Legacies(Season 1)

Por MikaelsonAni

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[Book 1] What if Klaus and Hayley had twins? What if Hope wasn't only child and she has twin sister- Audrey... Más

Audrey Mikaelson
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Second Book

Chapter 27

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Por MikaelsonAni

[Lela and Rafael are standing on staircase.]
"Wasn't it broken in last episode?" Said Marcel.
"It's school full of witches." Deadpanned Audrey.
Lela: So, the emcee will then announce Lizzie and her escort.
Rafael: Her what?
Lela: You. Anyway, you're gonna meet her halfway down. [Lela motions for Rafael to goes down the staircase and wait for Lela. She walks down staircase.]
Rafael: How do you know all this stuff?
Lela: I live in Mystic Falls. Here is always something like that. [Lela reaches out her hand.]
Lela: Then you take her arm. Sort of like you're putting yours on top. [They walk together.]
Lela: Yeah, like that. And then you descend together. And now you bow.
Rafael: Yeah, you're messing with me.
"Only i think they look cute together?" Asked Davina.
"No, i do, too." Answered Davina and Freya.
Lela: You think this is bad? You know it's only gonna get worse, right? Lizzie Saltzman has been planning her sweet since she was five. You probably should've thought twice before asking to be her date.
Rafael: Well, I didn't ask her. All I know is that I can't let her down now.
Lela: Why?
Rafael: Because I slept with her, Lela.
[People are getting ready for party. Mg walks up to Penelope.]
MG: You're lucky I respect women and that I shun all forms of toxic masculinity, or else you and I would be throwing down right now. Even if you can kick my ass.
"He is so cute." Said Freya.
Penelope: Dude, I am here to help.
MG: By telling Lizzie and Josie that their mom isn't coming?
Penelope: Oh, that was just for Lizzie, who is taking Rafael as her date instead of you.
"It hurt Josie, too." Pointed out Hayley.
Penelope: So why are you doing all this to try and make her party perfect?
MG: 'Cause a man's got to shoot his shot.
Penelope: Oh, my God. No. I can't take it anymore. As your friend, I demand that you retrieve your little MGs from Lizzie's grip.
MG: Not when I can taste victory.
Penelope: (sighs) Fine. I'll make you a deal. I will keep Werewolf Prince Charming away from the party long enough for you to shoot your one, final,
inevitably failed shot. And when it's over, and the Queen of Mean has broken your heart all over again, promise me that you will let Lizzie go.
"Penelope and MG's friendship is so underrated." Said Audrey.
[Alaric is interogating Jo and Klaus with truth detector sphere. Audrey is texting on phone to jed.
Audrey: "Are pack in Gym?"
Jed: "Yes. We are all here except Lela. I texted her, but turns out she left phone in here."
Audrey: "Okay. If she doesn't come back on time for meeting, We'll do it without her. Warn others that if they act like cowards, who piss themselves at seeing my dad and emberass me, dad will not be the one they should be afraid of."
People look at Audrey amused.
"Okay. Fine. I wanted to show off to my dad. Now look back to screen!" Said emberassed Audrey. Everyone chuckles.
Jed: "Yeah, yeah. We get it. You already made me tell that for hundredth time." Audrey puts her phone away.]
Alaric: All right, one more time. What's your name?
Jo: Josette Laughlin. [Sphere glows blue.]
Klaus: Klaus Mikaelson. [Sphere glows blue.]
Alaric: Full name
Klaus: (annoyed) Niklaus Mikaelson.  [Sphere glows blue.]
Audrey: I told you we already checked. He is our dad.
"He annoys me so much." Said Audrey.
"He is just trying to protect school." Said Hayley.
"I don't care. I still don't like him." Said Audrey.
Alaric: (to Jo) And what's your profession?
Jo: I'm a doctor. I was, anyway. [Sphere glows blue.]
Alaric: (to Klaus) What are your daughters' full names?
Klaus: Audrey Koleta Mikaelson and Hope Andrea Mikaelson. [Sphere glows blue.]
"Wait! Her middle name is Koleta? You.. you.. you named her after me?" Said shocked Kol.
"I did." Said Klaus. Kol is too shocked to joke about it.
"Did you know that Koleta also means Little Victorious Army?" Said Audrey.
"It does?" Asked Davina.
"Yes. Suits me, don't you think?" Said Audrey and wiggled her eyebrows.
Alaric: Repeat after me: I'm here to harm you.
Klaus/Jo: I'm here to harm you.  [Sphere glows red.]
Josie: (To Jo) How did you meet my dad?
Alaric: That's not, uh, a question.
Jo: I walked up to him at a college party. (Laughs softly) He was the only guy over 20.
Josie: Was it love at first sight?
Lizzie: Jo. Don't be so nosy.
Josette: Not quite. I flirted with him and asked him for a sip of his drink. He told me he was a germophobe. But I thought he looked like Indiana Jones, so... [Sphere glows blue.]
"He does." Laughs Damon.
Lizzie: This walk down weird old people memory lane is fun and all, but we have a party to get ready for.
Josie: Will you still be here after?
Alaric: I will be there when I can. But right now the office is off limits.
Hope: We should go, too. Dad?
Alaric: He isn't leaving.
Audrey: And who's gonna stop him? You? [Audrey snorts.]
"Does he really think he can hold back two tribrids and the original hybrid?" Said Kol.
Alaric: It's dangerous.
Hope: So are we.
Alaric: He was brought back by Malivore's monster...
Audrey: (interrupts) creature.
Alaric: Not to mention. He is Klaus Mikaelson. If people see him...
Audrey: I'll handle people. Now get out of my way. [Audrey's eyes glow yellow.]
Audrey: I mean it, Alaric. I finally got my dad back and i'm not wasting my time on this foolishness.
People look at Audrey empathecally.
[Audrey grabs Hope and Klaus's hands and takes them out of office.]
Alaric: Audrey! Audrey! [Audrey closes door behind with magic.]
Klaus: He had point.
Audrey: I don't care. Come on. You have to see my pack. [Audrey draggs Klaus and Hope with her.]
Lela: One, two, three. One two... [Lela and Rafael are dancing.]
Lela: I can't belive you slept with Lizzie Saltzman.
Rafael: Look, I was mad and she was there. [Lela gives him disapproving look.]
Salvatores and Hope glare at him.
Rafael: I didn't say I was proud of it. You're leading. [Lela does turn and goes back in Rafael's arms.]
Lela: You're officially a gigolo.
Rafael: Thanks for this. [Rafael walks away.]
Rafael: I guess I'll see you at the party.
Lela: I guess. [Rafael tries to leave, but can't get out.]
Rafael: The hell?
"Penelope." Realised Hayley.
[Lela walks there and tries to stick her arm out of Mill, but barrier stops her.]
Lela: Barrier spell.
Rafael: Fantastic.
Penelope: Sorry, kids. Nothing personal.
Lela: Let us out of here, Penelope.
Penelope: You'll be free in an hour. Plenty of time to practice that waltz.
Caroline glares at Penelope.
[Klaus, Audrey and Hope enter Gym. Pack is playing ball.]
Audrey: Hello, everyone. [They stop when they hear her and turn around.]
Audrey: I want to introduce you to my dad- Klaus Mikaelson.
Klaus: Hello. [Klaus waves.]
Pack: Hello, Mr. Mikaelson.
"You have them trained." Chuckled Kol.
Audrey: Brian, Why don't you start exercising them today?
Brian: M-me?
Audrey: Yes, you. Jed. [Jed walks up to Audrey.]
Audrey: I'll be busy today. Can you to take care of them instead?
Jed: Yeah. Sure.
Audrey: Dad, he is my best friend- Jed Tien. [Klaus and Jed shake their hands.]
Klaus: Nice to meet you, Jed.
[There is threat under his voice.]
"Ughh... not this." Groaned Hope and Audrey.
"What?" Asked Hayley.
Audrey: (rolls her eyes) Dad, he really is my best friend. I promise.
[Jed checks out Klaus.]
Jed: Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Mikaelson. [Audrey and Hope make disgusted face and Audrey makes Jed let go of Klaus. Klaus looks amused.]
"This!" Said Audrey and Hope.
"Wait is he--?" Asked Freya.
"Flirting with dad? Yes." Said disgusted Audrey.
"Can't blame. I'm hot." Smirked Klaus. Audrey and Hope roll their eyes.
Audrey: Jed! Stop checking my dad out! [Klaus smirks at him. Jed melts at Klaus's smirk.]
Jed: (to Audrey) He is so hot, he could kill me and i would thank him.
"He is someone you want your parents to adopt?" Said Marcel.
"He won't be like that if he's being raised by dad." Said Hope.
"Yeah, he was just flirting. It's not like he had a crush or something. Me and Jed always flirt. It's just for fun." Said Audrey.
"He was practically undressing dad with his eyes. He doesn't do it with you." Said Hope.
"Well, Yeah. I'm his best friend. He doesn't see me like that." Said Audrey.
Audrey: That's my dad you are talking about, you disgusting filth! And He is thousand years older than you, you are literally his daughter's age!
Jed: Then can i call him daddy? [Klaus looks surprised. Hope and Audrey look like they are gonna throw up.]
"Why do you have to make so innocent word dirty?" Complained Audrey.
Audrey: Jedidiah Tien!
"Jedidiah? His parents must have hated him." Said Kol.
Audrey: Keep your sexual fantasies about my dad to yourself and find another way to deal with your daddy issuies!
Jed: Ouch. Fine. Bye, Mr. Mikaelson. I see who Hope and Audrey got their looks from, but... Like they say nobody is better than original. [Jed winks at Klaus. Klaus laughs.]
"He is crazy." Said Damon about Jed.
"Jerk." Said Audrey.
Audrey&Hope: Jeeeeeeed! [Jed walks away. Audrey, Hope and Klaus leave the Gym.]
Hope&Audrey: (groan) In next life, i want ugly parents! [Klaus laughs.]
People laugh.
"It isn't funny!" Said Audrey and Hope, which made people laugh more.
Audrey: I didn't miss that.
Klaus: What?
Audrey: Everyone including my classmates and teachers eye-fucking my dad while i'm standing next to him. Like at least have decency to do it behind my back!
"Exactly!" Said Audrey.
Klaus: Well, you can't blame them. I'm irresistable.
"No, you aren't." Said Audrey, Hope and Hayley.
"You slept with me." Said Klaus to Hayley. Hope and Audrey make a face.
"I was drunk." Defended Hayley.
Audrey&Hope: No, you aren't.
[Dorian is looking through books. Alaric is pacing. Emma is with them.]
Alaric: I-I don't get it. She hasn't tried to escape, not a word about the Knife. She knows things that only Jo knows and let's not ignore the fact that I remember her, so she's not like the other creatures. Same with Klaus.
"Like Klaus said they are distraction, so as long they have knife hidden good, it should be fine." Said Freya.
Emma: Blunt force hasn't gotten them what they want, so they've moved on to psychological warfare. Tread lightly. If Jo and Klaus are another monsters, they can do more damage to you, Hope and Audrey than any dragon.
Klaus looks down at that. He doesn't want to cause his daughters harm.
Dorian: It was something she said... Here. [Dorian shows the book to Emma and Alaric.]
Dorian: There's an eyewitness account of a group of World war I soldiers buried in France who came back to life and massacred a village. After, they didn't remember hurting anyone. And they all said they'd been "yanked" back into being. Like Jo.
Alaric: Wait, so someone or something resurrected them and used them to attack a village?
Mikaelsons look at Hope and Audrey worried. Salvatores worry about Lizzie and Josie.
Dorian: Without them even knowing it.
[Josie is styling Lizzie's hair.]
Josie: Dad is so suspicious.
Lizzie: Uh, duh. So am I.
Josie: I just think that she's more fairy godmother than zombie.
"Can't she be both?" Said Davina.
Lizzie: She's not our mother.
Josie: She's DNA.
Lizzie: We can be mad at Mom all that we want for missing our party, but we cannot cheat on her with Mombie Dearest.
"It's not cheating. She is your mother, too." Said Caroline.
Lizzie: You're not even dressed. I don't want to be late to my own party.
Josie: I'm done. I'll catch up with you, okay? [Lizzie leaves. Josie notices letter on her bed and opens it. 'Hope your birthday wishes come true, Hope' Josie smiles and takes out the gift that was with letter- neckleace. She wears it. Penelope knocks on door and enters.]
Penelope: Hey, Jo Jo. Need an escort?
Josie: Sure. Do you know anyone whose heart isn't made of stone?
"Go Josie!" Encouraged Caroline.
Penelope: Look, I am sorry about earlier. I saw a chance to make Lizzie suffer and, uh... I shot my shot.
Josie: Why can't you just ease up on her?
Penelope: She sucks the air out of every room you're in.
Josie: She's my twin. We can share oxygen.
Penelope: Are you sharing love interests now, too? Because she's the only one with a date. See? You have crawled so far down the codependence rabbit hole that you think taking care of yourself is selfish. But it's not. So when are you gonna take care of you?
Salvatores are saddend by her words' truth.
"She is right on that. That's why Penelope and Josie were perfect couple. Josie is incredibly selfless and Penelope is ready to be selfish for her. Posie forever." Said Audrey.
Josie: I take care of myself just fine.
Penelope: Oh, really? Party starts in five. It's a shame you spent all of that time helping Lizzie get ready.

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