My life is far from perfect(E...

By cuttiewerewolf-lover

149K 1.4K 213


My life is far from perfect(1)
she wakes (NICKS POV#1)(3)
she wakes (#2) Invys pov(4)
oh how i hate the the word....mate(5)
flashbacks....what happened to the bitch Claire? :)(7)
the dream(8)
My two boys(9)
nothe talk(11)
new kid (12)
im trying (13)
dude! (14)
The plan in action (15)
mystery girl (16)'s her (17)
The past and the pain (18)
force and tears(19)
should i tell him? (20)
pain and pleasure (21)
pleasure (22)
life (23)
i told you i was coming back(24)
whats going to happen now? (25)
who knew (26)
This is not a chapter. It is the list of characters
A Night in the Dark (27)
something to be afraid of (28)
In trouble, sadness, and the beating(29)
At the hospital...again (30)
Oh Deshawn (31)
The carnival and Fun?(32)
Trying not to 'Jump' anyone(33)
Another mate drama(35)
Their Decision(36)
Broken Glass (37)
School (38)
What's done in the dark, Comes to the light.(39)
A few days(40)
Past Mistakes(41)
Attacks and Wedding gowns(42)
Hurry Adian!(43)
Cant you save me?! (44)
Epilogue: forever yours, and theirs

my unknown savior(2)

4.9K 64 4
By cuttiewerewolf-lover

Chapter 2

Vote comment and have fun----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I like cookies

Unknown pov:

I walked up the stairs to get away from the noise coming from down stairs, when I bumped into a dude who was rushing out of a room. I saw he had some blood on his hands but before I got a better look, he ran down the stairs. I opened the door he came out of and there was a lump in the bed. I walked over and pulled back the sheets and gasped. It was a girl and she had blood on her face. I pulled the covers back more and saw that she had bruises on her and she was naked. I checked her pulse, and she was still breathing. I wrapped her in a sheet and carried her down the stairs quickly only to bump into Claire

“Hey how you---” she stopped talking when she saw the girl in my arms “Oh my god! What the hell did you do to her! You fuckin bastard what did you do!”

“Calm down Claire! I found her up stairs like this, so if you’re done with your bitch fit you can help me take her to the hospital, or we can stay here and listen to your whinny voice!” I shouted.

She looked shocked then ran out the door with me following. I laid her in the back and raced to the hospital. When we got there we ran to the E.R. Claire was crying too much to tell the doctor what’s wrong so I did and they took here to a room to check her out. I sat down on a chair with a crying Claire until some doctors started asking question.

What happened, what’s her name, where’s her parents, what is your relation, how old is she and how long has she been like this?  I only answer 3 of the question while Claire answered the rest.

Me: I found her in a room like that at a party.

Her: Invy Jackson.

Her: At a dinner party.

Both: Friends.

Her: 17.

Me:  only a little while.

Claire called her parents and 10 minutes later, 2 men and a woman busted through the door. Wait, why is the alpha and his wife here, and who is that boy. He looks like the Luna but not like the alpha. They looked around until their eyes landed on us. They walked (more like ran) over to us and both men had a furious look on them and the Luna’s was full of worry.

“Claire what happed to Invy” the younger one asked but all Claire did was look up and started crying. “What happened Claire?”

Claire didn’t look like she could even talk, so I stood up and started talking. “Well I found Invy in a room with bruises and blood on her and she was naked and knocked out cold.” They all looked at me and then the Luna broke down in tears and slumped onto the floor. “What the hell happened to my sister” the young man shouted as one of the doctors walked in with a clip bored and called out Jacksons. They ran over there fast and started bombing the poor doctor with questions. She looked so terrified.

“What happened to my daughter? Is she going to be ok, what’s wrong with her? Give us some answers woman!” alpha shouted. The Luna put her hand on the Alphas shoulder and he instantly calmed down. The doctor took a few steps back before talking.

“I’m guessing you’re the parents” she asked. They nodded their head as she continued to speak. “Well, she has been raped by the looks of it, and she was hit a lot in her face and her arms and legs are pretty bruised, and she has head trauma. She is unconscious and we aren’t sure when she will wake up.” She paused to look at the crying Luna and a sad Alpha. “She has had a lot of damage to her head and we can only hope that she wakes up. I’m sorry.” After she said that she left. The Luna wouldn’t stop crying.

“Oh my baby…my baby!” she cried as the Alpha tried to calm her with a pained expression on his face. The younger man had his face in his lap, and as if he knew I was looking at him, he looked up. He looked just like Invy….her brother maybe. I told Claire I had to go because this place was too emotional for me. It was dark…I hope she wakes up…..she was just too nice for this to happen to her. With that thought I ran into the covers of the looming forest.

Ok yall! Vote comment and thanks for reading my story even if it’s only a few people….:)

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