Inevitable Withdrawal - cash...

By crystellethemage

95.7K 3.3K 1.9K

Falling in love with the temperamental and demanding Senator Nash Grier was not Cameron Dallas had planned. B... More

Through A Glass Darkly
Blue Monday
Bad Romance
Permanent Stain
Walk Away
Who Am I, Comparatively
Against the Wind
Love Is A Twisted Dance
And If You Stay
All This Time
Locked in a Haze
In A Perfect World
A Walk to Remember
The Tension is Here
Life Is A Dream
The Desire of My Heart
In Oceans Deep
City of Delusion
Flicker in the Night
Say Something
Inevitable Withdrawal
Best of Me

Beauty in the Breakdown

2.2K 82 70
By crystellethemage

I press my lips against his in a deep kiss, our tongues play with each other. His hands squeeze my waist tightly and I giggle against his lips.

"Congratufuckinglations baby, I'm pretty sure you just set a record with getting 98% of the votes. I bet the only people who voted for him were him and his family." I murmur against his lips and he laughs at my words.

"Thank you baby, you made this election infinitely more tolerable. You took so much weight and worry off of my shoulders and I was able to concentrate on the things that were necessary. It's just so amazing to have a partner who truly supports me and believes in my vision, I couldn't have done this one without you." He tells me and I can't help but blush at his words, he makes me feel so appreciated. We're interrupted by a rapid knock on the door. I'm sure everyone is waiting for Nash to emerge to congratulate him but I'm glad I got my own private moment with my husband.

We kiss again for a few more moments before I stand up from his lap and open the door. Matt gives us a happy smile as we exit together and I stand to the side as I watch all of our staff congratulate him as he makes his way to the stage. I stand off stage with Matt and watch as my husband waves at his supporters, the screams drown out any other noise.

"Thank you so much for the overwhelming support everyone has given me. I think North Carolina has spoken loud and clear what kind of senator they want representing them in the U.S. Senate and it's not the one who brings up petty, unimportant issues and ignores the ones that are important to you," Nash says and he has such an amazing way with words. He's charming and charismatic, how could I not fall in love with that amazing man. It was inevitable.

The rest of the night is a blur of activity, Nash is gracious with everyone who approaches him after the event is done and even though I'm exhausted I wait until he's finished.

"So where are you heading off to during the rest of the senate holiday?" Matt asks, he has no idea about Nash and I, I plan on keeping it that way because my motto is trust no one.

"Probably visit my family back home," I reply vaguely, I really don't know what our plans are. I kind of want to take the honeymoon we weren't able to take but I literally contribute nothing financially to our marriage and I don't feel comfortable asking Nash for a lavish trip even though I really want one. It would be so amazing to completely relax with Nash in our own private hut in Bora Bora, I've always wanted to travel there. It's on my bucket list but I never imagined I'd make it there because I was always so poor. Now it's a possibility but as crazy as it sounds, I still feel shy when it comes to finances and Nash.

"Where are you from?" Matt asks and I turn my head to look at him, we've never really talked about personal stuff because it was all work and no play, I'm not sure if I even want to go there with Matthew. As long as my marriage to Nash remains a secret I can't really have friends, I wouldn't be able to invite them into my life. I'm okay with that because it's a small price to pay to be able to call the love of my life my husband.

"Cali," I reply, I don't ask him any questions because I really don't want to continue this conversation.

"That's quite a ways away, you must miss your family. I'm actually from Virginia so I can see my parents regularly." Matt comments and I nod without verbally replying to him. He doesn't get to continue the conversation because Nash comes up to us and Matt becomes rigid immediately, his fear of Nash is actually quite comical now. I know what a big teddy bear Nash is so to see someone be so afraid of him is weird.

"Thank you for a job well done," Nash tells him and shakes his hand. Matt clearly doesn't feel comfortable in Nash's presence so he nods and says his goodbyes before walking away to do some busy work.

"What were you guys talking about?" Nash asks nonchalantly but I know he's fiercely possessive of me and any sign of inappropriateness from Matt will land his ass right on the unemployment line.

"He was just asking for my plans during our break, I told me I was visiting my family." I reply and I want to kiss him so bad but I have to reign in my desires.

"Speaking of plans, we have to head out baby. Our staff can finish up here," Nash says and I tilt my head at him, he didn't mention anything about plans after we were done here. I shrug and stop by Matt to let him know we were leaving, we head to Nash's car and he opts to drive us but he won't tell me where we're going.

"Baby, just one hint please?" I'm whiny but I don't give a fuck.

"Cameron," Nash says in a warning tone that makes me pout. I've been annoying the hell out of him the entire ride and I know he's probably close to losing his shit. It would actually be comical to see because I don't fear him like everyone else does. Nash's meltdowns continue to be legendary but they're never directed at me.

My eyes widen as I finally figure out where we're going, he takes the exit to the airport and my eyes widen in excitement.

"Oh my god, baby. Where are we going??" I ask him and I can't keep myself from bouncing like a young child in excitement. He gives me a beautiful smile that makes me catch my breath but doesn't answer my question.

He goes directly to the hangar where his private jet is stored and his crew is there, they look ready to go and the jet has clearly been prepped.

We get out of the car and Nash pops the hood open, there's two suitcases and I don't even know how Nash managed to pack clothes for me and put it in the trunk. Maybe in the middle of the night when I was sleeping.

We enter the jet and get seated in the very comfortable seats.

"Nash, are we going to Cali? Do you want to meet my family?" I ask him because it's the only thing that makes sense but he could also be taking me in a getaway to Europe or something, that's also on my bucket list.

"I'm not answering that baby, you'll know when we arrive." He murmurs and I suddenly realize that this situation is highly suspect and his crew would be dumb not to connect the dots. "Don't worry, they're employed under a NDA that they couldn't even tell their fucking dog what goes on in this jet. I pay them very well too, they have a good thing going and they wouldn't ruin that for a single payday when they can have more than that from me."

He's so smart when it comes to these type of things, I never really think about stuff like that. We complement each other nicely.

To prove his point he leans in and kisses me softly. I lift the arm rest between us and cuddle in his arms. I'm so tired that it doesn't take me long to fall asleep.

When I come to it's still dark out and I wonder how late it is.

"How late is it, baby?" I ask him and he shrugs.

"Time zones confuse me," he replies with a smirk, jumping time zones means we're going fairly far away from the east coast. Europe seems more and more realistic, maybe he's taking me to Venice or maybe even Paris. We wouldn't be able to sight see too much but just being in those cities with him would be enough for me. I remember the amazing weekend we had the first time I came with him to North Carolina, it seems like so far away now. When we weren't at an event we spent our time in the hotel room just him and I. It was one of the most amazing weekends of my life. It was the weekend that I started to hope that maybe he and I could be more than just fuck buddies.

"Where's your mind at, baby?" Nash asks and I guess he noticed how lost in thought I am.

"Just thinking about the first time you and I traveled to North Carolina together, it was so fucking amazing. I was already in love with you by that point and that weekend made me hope that maybe you had feelings for me too," I have a small smile on my lips. The time following that weekend was horrific, Nash was so cold to me when I confessed my love for him. I thought we were done for sure and it took us some time but we worked through it and now I'm the happiest I've ever been.

"I was in love with you too, baby. I was just so lost in denial that what I felt for you was something more than just lust. I'm just... so lucky that you were able to forgive my stupidity. The situation with Lea kind of broke me, we had been married for so long and she just used me for money. My heart was hardened because of that but you healed me, baby. You're the sole reason I'm happy today," he confesses quietly and I blink tears back as he lifts his hand and strokes my cheek tender.

"I love you, Nash." I murmur and he pulls my head in to meet his lips with mine.

"I love you too, Cameron." He whispers against my lips. He sends a wave of emotion through me, my stomach does flips and my heart flutters as our soft kiss becomes more passionate. He sucks lightly at my bottom lip and slides his tongue into my mouth to tangle it with mine. I play with it and suck on it lightly before allowing him to explore my mouth. His lips feel so soft against mine, I can feel my face flushing with lust but I know we won't do anything before we land. He ends the kiss gradually with soft pecks on my lips before he pulls away, we recline our seats and I cuddle with him again.

I feel so comfortable that I fall back asleep.

When I awaken the sun is rising and I figure we must be close to our destination, wherever that might be. I peek through the window and I see beautiful turquoise water below us, my eyes widen because there's no way we're headed to Europe. It can't be the Caribbean because that's just a couple hours by plane.

Hawaii maybe? It's not Bora Bora but it's just as beautiful with its lush mountains and amazing beaches.

"Good morning, beautiful." Nash has a smile on his face and he leans in to press a soft kiss on my lips.

"Good morning, my love. Have you slept at all?" I ask him as I stretch my back.

"I've slept some, just catching up with some communication from work." He says and gestures at his laptop.

We're served breakfast by the flight attendant and it's actually really good, we were never in the jet long enough to require a meal so I haven't tasted it before. By the time we're finished eating, the pilot announces that we'll be landing soon. We buckle in and it doesn't take long before we land and are escorted to a private hangar.

I'm brimming with excitement because this is the first real vacation I've ever taken and I can't wait to be on the beaches of Hawaii with my husband. I haven't mentioned anything about figuring out where we're going and Nash hasn't said anything about where we are.

When we exit the private jet there's a car waiting for us and Nash gets into the drivers side while I get into the passengers side. The fight attendants put our luggage in the trunk and as soon as we're done Nash drives out.

He grabs my hand with his right and I look at him with a happy smile.

"Is my baby happy?" He asks with a smirk on his face.

"The happiest," I reply truthfully and he lifts my hand to his lips and presses a gentle kiss on it.

"Have you figured out where we are?" He asks me and he's looking at me like I have no clue. Time to disappoint him.

"Hawaii," I state confidently and he shakes his head.

"Nope." I look at him shocked at him, I thought for sure I was right.

"Then where?" I ask him.

"Bora Bora," he says as if it isn't my dream spot for vacation. My eyes widen and I'm sure it's dramatic because my jaw drops as well.

"Baby, really?" I asks with a trembling voice. This man is so amazing, he's so much more than I deserve but I'm so happy that I lucked out with him.

"Mmhmm, for two weeks." He says nonchalantly and I peer out of the window to see the beautiful coast of clear, blue waters. The road we take is right next to the coast and it's gorgeous, I'm in love already. I can't believe I'm seeing the pictures that I mooned over while I was a broke kid in college in real life.

I almost want to pinch myself.

"Did I do good, babe?" He asks me and I give him a blinding smile.

"You did great, Nash." I tell him and I'm literally bouncing in my seat again. The car he drives has blacked out windows and so when we arrive he steps out and checks us in. He comes back to tell me where our hut is and then grabs our bags, he goes first and I follow him 15 minutes later.

This is going to be an amazing week.

A/n- the end is nigh

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