Earth Mars Love (The Marsikon...

By AsandraAvason

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A terrible mistake took REGINA's career in law enforcement and her trust with herself, and that was after a b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 35

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By AsandraAvason

Marcus exhaled when the online meeting with the President was over. He was already briefed on the situation, probably the Boss gave him the recording of the meeting with Arthur Morgan. So, to reach an agreement about plastic was a five-minute deal, but for another hour they had talked about how Marsikons would help Earthlings to build ships and fight the Martians if that would be necessary.

Marcus thought, that there would be a fight to come. Even if Wisel was out of the picture, for which he doubted, that left his daughter, Onyx, in his stead. And if she was so treacherous as to spy on them and then help her father to plan an attack on Earth, then she could be as ruthless and avenge him in any way possible.

"Marcus, can I talk to you?" he heard Regina's hesitant voice behind him.

He turned, and there she was, in black clinging pants and a loose pale pink T-shirt. She looked so soft and relaxed. Her facial features lost their tension. Her hair was lying around her shoulders in soft brushed waves, and he wanted to bury his nose in it and inhale her scent like he did when he was holding her after the attack.

"Regina!" he rushed to her, wrapping his arms around her. Going with his desire, he buried his hose in soft tendrils of her hair, and just breathed her in. Finally, they were alone, and they could talk. He had a lot of questions, about what happened in Arthur's office when she had a panic attack. And what happened when she went alone with her mom. Had the confirmation of Clare's adoption made such an impact on her, or there was something else?

When he first heard the keening cry from the room where she went with her mom, his heart clenched in pain. He was about to run there, but Darius' hand on his own stopped him. Then came Clare and told him about the meeting, and he ran to get a shower to look more or less presentable. Arthur gave them his navy T-shirts and black sports pants to wear.

She clung to him, raggedly breathing. He moved to hold her face in front of his with both palms, their foreheads touching. Her hands were a searing band on his waist, her fingers lightly stroking the low of his back, which sent electric currents through his spine and all over his body.

He noticed that her eyes were still a bit puffy, with a sheen of tears in them.

"What happened, Regina?" he whispered, brow furrowed in worry.

Her voice croaked in response, "I was adopted too."

His eyes opened in concern. "Are you okay?"

She smiled. "That's just the thing. I'm sorry I'm crying again, I hate when I'm crying. But now it's tears of happiness I think. I've finally had a heartfelt conversation with my Dad, and Mom, and Clare. I realized how selfish and stupid I was through all these years. If not for you, I would've still been keeping them at a distance, not realizing how a big mistake I was making. And if not for that Martian attack, I think I would've done something reckless and erased my family from my life," she said with a lopsided smile.

She told him the full story of what her mother said to her, and about what happened in Arthur's office. How she disowned her father at that moment, and what she felt when he was lying almost dead on the lawn. She told him about the other conversation with her father, and that Marcus was right. He never had any grudge against Regina. She told him about moving to Washington to be closer to her family.

Marcus' eyes filled with tears for Regina. His heart bled for her, for what she endured in a short amount of time. He wanted to take that pain she felt, and relieve her of that burden. But at the same time, he was elated, that she'd got everything she ever wanted and even more.

But was there any place for him in her life?

"I'm glad you've found good things in your life."

"As ridiculous as it sounds, without the Martians, I would've just gone back to LA and stopped any contact with my family. Thank you, Marcus, for coming here and making my life better," she smiled at him, but his insides still churned from guilt.

He tried to swallow his remorse, while Regina searched his gaze. Then she slowly closed the distance between their mouths, and hesitantly slanted her lips over his. The hot desire seared his veins. Not giving her a second to change her mind, he crushed her to him. Their mouths and tongues moved in a passionate dance of feverish kisses until her body melted to his. His hands roamed all over her body, satisfying his tactile hunger for her. Her hands were in his hair, pulling and tugging, sending hot chills over his body.

He wanted more of her, was desperate for her.

His heart swelled with emotion.

He loved her. The emotion was so deeply ingrained that his heart painfully ached from it. He wanted to stay like that, he in her arms, and she – in his, forever.

He couldn't go to Mars like this. Not without her. His heart belonged here, on Earth, with Regina.

He was sending all his love through the kiss, hoping that she was feeling the same.

One moment she was kissing him back, the next she moved away.

"You're the Prince. What does it mean?" she whispered, heavily breathing. In her heavy-lidded gaze, he almost couldn't see her hazel irises. She moved her hands to his waist, gripping it.

Mention of his heritage sobered him instantly. He didn't want to mar this moment, he wanted to stay in the moment of total bliss, with Regina in his arms forever. But he must be honest with her. He must face the reality of their worlds and tell her everything about being the Prince of Mars.

He put his hands on her upper arms, squeezing them gently. His heart was still beating too fast after their passionate kiss, but it slowed down a bit after the deep exhale.

"I'm the only son of the King of Mars. In our tradition, the rights to rule are passed when the son is ready. Usually, it's around thirty earthly years old. That way, the father is still relatively young and can have well-deserved rest, but our nation has a young leader, who knows what is the best for his generation. Father can still be an adviser, but all decisions are made by the new King."

"And you are ready for this role," she whispered, her eyes never wavering from his.

"Yes, I've been preparing for this since I was three years old," he exhaled, thinking how much time he had to come to terms with his heritage, but he still felt dread. He took in a deep breath, "So, as soon as we're back on Mars, there would be preparations for coronation and father would pass me ruling of the Marsikons," he was saying it slowly, reluctantly, like his body was also against this concept.


Regina had wondered before what role Marcus had in their trio. Kos was a scientist, Darius was a computer genius, and now she understood what skills Marcus brought to the team. He was their leader, their champion, and he would fight for the Marsikons and Mars till the end. He would be a great King.

Then she remembered another thing he'd told her. That no King ever left his domain. And she knew better than anyone that no matter two people's commitment to a long-distance relationship, if his domain required him to close his heart to love, who was she to demand otherwise? She'd been selfish shutting herself off to the world. She wouldn't be selfish in opening herself up to it, either.

"So, you chose to go to the Earth now, because you wouldn't be able to do it after you're a King?" she said quietly, looking at him through her lashes. She gripped his waist tighter, already understanding what it had meant for them. That they didn't have any possible future together.

He looked sad, when he replied, "In a part, yes. But also, because I wouldn't let anyone else go on this suicide trip. If something would've happened to them, I couldn't have ever forgiven myself. My father was furious that I enlisted myself, but my Mom was calm. She convinced him that everything would be all right with me because even before she was pregnant, she saw a vision, that she would have a son, Marcus, who would save Mars. Reluctantly, father agreed, but he made me promise, that when I got back, he would proclaim me the King right away."

Tears prickled her eyes, and she averted her gaze so he wouldn't see it.

But he put his finger under her chin, turning her head back.

"Please, Regina, say something," he whispered desperately.

She laughed without humor, "What there is to say, Marcus? You're going back, and I need to stay here," she released him, and made a step back, but he caught her wrist and pulled her to him again.

"No, I can't let you go," he whispered, there was fear in his voice before he claimed her mouth again.

His lips were demanding. His tongue was erotically dueling with hers, that she felt deep down in her core. And she met every stroke with the force of her own. One of his hands was buried in her hair, gripping almost painfully, only adding the desperate passion to her already bursting body. His other hand was on her lower back, pushing her to his aroused body. He held her like a treasure. Despite his crushing hold, she felt small and protected in his arms.

It was the best kiss ever. And she wanted to hate him for it. She doubted, that when he would be gone, she would ever be kissed like that. He was kissing her like there was no tomorrow. With every stroke, every swipe of his tongue, she felt tiny electric explosions reverberating in her core and her heart. It was hard to breathe around the swelling emotions; her heart was too big for her chest. She couldn't contain her emotions, so she just wept. Hot tears ran down her face. Tears of love and tears of despair.

They had so little time together, but he was already imprinted in her soul. She kept telling herself that she didn't love him. And she almost believed her brain and tried to shut down her heart.

She needed to push him away, but she tugged him closer instead, even when there was no more space between their bodies. He kissed her like if he didn't do it now, he would die. He was drinking her in like she was his first sip of water after being in the desert for a hundred years. She felt loved, cherished, and wanted. She shivered uncontrollably, while he left the trail of hot kisses from her mouth to her neck. Her mind went blank. Her ability to think evaporated. She was just a mass of primal emotions and feelings.

White noise was humming in her ears until she felt his lips moving between kisses. She couldn't hear what he was whispering at first. Then his whispering became more urgent, and reluctantly she returned to earth from her cosmic bliss, and finally heard what he was saying.

"Please tell me to stay here, with you," he said. "Please."

Shock stilled her breathing. Robbed her of oxygen. Stole her ability to think.

She sharply moved her head away from his and looked at him.

Surely she hadn't heard him right.

She blinked, but his eyes were glowing with unshed tears, and a crazy glint.

Breathing hard, he repeated urgently, "Please ask me to stay, Regina."

"Wh-, I'm sorry what?" she asked breathlessly, her voice breaking.

"Regina, just say it. I'm begging you. Just say, and I'll find a way to stay here with you," he whispered again, and only now she realized, what he was asking her to do. He was ready to stay here only to be with her. "Please, Regina. I'll ask my father to postpone the coronation, and in the meantime, we'll think of something to make it work. Please." His voice cracked, and a lone tear escaped his shiny ocean-blue eye.

Oh, it was so tempting...but it wasn't right.

She wasn't that person anymore. She'd been selfish for all of her life, thinking only about what was the best for her. She chose her job over her family, thinking that she was doing the right thing. But now her eyes were open, and she saw everything clearly. It would be so easy to make him stay. Just to say these words. But it would leave him here without his family, his people, and his destiny. He told her that his mother saw a vision, that he was the Savior of Mars, and how could he do that if he stayed? Maybe if he weren't an heir, she would've done it. But she couldn't when so much was at stake. Comparing to everything, she was so insignificant, that she wasn't worth it. Wasn't worth him.

Just thinking about letting him go split her heart into tiny pieces, and she realized that she loved Marcus. She couldn't understand it before when he was near but envisioning her life without him by her side left her breathless. And still, she needed to let him go because she loved him, and it was the right thing to do.

She released him unwillingly and made a step back. "I'm sorry, Marcus, but I can't."

He didn't understand what he was asking from her now. But later, if he stayed, he'd realize the consequences, and he'd regret it. He would hate her for her asking him to stay. He would be stuck here on Earth and mourn that life that he could've had on Mars.

She wouldn't make that decision for him. That was the old Regina. But she would make that decision for herself. She wouldn't be able to look in the mirror if she robbed him of his chance to be a worthy King.

His brow furrowed, and he looked at her in disbelief, "Why?"

"I can't, Marcus. And deep down you know that it's the right thing to do. Maybe in a week, or a month or even in a year, you'll realize, that it would be a childish and a selfish decision," she whispered brokenly.

Her swollen heart was bleeding as thousand glass shards penetrated it, and her lungs couldn't get enough oxygen. But on the outside, she stayed stoic.

"I can't," she repeated hoarsely as if to convince herself too.

She saw glow die in Marcus' eyes.

She saw how he shut down invisible walls around him. His back straightened, his face impassive. He looked like at the very beginning, when he introduced himself. Regal and distant. Like what they shared a couple of minutes ago never happened.

Slowly in so familiar accent, he asked, "So this is it?"

"Yeah, I guess," she whispered. She barely held tears inside, for the fear that it would undo him, and he would stay despite everything.

His face was stone hard, lips tight and jaw tensed. "I understand, Regina."

But he didn't understand what she did. She saw it in his eyes. He thought that she betrayed him. But if that was the price she had to pay to make everything right, she would do it again and again. She would protect him from his own reckless decisions.

But at the same time, she wanted to run away and hide from everyone, in some deep hole and just scream in agony at everything. At universe. At Moon. At Earth. At Mars. At Fate.

Why? Why did you send him to me, only to yank him away days later?

Inside she was shouting and lashing out, but she managed to whisper, "I'd better go, Marcus."

Without another word or glance, she turned and all but run away.

She lost the love of her life, and she was going to live with it.

It's for the best, she kept reminding herself, it's for the best.

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