Steven F. || Thoughts

By xmamasita

2K 88 9

It all started with a "Remember you've always wanted to live in Cali?" Hah. Who knew those words were th... More

Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Steven: 21
Steven: 22
Steven: 23
Steven: 24
Steven: 25
Steven: 27
Steven: 28
Steven: 29

Chapter Ten

70 3 0
By xmamasita

Me and sky were walking down the hall when I get pinned down on a locker. It was weasel. "Babe we have to go, now." He said looking straight into my "hypnotizing" eyes. "What? Wait never mind let's go." I said getting him off of me, grabbing sky. We rushed out of the building as the bell rang for dismissal. Weasel put his board down and started skating. Me and Sky ran inside my house and grabbed our ripstiks. We put them down and hopped on them. We started skating again, me and sky had no clue of what was going on. "Babe what's going on?" I asked weasel, who was slowing down a little. "It's steven. Remember how he told you we were going to la? Well they're waiting for us." He said going faster again. "Oh fuck. Is my mom going?" I asked him. "Why do you think the car wasn't there?" He asked looking over, smiling. "Oh shit." I said remembering we didn't pack. "Babe I got yall. I had daniel and diddy pack for sky and I packed for my princess." He said referring to me. "Aww. Yall are fucking cute." Sky said wiping a fake tear from her face. "You're stupid." I said laughing a little. We arrived at the honey company. There was 2 cars. A white van with dark windows and our black matte jeep (picture on the top.) i hopped on our jeep and instantly FaceTimed steven. "Aye where you at?" He asked hopping out of the van. "Hold on." I said and ended the call. I grabbed my ripstik and messed around waiting for steven to notice me. "Oh fuck." He said walking over. "I was already in the jeep." I said smiling. Weasel, diddy, aaron and Phora were on the jeep. The whole honey crew including sky and daniel were in the van so I decided to go in the van. We made our way to la. I called shotgun. Aramis was shotgun so I kicked him off and sat down. I plugged in the aux cord and clicked 'this playlist' FourFiveSeconds was playing and the boys were hyped. Me and sky were singing with the rest of the crew. They fucking sucked but we were having a good time.

And we got three more days till friday.
I'm just trynna make it back home by monday morning...
We sang loud and horribly. I started recording and handed aramis my phone. They sang into the video basically screaming. I laughed as they ended the video. I took my phone back and went on instagram. I logged on to @honeybrandco and posted the video.


We arrived at a hotel and pulled our bags out. I had all sppnsoring gear because you know, it was a meet and greet. A worker (idk wtf they're called) grabbed our bags and put them in the cart. We checked in and went into the elevator. I pressed number "3" and waited for the doors to close. Me, weasel, steven and the wprker were the only ones in the elevator since I'm claustrophobic (afraid of being in small spaces) and there wasn't much room because of the cart with our bags. The doors opened revealing a peaceful hallway. We walked behind the worker as he opened a room with the plate number "438" and "suite" under it. We walked in and wow. It was huge, but pretty badass. (Not putting in much detail. Skipping to the m&g)


I heard screaming as me, Weasel, Daniel, Phora, Diddy and Aaron walked throught the back of the building. A fan grabbed me and weasel by our interwined hands. "Please get your hands off them." A gaurd said. "No it's fine, I know her. Come here babygirl." I said to the gaurd then to the girl. "What's your name?" I whispered loud enough for her to hear. "I'm Jovannie, thank you so much for letting me come with you." She said excitedly but quietly. "No problem sweetheart." I said. "You're here for Phora I'm guessing." I said as we walked into the dark colored building. "Actually not exactly. I came mostly for the cutest couple. You and Weasel!" She said smiling widely. "Haha you're so cute." I said as in adorable cute. "Babe can you hand me that baseball tee." I told weasel referring to the cropped shirt exposed from the gear we were supposed to throw out to fans. "Here put this on." I said handing Jovannie the shirt. Exposing my cuts. "Oh no." She said, causing Weasel to turn around. "Oh fuck. Don't say anything." He said looking over at me after saying it. "I won't." She said looking around. "The restroom's over there." A guard said. She walked in and walked out a few moments later with the tee on. "You look cute." Weasel said. I just looked over at him, with a serious face. I hate it when he compliments his fans, not because I get jealous but because he's basically giving them fake hopes ya know? "I uh thanks." Jovannie said. I guess she noticed my facial expression. Oh well. "Aye. Yall ready?" Asked phora walking over to where we were. "Fucking hyped." Weasel said, hopping in place slightly. "Your first YoursTruly meet and greet. Nervous?" Phora said looking over at me. "Not really." I said walking over to a window and seeing a big ass line. "Oh fuck. How long is this gonna take?" I asked still looking out the window, waving at a fan that noticed me. "Possibly all day." Weasel said. I took my phone out and checked the time. 9:12 AM. I just groaned and walked over, interwining mine and Weasel's fingers together. "So am I going to go first?" Jovannie asked giving me a weak smile. "You're not going at all. You're going to stay in the back until we're done." I said with a smirk. "Oh." She said quietly. I put my arm around her playfully. "You're going with us to go get food and probably the hotel if that's ok with you." I said smiling as Aaron and Diddy came in, all sweaty. "Wtf happened to yall?" Asked Weasel. "We kinda got lost and attacked by fans." Aaron said starting to laugh. Daniel was no where to be seen. I took my phone out and called him.
D-Daniel || M-Me

D-I uh Hey.
I could hear fans screaming in the background.
M- where are you?
D- come get me before I end up in boxers. I already gave fans my hoodie and tank top.
I laughed as I heard loud knocks on the window.

M-ight I got you.

I walked over to the big ass speakers that were next to the window. The window was cleared out by guards holding back the crowd. I opened it as I was welcomed by screaming fans. I grabbed a microphone and plugged it into the speakers. "Ight guys. Where's Daniel?" I asked as the crowd got quiet. "Ok I'll say it again, where's Daniel?" I asked once more. He finally popped out of the crowd and into the floor. He had his pants on but his boxers were showing. "Way to go fire breather." He said getting up from the ground. His hair was all over the place and he was shirtless. He climbed into the window and sat on the floor. "Ight. Thank you guys." I said and smiled, closing the window. "Can I ask why you were with them?" I said sorta asking. "I thought they were nice people." He said staring into the wall. "They are but we announced there was going to be 2 new sponosors on twitter remember?" Said Diddy. "Oh yeah. So they're just hyped." Daniel said getting up. "Hi princess what's your name?" He said wrapping his arm around Jovannie's waist. She smiled looking at me like "thank you so much" I just smiled back. "I'm Jovannie." She said looking at Daniel. Daniel put his forhead on hers and kissed her. "Woah. Garcia calm down." Aaron said starting to laugh.

           Daniel's POV

When I walked in I saw this beautiful girl. She had longish dirty blonde hair. She was wearing a bralette and high waisted ripped jeans. She was perfect. She reminded me of angel. We broke up because she was moving and we didn't want a long distance relationship. Jovannie was like an angel and I couldn't let her go.

                Cici's POV

"Haha yeah." Weasel said hugging me from behind. Daniel pulled away as Jovannie just stared. "I'm sorry." Daniel said with a smile wiping his lip with his thumb. "It's fine." She said grabbed him by the belt loops and pulling him in to kiss him. "Damn Jovannie." I said laughing. She pulled away as daniel interwined their fingers together. They were pretty cute to say the least. "Ok guys let's go." Phora said putting his phone away. "Ight." I said hopping on weasel's shoulders piggy back style.


Me and weasel were holding hands as the first fan came in. "Omg yall are so fucking cute." She said. "Thanks sweetheart." I said giving her a hug and smiling into the camera. After about 120 fans I was starting to get tired. Me and weasel went to the end of the line and got chairs, making us the last 2 fans were going to meet. I sat down as weasel interwined our fingers together. "Omg omg omg!" I fan said fanning air into her face with her hands. "You're so fucking perfect!" She continued referring to me. "Aww thank you. Here." I said handing her a piece of paper with my number on it. "Don't give it to anyone." I said to her winking and sticking my tongue out for the camera. "I'm laly by the way." She said smiling. She took a picture with weasel as the next fan came in. As she walked towards us I got a call. I answered without looking at the caller's ID becx I'm savage asf 😂.
S- Steven || W-Weasel || F- Fan || M- Me

M- aye. I'm in the meet and greet.
S- ik ik hey yall want anything to eat?
M-fuck yes I'm starving.
W- Yeah nigga I want Hardee's.
M-same get me the #2, a chocolate milkshake and waffle fries.
S-fatass. What do you want Weasel?
W- same.

The fan came by as she recognized steven's voice.

F-omg hi!!
S-haha hi. I got to go I'll call yall later.

End of call

"Hey." I said. "Hi." She said as we both did a silly face at the camera. She went to weasel and then moved on. The next fan was pretty cute. "Hey."he said. Weasel turned around and stared. "Haha hey, name?" I asked the guy. "Brandon." He said. He put his arm around my waist and smiled at the camera shortly after saying he came to see ME. "Can I get a kiss?" He asked. I looked over at Weasel as he heard it too. "Try me." Weasel said with a serious face. "Ok." Brandon said with a smirk. I had gotten rid of my chair a couple of fans before him because it was getting annoying. I turned full body to weasel as brandon grabbed my ass. I turned to him a disgusted look. "Alright that's it." Weasel said getting up from his chair. "Babe please calm down. It's going to happen more than once." I told him quietly looking down at my arm. He also looked and returned back to his spot. "Aye. Next guys hurry up." Aaron said looking over to us. Brandon walked away without taking a picture with Weasel. "Hey weasel." Said the next fan walking over to me. "Hey I'm lali." She said. "Omg hey!" I said pulling her into a hug. "Can you sign my phone case?" She asked quietly. "Duhh." I said grabbing her phone and unlocking it. I put in my number and turned it around to sign the case. I smiled and told her to text me when she was home or whenever she wanted. Steven came in with food as we told the guards to stop letting people in so we could eat and get back at it. We ate our food and told the guards to let in the rest. I took a sip of my milkshake and welcomed the next fan. It went on until there was only 3 fans left including Jovannie. "Aye guys how about we take them out to eat with us?" I said taking out my phone. I pressed the power button and checked the time. 7:26 PM. "Jovannie and the rest come here." I yelled as they rushed to where I was. "Smile motherfuckers." I said as I smiled for the camera. "What's y'all's names?" I asked the two guys. "I'm Alex and that's Carter." He said pointing to the other guy. "Ight let's goooo." I said hopping off the chair. I ran after weasel and jumped him. We both plopped on the floor as I just laughed. "I love you babygirl." He said getting up. He stretched his hand out so I took it as he pulled me up.
Thanks for voting on all my stories amber!

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