#2 The Darkest Fire

By AlinaReynolds

121K 2.4K 574

Dawsey FanFiction by Alina Reynolds A.K.A @chicagofdpd_fanbase Sequel to: A Reason To Love More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Authors Note

Chapter Thirty Five

2.2K 56 40
By AlinaReynolds

*A Week Later*
"Sylvie Diane Brett? Do you take Kelly Benjamin Severide to be your lawfully wedded husband to love, through sickness and through health?" Mr. Chapman asked as Kelly and Sylvie stood looking at one another, their beloved fire family surrounding them. Sylvie looked Kelly in the eyes and squeezed his hands tight, all eyes on her. "I do" she replied, Kelly exhaling out of relief. "And do you Kelly Benjamin Severide take Sylvie Diane Brett as your lawfully wedded wife, to cherish and love through sickness and through health?" "I do" Kelly replied, making Sylvie smile. "Now is the time to share your vows" Mr. Chapman said stepping back, Kelly looking to Sylvie taking in a deep breath. "YOU GOT THIS MAN!!!" Matt shouted from the crowd, everyone looking at him chuckling, Kelly smirking, making eye contact with Sylvie again. Matt snuggled Gabby close and wrapped his arm around Violets shoulder, making her lean into him also. "That'll be us one day" Gabby whispered, Matt kissing the top of her head. "Oh yeah, definitely"
"Sylvie, when I first met you, my heart was in utter shock. Everything about you was perfect! Your hair, your eyes, your smile.... Your heart" Kelly said chuckling, Sylvie placing a hand on the side of his neck, savoring every word. "Ever since I found out that you were carrying our daughter, I had a love for you that I never felt before. Sylvie, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to have a family with you, I want to grow old with you" Kelly said as a tear rolled down Sylvies cheek, Kelly wiping it away with his thumb. "Wow I don't know where to start!!!" Sylvie laughed, everyone in the audience laughing along with her. "Kelly, when I walked through the doors of that firehouse I thought I would NEVER be able to find love, but when I met you, that all changed. I found the love of my life at a firehouse! Who else has a love story like that?!" Sylvie exclaimed, Matt and Gabby both raising their arms, everyone laughing. "Alright good point good point" Sylvie said focusing back on Kelly, his eyes big and blue. "I love you Kelly. The way I see you interact with our daughter is amazing and with this one on the way..." Sylvie said as she placed her hand on her stomach, some people in the audiences jaws dropping open. "I know you'll be just as great as you are with Alexa. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Who am I kidding I NEED to! You're my end and my beginning, even when I think I'm losing I'm winning" Sylvie said, Kelly smiling, Mr. Chapman stepping back up again. "You may now put on the rings" Mr. Chapman said, Kelly sliding on Sylvie's ring. As she felt Kelly slide on her ring, Sylvies cheeks glowed bright red. Sylvie then slid on Kellys, Kelly smiling at her once the ring was on his finger. "You may NOW kiss the bride" Mr. Chapman said, Kelly taking Sylvie's face into his hands, kissing her slowly, full of passion. Everyone from Firehouse 51 cheered, Matt and Gabby standing up, clapping for their friends. When Kelly pulled back he pulled Sylvie into a hug, Sylvie gripping onto him, Alexa toddling up the aisle reaching them, Kelly picking her up. "This is how I imagined today" Sylvie said laying her head on Kellys shoulder, Kelly kissing her forehead. "Are you ready to party Mrs. Severide?" Kelly asked in a loving voice, Sylvie giggling. "Lead the way"
Matt stood by one of the tables pouring fruit punch when Gabby walked up behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist, laying her head on his back. "Guess who?" she asked, Matt setting down his drink and smirking. "Let's see..." Matt said placing his hands on the table, looking down at the hands on his stomach. "Ask me questions, and maybe I'll be able to figure out who..." "Is she cute?" Gabby asked, Matt laughing. "Exceedingly. She's beautiful" Matt said making Gabby blush, Gabby running her hands up to his chest. "How does she make you feel?" "She makes me feel like I'm floating on clouds" Matt replied. "Is she someone who you would want to marry?" "She's someone I would LOVE to marry" Matt said turning around, staring at Gabby's face, Gabby smiling. "There she is" he replied looking at her, Gabby leaning in and kissing him, Violet watching from afar.
"Hermann?" Violet asked, Hermann looking at her, poking her shoulder. "What's up kiddo?" "Do you think my dad will show up soon?" Violet asked, Hermann taking a sip of his drink, placing it back on the table. "Why?" "I feel like I'm getting in the way of Uncle Matts relationship" "Violet...." Hermann said turning around facing her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "You see that over there?" he asked pointing to Matt and Gabby who were now holding hands, chatting with Kelly and Sylvie, Violet nodding her head. "If anything, you've drawn them closer together! I've known them for a LONG time, and I've never seen them as happy as they are now" Hermann told her, Violet smiling. "Really?" Violet asked, Hermann nodding his head. "Absolutely"
"So, how does it feel to be Mrs. Severide?!" Gabby asked as she hugged Sylvie, Sylvie smiling big. "It feels amazing. It's all I've ever wanted" Sylvie replied, Kelly wrapping his arm around Sylvie, Matt taking Alexa out of his arms so Kelly could take a sip of his drink. "How're you doing Kelly?" Gabby then asked, realizing Kelly was staring out of space. "Kelly..." she said snapping in front of his face breaking Kellys gaze, Kelly looking at her. "Sorry what?" he asked, everyone laughing at him. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" Gabby asked, Kelly placing his drink on the table nodding, walking away with Gabby into the Firehouse, standing in the hallway. "How're you doing Kelly?" Gabby asked, Kelly looking at her smiling. "I'm great!" "Oh don't play that with me. I know you're not...What's going on?" Gabby asked, Kelly sighing. "I'm just thinking about how different things would be if Shay were here" Kelly said looking at Shays photo on the wall, stuffing his hands in his pockets. Gabby placed a hand on his shoulder, watching a tear trickle down his face. "Kelly..." she said making him face her, Gabby pulling him into a hug, Kelly letting her. "If there's one thing I know about Shay, she wouldn't want you to be sad, especially on your wedding day" Gabby said, feeling her shoulder get wet. "I miss her" Kelly cried, Matt and Sylvie walking into the hallway, seeing Kelly crying on Gabby's shoulder. Seeing Kelly so emotional made Gabby's heart break, and tears suddenly started streaming down her face. "I know... I do too" she choked out, Kelly hugging her tighter.
Mills stood in the corner of the room sipping his drink, watching Lilly from afar. When she looked up at him he quickly looked away, Lilly doing the same. "You have a thing for the candidate don't you?" Cruz asked as he set down a wedding gift on the table, Peter looking at him, suddenly laughing. "What makes you think that?" "She told me she likes you..." "Wait she did?! Are you serious?!" Peter asked out of excitement, Cruz laughing while shaking his head. "That.... That's what makes me think that. I also keep catching you glance over at her... MULTIPLE TIMES" Cruz replied, Peter rolling his eyes. "What should I do? Wait who am I kidding?! I can't take advice from someone who can't even maintain a relationship for at least a week" Peter said, Cruz gasping. "Hey?! Just for your information Sylvie and I lasted 3 weeks" "Wow congratulations...." Peter said sarcastically. "Just for that I shouldn't help you, but since you're a fire brother, I can make an exception. Go talk to her!" Cruz said, Peter taking in a deep breath. "Yeah you're right. Thanks" Peter said setting down his drink, walking towards Lilly who had all her attention focused on him. "What're you doing Cruz?" Mouch asked noticing that Cruz was staring at Peter, who now stood in front of Lilly, not saying a word. "I'm watching..." "Watching what?" "Mills crash and burn" he laughed taking a sip from Peters drink, not realizing it was his.
"Hi" Lilly said blushing looking at the ground, Peter smiling. "Hey..." he replied, scratching his head. "Great wedding huh?" he asked, Lilly looking up at him and nodding. 'Great wedding huh? Come up with something better moron' Peter thought to himself, looking at Lilly and smiling, Lilly smiling back. Before Peter could say something else Lilly leaned in and kissed his cheek, making Peter smile. When Lilly pulled back she put her hands over her mouth. "I'm so sorry. I don't know where that came from" "You missed" Peter said drawing her close, lightly kissing her lips, Cruz watching from where he stood, his mouth dropping open. "Noooo...wayyy..." both Cruz and Mouch said at the same time, watching Peter hold Lilly's hand, leading her into an office, closing the door.
*Later At Night*
Kelly and Sylvie burst through the doors of their apartment, quickly closing it behind them, their lips connecting, Kelly leading the way. Matt and Gabby had agreed to watch Alexa during the night, so they could have alone time to themselves. Sylvie ran her hands through Kellys hair, Kelly wrapping his arms around her waist, getting her up against the wall, kissing her neck. While Kelly kissed Sylvie's neck, she felt something running down her leg. "Uh, babe..." she said making Kelly pull back, his eyes flashing with love. "I'll be right back" she said running to the bathroom shutting the door, quickly pulling off her pants. "Oh my God" she said realizing blood was running down her legs, tears suddenly streaming down her face. "KELLY!!!" she screamed, Kelly running into the bathroom looking down. "No..... NO!" cried Kelly as he picked up Sylvie bridal style, blood staining his shirt. "This can't be happening... THIS CANT!" Sylvie cried as Kelly grabbed a blanket, throwing it over Sylvie's body. "It's alright baby... Everything gonna be okay" Kelly said crying, placing Sylvie in the back of his car shutting the door. Kelly hopped in on the drivers side, turning on the car, his hands shaking as he pulled out of their apartment complex, making their way to Chicago Med.

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