Immaculate Misconception [r.h...

By GabyHorror

55.7K 1.9K 578

"I remember!" I exclaimed before he could get too far away. "What?" he asked as he turned around to face me... More

Final Author's Note
Long Time No See
The MIW Awards
. . .


1.4K 60 17
By GabyHorror

Sorry for being absent for forever lovelies! But thanks so much for getting this story to 1.1K!! Love you guys!

Ricky's Point Of View

So... you ask somebody to be your girlfriend for the second time after something tragic happens. Then, weeks later it's your one year anniversary and you make a fancy dinner to celebrate, the night you thought was going to end in movie watching and cuddling, turns into making love and then cuddling. I literally feel on top of the world right now, and have since that night. Sara ended up staying with me for the weekend, and it was fantastic beyond words. I can't begin to describe how much I love her. After that weekend, I made one of the biggest decisions of my life. I wanted her to be my forever.

So I took Ryan and Balz out with me that Monday, and we took a trip to Tiffany Jewlers. I walked in that morning, a large grin on my face and spent two hours searching for the most perfect engagement ring I could possibly find. I know, things seemed a little fast since we'd just celebrated one year, but I knew this is what I wanted. I had my entire proposal planned out to the T, and nothing was going to stop me from asking her to marry me come Christmas Day. I refused to leave for tour without putting a ring on it, I just couldn't leave until she said yes. I sighed and leaned back on my couch as Family Guy played before me, a Rockstar on the coffee table by my feet, mind thinking about that ring tucked away safely in my dresser.

My phone started to buzz on the couch beside me, Chris' face lighting up the screen. I raised an eyebrow and slid my thumb across the screen, putting the device next to my ear.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Ricky, you have to get down to the hospital. Now." Chris demanded.

"Whoa hey, what's going on man?" I asked as I jolted into a sat up position. He's starting to freak me out.

"It's Sara, she-"

"I'm on my way." I cut him off and hung up.

I turned off the TV, slipped on a coat and my shoes, running out to my car, thankful they plowed snow out of the streets this morning. I probably shouldn't be speeding in the snow with the roads pretty icy, but I couldn't stop myself. Sara was in the hospital, again, and I wasn't even sure what happened this time. I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel incessantly while waiting at a red traffic light, God this was aggravating me. I shivered at the sudden chill that came over me, thinking the worst and turned out of the lane I was in, making a right and going the long way that didn't hold traffic lights.

I kept up my speeding pace towards the hospital, getting there in another fifteen minutes. I parked and shut off my car, quickly getting out and racing inside to get out of the cold and freezing weather. Chris wasn't in the waiting room when I first walked in, and so I rushed towards the front desk; skidding to a stop in front of it. The lady behind it looked at me oddly, but she thankfully didn't judge me. If anything, she looked a little like me. I didn't let her speak, words already flowing out of my mouth before I came to a full stop on my feet.

"I need to see Sara Martin, please." I said quickly. The lady typed fast on her keyboard, and her rushing was greatly appreciated.

"Miss Martin is currently in surgery, but you can join her other visitors on the third floor waiting room in front of the ICU." she told me.

"Thank you." I replied as I ran towards the elevators.

Oh God, my baby was going to be in the ICU. Whatever the fuck happened was serious shit, and it utterly scared me. I repeatedly pressed the call button for the elevator, the doors finally opening. I hurried inside and pressed the third floor button, making the doors immediately close and it started moving up. I tapped my foot, impatiently waiting for them to open up to the third floor. When they did, I saw Chris pacing the waiting room for the ICU and the rest of the guys and their girlfriends scattered around in the chairs, pretty much on edge. What the fuck, was I the last one to be called?

"Chris." I said and everybody's heads snapped towards me. "What the hell happened?" I asked in a more worried tone but was still serious.

"I'm so sorry, Rick." he said.

"Sorry about what, Christopher?! Just spit it out!" I exclaimed as tears began to form in my eyes. He sighed and before he could speak Ryan-Ashley cut him off.

"She was driving home from The Strange And Unusual after visiting me, and crashed again." she told me.

"What?" I choked out, swallowing the forming lump in my throat.

"She lost control of the car on the icy roads, and ended up rolling down a hill. Drivers around her that witnessed the scene, called 911 and somebody stayed at the top of the hill until an ambulance and other things arrived. She was pulled out of the car and police told us the vehicle was flipped over completely, her seatbelt luckily holding her in. All we know right now is she was rushed into surgery." Chris finished.

"How long have you guys been here?" I rasped out as a tear slid down my cheek.

"Ten minutes." Balz shrugged with a saddened look on his face.

I started breathing heavily as more tears left my eyes and rolled down my cheeks, hands running through my hair and pulling at the roots. Ryan-Ashley stood from her seat beside Balz, and walked over to me, wrapping her arms around me in a hug. I let my arms drop to my sides, burying my face in her shoulder as I cried or more like sobbed. My shoulders shook like crazy, and all I wanted to do was hold Sara to me tightly and assure her everything was going to be okay. But the truth was, I'm not even sure if everything was going to be okay.

Sara was in a car accident again, for the second time and they weren't very far apart. If anything the accident sounded worse this time, and I was utterly frightened now because nobody ever told Sara for her own sake, but hitting her head on the steering wheel the first time caused some type of brain damage. She'd hit her head so hard, her skull cracked and nerve cells died. It was lucky they were able to patch her up and save her. But I had faith in Sara, if she could pull through that, she could pull through this.

Sara Elena Martin was a fighter, and she was going to kick death's butt again and keep on living. She was only turning twenty five next month, she could hold on and wouldn't let life get away from her hold. I sighed and heaved, Ryan-Ashley bringing me to a seat next to her and sitting me down. She kept one arm around me, and I leaned into her for support. Everybody else shot me sympathetic looks, but I ignored them. A few minutes later, Ryan sent Balz away to get a cup of water and he returned handing it to me. I sipped from it slowly and sat up on my own now, Ryan-Ashley still having a tight grip on my shaking hand that wasn't holding my water.

All we could do was hope and pray at this point.

- - - - -

Okay don't kill me! Please do not come at me with pitch forks and knives, I have more life to live than Sara!

The next couple chapters will be in Ricky's POV since Sara will take place as the unresponsive one. So be expecting that, and you're welcome because there aren't a ton of Ricky point of views in this story so take it as an 'I'm sorry for being a bitch' gift. More crap is only gonna happen so keep up with the updates.

Kay, I love you guys, thanks for the reads and votes! Stay rad not sad. x

- Gaby

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