Dripping Roses

By _animavestra_

170K 5.7K 979

Scar Kenneth, the world's most vicious gang leader. Her stoic persona got her where she is today. The age of... More

Chapter 7
Author's note


6.3K 247 36
By _animavestra_

An/ ..... warning. Vivid scenes in this chapter. If killings triggers any sort of discomfort for you please skip to the middle of the chapter. Sorry!!!

The sounds of dripping water, echoed throughout the warehouse basement. My shoes tapped against the floors as I made each step. Cells filled with hostages or even enemies lined against the walls, leaving a narrow pathway for me to walk through. I stopped at the assigned cell for Bruce's daughter, Angie.

The brunette laid peacefully on the bed with her locks sprawled out beneath her. A thin satin dress wrapped her body, giving me a clear view of her supple mounds.

I walked into the cell and sat on the bed next to her. Her gray eyes staring at me intently.

"Scar!" She whispered.

"Shhh! Go back to sleep hun. I'm taking you upstairs okay." I smiled warmly at her. She nod meekly and drifted back to sleep.

Angie was like a little sister to me. Even though her father and I had problems, I never once harmed her. I took her because I wanted to teach her father a lesson. My plan wasn't to hurt her. So when I heard that some of my members gang raped her, I lost it. I tortured them till they bled out.
I smiled thinking about their pathetic screams for mercy.

"Who gave you three lowlives the permission to rape Angie?" I shouted.

They all quivered in fear knowing they overstepped their boundary.

"Why shouldn't I kill all of you?" I screamed.

They all shook their heads frantically. Proper words couldn't form from their mouths since I chopped their tongues off.

I grabbed my shot gun and walked in circles around them. Their hands were bound to the tables and so were their ankles, so that their backs were arched.

I dropped the shotgun and picked up a scalpel. Tears were streaming down their faces but that didn't stop me.

"Why so serious?" I pouted. "I want smiles."

I walked up to Joe and placed the scalpel in his mouth. "Smile for me Joe!" I hissed while slowly tearing the tendrils of his mouth.

"No no Joe! That's a smirk, I want a smile." I yanked the scalpel out and sliced the other side open. His screams were muffled but still prominent.

"Why are you crying? Don't you like your smile?" I asked solemnly.

I walked over to Andy and picked up the shotgun.

"So Andy! I hear that you like to destroy young girls asses." I queried.

He shook his head and I smirked. I walked to back of him and used the scalpel to tear the centre of his pants do that his butt was on display.

"Tell me how you like this!" I screamed and jammed the cylinder of the gun in his ass. He convulsed while I chuckled. I pushed deeper into him till blood trickled down the gun. I pushed even deeper then pulled the trigger. The sound echoed throughout the room and his blood splattered on the walls and on myself. His head was now a gaping hole. His organs were hanging loosely out of his stomach.

I clapped slowly while watching my work. "Hello Ted!" I smiled.

I grabbed my little rat and played with his head. I grabbed a heating cover and smiled. I put ratty on top of Ted's head and placed the cover over him. The smell of burning flesh was prominent. I watched as ratty nibbled on the skin of Ted's head. He screeched but it was going to be slow painful death.

I walked back over Joe and saw that he was already dead. The next ten minuted I watched as ratty ate the remainders of Ted's head. It was gruesome. Best Friday ever!

I played with Angie's hair then picked her up bridal style and carried her home. I didn't bother to go back to the office. Instead I stayed and took care of Angie.

"I was so scared Scar. It hurt and they laughed at my pain." She cried.

"Its okay now! I took care of them!" I pulled her into me and she cried on my chest.


I watched myself in the mirror and grimaced. I hated jeans and somehow, Jinx managed to get me into a dark denim jeans and a black polo T-shirt and Nike's. I looked good overall but it wasn't my style. I also wasn't going this stupid party but Jinx had Malik take care of Angie for me.

I asked her multiple times if she was alright and she only nod. It wasn't a good enough answer for me to go so I told her I will call every hour.

I finally finished dressing and left. I drove to the other side of Manhattan. This was more so the ghetto side and also one of my main streets. I parked to the other side of the road and got out.

Music was blasting and a multitude of people were on the lawns of the house. I walked in and immediately was given a cup. I sniffed the substance then timidly took a sip from it.

The house was filled with hundreds of persons. The house was massive yet it hardly had any walking space. I walked to the kitchen and saw Jinx and Teo casually talking.

"Jinx!" I muttered irritated.

"Ah Scar, you came!" She beamed.

"I'm here aren't I." I spat.

"Hey, I thought you weren't coming!" She frowned.

"I'm a woman of my words." I glared.

"Right!" She rolled her eyes.

"I'm not going to get drunk!" I warned.

"I knew you weren't." She scoffed.

"So don't even try!"

"Whatever! Let's go dance." She beamed.

"No!" I frowned.

"Come on Scar! Loosen up." She mused.


She tugged my arm towards the crowd of dancing people. The musky scent of sweat and sex filled my nostrils. Jinx immediately begun jumping and dancing like a wild hyena. I laughed at her dancing but joined her shortly after. Teo brought us more drinks, so I was slightly tipsy.

"Hey Jinx, I'm gonna get more beer." I called out to her. She was busy grinding on some man she now met. She nod and I walked - well staggered towards the kitchen.

I grabbed a cup and filled it with Heineken. "Fancy seeing you here!" She muttered sarcastically.

"The pleasure is mine." I spat.

"You're drunk!" She frowned.

"No! I'm happy, now leave me alone." I pouted.

"Oh my god! You really are drunk." She laughed.

She walked closer to me and wrapped her arms around my waist. I smiled cheekily at her and pecked her lips. She grabbed my hair and smashed her lips to mine. I sighed and deepened the kiss. Her tongue wrapped itself around my own and I pulled away.

"What's that taste?" I asked.

"Its maybe the gum I was chewing before." She acknowledged.

"Ahh!" I beamed.

"I'll be right back!" She called.

"Okay!" I frowned.

She walked out the kitchen and I followed but in the opposite direction. I looked for Jinx in the mass of people and saw her still dancing with her boy toy.

"Jinx!" I yelled.

"Yeah!" She moaned.

"I'm going okay!"

She nod and I walked away. I walked out the house and on to the trimmed lawn. I pulled out a cigarette and lit it. I sighed as the wind picked up. The fumes of the cigarette somewhat lessened the chill. I walked to my car and saw Sydney leaning casually against it.

"Hey!" She smirked.

"Hi!" I frowned. "What are you doing?"

"Why don't we go back to your place?" She smirked while pulling me closer to her.

"Sydney, no!" I frowned. "You're obviously drunk!"

"So are you!" She screeched which sounded more like a cars screeching.

Sure enough it was a car's own. Not any ordinary car but more of a Bruce's man car. I chuckled darkly and pulled Sydney towards me.

"Get in that car now!" I shouted.

"What? no! Scar come on let's go." She shouted.

I glared at her and opened the car and pushed her in. I automatically locked the doors and turned back to Bruce's men.

I flicked my cigarette butt to the floor and sighed loudly.

"I like your moxy kids. Too bad y'all are gonna die." I shrugged.

Before the even registered what's going on I pulled out my gun and shot two of them clean in the side of their necks. The other two watched wide eyes at the two on the floor before shakily pointing their guns at me.

"St- stop or we'll shoot!" The stammered.

"Really! Shoot me." I said while stepping towards them.

The talkative one pulled his trigger but it didn't shoot. "Next time take of your safety kid." I laughed before hitting him a spin kick and an elbow to the gut. "Too bad there won't be a next time." I frowned and shot him thrice in his chest. He gasped for breath before he fell limp.

I turned to the last one. "Send this message to Bruce for me," I smiled before shooting his kneecap. He screamed out in agony as I pierced his next kneecap.

"Tell him, I'm gonna kill him slowly but surely." I glared.

I walked to the driver's side of the car and sped off. Sydney glared at me and I glared back. "What!" I spat.

"Did you have to kill them?" She scolded.

"Yes!" I shrugged nonchalantly.

"You're such a murderer!" She screamed.

"That I am!" I smirked.

"I'm in a car with a murderer." She breathed out. Her breathing got even swifter and she finally collapsed onto my lap.

"Sydney!" I called. No sound. "Sydney!" I called again. I shook her but yet no response. I groaned and drove faster to my home.

As soon as I pulled up in my driveway I wrapped my arms around Sydney and carried her to my room. I stripped her out of her red strapless dress and took of her heals. I pulled the covers over her and sighed. She is so beautiful, even when she is staring daggers at me.

I ran a hand through my hair and went to the bathroom. I stripped out of my clothes and stepped into the steamy shower. Minutes later all of the blood washed off my body and I stepped out of the bathroom and head back to my room.

I threw on a boxers and a wife beater and hopped into bed next to Sydney. I glanced at her and drifted off to sleep.


I woke up to a pounding headache. I groaned and rolled over only to feel a body trapping me. I turned over and saw Sydney sleeping peacefully in my bed. I sighed as I remembered last night.

I shook off those memories and timidly got out of bed. I walked to the kitchen and took an Advil and immediately begun making breakfast.

Angie will be up soon and so too, Sydney. I begun cracking the eggs in a bowl for scrambled eggs and whisked it slowly. I poured the pancake mix in a bowl and proceeded to make that also. By the time I was finished, Malik walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bacon.

"Hey!" I frowned.

He shrugged and continued eating. "How was your party?" He asked.

"It was good at first, till Bruce's men tried to ambush me." I frowned.

"He what?" Malik screamed.

"Don't worry, I tool care of it!" I smiled sadly.


"Yeah I did!"

"I need to know my little sister is safe." He frowned.

"Hey, I'm the best. Remember?" I smiled and rumfled his hair.

"Hey! Leave my sexy morning hair alone!" He screamed and slapped my arm.

"Whatever Judy!" I shrugged.

"Good morning!" We both turned around and saw Angie standing in a boxers and sports bra. My mouth watered as I watched her.

"Holy fuck!" Malik muttered.

I slapped his head and he glared at me. Angie chuckled lightly and sat at the island. I prepared a plate for her and passed it along. She smiled thankfully.

"How was your party?" She asked.

"Dont even ask!" I groaned.

"That bad, huh!" She smiled weakly.

"Your father's men thought they can actually kill me." I laughed.

"Oh lord." She chuckled.

"At least you're here still and I get to see your handsome face in the morning." She blushed.

I smirked and fixed a plate for Malik.

"You won't be able to see anything if you continue watching her like you want to fuck her." That classy voice spat venomously.

We all turned and saw Sydney standing in my robe with a dangerous frown on her face.

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