Earth Mars Love (The Marsikon...

By AsandraAvason

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A terrible mistake took REGINA's career in law enforcement and her trust with herself, and that was after a b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 43

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By AsandraAvason

The Ceremonial Hall was enormous. The high cavernous ceiling was so far away that Regina was wondering, how it was holding above them, not collapsing without supports. And then she remembered. They were underground. It was difficult to remember this when being on the base, or as the Marsikons called it the Underground City, or the City.

When they arrived yesterday, Marcus somehow managed to slip past all the people unnoticed and get them a sleek silver electro-car in which they arrived at his suit. On her way, she was ogling everything around.

Halls were called streets, and it was spacious enough, that two electro cars could drive through, along with pedestrians. Artificial lighting, indicated the time of the day, changing from bright in the day hours and turning darker when it was evening and night. She noticed that everything was made in calm pastel tones. Streets, rooms, Hall, and even people's clothes around her. She scrunched her nose a bit, looking discreetly around and thought, that she would've added some bright colors here. Everything was too...calm.

They left the car right by the door to his rooms. Marcus told her, that they had people, who were driving around the streets in pairs, and moving standing cars from the streets to the parking. And if you needed a car, you just called, and they brought the car to your door.

Marcus' suite consisted of three rooms and a large bathroom. Everywhere were carpets matching the color tones of room walls. The first one was the spacious living room done in sandy tones. In the center of it was a large pale brown sofa with huge flat TV in front of it. There weren't any trinkets or any art on the walls. Total minimalism.

In the alcove was the full kitchen with supplies. Marcus told her, that he often was preparing meals for himself when he ended his work late at night and skipped family dinners.

Next to the kitchen was a round pale grey table for six persons with matching soft chairs.

Regina looked in horror at it, and whispered, "What's that?"

In the middle of it stood a large intricate copper plate with strewn rocks of different colors and sizes. Red, yellow, blue, green things resembled...little human brains.

Marcus laughed at her reaction, describing that it was a plant, Lithops. He liked them because of their colors, it added some vibrancy to his brownish living room, and they were easy to handle.

Later she confirmed this through the internet (yes, he was right about the connection in the beginning), and her heart settled. It would be super weird to watch brains on the dining table while eating, but if that was a plant, she could deal with it. In time.

Then there was Marcus' office, with off-white walls and grey carpet. The simple white table and a grey comfy-looking chair were on one side of the room. But what caught her eye, was the drum set. The black lacquered drums with silver adorning and silver cymbals filled the bigger part of the room. She was eager to hear him play. Maybe he would teach her too, she hoped.

And then there was a bedroom, done in different shades of pale blue, with thick dark blue carpet. The enormous wooden bed was in the center of it, and on either side were wooden side tables. Marcus told her, this furniture belonged to princes of the time, when the atmosphere on Mars was still intact and it was made from the wood from Mars' forests. With their technologies, Marsikons were able to preserve the wood from aging and that's why it looked like new. It even smelled like wood.

Regina liked the feel of Marcus' suite. It felt like home. But, as Marcus had said, after the coronation they'll need to move to the Royal Suite, and his parents would move to another suite, saved for them, while this suite would be saved for the future child of Marcus and Regina. That was how they rotated their accommodation.

Later, Marcus' mother came to his place to greet them. With a wide smile and opened arms, she hugged Marcus and kissed both his cheeks, and then she hugged and kissed Regina too.

Alicia was a stunning woman. She was the same height as Regina, with a perfect, toned body and long dark thoroughly brushed hair. She would've never guessed, that she was his mother because she looked very young. Her skin was pale and flawless, she was quick to smile, and her eyes shone with love and pride for his son. And when Alicia said, that it was time to tell his dad, she had a crazy glint in her eyes. She was clearly enjoying this.

When King Robert entered Marcus' suit, all blood drained from Regina's face. He looked like the older version of Marcus, only his face was stern and reserved, and so intimidating that she was afraid he would send her back to Earth. He looked like real royalty, so far from her, that she wondered, how his mother was communicating with him.

Regina's jaw dropped when she heard the Queen tell him, "Robert, stop being an ass and drop your mask."

Marcus choked and coughed when he heard this.

Then Alicia explained everything, and his smile completely changed the man in front of her. He hugged Marcus and congratulated him. He was very grateful that fate sent Regina to him, and he was sure, that with love at his side, he would become the greatest ruler of Mars.

"My dear son, I must apologize that I hadn't shown you who I really am in fear that you would refuse to step in King's role." King Robert started, not bothering that Regina was listening. "When I became the King, I hid my true self except for your mother, so others wouldn't judge me and my ways of life. I tried to be like my father, strict and aloof, but at the same time thinking about Marsikons. But looking back, I realized, that I could've done everything that I did just being myself. It wouldn't have hurt me, but on the contrary, it would've helped, because then I wouldn't have been constrained, always doubting myself if I was doing the right thing. If for not the love of your mother, I would've become a crazy King long ago and would be overthrown by our people. I want to ask you not to be someone, who you don't want to be. Be yourself, and do not repeat my mistakes. Be free in your emotions but be honest. Stay true to yourself, your nation, and your love. And then you'll be a better King than I was. Please forgive me, your stupid father."

Regina sat with her mouth hanging open, and tears were streaming down her face. She glanced at Marcus and saw him crying too. After King's speech, Marcus hugged him fiercely, and buried his head in his shoulder, sobbing. His father hugged him in return and whispered roughly, "I love you son, more than you can imagine. Please forgive me."

Alicia was sobbing too but smiling at the sight of her men finally connecting.

After an emotional moment, they talked, and laughed, with Marcus always looking at his dad with wonder. When they were left alone, Marcus was in awe that he finally saw the other part of his dad. Relaxed and laid back.

Marcus told her that finally, he started to see his new job, not as a burden. And he was happy for his parents because as soon as Robert would step down, they would go on a holiday to the Earth.

Regina already contacted her parents, to tell them, that they'd arrived, and everything was excellent, and they were already waiting for his parents to visit them.

At the Ceremony, Regina was sitting next to Alicia, who was wearing a gorgeous long white shimmering gown, which was simple in cut, but it accentuated her body. In a crowd dressed in light tones of blue, green, yellow, and thousands of shades of beige, she looked dazzling and with her height, she was visible from any point of the big Hall. Regina noticed, that most people were shorter than humans on Earth. And it meant that Regina was also very visible for the others. But thankfully, no one was ogling her. Several people with whom she met eyes, only politely nodded in greeting.

Regina too was wearing a long ball gown, which she managed to take from Earth without Marcus noticing. It was bright scarlet, but she hid it under a grey cape. When Alicia saw it, she squealed in delight. Regina was afraid that it was too much but was reassured, that it would be sensational. She hoped that Marcus also would like it. She hadn't seen him since morning when his attendants took him somewhere to prepare for a coronation.

Regina was fidgeting with her hands and continued to swipe over her nails to calm herself. The Queen landed her hand over hers and whispered, "It's going to be fine."

She smiled in return and heard that the quiet music in the background changed and fanfares blared to life.

"Showtime," his mom whispered excitedly. Thousands of Marsikons stood up from their seats as one and turned to the aisle, where the procession had started. Shivers ran down Regina's spine, and she swallowed her nervousness.

The King and an heir walked down the aisle together, with their head held high. The dark glinting crown with black and red gems was on Robert's head. Father and son, were wearing official suits done in deep red with black belts with attached swords. She noticed that swords looked ancient, the intricate golden handles and scabbards were shining with red and black gems adorned in gold.

They came to the front, got up on the dais, and turned to everyone for greeting.

"Good evening, Marsikons," King said simply, and she could see, that a tiny smile was hovering on his face. He really couldn't wait to pass his duties and to be free. She also heard a hushed chuckle from the Queen.

Then she heard the rumble of voices, and all hairs stood up on her body. "Mars bless the King!" Everyone said it as one, and she felt people's unity and pride for their leader.

In front of her, she saw that Marcus stood taller, his Adam's apple moved as he swallowed. He was nervous. He couldn't sleep last night, but from the look at him, you'd never tell. He looked regal and almost aloof like it wasn't concerning him at all.

Then they turned to each other and Marcus knelt in front of his father.

"We gathered here today for a very special occasion," Robert started, looking at the crowd, "My dearest son, Marcus, is a savior of our beloved planet, Mars. In such a short period, he managed to make new allies on Earth and defeat the Martian invasion. If he could manage to do it in five days, I don't know what he'll do for Marsikons through years to come. But I know that he would give everything so Mars and Marsikons would prosper and advance further. Today I'll pass this crown and rights to rule to my only son, Marcus." He reached for his crown and placed it on Marcus' head. "Mars bless the King."

The crowd responded three times in joyous, "Mars bless the King!" Someone started to clap, and the crowd joined.

Tears were rolling down Regina's cheeks, but she didn't care. She no longer hid her tears. She was clapping until her palms started to sting. Then she heard a shout not far away, "You did it, man!" and she laughed, recognizing Darius' voice. Half of the room chuckled in response, and the Queen rolled her eyes but was smiling broadly.

Marcus got up from his knees and was looking at the crowd. Then their eyes locked and stayed. He was looking straight at her until clapping stopped after a couple of minutes and everyone was waiting for his speech.

"I would like to thank my father and my mother, for every opportunity they gave me and for everything they've taught me. How to care about Marsikons. How to learn from my mistakes. How to use the given time. And how to love. I swear to you, Marsikons, that I will do anything to give you everything you need and will rule fair and with the utmost honor. As you know, recently we've developed a new fuel, but we're not seeking ways to move Marsikons from our beloved Mars. No. It's just a first step in a long journey in saving our planet. This fuel would help us to move forward and return the atmosphere on Mars. We're working on making an artificial atmosphere so we can get back fresh air, oceans, and forests. We will be able to walk above without helmets. We will be able to breathe the fresh air. Here and now I swear to you, that we'll do it, so our children could live on the restored and renewed planet." He stopped for a minute when the Marsikons started to clap in joy.

Then he returned his gaze to hers and continued. "If we stay united and work together as we did before, we will make bigger and faster progress. Especially now, when we have allies on Earth. And all of this couldn't be happening if not for one person. A very special person for me. The woman I love. I would like to introduce you to our new Queen. Regina."

She lost herself in his gaze, and when she heard her name, it felt like thousands of electric bolts speared through her body. The Queen nudged her to come to the dais. Without any spare moment to think, Regina cast down her cape and on wobbly legs went to Marcus. She was looking straight at him and saw his first reaction to her attire. She saw that his eyes turned molten and darkened, and he practically ate her with his stare.

She stopped in front of him and together they turned to the crowd. Panic started to swallow her, and she turned back to look at him. The Queen came around, and she realized that it was her turn to kneel. The beautiful tiara with red and black stones was in her hands.

What? But if they weren't married yet, why she was being crowned now? Or maybe it was two ceremonies at once and she automatically got married Marcus? But he promised that her parents would be able to be at their wedding. She must had a look of a deer caught in the lights because the Queens's eyes softened even more, and she nodded encouragingly at her.

Then, in rolling strong voice, the Queen said, "Regina Morgan, I give you this tiara to symbolize your promise to be a loving and faithful wife for my son, and a fair Queen to all Marsikons."

Regina didn't know if she did it right, or where she found strength, but in a surprisingly strong voice she answered, "I swear to be the most caring and helpful person for the Marsikons, and I swear to love your son till my last days."

The Queen placed the tiara on her head, and then hugged and kissed her. "I'm so proud of you two," she quietly said for Marcus and her to hear, and then added for Regina, "Don't worry, your wedding ceremony is still to come, but nonetheless, you're the Queen now."

Regina exhaled in relief, that her family hadn't missed the wedding.

Regina and Marcus turned to the crowd, who cheered them, shouting, "Mars bless the King and the Queen!"

The smile they shared was full of love and promise of a long and crazy journey they had ahead of them.

She remembered that night when she asked Moon to send her a new purpose in life. And just a mere hour after that she'd found Marcus in her living room. Thank you, Moon, for sending this incredible Marsikon to me. Thank you for filling my life with love and joy.

She was alone for so long, fighting for the safety of people, trying to make this world better, while her own world was in ruins. But she was glad she'd waited for so long and finally met the savior of her soul. She was ready to step into the new part of her life, to release her old broken inner girl, and spend eternity with the man she loved with all her heart.

She was ready to be his wife and best friend, to face any obstacle and fight any Martian, just to be beside him.

Because without him, she didn't exist.

But with him? She looked at the stars and grinned. Together, they could take on anything.


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