Earth Mars Love (The Marsikon...

By AsandraAvason

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A terrible mistake took REGINA's career in law enforcement and her trust with herself, and that was after a b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 17

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By AsandraAvason

Regina couldn't sleep. She was wondering if her attraction to Marcus was real and mutual. Their conversation in the car felt so intimate; then that moment in the living room, when she almost kissed him, and in the end, his intent gazes through the evening that made her shiver. She wanted to stay alone with him to look where this would lead.

She needed to find more information about environmental issues and what could be done to minimize the impact. It annoyed her a little that her thoughts kept turning back to Marcus instead of what really was important.

I could always just kiss him.

What?! Where had that thought come from?

But just as soon as she had it, then came the justifications. The rationalizations. And heaven help her, she was persuading herself a little too easily to throw caution to the wind.

Maybe after one night with him, her interest would be sated, and she would be back on track with her work and the new purpose.

She even got up a couple of times and went to the living room, hoping to find Marcus there. But it was empty, and everything was quiet. Marcus was so close, but she couldn't go into his room and wake him up, because he shared it with Darius.

She needed to find a way to stay with him alone.

In the morning she woke up feeling energized and full of anticipation of what this day would bring. She heard her Marsikons milling around and smiled. They were really nice guys, and if they ended up being bad, it would be a pity to kill them. She hoped that it wouldn't come to that.

She quickly took a shower and put on her jeans mini-skirt with the green flaring top.

When she came to the living room, she saw a full breakfast waiting for her.

"You're fast learners," she laughed in her hoarse voice. She hated it sometimes because it was like she was smoking a ton of cigarettes, but she had that huskiness in her tone since she was twelve.

Everybody was already eating, and Marcus glanced at her briefly, saying, "Good morning, Regina. We would like to go as soon as you finish your breakfast."

Hmm, we're back to being shittingly polite. Interesting.

"Yeah, sure." She sat behind the table and started to eat. Others were watching her in silence.

"You know, it's creepy when you're looking at me like that," she shuddered, and they averted their gazes.

What? No jokes even from Darius?

"Okay, what's wrong with you guys? Something happened?" She was starting to freak out. Only ten hours ago they had a great time together, parted with smiles and good-nights, and she even considered them as friends. And all of a sudden, they started to act like they were seeing her for the first time. Maybe somebody erased their mind?

She looked at them suspiciously, trying to read their eyes.

"Everything is fine, just waiting for you so we can go," Marcus said politely, without even a hint of a smile.

Darius and Kos were checking their devices, evidently out of the conversation. She stopped her narrowed gaze on Marcus. He averted his eyes to look at his vi-com, his posure stiff and aloof.

Oka-ay. She quickly ate her food and drank coffee. Then got up and without another word took her bag and went outside of the suite. She didn't know if they saw her going out and she didn't care. She went down to the parking lot, got into the car, and with screeching tires sped off to the highway.

What the fuck were they thinking? That they could for one day be all nice and friendly, and then order her around like some errand girl? To act like complete douchebags and she'd be okay with it? Like he could tame her with his high speeches of the important values, and she would look him in the mouth waiting for more? Fuck them! And fuck Marcus!

If he was so snobbish, let him get to her dad on his own. He was so clever after all, he would find a way. She didn't care. She was beyond furious. She drove like a mad and roared in full voice, gripping her wheel.

Fucking stupid idiot, she was.

Fuck this attraction! She wanted to geld him and shove his testicles in his mouth. She was so smart and cautious before, not letting other people past her inner defenses. She avoided any connection because she knew, that in the end, somebody would get hurt. She only thought that it would be the other person hurting, not her. And now was the first time when she gave in a bit, letting another man know her better, thanking him for opening her eyes on certain aspects, and what had he done in return? He'd spit right into her soul. She'd lived through a lot of moments that could shatter the lesser man or woman and came out of that as a winner. But Marcus the Shitface Marsikon had stomped on her ego and without even saying a lot of words had planted insecurity in her. She felt more than betrayed.


Her cell rang, and without looking at it, she picked it up and barked, "What?"

"Hey baby, is everything all right?" Her mom was on the phone, and it made her stop the inner ranting for a second. She also stomped on the brakes and parked on the side of the two-lane road, hearing a loud screech of tires behind her. She glanced in the rear-view mirror and then to the window spotting a dark green sedan with two men who almost hit her bumper. Keep the distance, asshole, she wanted to shout, but they quickly moved past her car not even glancing in her direction.

"Yeah, Mom, I'm okay," breathing heavily, she rasped in response. She wasn't fucking okay, but she couldn't tell her mom that.

"Is something wrong?" Mom asked cautiously. She always could tell that something happened and maybe that's why she'd called now.

"No, why?" Regina tried to make a poker face and poker voice, calming her breathing.

"You sound distracted. Are you working?"

Shit, it was Monday, and if she told mom that she wasn't working, she would raise the alarm.

What to do, what to do?

She was almost in the middle of the way to DC, and if she went back now, it would be just a waste of time and gas. She didn't have a job, and she had nothing else to do in LA for now.

Besides, that asshole also did something with her brain, and now she had a new vision of the global problems. She could as well visit her family and find a way to help Donovan.

Feeling calmer a bit, she answered, "Actually, I'm going to be in Washington in a couple of days."

"Something did happen," Mom said, stern but now concerned.

Regina laughed because her mom knew her too well. She never came home out of the blue. It always was for some holidays or birthdays, and even with that, it was hard to lure her there.

"No, mom, everything is fine. I was just thinking about you always saying that I work too much and need a break, and I decided to make a surprise. But you busted me. I'll call you when I get there." She smiled when she said it and felt some weight removing from her shoulders. She caught herself thinking that she missed her family and was eager to see them. What was going on with her?

"Oh, baby, it's amazing. We missed you so much. And I missed you so much, that I was already planning to make a surprise visit. It's good that I've called, or we'd missed each other," she laughed, and warmth spread through Regina's body. "I'll call dad and tell him that you're coming."

"Thank you, mom. Please send hugs and kisses to dad and Clare. See you soon."

She put down her phone and stared in the distance. No turning back now.

If she was going to Washington, she could just as well take three idiots with her.


Three men in grey suits were arguing in front of the hotel. Well, the two tallest were arguing, and the third was standing with his arms folded, looking at the road. He was the one who spotted first her car approaching ten minutes later after her talk with mom. Two others turned to her when she parked, and she heard Darius saying, "I knew that she would be back."

Idiot, even she didn't know if she'd be back. And where was his friendliness earlier in the morning? But she said nothing, looking straight in front of her.

Marcus' face was contorted with irritation, his lips pursed, like he wanted to rant at her, but when he opened the passenger door, she said, "Not a word from either of you until I say so. And I'm still thinking if you're worthy of my father's audience."

She heard Kos muttering, "Fuck." But other than that, they stayed silent.

What did they think? Ignoring her in the morning would get them some bonus points? Worst of all, she couldn't understand why. Why were they so charming the day before, but in the morning were acting like strangers? It chafed her more than anything.

Yesterday they discussed their route and decided to go as far as St. Louis and stay in a motel. It was about twelve hours of driving, and it was going to be a long day with the mood everyone was in.

They drove like that for a couple of hours with only soft music in the background piercing the oppressive silence, which was like a fifth sinister passenger in the Escalade. She couldn't stand it anymore and stopped at the first available gas station to refill gas, and to get coffee and chocolate.

"Let me ask you, why are we stopping here? We're supposed to drive for another hour." Marcus was like some English lord, and she wanted to punch him. Had he not heard her request for them not to speak?

Angry, she said, "Change of plans," and loudly closed the door.

They got out, and Marcus paid for the gas, and seeing her coming to the cash register with coffee and candies, he wanted to pay for it too. She rudely pushed him out of the way and said through gritted teeth, "I'm able to pay for myself. Get out of here."

He recoiled from her as if she slapped him. She felt that he wanted to comment on it somehow, but looking at her down his nose, only said, "As you wish."

Through the glass, she saw him talking with the others, and Darius gave him a pitying look clapping him on the shoulder. What the fuck?

Furious, she got in the car with her purchase and glanced at Darius in the rear-view mirror. He was looking at her strangely. Like he was accusing her and at the same time admiring.

While driving, she ate her candies without offering them. It was petty, but if they wanted something sweet, they could get it for themselves.

For the first time in how many years Regina decided to risk and trust a man. And she felt royally betrayed after how Marcus acted in the morning. She trusted him, even considered him as a friend. If she thought about it more thoroughly, it seemed, that he didn't do anything wrong. But his distance, it did funny things to her. She realized, that after such a short period of time, she started to crave his company, conversations. Even fights. He's gotten under her skin, and that bothered her the most.

She feared, that if he continues to act like that, causing her an emotional rollercoaster, she would end up ruined at the end of this trip. Her nervous system wasn't at its best as it was after her encounters with Michael. And he was her enemy. But if her friend betrays her like that... Well, it could be fatal for her.

Marcus decided to break her rule for the second time. "I would really appreciate for you to warn us the next time when you're driving away without us." His tone was restrained like he was trying to contain his rising anger. What had bit him in the ass today?

Maybe a tomato possessed his soul after all.

"Duly noted." Gripping the wheel, Regina fumed, anger smoldering inside, not knowing what to do. She didn't want to spend one day and a half in such conditions. But she also didn't want to act like nothing had happened and continue to be friendly. It would only show weakness. And she wasn't weak. She wanted to have revenge, to make him feel like she felt now. Betrayed. She only needed to think of a way how.


Marcus finally felt the situation settling down—when Regina turned to the group nonchalantly.

"Could someone be so kind and take the stick out of your dear leader's ass?" she said.

Marcus stuttered and turned to look at her in horror. What stick? What was she talking about? He saw her rolling her eyes at him and felt like strangling her. He desperately wanted to reply to her but was floored. He was opening his mouth like a fish, but no words were coming.

For the whole day, Regina was acting not like herself. In the morning he decided to stick to his plan and get back to a business-like relationship with her and was doing exactly that. But in response she went out without telling them and drove somewhere he knew not where only to return angry and distant. She was like at the beginning of their trip, and he didn't like it. And after everything, they went through and all the talking they had, she still was contemplating if they were worthy to meet the President? He couldn't understand her at all; he thought that they were past not trusting period.

Again, she held him on his tiptoes, and he was thinking about his best way to reach her so she could arrange the meeting.

"Why is he like that today?" Regina asked looking in the rear-view mirror, her voice rough.

He waited for help from the backseat, especially from Darius, but he stayed silent, leaving Marcus alone to deal with her. And it was his idea, after all, to act like that. The traitor.

"I'm like I always am," he said offended, "What's wrong with you today?"

"Me? It's not I who was acting like a total douchebag, after how we've spent yesterday," she said incredulously. "And you two, what are you doing there, sitting if as you've swallowed your tongues?" she looked at them in the mirror, raising her voice.

"Hey, sister, we're chilling here. We have a hangover," Darius quickly answered, finding a lame explanation.

"Yeah, right, after ten hours of sleep. Stop bullshitting me."

"Look, yes, yesterday we had fun, but it was the wrong thing to do, and now we need to be composed and get to Washington as soon as possible. I don't know why you're so angry at us, but please let's calm down and proceed on our journey," Marcus tried to find the right words, but seemingly failed when she answered him.

"Seriously? The wrong thing to do?" she turned to him looking perplexed. She started to tell something else, but then just rubbed the side of her face, muttering, "Why I'm even bothering?" and turned the funky music louder.

Emotional part of him wanted to find out what was wrong with her, and where it was his fault. To continue to argue. But the rational part understood, that she needed time and space right then to calm down. He didn't want to escalate their conflict, and the second part won. Seeing how beaten she was after his words, he closed his mouth and didn't say a word till they got to the motel.

His reflection in the passenger door window was looking at him with furrowed brows and tense jaw. And for a split second he thought, that it was also looking at him accusingly.

Saving the galaxy had never been so frustrated. Or so tempting.

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