Consumed By Love (on hold)

By Divergent_obsessed46

121K 5.2K 1.3K

"I am someone looking for love. Real Love. Ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can't- live- without- each- o... More

Chapter 1>>>
Chapter 2>>>
Chapter 3>>>
Chapter 4>>>
Chapter 5>>>
Chapter 6>>>
Chapter 7>>>
Chapter 8>>>
Chapter 9>>>
Chapter 10>>>
Chapter 11>>>
Chapter 12>>>
Chapter 13>>>
Chapter 15>>>
Chapter 16>>>
Chapter 17>>>
Chapter 18>>>
Chapter 19>>>
Chapter 20>>>
Chapter 21>>>
Chapter 22>>>
Chapter 23>>>
Chapter 24>>>
Chapter 25>>>
Chapter 26>>>
Chapter 27>>>
Chapter 28>>>
Chapter 29>>>
Chapter 30>>>
Chapter 31>>>
Chapter 32>>>
Chapter 33>>>
Chapter 34>>>
Chapter 35>>>
Chapter 36>>>
Chapter 37>>>
Chapter 38>>>
Chapter 39>>>
Chapter 40>>>
Chapter 41>>>
Chapter 42>>>
Chapter 43>>>
Chapter 44>>>

Chapter 14>>>

3K 123 16
By Divergent_obsessed46

"I crave you in the most inconvenient form. I crave to say goodnight and give you forehead kisses and to say that I adore you when you feel at your worst. I crave you in ways where I just want to be next to you and nothing more or less."

Theo's POV
I open my eyes and she's the first thing I see. Her back is still against my bare chest, and my arms are still hanging on to her. She's sleeping soundly, her breaths even and quiet.

The sun's beginning to come in and the sunrise is like a movie on a movie screen from my room. All the colors blending together, and creating a masterpiece.

I stay silent, taking in both views. Yet, I can't decide which is more breath-taking, or which one I love waking up to more.

"Morning." I hear her soft morning voice say. I look down and see her turning over to look at me.

"Morning. Did you get some sleep?" I ask knowing she couldn't at her place.

"Yes. Lots actually." She says smiling which I've found to be contagious.

"Good." "The sunrise is beautiful from here." Shai comments and I nod.

"Yeah, it's different everyday it seems." I tell her. Her head rests on my chest, and her left arm reaches over and wraps around my torso.

"Thank you." She says and I look down at her.

"For what?" "Letting me come over." Shai says.

"Your welcome, anytime you want to, you can come over." I tell her and I see her starting to smile.

"You're very welcoming." She jokes. "I try." I tell her, kissing the top of her head.

Shai starts to sit up and swings her legs off the side of the bed. "Can I borrow some clothes?" She asks getting all the way out of the bed.

"Of course. You know where they are in my closet right?" I ask sitting up and stretching my neck a bit.

"Yes. And you're sure your sister won't mind?" She asks, her voice filled with uncertainty.

"Yeah. She never uses them anyway, just stashes them here taking up my space." I say and she laughs, then walks off the get ready.

The only thought going through my mind is... I could get used to this.

"So what are your plans for today?" I ask Shai. We're outside at one of my table, eating breakfast that we made together. It's beautiful out, not too hot nor cold. The breeze is gentle and there are birds singing- lending soft music.

"Don't know yet. Sunday's are normally low key days for me." She replies, taking a sip of juice.

"How about you?" "Well, I attend church sometimes. Mostly when I'm with my family, but today I don't have many plans." I explain.

"I didn't know that you want to church." Shai says. She's sitting criss-cross applesauce if you will, on the chair. Making herself comfortable like she always does. It must just be common nature to do so.

"Yeah, it's not on a regular basis. But I go." I tell her, finishing the last bite on my plate.

"What's your church like?" She asks. Another thing I like about her is that she's a listener, a questioner. She actually cares about what I have to say.

"It's big, a traditional type I guess." I say.

Shai looks around at the scenery for a moment then looks back to me, "Would you show me sometime?" Her voice soft, filled with wonder.

"Of course. We can go today if you want." I tell her and her eyes light a bit.


"Yeah, they have a ten o'clock service." I tell her.

"I don't think I'm really dressed for it though." She laughs.  She's in jean shorts and a maroon colored long sleeved shirt, and barefoot.

I chuckle lightly, "Yeah you might stand out a bit." I tell her and she smiles.

"There's a dress I always loved that Jess had, she never wore it but it was always one of my favorites." I tell her, and feel kind of odd talking about a favorite dress.

"It would probably fit you." I say and she nods.

"I'll look at it." Shai says taking a sip of her water. We finish and I clear the table, before we head back inside.

"I know it's here somewhere..." I say out loud as I look through my sister's clothes.

"Here it is!" I say and take it off the hanger, handing it to Shai.

"Wow. It's beautiful." She says looking at the silk textured multicolored, multi-patterned dress.

"I can't wear this, it's too beautiful." She says ready to hand it back to me.

I start walking backwards towards the door before she can, "Oops, I have to get ready." I say looking down at my wrist like I'm looking at watch-which I don't have on. "Now put the dress on, I want to see you in it." I say and walk out, with a small smirk on my face.

I change into navy dress pants, a white dress shirt, navy blazer and I put on a yellow tie that matches the dress Shailene's wearing. There's a small knock at the door and I look to see Shai standing there, in the white and yellow based dress, with splashes of other colors. Now the dress was beautiful on the hanger but on her... there are no words.

"Do I look okay?" She asks me looking down at her feet that are hidden in yellow heels.

"You look more than okay." I say and she looks up.

"You're striking."


We enter up the steps of the elegant yet very traditional church, everyone dressed in their Sunday best. Most woman wear things that they can go out to tea in later, which as a guy I don't understand.

The outside is a grey stone structure with peaks and many windows. It look like one that has stood there for years, which this one has.

We walk in and are greeted by groups of people and rows and rows of pews. The lights shines through in different colors thanks to the stained glass windows everywhere.

"Wow." I hear Shailene breathe. She's walking beside me but we aren't having physical contact right now. I only held her hand as she walked up the steps-like a gentleman.

"Like it?" I ask and she looks to me with a look on her face, making me hold in my laughter.

"I'll take that as a yes. Where do you want to sit?" I ask Shai.

"Where do you normally sit?" She asks.

"With my family, towards the front. But alone I sit in back." I tell her.

"We can sit in the back." She says. "You sure?" "Yeah."

We find the end of a pew to sit in, Shai taking the aisle seat. More people flood in taking their seats, getting ready for the service about to start.

I look over at Shai who's looking around at every detail in here. I look down at the small- almost not there space between us and grab her hand that was laying there on the seat.

Shailene looks over at me, and I lace my fingers in hers. Earning not only the warmth of her hand, but a smile from her. As the pastor makes his way to the front, Shai and I look forward. But our hands stay held by one another.


"Can I ask you something?" Shailene asks me.

It's after service and instead of going home, we decided to walk around. There's a big field with wild flowers and tall trees just outside of the church, making it seem even brighter.

"Of course." I say.

"What is this? What are we?" She questions.

I think for a moment, looking out at all the miles of green grass ahead of us.

"What do you want us to be?" I finally say.

"I want something real." Shai says, her hand still entwined in mine. We hadn't let go of each other, even when we went up for communion.

"Have you ever had a one night stand?" She asks .

"No." I answer honestly. I've never liked the idea of them, so I obviously wouldn't have had one.

"Well I don't want something like that. I want something that'll last, not a two week relationship. Or a two month one ( Darrell Echols)" Shai says.

"I want something pure, and real." She adds.

"I want--" "Love." I say cutting her off.

She stops walking which causes me to do the same, I look down at her as she looks up at me.

"Love." Shai whispers and another small smile makes it's way to her lips. Without a second thought I kiss her, before she has the chance to kiss me.

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