#2 The Darkest Fire

By AlinaReynolds

121K 2.4K 574

Dawsey FanFiction by Alina Reynolds A.K.A @chicagofdpd_fanbase Sequel to: A Reason To Love More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Seven
Authors Note

Chapter Forty Six

2.3K 48 15
By AlinaReynolds

*Two Weeks Later*
Antonio looked to his sister and smiled. She stood in front of him, twirling around in her wedding dress. "How do I look?" Antonio watched as his sister flashed a smile, Antonio smiling back. "You look like an angel," he replied, Gabby smiling. "You look like your six years old again, always playing dress up, always wanting me to play along," he said as a tear slid down his cheek, Gabby's eyes getting all watery. "I remember. You were fourteen, and when you could be playing football outside with your friends you would stay inside and play with me," Gabby replied, Antonio wiping away a tear. "Gosh I never thought this day would come" Gabby chuckled and looked away shyly. "Me either" Antonio looked at his sister and smiled. "It was bound to happen. You are the most beautiful girl I've seen. Matt and Olivia are both so lucky to have such a wonderful woman like you in their lives" "Stop it Tonio you're gonna make me cry," Gabby chuckled as she wiped a tear away from under her eyelid, Sylvie suddenly knocking on the door, poking her head in. "It's showtime," she told them as she stared at Gabby in her dress. "Gabby... You look beautiful," Sylvie said admiring Gabby in her dress, making Gabby smile. "Thanks Sylvie" "I'll see you out there," Sylvie replied as she closed the door, Gabby taking in a deep breath. "Are you ready to do this?" Antonio asked holding out his arm, Gabby sliding hers into his. "I'm more then ready," Gabby replied as Antonio swung open the door, walking into the main cathedral.
Matt stared in awe as he watched Gabby walked down the aisle, her arm looped with Antonio's. "Do I have to give you away?" Antonio whispered as they walked, Gabby stopping them both. "Gabby what're you doing?" Antonio asked as Gabby suddenly leaned in and held onto her brother as tight as she could, Antonio gripping her. "I love you little sis," Antonio said, tears forming in the corner of her eyes. "I love you too Tonio. Always remember no matter what... I'll always be a Dawson," Gabby replied as she walked away from Antonio, reaching Matt and sliding her hands into his.
"Today we join this man and this woman in holy matrimony," the Priest said as Gabby looked Matt in the eyes, her face covered by a veil. "Do you, Matthew Casey, take Gabriela Dawson to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love and to cherish, and to do so until death do you part?" the Priest asked looking at Matt, Matt staring into Gabby's eyes. "I do," he replied, the words striking Gabby's heart. "And do you, Gabriela Dawson, take Matthew Casey to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love and to cherish, to do so until death do you part?" Gabby looked Matt in the eyes and smiled. "I do" "You may now say your vows," the Priest said, Matt pulling out a piece of paper.
"Gabby, I've written this for you since as you already know, I'm not so good when it comes to speaking off the top of my mind," Matt said as he chuckled, everyone in the audience laughing. "When I first met you, I really didn't know what my heart wanted. When I was going through a difficult time in my life, you were there. You've always been there for me. I guess I never realized that until two years ago. I have a love for you, that I know I won't be able to have with someone else. You make me a better person. Gabby, when I said, 'It's our time now' I meant it. You made me a father, and I know there's no other person that I would want my kids mother to be than you! I love you," Matt said as he gently folded the paper, a huge smile spread across Gabby's face.
"Matt... From the day I stepped into Firehouse 51, I knew I was in love with you. Everything about you to me, is perfect. We made family with those at the firehouse, and it's something I wouldn't trade for the world. Without love, what's the point of any of this? Love is all I have for you Matthew Casey, and it's a kind of love that will never fade away," Gabby said as a tear rolled down Matt's face, Max bringing them the rings. Matt exhaled air as he slid the ring onto Gabby's ring finger, Gabby doing the same to him. "I now pronounce you... Husband And Wife! Matthew, you may now kiss your bride," the Priest said as Matt slowly leaned in and kissed Gabby passionately, everyone in the crowd cheered. Sylvie playfully covered Alexa's eyes as Kelly watched his friends kiss on stage. Max was about to head back to his seat when out of the corner of his eye he saw Violet waving him over by the door. Max looked around before slipping away and walking out the cathedral, Violet sliding her hand into his. She led him over to a sycamore tree and they sat underneath it. "What's up?" Max asked as he looked down at their connecting hands, Violet looking to him and smiling. "You looked cute up there," Violet said, making Max grin. "You didn't look so bad yourself," Max replied as Violet suddenly leaned in and kissed his cheek. "You kinda missed," Max said as Violet stared at him, her cheeks suddenly glowing. "You're just like your brother, you know that right?" Violet asked as Max placed a hand on the side of Violets cheek, Max blushing. Without hesitation he then leaned in and kissed Violets lips softly, Max suddenly tasting her lip gloss. Violet pulled back and laughed. "What're you doing?" "Is that... Berry?" Max asked, Violet nodding. "I want some more," he said as he drew Violet close again, putting his forehead against hers. "Are we nuts?" Violet then asked, Max looking her in the eyes, shaking his head. "Nah, all I know is that I'm nuts for you," he replied as Violet leaned in and kissed him, Herrmann walking out of the cathedral.
"What're you two doing?" Herrmann asked as he walked over, Violet pulling away from Max and quickly standing up, brushing down her dress. "Please don't say anything to Uncle Matt about this! He'd kill me if he ever found out I kissed him," Violet pleaded pointing to Max, Max shrugging. "I didn't know you two were together" "We are," Max replied as he wrapped his arm around Violet just as everyone walked out of the cathedral, heading to reception. "I'll keep this between us under one condition," Herrmann said while looking around, both Max and Violet nodding. "Both of you have to swear that you'll stick together, no matter what" "I will Papa Herrmann! Thank you," Max said, Violet nodding. "Treat her right," Herrmann replied while walking away, Max looking to Violet. "We really have to be more careful," Max told her as they walked towards the tents, Max grabbing them both punch.
"Congratulations Mrs. Casey," Sylvie said as she handed Olivia over to her, Gabby snuggling her close. "Thanks Sylvie... Hey Pey," Gabby said as she slid her finger into Peyton's hand, Matt walking up to them. "Hey babe," he said as he kissed her, Kelly and Sylvie smiling. "Save it for the honeymoon you two," Kelly joked, all of them laughed. "So, how does it feel to actually be married?" Kelly asked as he wrapped his arm around Sylvie as Matt and Gabby smiled. "It's the best feeling in the world," Gabby replied back, Matt nodding his head in agreement. "You two are seriously goals," Sylvie then muttered, Kelly hearing her remark. "We're goals. We've accomplished way more then they have" "Oh really?" Matt asked, playfully getting up in Kelly's face, both of the girls laughing. Kelly was about to reply when he looked over at Max and Violet, noticing they were holding hands. "I'll be right back," Kelly said as he walked away from Matt, Matt turning around and looking in the direction Kelly was headed. Violet stood there holding hands with Max, acting as if there was nobody else in the room except for them two.
"What's going on here?" Kelly asked as they reached them, Violet quickly sliding her hand out of Max's, looking over to Matt who was staring right back at her. "I'm so dead," she then mumbled, Kelly laughing. "If I were you, I'd go talk to your aunt so she could sit down and have a conversation with Matt," Kelly said pointing to Gabby who was now watching, a smile on her face.
"Aunt Gabby, can I talk to you for a minute?" Violet asked looking at Gabby, trying her best not to look at Matt who was standing right next to her. "Of course sweetie," Gabby replied as she handed Olivia to Matt before walking away with Violet into the cathedral. "What's up?" Gabby asked once they were seated, Violet sighing. "I..." Gabby looked at her niece, a concerned look spread out across her face. "I love Max," Violet then said lowly, Gabby smiling. "Honey there's nothing wrong about that" "I feel as if I'm too young to actually love someone. I know I like Ben, but Max... I don't know," Violet replied as she put her face into her hands, Gabby rubbing her back. "What's wrong?" Gabby asked knowing there was more to the story, Violet looking up. "I kissed him," she replied, Gabby's eyes going wide. "Your first kiss?!" Gabby exclaimed, Violet nodding. "Yeah, but I don't want Uncle Matt to be mad at me. I'm only twelve," Violet said, Gabby laughing. "Your uncle has no reason to be mad at you. When he was your age, he did the same thing" Violet looked Gabby in the eyes. "Really?" Gabby nodded her head as Violet leaned in and hugged her, Gabby giving her a gentle squeeze. "I love you Vi. I only want what's best for you," Gabby said, Violet nodding. "I love you too," Violet replied back as she stood up, walking out of the cathedral to find Max. Gabby sat there and smirked while looking down at her finger. Before she could stand up she felt a hand on her shoulder. Gabby turned around and looked at her brother, Antonio sitting down next to her. "This all seems so surreal," Gabby said, Antonio nodding his head, putting his hand over his sisters. "I know... I'm really happy for you sis," Antonio replied, Gabby smiling. "Thanks Tonio," Gabby said as she hugged her brother, not wanting to let go.
Matt looked at Gabby and smiled as he took off his tux, laying it on the bed. Gabby stood on her side of the bed removing her dress, hanging it on a hanger and placing it in the hotel closet, Matt sighing. "So, I was thinking," Matt said as he slid on his jersey shorts, Gabby throwing on her paramedic tee. "What do you say we go out to dinner? I mean, we are on our honeymoon," Matt asked, Gabby shrugging. "Sounds good to me," she replied as she laid in bed turning on the TV, Matt getting in next to her. "What's going on?" he asked as he wrapped his arm around Gabby's shoulders, Gabby placing her head on his bare chest. "Do you miss Olivia?" Matt asked, Gabby nodding. "Of course, but that's not what I'm thinking about," Gabby replied as Matt looked at her, her brown eyes now staring out of space. "You gotta talk to me," Matt then said breaking Gabby's gaze. "It's Violet. What she told me... She's so mature Matt, and she deserves to have a relationship with Max, even if it's innocent," Gabby told him, Matt sighing. "I just don't want her to get hurt" "Matt she won't. Max is such a good kid. He's Kelly's brother for goodness sakes" "Yeah, exactly my point," Matt said as he chuckled, Gabby rolling her eyes. "Matt my point is... She deserves this so much. When I see them together, they kind of remind me of us. If you still don't think it's a good idea, just forget about it but just remember her happiness counts too. All I want for her is to be happy, and I bet that's what you want for her too "

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