Believe in Me

By BeStrong1998

191K 5.7K 533

After a terrible accident Anna(a Lovatic) finds out she has cancer and is then placed into an abusive foster... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Author's Note
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Authors Note
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76

Chapter 57

1K 51 13
By BeStrong1998

Demi's POV:

"ANNA!" I yelled.

I had just watched her race out of the hospital bed and into the hallway. I mean, I knew she was scared, but I didn't know she was that scared that she would run away from the freaking hospital bed.

I too sprang out of bed and began to chase after her. I ran as quickly as my legs would carry me through the hallways, passing many doctors that told me to "slow down" or "take it easy", but I ignored them and kept running. Anna was out of sight by now. Damn, she was fast, especially for a 13 year-old that most likely had cancer.

"Demi? DEMI! STOP RUNNING!" I heard someone yell.

I wasn't going to listen, as usual, but then someone grabbed my arm, forcing me to stop. It was Anna's doctor.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"It's... It's Anna. She ran away." I explained, out of breath from running.

"She ran away?" He asked, shocked.

I nodded, still trying to catch my breath. He then began typing something on his pager.

"Okay, I just sent out a notification to all the staff. We'll find her. Just slow down and don't worry." he said.

I nodded again before resuming my Anna hunt, fast-walking this time.

Anna's POV:

I raced through the hospital hallways, away from my room. I heard Demi yell my name from a distance, but I was not about to go back there. I was completely healthy and I was going to live a normal life. No more MRIs, no more surgery and certainly no more biopsies.

As I raced through the halls and it seemed as though no one noticed me. Although, I could have been wrong because even if someone had told me to slow down or something, I was running on too much adrenaline to hear them.

I wasn't quite sure where I was going yet, but anything would be better than a hospital bed. Maybe I could just hide in one of the bathrooms or behind equipment or something. Naw, there would be too many doctors around that would ask questions. I needed to hide where there would be no meddling doctors or nurses. That's when I got it. I would go out to the playground outside the hospital. There was a tube slide I could hide in, maybe just long enough for Demi to change her mind about to biopsy.

I ran until I reached the elevator on my floor. I pressed the button to call it. I waited, tapping my foot for a few moments until it opened. I was bummed to find out that it had a doctor in it. He was young looking so I figured he didn't have any place or authority or anything that he could make me go back to my room. I walked in with my head down and nothing but my hospital gown on. I'll admit I felt a little exposed, but it's not like I had time to change before running away.

"Where are you headed young lady?" The doctor asked.

"To the park. I'm meeting a friend there." I lied easily.

Well I guess it wasn't really a lie cuz that's what I was doing, but it wasn't really the real reason I was going. I left that part out.

"Oh okay. Have fun." He said, believing me.

"Thanks." I mumbled, as we rode the rest of the way in an awkward silence.

When the door clicked open I ran to the back entrance, leading to the park. It was such a beautiful day out. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping and the mid afternoon heat felt great on my exposed body. It was a shame that I was spending it in the worst way. There weren't any kids in sight which was surprising, but I was relieved because it meant no one would disturb me. I quickly made my way to the top of the play set and ran to the tube slide which had a canopy type thing over it. I sat down under it and brought my knees to my chest, clinging to them. After about 5 minutes, when the adrenaline of running away had died down, everything began to sink in. So many emotions filled me and I couldn't help but break down in sobs. You would too if you were in my shoes. I probably had cancer again and it scared the crap out of me. I knew the right thing to do would be to go in and be brave, but I didn't want to. I didn't want to face all the scary tests and the pain and everything. I just wanted to be at home in Demi's arms.

Speaking of Demi, she was probably looking for me, but as much as I wanted her, I couldn't let her find me. At least, she couldn't find me until the scheduled test time passed so that I wouldn't have to have the biopsy. Couldn't they just like cure cancer with a pill or something so we could be on our way? I knew that wasn't possible, but still, it would be pretty nice.

Demi's POV:

"I saw a little girl all alone in the elevator a few minutes ago. She said she was headed to the park." I overheard a young doctor say as I was walking by.

I quickly stopped and interrupted his and another doctors conversation.

"Did she have short brown hair and a hospital gown on?" I asked, kinda louder than I expected, but hey, I was in panic mode.

"Yeah. She said she was going to the playground." He said.

"Oh my goodness thank you so much!" I exclaimed, before running off toward the park.

I reached it in only a matter of minutes. At first it didn't look like anyone was out there, but as soon as I walked outside I was met with the unmistakable sobs of Anna. They sounded like they were coming from the tube slide so I made my way over the the slide entrance. Sure enough, Anna was sitting at the top of the slide with her knees to her chest, sobbing. My poor baby. I wanted nothing more than to make all her pain and suffering disappear. This poor little girl always had to deal with so much. It wasn't fair.

I crouched down beside her and placed my hand on her back. Her gaze shot up to me and she seemed startled. When she saw it was me though he began to sob harder.

"Oh Anna." I said, sympathetically.

I pulled her from the ground and cradled her in my arms.

"Baby. Calm down. Everything's going to be okay." I soothed.

She buried her face into my chest. I took deep breaths, hoping that the controlled rhythm would calm her. After a few minutes I felt her relax some so I figured it was safe to question her a little.

"Hey baby?" I asked, testing to make sure I wouldn't set her off or anything.

She looked up to me and wiped some tears, as if giving me the 'go ahead' to continue.

"Can you tell me why you ran away?" I asked, still rubbing her back and cradling her.

"I um, I'm just... I'm overwhelmed and scared and stuff." she admitted.

I nodded, completely understanding why she would feel that way.

"Anna, that's completely normal. You've had to deal with so much in your life already and if I could, I would protect you from any more pain, but you know I can't do that. But baby, you are the strongest person I know and you can handle anything." I started.

Anna cut me off.

"I'm not strong Demi. I ran." she interrupted.

"Anna, even the strongest of people run sometimes. You're human and it's natural to be scared. I just want you to know that I will never leave you, though. Also, the doctors are there to get you better. If you're running from what will help you it is impossible to heal. I know the tests seem scary and stuff, but it will be worth it in the end when you kick cancer's ass." I said.

Anna chuckled a little at my choice of words.

"Thanks Demi. I don't know what I would do without you." Anna said.

"I'm pretty great, aren't I?" I chuckled, flipping my hair and earning a laugh from Anna.

"Now are you ready to go back in?" I asked.

Anna's face dropped again, but she slightly nodded.

"I guess." she mumbled.

"Baby. Everything's gonna be alright. It's not gonna hurt this time I promise, and if it does, you know me, I'll bite that doctors head off." I joked.

Anna smiled and climbed off of my lap.

"Okay, I'm ready." she said.

"That's my girl." I smiled, placing my hand on her back and leading her back up to her room.

I could tell she was really weak as we were walking. I also knew though, that she wouldn't want me to carry her so I decided to kept my mouth shut and let her walk because, after all, she wouldn't get to walk on her own very much after this.

When we reached her room there was already a team of doctors with the medical cart, waiting. I still had my hand on Anna's back so I felt her tense up as we walked in.

"Welcome back Miss Anna." her main doctor said.

She didn't acknowledge them at all though, probably out of embarrassment.

"Okay. If you're ready, can you hop up on the bed for us and lay on your side?" the doctor asked again.

I saw panic flash across Anna's face and it looked like she was about to cry again so I pulled her into me. I felt tears on my shirt so I pulled her head back and wiped them dry.

"You'll do fine, baby. Please don't cry." I said.

She just launched herself back into my arms and I found myself having to pry her off of me. I walked over to the bed with her and gently pushed her into a laying position. The doctors sensed my struggled and instantly came to hold her down. This only made her panic more. She thrashed around and began calling my name, begging for me to make them stop. My heart broke at the sight of how helpless she was. This had to be so triggering for her. I knew she needed to have this procedure, but I couldn't stand watching her in pain.

"Wait, stop for a second." I ordered.

Anna's main doctor shot me a confused look, but still let go of the now-crying girl. As soon as their hands were off of her, Anna calmed down some.

"Anna. You need to relax, okay?" I said, kneeling by the bed.

She sniffled a little, but nodded her head.

"I'm gonna be right here. I want to to focus on me. The doctor has to hold your legs to keep you safe though, so please don't panic." I said.

I saw her nodded again so I shot the doctor a look as if to say "go ahead". Anna tensed when the nurse pulled her hospital gown up, exposing her back, before holding her legs in place.

"Look at me, baby." I reminded her, rubbing my hand on her cheek.

She locked her gaze on mine while the doctor cleaned her back off. I kept Anna distracted by drawing different patterns on her cheek while the doctor stuck her with the numbing medicine.

"Okay. We will be back in a minute." The doctor whispered, probably because Anna was really easily triggered in this situation.

I nodded as they left the room then turned my attention back to Anna.

"The hard part's over. Now you won't feel anything." I said with a smile.

Anna gave me a slight smile in return, but I could tell it was forced. I stroked her hair to comfort her until 2 doctors came back in.

"Okay. We're just gonna check to make sure you're numbed." her main doctor said, pulling his swivel chair over while putting on a new pair of gloves.

"Can you tell me when I touch your back?" the doctor asked Anna.

He waited a few seconds before touching her. Anna didn't budge at all so he touched her again to make sure. She still didn't notice.

"Okay, good. We're ready then." he said, picking up the biopsy needle.

Anna's breathing picked up and tried to move her head to see what the doctor was doing. I tried to stop her by placing my hand on her cheek, but I guess she still caught sight of the needle because she took in a huge gulp before turning her head back to me and shaking her head.

"I'm not numb! I'm not numb!" she shouted.

"Yes you are. You couldn't tell when I touched your back." the doctor reasoned.

"But... but that's a big needle. I'm going to feel it. I've felt it before." Anna whined, holding back tears.

I placed my hand on her now-shaking hand and rubbed circles on it.

"Baby, the doctors know what they're doing. You felt it last time because you weren't numb, but trust me, you're numb now." I assured her.

"Anna, I've done thousands of these procedures. I know the difference between a numbed and a non-numbed patient. You're numbed this time. You have nothing to worry about." the doctor said, backing me up.

Anna still looked petrified so I kept my hands cupping her face as the second doctor held her legs still again. Anna sucked in a big breath and squeezed her eyes closed as the doctor stuck the needle in and began turning it.

"Hey Anna, look at me." I said.

She just kept her eyes shut.

"Baby. Look at me, I'm serious." I said, more firmly this time.

Her eyes slowly opened and landed on me.

"Focus on me." I said.

"Okay Anna. You're gonna feel some pressure now, but it shouldn't be any pain. Have you felt any pain so far?" The doctor asked.

Anna hesitated for a moment as if she was thinking, before shaking her head no.

"See, I told you you'd be fine." I smiled.

Anna just gave me a small smile and kept her eyes glued to me for the remainder of the procedure. In less than a minute the doctor was done. He bandaged the incision sight and made her lay flat on her back. I thanked him as he walked out.

"Not so bad, huh?" I asked, turning my attention back to Anna and placing my hands on my hips.

"Not as bad as last time, that's for sure." Anna said.

"Thank God." I sighed, shaking the thought of her first biopsy out of my head.

This biopsy gave me hope. Maybe we could make it through this. Maybe nothing would be wrong. Maybe the results would be normal. Maybe. Only time would tell.

A/N: Thank you all so much for reading! You're all wonderful! I know where I wanna go with this story and stuff, but I would still love all your feedback. I know you guys want more Demi, Bella, Anna moments so I think you'll have a lot to look forward to in the coming chapters. Also, don't worry, I know you all don't like sad stuff, but this is a FanFic meaning there needs to be drama, but don't get your panties in a twist, it will end happy, haha :P Okay, until next time 45 votes and 12 comments :)

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