I resisted the urge to scoff at her, I knew she didn't really care all she wanted was so that my mom could like her even more, if that was possible since the whole family seemed to love her.

"If I knew you were coming home early I would've whipped up some lunch for you."

"I always come home this time after school Nicole, it's not exactly early."

"I know but I thought you and your hot boyfriend Mason would want to spend some time together since it's the weekend." she said with a wink.

"Whose hot boyfriend are you two talking about?" I turned to see my brother enter the kitchen.

He stepped into the kitchen and after giving Nicole a kiss on the lips he looked at me for an answer. "Nicole over here was just saying how she thought I'd go over to my hot boyfriends place after school today." I told him before innocently taking a bite out of my apple.

"Mason?" Liam asked with a raised brow which I thought was mostly indicated towards Nicole. I wryly grinned hoping he'd tell her off for calling another guy hot.

"Oh don't be so jealous Lee, Carly's boyfriend is very good looking but he'll never be as hot as my boyfriend." Nicole smiled flirtatiously at him and brushed her lips over his. I suddenly had the urge to throw up. My brother was beyond whipped as he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her back.

"Ugh, you two need to get a room." I groaned. "And one that is very far away from mine." I added scrunching my face.

When they didn't stop I said loudly, "Seriously you two, enough already. I'm eating here!"

"Don't be so sour Carly. It's not like you don't do anything with Mason." Liam said after pulling away. "Not that I want to know." He quickly added.

"No we don't like publically displaying any sorts of affection and Nicole." I paused and looked her way, "The reason I'm not over at Mason's is because I realize that he needs his space once in a while so I don't cling to him too much, besides I have my own house to stay in, I hate the idea of being in someone else's house more than my own. It seems so free-loader like don't you think?" I asked with a humourless smile.

I indirectly passed a remark to her hoping she would get the message of how unwanted she was. I sighed thinking of how stupid she really was when she smiled at me, "You're such a considerate girlfriend; Mason's a lucky guy."

"If only other girlfriends were that considerate." I mumbled lowly under my breath. I knew Liam heard me because he sent me warning glare, indirectly telling me to be nice. I looked innocently at him and shrugged in response giving him a 'what' look.

"I've got some homework to finish so I'll see you guys later...or not." I announced and turned to exit the kitchen.

"Oh Carly, mom and dad aren't going to make it for dinner tonight." Liam told me from behind.

"I know, mom texted me."

As I was about to leave again, Nicole appeared in front of me with a smile, I looked at her with a what-do-you-want-now look. "Your brother told me how much you love family time so I decided to cook and the three of us can have that dinner you so eagerly wanted."

When I didn't reply she asked enthusiastically, "Well what do you think?"

I plastered on a fake smile, "Yay, that's so thoughtful of you. Thank you so much." I cheered sarcastically, tossing my hands in the air.

"Great so be at the table around eight." She told me with another broad smile and walked away.

I ran up to my room and with a frustrated sigh I planted my face into my pillow screaming slightly. I had no idea how I would survive another whole night alone with my brothers girlfriend without losing my cool and yet again fighting with my brother. I needed someone else to keep me company, or I was sure to get worked up.

I sat up straight and browsed through my contacts list on my phone, I was on Amber's name and was about to press call to ask her to join me for this so called 'family dinner' but I remembered that she was going out with Nate and I didn't have the heart to make her cancel. I scrolled down and saw Damien's name, I could call him but that would be kind of awkward, sure we were friends but not close enough to invite him for a family dinner besides Liam and Nicole and probably Damien himself would wonder why I invited him when I had a boyfriend. I scrapped that idea; I didn't even want Damien over anyway. I scrolled down more until I reached the one name I knew would definitely come, so I pressed call quickly.

It rang a few times until it reached voicemail so I redialled and did so for the fifth time until I heard his voice from the other end. "What? This better be important, you're disturbing me." I heard him snap with a groggy voice.

"And what will comply as important?" I asked slightly annoyed at his tome used with me.

"If you were dying and I was the last person you had to call." He answered. "Now tell me what you want or I'm disconnecting." He added.

"Were you with a girl?" I asked and even though I knew he couldn't see me I raised a brow.

I heard him sigh, "I wish, I'm not allowed to have a girl remember it's one of your stupid rules. Why? Jealous much?"


I rolled my eyes but spoke in a sweet tone, "Of course not, I completely trust you sweetheart, I know you are too much of a moralized man to indulge in infidelity.

"Get to the point Carly, what do you want?" he asked with a sigh.

"Can't I just call to see how my gorgeous boyfriend is?" I asked innocently trying not to gag after calling Mason gorgeous.

"If you weren't Carly Edwards sure you could but you are Carly Edwards and I know you're not the type to just call and ask how I am especially after seeing me two hours ago."

"Now tell me what do you want or I'm hanging up!" he added.

"Fine if you insist, I need a favour from you." I told him.

"What favour and how does is benefit me?" he asked quite abruptly too.

"You could've been sweeter; I did ask nicely you know."

"That wasn't asking, it was informing, now get to the point, what do you want?" Mason asked.

"Fine, remind me to not speak sweetly with you next time." I told him before getting to the point. "I need you to come over tonight."

"Why?" he snapped before adding, "I thought this was my liberating time away from you?"

"I know but the thing is that Liam and his stupid girlfriend decided to go ahead and continue with our family dinner without my parents, Nicole says it will be good time to spend with my brother." I paused to roll my eyes before continuing, "Anyway, I don't feel like 'bonding' with my brother and his stupid girlfriend because I know if I sit alone with just the two of them I will surely let out all the frustrations I've been building up the entire week, I need someone who I can tolerate to keep me some company and from getting into another fight with my brother because I'm honestly not in the mood to fight, I would've asked Amber but she's going out with Nate and I don't have the heart to spoil her plans and who better to ask than my boyfriend." I ranted on continuously before taking in a much needed deep breath and asking, "So what do you say?"

I heard Mason groan from the other end of the line, "I think I just got a headache and only heard about two words of what you just said."

"So is that a yes then?" I asked hopeful.

"No!" he snapped.

"No?" I asked to confirm what I heard.


"Yes?" I asked enthusiastically.

He sighed deeply. "No!"

"No?" I asked again to confirm his answer, but I knew very well what I was doing.

"Yes." He answered confirming that his answer was in fact no.

"Great, I take that as a yes. Be here a little before eight." I smiled manipulating his words.


"Oh don't worry about your headache; we have lots of Advil at home. See you at eight Mase. Bye." I cut him off and cut the call not giving him a chance to speak and decline the invite yet again.

I wasn't intending on seeing Mason all weekend because I really did need some space from him, the whole fake relationship thing we had going on was getting a little suffocating. Mason was a great friend but he was a terrible boyfriend, well to me anyway. Any other girl would kill for a boyfriend like him, he was pretty romantic and sweet when we were in public but he was a little too mushy for my liking, I was a girl who liked her space and a boyfriend who cared but didn't show too much, I liked the wilder side of life, not the perfect gentle guy who would catch you when you fell over, I liked a guy who would pull you down so you'd fall and he'd laugh before apologizing and then purposely fall down with you so you'd both laugh. I liked that kind of relationship, the kind I had back in New York with Blake, he was the total opposite of Mason, he was the epitome of a bad boy who lived life on the dangerous side, and he was the kind of guy who filled your life with thrills, making you do things you wouldn't think of.

I quickly brushed away those memories, because as much of fun and games my time in New York with Blake was, it was also a time I didn't want to go back to, I didn't want to become that Carly again.

So I had to do with Mason for now, he was not only my best friend but also my fake boyfriend and I had to tolerate him until I decided to break up with him. I still would've preferred calling Amber over to have dinner with me but hey, what can a girl do when she's desperate?

By the time I was done with some chemistry homework it was already seven thirty, I didn't change into anything fancy I remained in the clothes I was wearing which consisted of a tank under a loose plaid shirt and a pair of skinnies with my converse. Tying my hair in a loose ponytail I ran downstairs to check how far dinner was.

"Carly, you're here to help set the table or prepare the salad with Nicole?" Liam asked as I entered the dining room.

"And since when do I do any chores or even worse, cook?" I asked.

"I've been noticing your attitude change lately Carly; I hope the old Carly isn't making a return?" Liam more like asked sternly before heading into the kitchen to probably help Nicole.

I stood there in my own thoughts but before I could decipher and think over what Liam said I heard the doorbell ring. I ran over to the front door, glad to see Mason standing there in a plain t-shirt and jeans, his hair looked dishevelled and by the look on his face I was sure he wasn't so glad to see me. Jeez, I guess he was serious about his Carly-free weekend.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him inside, I had a feeling if I didn't he'd make a run for it. "Mason, I'm glad you came." I smiled at him and stepped forwards for a hug, just in case someone was watching.

Mason looked annoyed and ignored me, walking inside. I sighed and followed him. "Hey man, what are you doing here?" Liam asked Mason after giving him a man hug-shake thing that guys did.

"I invited Mason, I hope it's alright?" I asked my brother.

"Of course it is, there's a lot of food so the more the merrier." Nicole answered me with her perfect little smile. She then turned her attention to Mason, "Nice to see you again Mason."

Mason had met Nicole a few times after dropping me home from school and picking me up, so it was safe to say they were close acquaintances. Mason responded with his trademark grin.

"C'mon, dinners ready." Nicole said gesturing to the dining room with her head.

We all took a seat at the dining table, Liam took the head seat, while Nicole took the seat next to him on the side, Mason sat opposite Nicole and I took the seat next to Mason. We all sat in silence for a while eating, with only the sound of our cutlery against the porcelain plates. I had to admit that Nicole was a pretty good cook, since the steak she made was delicious.

"I hope the foods alright?" Nicole asked breaking the silence.

"It's delicious babe." Liam grinned at her.

"Yeah Nicole, it's great." Mason commented.

I stayed quiet and played around with some vegetables on my plate and when I looked up I saw everyone's eyes on me, I looked at them with a 'what' look and went back to eating. "She's enjoying it, that's why she can't tear herself away to speak." Mason said for me. I, in return looked at him with a slight glare.

"So I can't believe Carly and you are an actual couple." Liam said breaking away the few seconds of tension.

"Yeah me neither." Mason glowered at me.

I shrugged. "It's really not a shocker."

"Yeah it is, you literally hated him when you arrived a few months ago." Liam said.

"That was before I knew he was my oldest friend that I hung out with as a kid." I answered.

"I still don't like the idea that Mason's your first boyfriend, I always wanted to kick your first boyfriend's ass." Liam said.

"And since Mason is a friend I can't, although if you hurt her I will forget that." he added the last part, looking at Mason who just chuckled in response. "I'll be sure to remember that Liam."

"Don't be such a prude Liam, Mason looks like a great guy." Nicole said smiling at Mason.

I rolled my eyes. "For the record Liam, Mason isn't my first boyfriend."

"What?" This time Mason and Liam exclaimed together.

"Yeah, I had a boyfriend back in New York." I said casually.

"I had no idea." Mason said looking at me attentively, probably trying to read my expression to check if I was lying or not.

"Me neither. Why didn't you mention it?" Liam asked.

"I just did." I answered this time popping a carrot stick in my mouth.

The room fell silent for a while until once again Nicole spoke, "If everyone's done eating, shall I bring dessert?"

Mason and Liam all said yes while I gave a half nod, I couldn't understand how Nicole could act so sweet and innocent despite cheating on my brother. My brother stood up to help Nicole clear up while I sat immobile in my seat next to Mason.

"Thanks for coming by the way, I honestly thought you wouldn't." I turned to look at him.

"I didn't exactly have a choice." He answered with narrowed eyes.

"Don't look at me like that, you could've stood me up." I answered him.

"I could've but it wouldn't be very gentleman like, besides knowing you, you'd get some sort of revenge if I did."

"I can't believe how low you think of me Mason." I gasped placing a hand over my chest feigning hurt. "But you're right I probably would've." I smirked at him.

He scoffed as a reply. "Oh come on, being around me can't be so bad, it's just tonight. Tomorrow you can do as you like without me." I told him looking at his sour expression. "Apart from hooking up with a girl because that's not happening until we break up." I added.

"That's quite hard, Ashley is quite the hottie and she's being extremely flirty for a while now."

I looked at him pointedly, "Well keep your 'urges' on hold for a while; I want to break up with you unless you want to get your butt kicked by Liam?" I asked.

"I still want to negotiate that." Mason said looking at me seriously. I wasn't used to seeing a serious Mason, so whenever he was I couldn't help but laugh at him.

"What's so funny?" he asked with a frown.

"Your face." I said pointing at his face.

He rolled his eyes, "You're crazy Edwards."

"Yeah, but your kind of crazy." I grinned at him and punched him playfully on his shoulder.

"Sure." Mason commented but I could see the small smirk that was threatening to show. He was trying his best to look mad at me for ruining his Friday night plans but I could see that he wasn't that mad.

I leaned in close to him, resting my arm over his shoulder. Taking my free hand I poked his cheek lightly. "Oh come on Speckles, you know you want to smile, show me those dimples. You can't honestly still be mad at me?"

Mason shoved my hand away. "If you don't smile I will tickle you in your weak spot and you how I know where that is. Remember that one afternoon when you were crying because a mean but adorable little girl stole your Popsicle at the park, I made you laugh straight away?" I asked him remembering an old memory from when were kids.

"You were that girl." Mason told me.

I laughed and shrugged, "I apologized afterwards and I did make you laugh, that should count for something."

"It was still mean."

I fake pouted, "Fine, I'm sorry again. Now stop looking so sour and smile or I'm going to feel bad for being the reason for your sullen mood."

"If I smile will you promise to not bring up that story again?" he asked.

"What story?" I asked ignorantly. "Oh you mean the one where little ol' me made the big popular Mason cry?" I asked.

He glared at me in response. I used my free hand, the one that wasn't leaning on Mason's shoulder and made an action in front of my lips as if sealing a zip. "My mouth is zipped."

"Good." And finally I saw the corner of his mouth turn up and a small smile spread across his face. I smiled back in return glad that I somehow lightened his mood.

At that moment Liam and Nicole walked in with a bowl of strawberry crème brûlée in each hand. "Could you at least try to be nice to Nicole?" I heard Mason whisper in my ear as the made their way to us.

I looked at him expressionless for a few seconds before whispering back, "I'll try my best."

"Okay, big brother in the room so get your hands off each other." Liam told Mason and I.

I rolled my eyes and moved my arm that was leaning on Mason's shoulder and moved over to sit properly on my seat.

When Nicole placed my dessert in front of me I gave her a small smile which she returned with a very broad one. "This is pretty good." I said after taking a bite of my dessert.

"Really? Thank you." Nicole smiled so broadly that she put the meaning to smiling from ear to ear into the literal sense.

"So Carly, Liam was showing me some of your older pictures. You were simply adorable." Nicole told me.

Mason choked on his dessert before taking a gulp of water. "Looks can be deceiving Nicole." I heard him mumble. I passed him a glare and another to my brother for showing my pictures to his girlfriend. "I disagree. I was just a fat, mean girl with some major issues, thanks for the kind words though." I smiled at her humourlessly.

The table suddenly went quiet and I felt Mason's gaze on me, he was probably regretting laughing at me after recalling my 'troubled' past that he recently knew off.

"Hey, Mason I heard you're looking into buying a new car?" Liam asked breaking the awkward silence.

Mason cleared his throat, "Uh yeah, I'm looking for something in the sporty range and maybe Italian."

"Oh now that we're onto the topic of cars, are you done with mine Liam? Yours should be ready now right?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah my cars ready." Liam answered.

I smiled. "Great, so I can finally get my wheels back."

Liam looked at me awkwardly scratching the back of his neck and I noticed Nicole shift uncomfortably in her seat. I looked at the both of them before directing my question at Liam. "What?"

"First promise you won't freak out." Liam told me calmly.

"Not gonna happen." I heard Mason mumble.

Ignoring Mason I told my brother, "Fine, now just spit it out."

He sighed. "Alright, your car might be at the workshop."

My eyes widened, "Why?" I asked calmly.

"Well, Nicole is used to driving an automatic car and yours isn't as you know, so she assured me she'd manage to drive yours and I trusted her but-"

"But what Liam?" I asked him through clenched teeth at that moment I felt Mason hold onto my hand, probably trying to calm me down since I was on the verge to stand up and pull Nicole's hair out.

"But she lost control and bumped it into a wall." He finished off his sentence. I felt my blood boil and glared in the most venomous way at Nicole. "It's not badly damaged; it would be out in a couple of weeks."

I shot my glare in my brother's direction. "Not badly damaged?" I asked rising my voice.

"How can you possibly allow your girlfriend to drive my car despite knowing she can't?"

"It's not that I can't, it's just that I'm too used to driving an automatic." Nicole defended herself calmly.

"I am talking to my brother so it's best you stay out of this!" I snapped at her.

"Carly, you promised you wouldn't freak out." Liam told me sternly.

"Yeah that was before you told me your girlfriend crashed my car! You can't possibly expect me to be calm!" I shouted feeling my temper rise.

"I'm really very sorry Carly." Nicole spoke once again and somehow just the sound of her voice made me angrier.

"I will cover all the costs-"

"Costs? You think I'm worried about the costs? God you're crazy! I don't care about the costs, I am mad because you crashed my car woman! I need a car to get to places and back, like school for starters!" I shouted at her.

"Carly." Liam warned.

"Oh don't you justify her actions or take her side Liam! She crashed my car and I will be left carless for a few weeks because of you."

"If you knew she couldn't drive any other car other than an automatic then why the hell did you give her my car to drive?" I asked Liam.

"Because I thought I could trust her." he answered slowly. God this boy was wrapped around Nicole's finger very tightly, so much that he couldn't see right and wrong.

I laughed humourlessly. "Trust her? Wow, Liam that's very sweet. I thought I could trust you but look where that landed me?"

I felt Mason grip my hand a little tighter. "Calm down Edwards." He murmured to me.

I pulled my hand out of his grasp. "Don't tell me to calm down Mason! My dad bought me that car as a welcome home gift, now it's ruined because of some woman who can't drive properly!" I snapped.

Mason cleared his throat, "Um I think I should leave, thanks for the lovely dinner." He said and shifted his seat backwards before standing up. Typical Mason to walk out of a situation like this, I didn't expect him to stay and back me up anyway.

"Carly, we said we're sorry there's no need to act this way." Liam scolded.

"Could you stop taking her side, I get it that you're highly infatuated with her, but are you that blind too?"

"I am not taking sides Carly, Nicole made a mistake, she acknowledges it and has apologized what more do you expect?"

"Just where did you go with my car Nicole?" I asked her.

"Was it to visit one of your lovers, oh, what's his name Kyle?"

"The tall hunk that I saw you with this afternoon?"

Nicole didn't answer me but looked a little teary eyed. "Who is Kyle?" Liam asked.

"I'll tell you who Kyle is brother; he's a jerk that almost molested me at school not too long ago."

"But why would you care right, all you see and hear is your precious little Nicole!"

"Well I can't wait for you to go back to college, at least Nicole would be gone and I can go back to living peacefully without any unwanted trash in this house!" I shouted pushing my dessert bowl across the table harshly.

"Carly that's enough!" Liam snapped.

"Go to hell, both of you!" I shouted and stormed out of the dining room.

I ran up to my room and slammed the door shut behind me. I was beyond furious, at my brother, at Nicole, at Mason and even at myself for trying to be the good girl and lending my car to Liam. I took such good care of my car, it was the first brand new car I ever owned and my dad bought it with so much love, now it was ruined and tainted because of that lowlife trash downstairs.

I growled angrily, and pushed all my things that were lying on my dresser to the floor out of anger. I knew this outburst was going to affect me somehow, the beating of my temples were already proof of it.

"Whoa, I didn't know you had such a temper." I heard my door shut and Mason speak.

I glared in his way. "What do you want? I thought you left?" I snapped at him.

"I was about to leave but I heard your outburst and thought I should come check on you." he answered walking slowly towards me.

"Thank you for the concern, but I'm furious right now!"

"That lowlife, piece of filth downstairs crashed my car, my car! Just who the hell does she think she is?" I shouted feeling my temples beat faster. God I hated when that happened, I had to be stupid in the past and now I suffer with consequences like having to keep my emotions under control.

"And Liam, he is not my brother anymore, no." I shook my head. "Because my brother would never stand up for her despite knowing she's wrong."

"God I hate them, I hate them both!" I shouted grabbing my bedside clock and throwing it against the wall. Mason ducked to the side avoiding getting hit in the head.

"I hate that wench even more, why didn't she...ugh!" I wanted to wish death upon her, but I stopped myself because no matter how mad I was at someone I would never do that, not after the death of my gramps.

I felt the beats at my temples slow down and felt a little light headed, seeing black spots in front of my eyes. I subconsciously grabbed my temples and stumbled over a little, trying to get my balance. "Whoa." Mason said and I felt his arms around me, he walked me over to me bed and sat me down.

I took in a few deep breaths and left my eyes closed trying to calm myself down so I didn't get a relapse and have to go to the hospital. "I'm fine."

"You sure?" he asked and I nodded lifting my head to look at him.

I was sitting at the foot of my bed and Mason was kneeling down in front of me with his hands around my waist. "Yeah." I answered shrugging his hands off me.

Mason stood up and took a seat next to me. "Okay, but what happened you looked like you were about to faint?" he asked. Yeah that was because I was going to. "I just got a little light headed, I'm fine now." I reassured him with a small smile.

"Hey don't get so worked up okay? I can give you a ride to school until your car's fixed." He offered me with a smile.

I laughed lightly at him, "Thanks, even if you didn't offer me I would've demanded one anyway."

He chuckled, "Bossy as ever."

I shrugged but smiled anyway. "But that's not the problem, Nicole is the problem, Gosh I hate her!" I said through gritted teeth, finding myself getting angry again at the thought of her.

"Okay just don't think about her, I don't want you getting mad again."

I smirked. "Why? Did I scare you?"

"Yeah." Mason nodded. "You sure as hell did."

I laughed. "Don't worry I wouldn't have killed you."

"No but you would've probably killed Nicole if I didn't come here to check on you."

I laughed again, "You're exaggerating things Speckles."

"If you were in my shoes at that moment you wouldn't think I'm exaggerating." He explained with a serious expression.

"It sucks that you never like your brothers hot girlfriends, remember Sarah?"

I thought about it for a while before answering, "Yeah, the blonde bimbo cheerleader that Liam was head over heels for?"

Mason nodded, "Yeah and do you remember what you did to her?"

"I do remember you helping me stick a ketchup covered pad on her chair so it stuck on the back of her dress." I laughed.

"You manipulated me into helping you." Mason justified himself.

"You still enjoyed doing it because she called you chubby cheeks."

"Do you remember how she and Liam broke up?" Liam chuckled.

I grinned. "Yeah, she was so humiliated by that incident that she moved to San Francisco to live with her dad and since she couldn't do the long distance relationship thing she and Liam called it quits."

At that memory a little light bulb went on in my head. "Mason!" I exclaimed. "How do you feel about a little dejavu?"

Mason frowned while I smirked, "We are going to break up Liam and Nicole."

"No, Carly we can't do that, it's wrong."

"He'll thank me for it; Nicole is obviously cheating on him."

"If you do this, I'll let us both break up our fake relationship, we'll tell everyone it was a mutual decision and no body dumped anyone."

Mason thought long and hard about it. "Fine what do you want me to do?"

I grinned. "I will explain everything tomorrow, but think of this as a loophole to my rules and you can finally have a hook-up sooner than expected."

"Are you sure about this plan of yours?"

"Of course, I will do anything to get rid of that trash from my brother's life." I said mostly to myself with a serious expression.

"Looks like the dark side of Carly never left." Mason mumbled to himself.

A/N I'm not too happy with this chapter, but I adjusted it a few times hoping you guys would like it, I know it wasn't too eventful but part two will be up shortly and hopefully that will cover up for this 'not-so-good' chappy.



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