The Understanding (Bk 1 Otago...

By DeeJCooper

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Cassie finds herself involved in a peaceful protest about recent hospital budget cuts. But it then turns into... More

c copyright. Chapter 1- The Protest
Chapter 2- Leaving the Night Behind.
Chapter 3- Sports Game
Chapter 4- The Encounter
Chapter 5- The Gym
Chapter 6- A Night Out
Chapter 7- The invitation
Chapter 8- Holidays Begin
Chapter 9- Dedication
Chapter 11-The Question
Chapter 12 - Meet the family
Chapter 13- The Answer
Chapter 14- Mid Winter Christmas
Chapter 15- Sleep Over
Chapter 16- The Date
Chapter 17-Part of the Family
Chapter 18- Time with Friends
Chapter 19- Sharing the News
Chapter 20- Coping with a Night Out
Chapter 21-The Fall Out
Chapter 22- Out of character
Chapter 23- Guilt and Uncertainty
Chapter 24- PeaceKeepers
Chapter 25- Surprises all Round
Chapter 26- Being Together
Chapter 27- Welcome home Party
Chapter 28- Boys Talk
Chapter 29- Re-Run
Chapter 30- Coming Together
Chapter 31- Wedding Party
Chapter 32- The Beginning
Authors Note
draft Friday Afternoon
draft chapter 6- The Interview
draft chapter 5- Police Cells
draft Chapter 4- Night Over
draft Chapter 3- The Rescue
draft chapter 2- Police Action

Chapter 10- All on the table

585 30 4
By DeeJCooper

Copyright c Dee J Cooper, 2013

All rights reserved. 


Maxs POV

I watched as Cassie stood up front with Lara. Wow. She looked amazing. Her dress was cut to just above her knees, hugging her figure, and I found myself having thoughts about her that were not really appropriate in church. I smiled to myself pleased nobody could read my mind. I suddenly looked around feeling uncomfortable. Zach caught my eye from a few seats across, and the smirk on his face told me that mind reading wasn't necessary for him to know what was on mine. I looked away feeling not the least bit repentant. She was hot, I was pleased I was here, that everyone would know what the deal was. As I reflected on that I realised that other than commenting me on how I was dressed this morning, and how she responded to me physically, she had been very closed down, so maybe the deal wasn't as clear to me as I would like.

There was a good deal of movement as people came and went from up the front, those waiting were quietly talking amongst themselves. The musicians had started quietly playing some background music and it for all the world sounded as good as any professional group you would hear live at a club.

I watched as a tall, distinguished, greying haired man approached Cassie and Lara. He smiled widely at them both, placing a hand on each of their shoulders, bowing their heads he prayed. People moved passed me, I could see all that was going on, one of the up sides of sitting in the front row. Although from time to time I noticed people looking over at me curiously some even shook my hand as they went back to their seats.

Cassie was finished up the front, as the man finished praying he reached over and gave her a long emotional hug. I found myself hoping that didn't come standard with the praying deal, and that it was reserved just for her.

As Cassie came back towards me, instead of going to her seat she stopped right in front of me. There were so many people standing around me, that I didn't feel out of place standing to meet her. She wiped her eyes one last time and looked up at me. I reached for her waist and gently slid my arms around behind her. She didn't resist in the least. "Thank you for coming, it means more to me than you could ever know.," she whispered looking down. I had to lean in closer to catch it all. "It is my pleasure," I whispered back, "Its a first for me, going on a Church date." I chuckled but finished by saying, "You do know I believe in the guy upstairs, don't you? but I've just never been a real Church goer."

My body started to warm to how close she was standing to me. She smelt as beautiful as she looked, until I met Cassie I seriously didn't think I was a guy to be interested in that sort of thing. I pulled her in until my lips contacted her forehead, I kissed her gently. The heels she was wearing meant she was that much taller than she usually was. But it still felt like she fitted against me perfectly. I heard her mutter quietly into my chest, "I know I'm blessed with the friends I have around me, but I feel stronger having you here, thanks. " She laid her hands on my upper arms, holding on tightly. My heart felt ready to burst, she had no idea what that did to me. I felt 10 feet tall and I felt like grabbing a mic and shouting out to the world. Wow, she was really something else.

She slipped her hand into mine, her cheeks still slightly red, and said, "You realize that you don't need to go up the front if you don't want to." We both took our seats. She sat in close to me and I slipped my arm around her.  

"Well I figure you had to be pretty brave to be here today, so I can do this. Its fine. Also I haven't seen anything close to life threatening happening up there, so keep my seat for me, I'll be back," she smiled at my attempt at humor. Just at that moment a voice from the front announced, "Now to dedicate and pray for those that are part of our police force. That as they go out into the community they will be safe, careful and wise in every situation."

As the announcement finished I waited briefly to see others come from other parts of the church. Zach moved out of his seat to my right and quickly went forward and whispered something to the ear of the guy with the mic and then sat down, pushing his arm back around Rachel.

As I went to stand up the front beside 5 others, 2 of them stepped across to shake my hand. The others I nodded at. Dunedin was too small to not know each other at least by sight. But the 2 I knew well, was because I had worked closely with them on my team last year to solve a homicide. It was a gang related matter and I was well aware that stepping into the middle of something like that never went unnoticed by the criminal community, and even long after the case was wrapped up, it kept me very vigilant for my own personal safety. Which gave the whole prayer deal that much more significance, I would happily take whatever was offered.

Then with a break from what had previously happened the guy with the mic said, "Can I just have everyone's attention." The church fell silent. I shifted uncomfortably on my feet. The volume of the music on stage dropped right away. "As well as those that we already know, from our church family, we have a visitor today. Sergeant Max Mcleod, who heads a policing unit out of our Dunedin Central Police station. Welcome Max," he smiled at me. "So as the ministry team prays for each person, let's join with them and pray together. "

The same man that had prayed for Cassie came and stood in front of me, he looked me in the eye, shook my hand and introduced himself as Cam. After chatting with me briefly to put me at ease he prayed. I felt strangely understood and moved as I returned to my seat. Somehow just sharing a couple of recent concerns, and receiving prayer made me feel not quite so alone. As soon as I sat down Cassie reached tentatively for my hand and smiled.

The same guy that had prayed for both Cassie and I took the mic, and started speaking as the musicians took their seats.

" Welcome all and thank you for your support today. My name is Cam Henderson, the senior pastor here at Harbourside Life Church. 5 years ago my wife had a dream to see those that served us in the community, receive our support as a church community. Sadly she missed last year's service, having passed away shortly before it. I like to think of it as going home. Going home to be with the Lord she loved. But in talking to you all, there was clear that there was on going support to see this dedication service stay as part of our church calandar."

"Do you know we are living stones?" There was a murmer of agreement around the building.

"God is putting us strategically in the community to make a difference and help others.

Be a teacher, nurse, fuel station attendant or builder, whatever God has called you to be, be it to the best of your ability. God will always enable you, just for the asking. God will give strength and wisdom beyond what you thought you were able."

He continued to talk as I looked sideways at Cassie. My mind was racing, trying to take our all in. It all started to fall into place.

She looked down, and tried to pull her hand from mine. I didn't let it go, instead I pulled it up to my chest, keeping my hand covering hers. So this is why she has been so cautious with me.

We sat through the rest of his talk then after the final song everyone started making their way out to have morning tea, which was a bit weird as it was almost lunch time. We stayed pretty much where we were. Cassie stood close to me, and quietly said, "This is me."

She shrugged her shoulders lifting her hands palm facing upwards and then letting them fall.

"I'm not going anywhere, I haven't seen anything to change my mind about you. " I gave her a cheeky smile. Just as I was going to reach up and cup her face, the man I now knew to be her father approached us.

"Dad I would like you to meet Max. " He smiled and took my hand again. "Nice to meet the young man that has taken Cassie's eye. "

"Dad," Cassie cringed, "Enough of that." She leaned over, gave him a quick kiss and said, "I am heading out for lunch, see you later ok?" He smiled patting me on the shoulder as we moved away.

Lara and Rachel stayed close as we headed through the church out towards the car park. Many people came up to Cassie, I did my best to read who was genuine and who was upsetting her. Some were more obvious than others. It was unbelievable that some people could say what they did. But Cassie remained remarkably calm. Many looked at me curiously, some were openly judging me as an imposter.

Once we hit the carpark it was decided that Cassie would travel with me and we would all meet up at Great Taste for lunch. Before we got into the car and after the others had drifted off, Cassie turned to me and looked me in the eye. She stepped in closer, then quicker than I expected she launched herself at me, throwing her arms high up around my neck, knocking me back against the car. I laughed saying "Hey, easy. You ok?"

With my arms wrapped tightly around her waist and easing her up a little so her face was right by mine, she slid her hands from behind my neck till they were either side of my face and said, "You are amazing." resting her forehead on mine, I could feel her sweet warm breath hitting my face and warming me all over. "Thanks for coming today, and thanks for the way you made me feel so special and protected as we left. It was like, like I had my own body guard. " She giggled, wrapping her arms tightly around my neck again.

I sighed, loving the spontaneous moment.  

"My pleasure," I said. My voice huskier than I expected. Clearing my throat I continued.

"I think coming to church with you was worth it just for this moment. "

She grinned at me. I groaned as she released her arms and slid down my body. She looked up puzzled "You ok?" I laughed and held her against me for a moment, "Give me a minute" I said. As realisation dawned on her, colour flood her cheeks. Opening the car door I helped her in. "Let's go eat. " She smiled up at me making my heart clench with feelings I didn't recognise.

I felt there was a lot to say and talk about. But the morning had been pretty intense so I thought it would be best to lighten the mood for awhile.  

I smiled to myself at the way people had swamped her, giving her no room to move at times. Cassie being a pastors daughter gave me a lot to process. It seemed as if she was like the darling of the whole Church. They all seemed to want part of her. People waiting 2-3 deep to talk to her, hug her. It reminded me of some diplomatic protection work I did once, although she was clearly not in physical danger, I felt that she was close to emotional overload. But being able to help her and protect her felt so good, so right. I just hoped that she still wanted to have me around. It made me wonder how I measured up.


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What do you think? This is my first upload on Wattpad, so I would really appreciate any feedback, or comments. 

Does Max back away? Is this all just to much for Max?




please. love to hear your comments!@ 

Thanks For reading.

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