A Raven and a Lion

By ChapterForYou2Read

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Y/n is a student at Hogwarts. She's the same age as the Weasley twins. And that's the problem. She can't stan... More

A terrible Task
Let's Start
The Chamber has been opened
Start of the Season
Not on Time
Snowy Holidays
Ups and Downs
Welcome Back
Teachers Pet
Sleepover in the great Hall
Gryffindor against Hufflepuff
A little Gift
Cozy Closet
A strong Punch
Teddy Bear
End of Summer
World Cup
New Classmates
Old Men
Ask Him
Yule Ball
The Rules
Not a happy Ending
Grimmauld Place
Good Morning
Just the Two of Us
A new Hogwarts
Room of Requirement
The Talk
Christmas Eve
Hello Again
First Date
Dark Christmas
The Wedding
Wonderfully Complicated
The Battle

First night in the Burrow

418 17 10
By ChapterForYou2Read

At dinner y/n sat between Fred and George. Molly and Arthur, sitting across from her, asked an incredible amount of questions. Arthur wanted to know a lot about the Muggle world, and y/n was able to explain a lot to him because she and Brigitte were very familiar with it. Molly asked everything else. She wanted to know how y/n was doing at school, how she planned her future after Hogwarts. Then she asked about Brigitte and y/n's friends at Hogwarts. Y/n thought she was doing pretty well up until then.

Things got a little awkward when Molly asked her about boys. But when y/n noticed Fred squinting at her out of the corner of her eye, she saw it as an opportunity to tease him a little. Although she couldn't say for sure whether he would be annoyed by it. But it was worth a try.

"Well, of course there are some pretty boys at school," she pretended to think about it. Ron looked as if he was more uncomfortable with the topic than y/n. He had hardly taken part in the conversation anyway.

"You probably have a chance with a lot of people too," Ginny said with a grin, which only supported Y/n's little mischievousness. Molly smiled at her. "Yes, I think so too, pretty as you are."

"Thank you", y/n said a little embarrassed. But then she shook her head. She didn't want to talk complete nonsense here. "But to be honest, I'm more focused on school."

"True", George nodded.

"Maybe it's better that way," Fred then said. He sounded somewhat strange. A little grumpy perhaps? With a small smug grin, y/n turned to him. "Oh yeah? Why is that?"

"You've already invested a lot of time in school," Fred shrugged. "Why get distracted right before the end?"

"I could take the liberty of saying that you should probably stop distracting yourself...", but then y/n paused when she remembered that the twins' parents were sitting at the table. But Molly had already pricked up her ears. "What were you saying y/n?"

But y/n shook her head. "Oh nothing. Fred and George just have a different approach than me. At first I thought it was complete nonsense. But actually they are very creative and committed when it comes to things that interest them."

Arthur nodded at her, smiling. "Exactly what I always say."

That seemed to satisfy Molly. The questions then changed direction and a new conversation began between the Weasleys.

At some point, Ginny was telling a funny story from her childhood, y/n felt Fred's leg push against hers under the table. When they touched, y/n jumped ever so slightly. Even though it was just a tiny movement, y/n thought Molly glanced at her ever so briefly. Y/n discreetly tried to push Fred's leg away with hers, but she just couldn't. What the hell was he doing? Only when dinner was over and they got up from the table he let go of her.

Y/n let all the Weasleys go in the bathroom first. So it was very late when she got ready for bed and went back to Percy's old room.

But when she laid down, sleep just wouldn't find her. Here at the Weasleys everything was nice and homely, but strange. Plus, everything made her think. She thought about her own parents. She had never had such a convivial dinner at home. Apart from the fact that she hadn't lived at home for a long time.

Suddenly a rumble broke through her thoughts. She was so frightened that she jumped out of bed. What was that? Sounded like the roof had collapsed over her. She reached for her wand, which she had placed on the bedside table. "Lumos."

Then she went to the bedroom door to peek out. But she couldn't see anyone. But she heard a deep growl from the roof above. What was going on up there?

"That's the Ghoul," she then heard a whisper. Y/n was almost scared to death. Because she had been so focused on the noises from the roof, she didn't notice the door to the opposite room had opened.

"Oh dear!," she then whispered, relieved when she recognized Fred in the glow of her wand. She recognized his pajamas. They were the same ones he had worn when they all slept in the Great Hall last year. He smiled and closed his bedroom door behind him. "Just me."

„I thought you maybe wouldn't be able to sleep with all that noise. Guess I was right. We kinda got used to it, but I get that it's a bit creepy", he explained his appearing. Y/n shook her head. „I'm not scared. I already wasn't able to sleep before this thing up there started partying."

„Is that so?", he asked. „You wanna talk about it."

„No I'm fine", she responded. Fred looked at her with raised eyebrows. „You sure? I'm an excellent listener."

„When did you ever listen to anyone?", y/n crossed her arms in front of her chest. Fred rolled his eyes. „There's a first time for everything."

Then he walked straight into her room, without discussing it any longer. When she turned around she saw him jumping into Percy's old bed. He laid on the side and patted the free mattress next to him in invitation.

She hesitated briefly. Then she gave herself a jolt. He probably meant well. So she closed the door behind her, put her wand away and sat cross-legged next to him. „It's not a big deal."

„Well if it steals your well deserved sleep, it probably is", he contradicted. Y/n rolled her eyes. „You're not sleeping as well."

„Fair enough", he nodded. „But we're talking about you right now."

Y/n sighed. „It's just a little hard... Seeing you as a family. Don't get me wrong, I'm not jealous. It just makes me think about my parents."

The night outside the windows was just light enough for her to see his broad features. He looked a bit perplexed. Maybe he was surprised by her honesty.

"Of course I love my aunt, very much. But it's different when it's the own parents," she continued herself. Fred thought about it, then grinned. "Mum would definitely adopt you, you could replace Percy now that he has moved out."

Y/n snorted disdainfully. "You don't think I wanted to have you as a brother voluntarily."

"Good", Fred replied immediately. She didn't understand. "Why?"

"Doesn't matter", he waved the words away with his hand. "Who actually knows about the situation with your family?"

Y/n thought about it. "Theoretically just Maggy and Olivia... and you. But also a lot of Slytherins. For example, I spent a lot of time with the Malfoys as a child, it was terrible there. But whatever, that's not something I like to talk about. Doesn't really help with making friends."

"Well, I didn't mind", he laughed. She tilted her head meaningfully. "You're also exceptionally clingy."

"Clingy?", he sounded a little indignant, but then laughed. She shrugged her shoulders. "Well I didn't jump into your bed..."

„Okay okay", Fred laughed even more. Then he changed topic and y/n was happy about it. He distracted her from her original thoughts, which helped her to become calmer.

She didn't notice how she fell asleep. But when she woke up the next morning, she immediately felt the strange arm under her head. She jumped up only to find Fred still lying on his side next to her. Why the hell hadn't he gone back to his own bed?

She bent down a little to wake him up. But then she didn't do it. Instead she just looked at him. He even looked a little cheeky when he slept. Not like most people who looked like cute little angels. Not Fred. His mouth had the tendency to a little grin even when he wasn't awake.

Somehow his hair had gotten too long over the holidays, so she almost automatically reached out to brush some of the strands away from his forehead.

"You can't keep your hands off me," he muttered into the pillow as her hand touched him. His voice sounded sleepy and a little deeper than usual. She immediately withdrew her hand. "Bullshit! I wanted to wake you up."

As an answer, he just pulled the blanket up to his neck. But she was serious. "You can't stay here! Your family will think badly of me if they find you! Please get up! Fred, please!"

"I've never heard you begging, sweet," he laughed with a hum, but he still didn't open his eyes. She was about to get mad. But instead she just decided to run away.

But when she opened the door of her room, the next twin was already standing right in front of her, grinning. "So?"

"No!" Y/n replied with a hiss. She was sure George knew exactly what was going on. "Get him out of there!"

George didn't look like he had much desire to do that. She crossed her arms and looked at him sternly. "He is your brother. Your brother, your problem."

George immediately shook his head. "I don't think so. More like your room, your problem."

"George, please," y/n was pretty done at this moment. But then Fred climbed out of her bed all by himself.

"So?" George wanted to know again, this time he asked his brother. Y/n didn't have to look at Fred to see his grin. It was reflected in his brother's face.

"Cuddly, it was for sure", Fred then replied.

"Idiots, both of you!", y/n hissed. Then she dragged Fred completely out of Percy's room, went back in herself and closed the door behind her. This time she also locked it with a spell to make sure that no one could come in anymore. But y/n could only barricade herself until breakfast.

At least, she didn't have undivided attention today. Hermione Granger, Harry's and Ron's best friend, had arrived. She would also accompany them to the Qudditch Championships. Just like Harry, but he wouldn't arrive until this evening.

So y/n dared to turn to Fred briefly while Molly talked to Hermione. "Stop grinning so stupidly, nothing happened!"

He looked at her amused. "Maybe I'm just enjoying this wonderful day."

"Sure you do... Just don't imagine anything where there's nothing to imagine," she then replied in a whisper. She didn't know exactly why she said that. It sounded a bit nasty. But now it was already out.

Fred took it calmly anyway. He shrugged his shoulders. "I know, we're friends."

"Exactly," she nodded. „That's more than enough."

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