Nearly Heartless {Book 1}

By LostOnNeverland2319

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Miracle Forbes " I was never heartless, just nearly heartless. " Completed More

The *cough* "meeting"
Another Mikaelson's in town
Gathering the troops
Testing it out
Telling a backstory
Bruises and Dizziness
Running with the wolves
Whispers: part 2
Nursing him
Full Moon
Bad Ideas
What is going on?
In Love
Authors Note!!!!
Love at last
Secrets Out
The Choice part 1
The Choice Part 2
The *DUH DUH DUH* date
The Planning
The Death
The Wedding

"Yes!"...or not.

989 23 4
By LostOnNeverland2319

I laid down, my eyes resting on Kol as he slept. His mouth was slightly open, his brown eyes were hidden by his eyelids, and his hair was ruffled all over the place. I couldn't help but admire him. It happened a lot lately, probably because of what happened with Rena last week. Just the small amount of doubt I had made me all the more greatful to have him. The way he sometimes talked in his sleep was, while annoying to others, soothing and adorible to me and the way he got when he saw me talking to his brothers was just proof that he loved me.

"Miracle? Are you awake?" Rebekah's voice whispered into the room. I looked up to see her peaking through the door.

"Yeah. One second." I smiled. She nodded leaving the room. I hopped up and changed out of my P.Js and into my normal leather pants, leather jacket and white shirt, accompanied with a pair of black combat boots.

"Yeah?" I asked, closing Kol's door behind me. She smiled at me.

"Kol asked me to keep you busy today." She explained. I raised an eyebrow.

"Really? Why?" I asked, slightly thinking he was going to do something terrible. My heart broke for a second before she spoke.

"He is planning something for you. All I can say. Anyways, let's just go. I have a lot of things planned." She smirked. I sighed in relief, knowing that I was safe from evil sluts trying to take my boyfriend.

"You want me to shop? Seriously?" I asked, my eyes trained on the store in front of us.

"Yes! What he has planned requires a somewhat nice outfit." She explained. I nodded, sighing.

"Fine. Let's get this over with." She grabbed my wrist and dragged me into the store that was infested with clothes and girls my age. "So, are we looking for a dress, or skirt?" I asked, cringing in disgust.

"No, we need something nice, but not particularly fancy." She described. I nodded, scanning around. My eyes landed on some guy, possibly the only guy in the store, sitting on a lounging chair in front of the dressing rooms. He looked extremely bored, his blue eyes trained on his phone game.

"I'm going to look for something on this side. Find me if you find anything." Rebekah informed me. I nodded. I sighed, looking around once more before deciding to let Rebekah deal with it. She'd know better than me anyways. I sat on a free chair near the guy and pulled out my phone.

"Hey." The guy greeted. I smiled at him.

"Hi." I looked back down at my phone and saw a message appear on my screen.

Hey loser. Hope you are having a great time with my sister, muah. ~Obviously Kol.

I smiled at my phone.

"Your boyfriend?" The guy asked. I looked up again.

"Yeah. Um, I'm Miracle." I introduced, putting my phone down. He smiled at me.

"Oliver." He replied. I nodded. Just then a woman came out of the dressing room. She was wearing a short, red dress that flared at the bottom and was strapless.

"Oli! How do I look?" She asked, her voice high pitched and annoying. Oliver looked over at her.

"You look great, Sweetie." He hesitated. I looked between them.

"Is this your girlfriend?" I asked, smiling at her. She looked at me, almost looking disgusted at me. He cleared his throat, trying to stop the tension.

"Yes, this is Jessica. Jessica, this is my new friend, Miracle." He explained. She looked down at me.

"Miracle? What an odd name." She commented. I smirked.

"Jessica. It is the perfect name for a cliche blonde bimbo, don't you agree?" I retorted. She glared at me, as Oliver tried to stop from laughing.

"Oli. Are you going to let her treat me like this?!" She yelled. I covered my ears.

"Okay. Enough with the torture! God, I think you made my ears bleed. You should really get it checked out. It isn't healthy to squeak that loud." I smirked. She glared again and then looked at Oliver.

"Seriously?! You know what? We're over!" She squeaked, rushing off. He didn't even flinch. I felt a large pang of guilt in my gut.

"Oh my god. I am so sorry." I apologized. He shrugged.

"Not a big deal. We were only together because our parents were close friends." He explained. I nodded, feeling a lot less guilty.

"Won't they be mad?" I asked him. He shook his head.

"Hers might. Mine are kind of dead." He looked a his phone. I sighed.

"Oh." I spoke. He shrugged. It was silent for a minute before Rebekah's voice rang through the air.

"Miracle! I found something!" She called, almost skipping towards me. I chuckled at her exitment before taking the outfit from her. I examined it quickly. A white tank top with a quote on it from the book 'Paper Towns'. I read it quickly. The town was made of paper, but the memories were not. I nodded, looking at the short black shorts she had picked with it.

"Okay." I shrugged,taking it up to the cashier.

"Aren't you going to try it on?" She asked. I shook my head.

"I don't feel like it." After buying the outfit, I went back and got Oliver's number.

I looked in the mirror, thanking God that the outfit did, indeed, fit. It was cute. My black converse with the outfit along with a black snapback. I was finally ready after applying eyeliner and mascara. My hair also falling into golden ringlets on my shoulders.

"You look nice." A voice spoke, startling me. I chuckled, turning to face her.
"Well, I guess you have partial credit. I kind of stole your appearance." I chuckled. She let out a chuckle also.

"So, are you nervous?" She asked. I raised an eyebrow.

"About what? Winter, do you know what's going on?" I asked, nervousness building inside me suddenly. She nodded. "Well?" I asked. She shook her head.

"I can't tell you. It's a secret." She put her index finger over her smirking lips. I sighed, looking back at my reflection.

"Fine." I growled, grabbing my phone off of my bed and shoving it in my back pocket.

"Let's go! Your chariot awaits." Rebekah ordered. I nodded, rushing out to her car.

After a while we arrived at the grill. I narrowed my eyes.
"The Grill isn't particularly what I'd consider special date quality." I pointed out.

"Well, it's because you aren't staying here. You are just meeting Kol here." Caroline replied from next to me. Rebekah and Winter agreed from the front. I sighed.

"Well then, see you guys later." Then they were off, leaving me outside the Grill. I rushed inside and was immediately stopped by Matt.

"Hey Miracle. Can you not yell this time. People are beginning to complain." He questioned. I nodded, letting out a laugh.

"Sure. Have you seen Kol?" I asked. Matt nodded.

"Yeah, he's over there." He pointed behind him to the bar. I looked that way to see Kol in a black T-shirt and a pair of black jeans. His hair was slightly ruffled, in a cute way. I smiled and walked towards him.

"Hey loser." I greeted. He turned and smiled at me.

"Great, now we can begin." He grabbed my hand, hopping up. He lead me out to his car, opening my door for me.

"Thank you." I chuckled, sitting in the passenger seat. As soon as we were both in the car and the doors were shut he turned to me.

"Here turn around." He ordered. I did as told as he put a blindfold over my eyes.

"Is this fifty shades of grey stuff?" I asked, raising my eyebrow behind the silk blindfold. He chuckled.

"No, I just simply want to keep this a surprise until we arrive." He replied. I leaned back in my chair and listened to the sound of the engine and the sound of Kol humming along to some song on the radio. After a drive of about fifteen minutes the car stopped.

"Can I take this off yet?" I asked. He hummed a no and helped me out of the car. As soon as I stepped out I was hit with a sort of nature smell, like pine and fresh air.

"Are we in a forest?" I asked. I didn't get a response as he dragged me towards wherever we were going. Soon we stopped.

"Now you can take it off." He directed. I quickly pulled off the blindfold to see a certain familiar clearing, surrounded by trees. The sun shone directly into the clearing, lighting it up and illuminating the single plant that grew in the very center of it. A red rose, just springing out of the ground in such an unlikely place. I looked over at Kol.

"This is where you asked me to be your girlfriend." I pointed out. He nodded.

"It is, but this time I planted a rose. See?" He pointed to it. I let out a small laugh and nodded. He grabbed my hand and lead me towards the stream we played in last time. It was just as pretty as I remembered it. Maybe even prettier, with the light glistening off the water. I sat at the edge, letting the water engulf my tanned legs. Kol sat next to me, his legs resting in a criss-cross position. I stared out at the clear water, wonder filling my body. I could feel this place becoming more special to me by the second.

3rd person P.O.V

Kol stared at Miracle, her legs swinging back in forth in the water. Her eyes held a large amount of admiration in them. He could see her joy and pain by looking into her eyes. Right now she was happy. He couldn't think of any thing better than this. Being in the most sacred place to them, together. His heart beat fast as he quickly grew nervous. His insides turned into mush and his hands grew sweaty. He was ready.

"Miracle." He caught her attention, her eyes looked up and over at him, not losing any of the admiration in them as she did so. He smiled, knowing that he loved her. He loved her more than he knew was physically possible. He loved her more than himself, more than anything on the planet or in the universe. His heart was hers and hers alone. He loved her uncontrollably, unconditionally, and undeniably.

"Yeah?" She asked, glancing back at the water.

"I have to ask you something." He began, looking at the water as well. She was confused, nervous even. She didn't know what was going to happen, but it worried her. Because she loved him too. She loved him just as much. Though if she told him that he'd say it was impossible because he, in his mind, loved her more. She didn't understand it at first, emotions. She didn't have them for the first half of her life, but suddenly, one day, something happened and she began to feel, without even knowing it. It was all because of him. All because she fell in love with the Original who didn't understand love much himself.

"Do you love me?" His voice came out eager, nervous. She nodded, and without hesitation replied with a happy "Of course." His smile only grew.

"Do you think you will love me forever?" He asked, feeling a bit less nervous. Again, her voice was sure and quick.

"Always." He nodded. Then there was a silence as he debated once again in his mind.

"Kol." She got his attention. His eyes met hers and instead of happiness, he saw confusion. "What's going on?" She asked. He didn't answer, but he stuffed his hand in his jacket pocket, fiddling with something in it.

"I love you." He stated. She was going to say it back, but he wouldn't let her as he continued. "And I'm going to love you for all of eternity." He added. She was still confused. She didn't understand why he was saying all this now and here.

"Kol-" She tried once again, but he just continued.

"You are my everything. My life. My love. My heart. My soul. You are my world." He smiled at her. She smiled back, her confusion only growing. "I didn't know what love was until I met you. And I know that you feel the same way, so," He paused, licking his lips out of habit. His hands were shaky and he could feel his throat drying up. Quickly and swiftly as he spoke he pulled the item out of his pocket. "I want you to be my wife." He opened up the black box revealing a diamond ring as he got on his one knee. She froze, her heart melting. She couldn't stop tears from coming to her eyes as she gasped. She quickly and quietly stuttered her answer, stuck in shock.

A/N: Heyyyyyy. So this was part of the idea I had, more to come. I hope you liked the chapter and Oliver I have big plans for him also I have a new idea for Will as well and Anniah and almost everyone. So as normal, if you enjoyed don't forget to vote and if you read this far comment "COCONUTS". Love you all, bye.

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