The Bond That Binds Us

By iigodsandmonstersii

2.4K 185 44

Innocent, bubbly, and a hopeless romantic, Safira Malik brings light into everyone's life around her. Even th... More

Quick Note
1: Coffee Shop Love
2: Impossible Dreams
3: Chance Encounter In An Alley
4: Need Directions To The Asylum?
5: Ruin My Life, Why Don't You?
6: Take Me Home
7: Already Losing It
8: You Want To What?
9: Words Like Honey
10: Meeting The Fam
11: Blank Space
12: Killing Me Softly
13: Acceptance
14: Just Forget It
15: Just Barely
16: A Room To Die For
17: One Small Problem
18: Desi Girl
19: Surprise!
20: Don't Look At Me That Way
21: A Performance They'd Never Forget
22: You
23: Oh, The Feels
24: Take Me All The Way... Not
25: The Bringers of Hell
26: Green
27: They're Coming
28: Bite Me
29: The Letter
30: So You Think You Can Cook
31: Fuck The Paperwork
32: Stay With Me
33: What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger
34: Behind The Masks
35: Death Of Me
37: No Goodbyes
38: Life and Death
39: The Swap

36: Watch Me

31 6 2
By iigodsandmonstersii

Thanks to all of my readers for your support! I hope you vote, comment, and share this story; and at the very least, enjoy it! :) I've kept you all waiting long enough for The Bringers of Hell's challenge, but it'll be in the next chapter, and that's a promise! 

Love you all! <3


As I lay in Axel's arms later that night, a few minutes after our lovemaking and a few hours before midnight, he murmurs one word: "You." That's all he says; just 'You'.

Me? What about me? What did that one word even mean? I'm about to ask when memories of his confusing one word utterances late into the night flood my brain.

We only had three days together, before we had to face The Bringers of Hell. The first night, he'd whispered "I". The second night, he'd muttered "Love". And the third night, this night, he'd murmured "You".

Put it all together, you had a very shocking confession. It was simply three words, eight letters, yet the awareness of this confession hits me like a train.

"I" "Love" "You". Over the course of our last three nights together, Axel had indirectly professed his love for me.

He was probably thinking I wouldn't catch on and hoping I would. Well, I had caught on, and now my breath was knocked out of me, and my heart was pounding loudly, and my palms began to sweat.

"Safira?" I guess Axel can feel my body tensing and hear my thumping heartbeat, because he calls out to me as his hold tightens on me protectively. "Are you okay?"

Was I okay? Tears had begun to well in my eyes, and I have no logical reason for them. I should be happy that Axel loves me back, right? And, before The Bringers of Hell and the complications they brought to my life, I definitely would've been.

But now? With my death looming over my head, I could hardly stand to think leaving of the one person left in the world who loved me. Who truly loved me. Because Axel did love me, and I knew that, even before he said those words. I could tell in every gaze, every smile, every touch, and it warmed my heart and brought tears of joy to my eyes.

But his confession... that made everything more real. I would leave him, just when he'd begun to open up and fall in love with me. I would have to, but as his implied confession replays in my mind, like a broken record, I wonder: Could I?

Could I leave behind the single best part of my life? A part I didn't have nearly enough time to love, care for, be with? He loves me! He loves me. I can't leave him.

And if you don't, both of you will die. Is that what you want?

No, that also wasn't what I wanted. I need to get my head back on my shoulders, and be rational. I love Axel, and I'll do anything for him. Sacrificing myself for him will prove that. It'll be my last and final testament of love for him.

Several moments have passed since Axel's unanswered question of whether I'm okay. It hangs in the air still, so I address it softly. "Yeah. I'm fine, Axe."

"Are you sure?"



"Okay." He knows I'm lying, but he doesn't press it, for which I'm thankful. "Do you want to take a nap for... the hours we have left?"

"No. I want to be awake." After all, I'd only be awake for so much longer... before I slept... for eternity.

Don't be so dramatic, Safira. I scold internally, although the morbid thoughts take their toll on my stress-ridden mind and body.

"Me too. I want to be awake too; I don't want to blink and miss even a second of being with you." Axel declares quietly.

Touched by his words, the corners of my lips tug into a sad smile. Flipping myself around on the bed so I'm facing Axel- because I won't be able to see his handsome features in a few hours' time- I reach out and caress his face.

Closing his eyes, sighing contently, and leaning into my touch, Axel's handsome features are contorted in heart wrenching pain.

"You look sad." I observe, and Axel's eyes flutter open. The green orbs paralyze me with their intensity, their passion, their admiration, and their ardor. It's overwhelming, what those beautiful eyes hold within them, overfilling with a mix of emotions battling for domination.

"So do you."

"We have every right to be sad."

"I agree, baby." His voice is raw as he continues, "I wish I hadn't pulled you into this. You could've been happy, without me, and my dangerous world. I ruined it for you. You'll die paying for only a few weeks with me. A monster like me. Your blood is on my hands too, Saf. I could deal with death, everyone else's, anyone else's, but I don't think I can deal with yours." I stay silent during his rant, knowing he needs to let his thoughts out.

When he's finished, I see the tears glistening in his eyes and look away as daggers hit my heart, piercing me agonizingly in the chest.

"Axel, I could've never been happy without you. Not truly." I say, sighing before I delve deeper. "I thought I was happy. But then I met you, and your family and pack; I had something to really live for. People to care for. People to love. And that; that's when I was truly happy. And you gave that to me."

"I'm also taking it away from you." He says.

"Don't think like that." I lean forward and press a gentle kiss on his nose.

Pressed against Axel's body, the both of us exchanging comforting whispers, embracing each other, peppering kisses, stuck in the haze of being with one another; that's how my mate and I spend our last peaceful hours together, before everything goes to hell.


What was I supposed to wear? What do people normally wear when they're being sent to their death? Was there even a dress code for this kind of stuff?

Axel comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist as I survey my closet for acceptable clothes. "Hey, baby," he teases, "it isn't a fashion show. You don't need to spend this much time wondering what to wear. Just wear something comfortable."

"Shut up." I giggle, smacking one of his strong arms playfully. After another minute of thought, I announce, "Okay, I've decided what to wear. Now leave so I can change."

Giving me a sexy pout, Axel tightens his arms around me. "But why? I've already seen all of you without clothes on."

Blushing furiously, I attempt to give him a serious look, failing miserably as my lips tug into a small smile. "You're cute as hell when you blush." He observes.

"I'm not changing if you're here." I state firmly, crossing my arms.

Rolling his eyes jokingly, Axel releases me from his grip, and I stumble into the closet to change. I shut the door, and hear him say on the other side of it, "I'll be right here for you." I didn't know if he simply meant he'd be there, waiting for me to change, or if there was a double meaning.

"I'll be here too." I reply simply.

Pushing my thoughts aside, I shrug on a comfortable outfit and tie my hair into a tight ponytail. I open the door to find Axel on the other side, as promised.

Our time was up. We had to face The Bringers of Hell, as well as their fatal challenge, and we had to do it now.

In a moment of passion, I pull Axel to me and kiss him-hard. I let that kiss convey all the emotions swimming within me. Rage, pain, grief, disappointment, regret, wonder, and finality swirl within me, creating a dangerous mix. Tears spill from my eyes, and my heart seems heavier with each beat. He kisses me back, surprised and confused at first but equally as passionate after a moment.

When we pull apart, we're both breathing hard; hands entwined, eyes closed, tears streaking our cheeks. I don't know if the tears marking Axel's face are his or my own, but that hardly matters.

"I wish I had more time." Axel confesses, expressing both our thoughts. His voice cracks as he continues, "To embrace you, kiss you, cherish you; the way you deserve. I wish we had more time."

"I know." I agree. Reluctantly, I glance at the watch on the counter. "We should go."

Nodding, Axel grabs my hand and leads me out of the house. This would be my last time seeing his family, who'd become my family, and his house, which'd become my home. I don't want to cry, but tears fill my eyes nonetheless.

Once out of the house, Axel heads towards a worn down truck I'd never seen before. I frown at the weirdness of this as I wipe my tears away quickly. Axel always drove one of his sports cars; they were his prized possessions. So why was he driving this truck today?

"Axe," I ask curiously, "why are we going in the truck?"

"Why wouldn't we?" He says, unlocking it and sitting inside. I follow him into the truck.

Shrugging, I reply, "Normally you'd drive one of your many sleek cars."

"Who knows what The Bringers of Hell have planned for us?" He answers in a meaningful. "There's no way I'd put any of those cars in a dangerous position. I'd protect them with my life. They mean too much to me, I love them too much to let them sacrifice themselves for me stupidly. I won't let them. Do you understand that, Safira? I won't let them leave me, without putting up a fight. I'll protect them in any way I can, with my life even."

As his piercing green eyes met mine, I knew he wasn't talking about the cars anymore. My feathers ruffled, I say, "Axel, we talked about this. Your pack needs you. Your family needs you. You're their Alpha, their leader; who they turn to. They all count on you; way more than they count on those cars. Let the cars do their job, even if it ends in their sacrifice."

His final words before he starts the car and backs out of the driveway are a growl. "No way in hell. I will fight to the death for them, Safira. You just watch me."

His message was conveyed to me, and I knew I couldn't persuade him otherwise: Axel wasn't going to let me sacrifice myself for him, perhaps he never had planned to. He was going to end up dead, because of me, and he was telling me to watch him carry on with his asinine plan? Well, there was no way in hell I was allowing that to happen. I would make sure Axel came out of this alive, and he'd just have to watch me.

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