#2 The Darkest Fire

By AlinaReynolds

121K 2.4K 574

Dawsey FanFiction by Alina Reynolds A.K.A @chicagofdpd_fanbase Sequel to: A Reason To Love More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Authors Note

Chapter Forty Three

2.4K 48 15
By AlinaReynolds

*A Month Later*
Kelly stood outside The Boys Home, waiting for Max to come out. Today was the day he was going to tell him the truth, about how he was his brother. When Kelly looked up, Max walked out, slamming the door behind him. "Hey..." Kelly said as Max walked right past him, getting into the car, slamming the car door closed. Kelly looked back at Max confused, suddenly seeing a tear fall from the corner of his eye. Kelly then walked inside the building, seeing Benny standing there, holding a clipboard. "Well look who it is" Kelly started, cracking his knuckles. "What the heck are you doing here Benny?" Kelly asked sounding angry, Benny setting down the clipboard, walking up towards Kelly, unsure of what was about to happen. "I'm here to take Max out for the day" "Do you have a warrant? Ma'am, do you even know who this guy is?!" Kelly asked the guardian, Mrs. Holmes shaking her head. "This is Max's alcohol abusive father, the one he sees once a year," Kelly said, Benny rolling his eyes. "You told me you were Max's uncle?!" "Shut up" Benny scowled, Kelly shaking his head in disbelief. "I can't believe you would let a kid walk out with someone without seeing proper identification!" Kelly shouted, Mrs. Holmes sulking back. "I'm taking him out for the day," Kelly then said snatching the clipboard away from Benny, scribbling his name on the piece of paper, tossing the clipboard onto the table. "I'll be back for him," Benny replied, Kelly shaking his head. "Stay away from him. Stay away from us," Kelly replied walking back out the doors of the home, getting into the drivers seat.
Kelly looked over to the passengers seat, noticing Max was still crying. "Hey..." Kelly said placing a hand on the boys shoulder, Max quickly shoving it off. "Leave me alone," Max muttered, Kelly looking at him, his eyes wide. "Max what's...." "Why didn't you tell me you were my brother?" Max asked lowly, Kelly sighing. "Who told you?" "Benny"
"Gabby I'm home!" Matt exclaimed as he walked into their apartment, nobody answering. "Gabby? Violet?" Matt asked as he walked into their bedroom, seeing Violet holding Gabbys hand, Gabby breathing heavily. Matt quickly dropped his bag and ran over to Gabby, placing a hand on her forehead. "What's going on?!" he panicked, Violet shaking her head. "I...I don't know! I was on my way to get a drink from the kitchen when she started to scream!" "Ba...Baby" Gabby mumbled ever so softly, Matt looking at her. "What baby, what's wrong?" "BABY! THE BABYS COMING" Gabby then yelled using most of her energy, Matts eyes suddenly going wide. "NOW?!" Gabby then nodded as she braced herself, Matt gulping. "I don't know... I don't know what to do" "Uncle Matt you're a fire fighter! You should know what to do!" Violet exclaimed, Matt trying to keep calm. "Okay, Okay... Violet, go in the bathroom and grab hand sanitizer, a towel, and scissors" Matt said as he slid off Gabbys sweatpants. "The baby's crowning!" he said as he looked, Gabby breathing faster. "No baby, take slow, DEEP breaths," Matt said trying to coach her, Gabby nodding and breathing slower. "Here Uncle Matt I got the..." Violet then stopped when she saw the baby's head. "Oh my God" she said slowly backing away, Matt turning to her. "Violet, I need your help" "I can't do this Uncle Matt! I'm only 12" "Age is just a number! Call Severide for me," Matt said pulling his phone out his back pocket, tossing it to Violet who looked through the contacts, looking for Severides number.
"Oh my gosh," Gabby said gripping a pillow, Matt rushing over, grabbing her hand, Gabby squeezing it. "Gabby, look at me" he told her, Gabby doing as she was told. "I'll be right here with you, but right now I gotta deliver our baby," Matt said kissing her, Gabby nodding. "You can do this," Matt said as he rushed back to the end of the bed, quickly sterilizing his hands with hand sanitizer.
"Hello?" Kelly asked when he answered the phone. "Kelly it's Violet. You need to get to Matts place... Now!" "Why what's going on?" "Gabbys in labor!" Kelly looked to Max who heard Violet talking over the phone, both their eyes going wide. "I'll be right there," Kelly replied hanging up the phone, looking to Max. "Well it looks like we have different plans for today," he told him, Max smiling. "Are you cool with that?" Max nodded his head, suddenly getting excited, Kelly noticing it. "What's with all the excitement?" Kelly asked as he turned around, heading to Matts apartment. "Is this like some of the calls you guys get at the firehouse?" Max asked, Kelly nodding. "This is so cool!" Max exclaimed, Kelly laughing, immediately calling Sylvie, it only taking three rings to reach her. "Hello?" "Gabbys in labor" "No WAY!" Sylvie exclaimed, picking up her car keys, taking Alexa by the hand. "Which hospital is she at?" "She's not at the hospital," Kelly told her, Sylvie looking confused. "Where is she?" "She's at home. They didn't have enough time to get to a hospital" Kelly said, Sylvie smiling. "Alright, I'm on my way" "Are you sure you can go? I mean..." "Kelly I'm fine. Don't worry about me. We'll see you there" Sylvie said hanging up the phone, walking out of the apartment, Alexa toddling right beside her.
"Okay baby.... PUSH!" exclaimed Matt as he got the towel ready, Gabby squeezing Violets hand, her face purple. "AGHHH!" Gabby screamed, Matt looking excited. "Cmon baby she's almost out. One more BIG push" Matt said as Gabby continued to push, everyone in the room suddenly hearing a baby cry. "She's here!" Matt exclaimed holding the baby up, Gabby staring at their daughter, happy tears falling down her cheeks. "She's beautiful," Matt said wrapping his daughter up in the towel, motioning for Violet to come over. "Do you want to cut the umbilical cord?" Matt asked, handing her the scissors. "Will I hurt her?" Violet asked, Matt shaking his head smiling. "No, not at all," he replied showing Violet where to cut, Violet cutting the umbilical cord just as there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" Violet exclaimed leaving the room, Matt pulling a blanket over Gabbys bare body, handing her their daughter. "Hey there precious," Gabby said as she kissed her daughters head, Matt smiling, a tear sliding down his cheek. "I can't get over how beautiful she is," Matt said as he placed his hand on the baby's head, Violet entering the room with Sylvie and Alexa.
"Oh. My. Gosh," Sylvie said lowly so she wouldn't wake up the baby, walking over and staring down at her. "She's gorgeous you guys! Congratulations" Sylvie said, both Gabby and Matt smiling. "Thanks," Matt replied as Gabby looked up to him. "Olivia," she suddenly said, Matt looking down at her, a smile spreading out across his face. "Really?" he asked, Gabby nodding. Olivia was the name he had chosen, but Gabby at the time wasn't so sure. "I'm positive..." she replied as Matt bent down and kissed her, their kiss suddenly growing deeper. "Sorry to interrupt, but what's her middle name?" Sylvie asked, Gabby pulling back from Matt and looking to her. "Leslie, after..." "Shay" Sylvie said smiling, Gabby nodding. "Olivia Leslie Casey... I love it" Sylvie said just as Kelly and Max rushed into the room, Matt quickly hushing them. "Sorry..." Kelly said quietly walking over to Sylvie, picking Alexa up, wrapping an arm around Sylvie.
"You guys..." Kelly said looking at Olivia, her eyes closed. "She's beautiful" Matt looked to his friend and smiled, Kelly shooting back a smile. "Welcome to fatherhood Casey. It's one of the best jobs you'll ever get" Kelly said, Matt nodding. "I can't believe I'm actually a dad" "I can. There's nobody else I'd want to be the father to my kids but you" Gabby said, Matt suddenly blushing. "So, what's her name?" Kelly asked, Gabby smiling. "Olivia Leslie Casey" When Kelly heard the name, a tear suddenly formed in the corner of his eye. "Can I hold her?" he asked, Gabby nodding, handing Olivia over to Kelly who stared down at her face. "You're a lucky man Casey" Kelly told him, Matt smiling. "We both are," he replied looking down at Alexa who stared back at him with her eyes, big and blue.
"Did you help deliver the baby?" Max asked as he sat with Violet in the back of the room, Violet looking at him shyly and nodding. "I cut her umbilical cord" Violet replied, Max smiling. "I'm Max," he said sticking out his hand, Violet sliding her hand into his, suddenly getting goosebumps. "I'm Violet" she replied. "So Violet..." Max then said sounding nervous, Violet waiting to hear the question. "What do you want to be when you grow up?" "I'll answer if you answer first" Violet replied, Max blushing. "I've always wanted to be a firefighter. Whenever I hear sirens or even see a Fire Truck, it gets my adrenaline pumping" he told her, Violet nodding. "That's cool" "Now you have to answer the question" Violet looked at Max and sighed. "Since I'm basically at the Firehouse most of the time, I want to be a paramedic. My friends think it's a stupid idea but..." "It's not stupid!" Matt then said interrupting her, Violet looking at him, her eyes wide. "Working at a Firehouse is one of the most rewarding jobs a person could ever get" Max told her, Violet shrugging. "I mean cmon! We're only 12! Maybe our job outlooks will be different when we're older" Max shook his head at what Violet had said. "Not for me. Firefighting has always been apart of me. It's in my blood"

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