Immaculate Misconception [r.h...

By GabyHorror

55.5K 1.9K 578

"I remember!" I exclaimed before he could get too far away. "What?" he asked as he turned around to face me... More

Final Author's Note
Long Time No See
The MIW Awards
. . .


1.3K 47 3
By GabyHorror

"Sara! Put that down!" I heard as I held a box of my toiletries in my hands.

I turned slightly, to see Ricky rushing out of the house and down the porch steps towards me. I huffed and rolled my eyes, putting the box in his awaiting arms. Him and Chris were being nutty, as they always are. Apparently, since I'm pregnant I can't lift something that weighs not even a pound. I understood why I couldn't carry in the boxes with my clothing, those weighed too much. But seriously? I can't carry in a box that has tampons, pads, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, and my makeup bag? That was one of the most ridiculous things ever in my eyes.

"Ricky I'm capable of carrying that box. I know my limits," I tried to tell him.

"Nope." he said before turning around and walking back into the house.

I followed him, seeing Chris coming out the door along the way. He took one of my hands, helping me walk up the stairs. Goddamn, I was three months pregnant! I wasn't a giant balloon yet, I can see where the hell I'm stepping still! I sighed and allowed him to help me anyways, it wasn't worth the bickering at this point. Luckily, Ricky had just carried in the last box from Chris' car. And I was now officially, moved back into my prior home before the first accident.

"I'm going to miss you." Chris said as he hugged me by the door.

"Bet you won't miss my weird cravings." I chuckled.

"I'll miss that too."

"I hate to break this cute moment up guys, but we've got to get going Sara." Ricky butted in.

Today was my third appointment with my OB/GYN and Ricky was taking me today. He hadn't been there for the first since he wasn't aware of it, and missed out on the second since he was touring. But he said that he wouldn't miss another one, even if it meant he was touring Europe and had to fly here and then back in one day. Of course, I wouldn't let him do that. He could settle for a FaceTime call instead, no doubt about it. Plus if he actually did that whole flying plan, not only would he be spending worthless amounts of money, but it'd kill him and he'd get back to the others complaining about being tired.

I grabbed my purse from the couch, slung it over my shoulder and walked out the door behind Chris as Ricky locked it behind him. Again, Chris helped me down the stairs and let go of my hand once we were on the driveway. I thanked him and gave him one last hug, him and Ricky doing that weird "bro" handshake, and got in the car. Ricky hopped in the driver's seat, a large smile on his face. His excitement about this was obvious, and I just chuckled.

We were at the doctor's office within fifteen minutes, and like a gentlemen Ricky opened my door for me. We walked inside, and that's when my own nerves kicked in.

I always feared that I wasn't doing something right, and that something was wrong with the baby. The thoughts of being the worst mother on the planet surged through my brain, more of if the child will hate me growing up. I couldn't deal with that, if they hated me. I already loved this kid so much, and it hadn't been long and the baby hadn't even taken its first breath yet. However, I ignored my shaking hands and laced my fingers with Ricky's, walking into the building and up to the front desk where a lady sat in cartoon octopus scrubs.

"Hi, I have an appointment for 2:30 PM." I told her with a smile.

"Okay, what's your name?"

"Sara Martin-Olson." I replied.

Ricky squeezed my hand at that, and I peaked at him to see a smile. After he proposed, I started putting my name for appointments as 'Martin-Olson' to get used to the fact that it'd soon be my last name forever. Ricky wasn't aware I'd done this, but I could tell he was pleasantly surprised by the act.

"Okay, if you will just have a seat the doctor will be right with you." the lady smiled at me and I nodded.

Ricky led me towards a few seats, and we ended up sat down across from another couple. The women was older than I, two rings settled on the finger with the only vein that connects to your heart. A man that looked about the same age as her sat next to the women, a golden wedding band on his finger too. Their hands were clasped together, and they looked perfect with one and other. She had light, chestnut brown hair and dazzling green eyes. The man had black hair that was gelled back, a nice shade of blue for his eye color. They looked like one of those normal couples, that followed some religion and did everything they could together. The women caught me staring at them, and smiled sweetly. I blushed and looked away.

"Is this your first, darling?" a British accent made it's way to my ears. I looked back up at the women, seeing a kind smile on her face.

"Yes." I replied, returning the smile.

"This is our second. How old are you?" she asked me then. I knew they looked older, so it made sense they were expecting their second child.

"I'm 26." I smiled.

My birthday was last month, and when I say Ricky and I did nothing but sleep all day, I meant it. The day fell on one a week after Ricky got home from tour, and I was exhausted like usual so we agreed not to get out of bed unless we needed to use the bathroom, or wanted food. Even then, I only went to the bathroom on my own and made Ricky get me food when I craved it. Other than that, our eyes were closed, sleeping away the day as we cuddled up to each other for warmth in the cold and snowy January day.

"Good age to have your first," the women said. "Are you excited?"

I looked at Ricky, biting my lip with an eyebrow raised.

"We are absolutely ecstatic." he grinned.

"What about you guys? How far along are you?" I piped up.

"Oh," the man chuckled. "Seven months, just another two to go before we see our little boy." the guy lacked an accent, he was full-on American.

"Do you know what you're having yet?" the lady asked.

"No, we haven't decided if we want to know now or be surprised at birth." Ricky said.

Before the lady or man could respond, my name was being called out. I stood from my chair, both Ricky and I waving at the lovely couple before following a nurse. She led us to a room, and before I sat down she weighed me on the scale in the corner and took my blood pressure. Afterwards I sat on the patients table and Ricky sat in a chair beside it. We held hands, waiting out the next few minutes until my doctor came in. It was a female doctor, her name was Linda Shultz and she was a very nice person. If any of the other girls get pregnant, I'm referring them to Dr. Shultz immediately.

"Afternoon, Sara." she smiled at me. "Is this the baby daddy?"

"Yes it is, Dr. Shultz please meet my fiancé, Ricky Olson." I introduced her to him.

"Pleasure to meet you Ricky, I'm Linda Shultz." she held out her hand.

"Nice to meet you too." Ricky nodded and smiled while shaking her hand.

"So, are we finding out the gender today or would you rather I keep it a secret?"

I looked over at Ricky as Dr. Shultz slipped on some latex gloves. We hadn't really spoken about it, never finding the right time to discuss it. I think I wanted to know now, it might eat away at me later if I don't find out. But it also depends on Ricky, and if he wants to know. I saw the corners of his mouth turning up, and I smiled back.

"We wanna know," I replied.

Dr. Shultz nodded, and squirted a cool gel onto my stomach after lifting up my shirt. She grabbed the wand that's hooked up to the screen, and pressed it firmly yet gently against my stomach. Immediately, a heartbeat sounded making me grin. Ricky squeezed my hand, both our eyes glued to the screen. Eventually, a little blob appeared and the doctor focused on that specific spot. She moved the wand around, looking at different things before smiling.

"Are you positive you wanna know?" she asked us.

"Yes!" Ricky said excitedly.

"Well congrats, you're having a baby girl!"

Tears immediately sprung to Ricky's eyes as he stared at the screen. I looked at him, feeling my bottom lip tremble. I let go of his hand and put it against his cheek, he looked down at me after a second. Ricky smiled and leaned over, planting a kiss to my lips.

A baby girl, holy shit. I was pregnant with a girl. This was one of the best days of my life, hands down.

"I love you, Nala." Ricky told me before pressing his lips to my forehead.

"I love you, Simba."

- - - - -

Sorry it's kind of short but it was cute at the same time right?! Well it seemed cute to me, and honestly this was partly a filler chapter, because I needed to make it clear that Sara moved back in with Ricky.

And holy shit guys. 7.06k reads?! I NEVER in a million years expected this story to get so many reads, and not just because I SUCK AT UPDATING! I only started it and hoped for the best. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you. I love y'all!

Anyways, there are only 6 chapters left plus the epilogue which makes 7!

- Gaby

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