Falling For The Bad Boy

By Wordsmith_Ana

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© Copyrights Reserved. Meet June Sullivan -- The Queen Bee of the school. Meet Zayden Parker -- The Bad Boy o... More

Chapter One.
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four.
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine.
Chapter ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter twelve
Chapter Thirteen:
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter twenty three.
Chapter twenty four.
Chapter Twenty Five.
Chapter Twenty Six.
Chapter Twenty Seven.
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine.
Chapter Thirty.
Chapter Thirty One.
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three.
Chapter Thirty Four.
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine.
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One.
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three.
Chapter Forty Four.
Chapter Forty Five.
Chapter Forty Six.
E X T R A S --- Graduation ---
E X T R A S --- Panicked Pandy ---
E X T R A S --- Bad Boy ---
Friendship's Day Special


479 7 2
By Wordsmith_Ana

I stood in front of the huge mirror which gave me a perfect image of my figure. A tall, pale girl wearing a blue skirt, white shirt which was tight and which gave her curvy body an attractive look., A red tie loosely wore with the shirt.

Yes, that was me, in my school uniform!

I quickly brushed my brown hair and tied them in a high pony. I needed a clean look. Besides, it was hot outside and I did not want my more than perfect hair to get ruined.

God! Do I look good?  I asked myself.

I wanted my shirt a little loose but...the queen bee image I had at school demanded this tight shirt.
I agreed that I looked good but wasn't that extra tight?

Forget it, June. You are so freaking insecure of yourself.

Yes, I am. And you know that reason.

Whatever! That happened when you were twelve. Now you're sixteen.

Please have some mercy on me and leave me alone!

I couldn't believe I was talking to my subconscious.
Now I was ready for school. I picked up my bag from the bed and hung it on my back stylishly one side.
Then I ran down the stairs.
As usual, mom was getting ready for her aerobic classes. She was a fitness freak and I could see the effect of it on her. Her figure was so damn sexy.

"Good morning mom." I cheerfully said; grabbing a sandwich of ham and cheese from the dining table. She was sitting on the couch, tying her shoe laces.

"Good morning. All good?" She asked in her usual energetic tone.
I didn't know how she did it with all that work load and tensions in life.

"I am late. Nothing's good. Got to leave, bye!" I said running out of the house.
I was still chewing the small sandwich. Half was in my hand.
I sat in my car and started driving it; as fast as I could. My left hand acted in feeding me till then.
After reaching school, I directly walked towards the canteen. That was the place our group met in the mornings. I was now right on time.

Five minutes to go for the classes.

Stepping in the canteen, my sight fell on a bunch of famous people. My friends had that kinda aura around them!

"Hey guys." I approached them.
All of them replied with equal charm and smiles.

There stood Vanessa, Charlie and Penn.
Vanessa was the head cheerleader of the school and very witty and smart mouthed. She looked really hot and was popular too but could not match my level of popularity. She was sometimes sweet too but I knew it was only when she wanted something. Otherwise, she aimed at stealing my boyfriend. Jordan didn't know this and he took it as a friendly behavior. But I was perfectly aware, which is why she was not in my favorite list.
Charlie was a bubbly and cute girl. She had short hair and dimples that boys fell for. Her attitude was one of those which made everyone speechless. She could insult anyone alone on any level. But when it came to me, she behaved as a really supporting friend. I loved her very much and she was the only girl I considered a proper friend.
Penn was a really funny guy. He was good looking and smart. We both were always at a war. I am a big fan of One Direction and he loves linkin park. We both always fought on this reason. But it was anyway fun to be with him. I liked his company.
We stood there a few minutes and waited for the other two friends of ours: Jordan and Zayden, my boyfriend and my best friend. But there were no signs of them. I was too annoyed and tired of their behavior.

"June, where is Jordan? Don't you know?" Vanessa asked me, just to annoy me that I didn't know about my boyfriend's whereabouts

"Um...not really. I think he must be in the practice." I said, as I knew he sometimes went for early morning basket ball practices. He was the captain of the team.

"Oh yeah, he must be there. And Zayd must be with some new girl. Who knows?" Charlie spoke, a tired expression on her face.

Jord's practice and Zayd's flirting - we were tired of this.
I was really disappointed at these two boys. I sighed and told them all to get going.

"Yup let's go. They're never gonna care." Vanessa said, looking at me. It was as if she was purposely telling me that they both didn't care about me.
I looked at the other side and rolled my eyes. She was just trying to get in my nerves and I am NOT going to let that happen.
We continued walking and then parted our ways to the different classes we had. My schedule said I had a French lecture.
Ugh! I hated French. It bored me. I continued walking towards the stairs, hanging my bag lazily. As I climbed a few steps up, I saw two figures kissing in the middle of the stairs.
And then I saw the guy's face. He was none other than...
As expected!

"Zayden Parker! This is not an appropriate place for making out." I shouted at them in a teacher-like tone.
They both pulled apart hastily and looked at me. Their expressions told me they were horrified.
And when they saw it's me, they sighed out of relief.

"You're no fun! I hate you, you know?" Zayd said in his usual bad boy arrogance. I smirked and looked at the girl next to him.
Again a new one! I did not recognize her at all.

"This is Ariana...and she is June, my best friend." Zayd introduced us to each other. I smiled with tight lips and she grinned excitedly.

"Everybody knows her!" She said as her face told me she was one of those fan girls.

Not again!
I was just a normal girl. Why did they become so happy to talk to me? Save me from this popularity. I just want to curl up and sit in a corner so that no one could see me.

"Yup she is quite famous" Zayd laughed. He knew I hated this.

"She is very much famous. And I personally wanted to meet you. Hi June, will you please be my friend?" She almost squealed.

"Yeah...sure " I hesitated but still managed to show my teeth and smile cheekily.

"I have French class right now...what about you?" She asked.

Oh no. Please, don't let this happen.
I just could not bear her.

"Same" I regretted saying that as soon as I did.

"Great! June, take her and be her friend..." Zayden walked down to me saying this. Then he came near my ears and whispered "Make sure she agrees to come home at night."
I knew he was smirking.

Great, so now I had to do this shit for my play boy best friend.

"Now I hate you." I gave him an angry look and gritted my teeth.
He laughed loud enough to let the whole school hear. And then he ran towards the play ground. Practice, I suppose. He was also in the basketball team with Jordan. But he was mostly known for his charms and play boyishness.
I looked at Ariana. She was still grinning like a twelve year old.

"Let's go?" I asked, as I reminded myself the class has been started already.


And here began a jouney.
Seriously, what all would I have to do for this crazy friend of mine?
He'll eat me alive one day.


Hey people.
This is my second book on wattpad and a good try to attract readers.
I hope you all do like the plot of the story till now.
Keep reading because the main chapters and story will be getting started from the next part.

- Ana


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