path of redemption

By estellafrances

4.9K 345 200

We're all well known with how the path of a mentally ill girl goes. They either destroy themselves until ther... More

playlist ♡.
chapter one.
chapter two.
chapter three.
chapter four.
chapter five.
chapter six.
chapter seven.
chapter eight.
chapter nine.
chapter ten.
chapter eleven.
chapter twelve.
chapter thirteen.
chapter fourteen.
chapter fifteen.
chapter sixteen.
chapter seventeen.
chapter eighteen.
chapter nineteen.
chapter twenty.
chapter twenty one.
chapter twenty two.
chapter twenty three.
chapter twenty four.
chapter twenty five.
chapter twenty six.
chapter twenty seven.
chapter twenty eight.
chapter twenty nine.
chapter thirty.
chapter thirty-one.
chapter thirty-two.
chapter thirty-three.
chapter thirty-four
chapter thirty-five.
chapter thirty-six
chapter thirty-seven.
chapter thirty-eight.
chapter thirty-nine.
chapter forty.
chapter forty-one.
chapter forty-two
chapter forty-three.
chapter forty-five.
chapter forty-six.
chapter forty-seven.
chapter forty-eight.
chapter forty-nine.
chapter fifty.
chapter fifty-one.
chapter fifty-two.
chapter fifty - three.
chapter fifty-four.
chapter fifty-five.
chapter fifty six.

chapter forty-four

71 5 16
By estellafrances

-Zaid gonzales.

Even though the love i had for vengeance and blood ran deep. I couldn't have prepared myself for the unfamiliar emotions stirring inside of me as i thought about a specific girl. That girl living right down the street from me. Whats wrong with me? Shes just some girl. So why was i plotting a hundred ways to win her back? I could ask lia. No...then id be teased around the entire time by the little fucker.

I stretch as I stand from my bed. The nap i took did nothing to desolve the tension that was trembling all over my body. I pick up my cell as i look at the time.

22:23 pm.

Fuck. How long did i sleep for ? My throat itched for water as i walked out of my room and the sounds of giggling came from my sisters room made me stop in my tracks as i immediately turned around and stomped to her room. I leaned my ear against the door as i could make out the words coming from her.

I frowned as i didn't hear anything and i didn't think twice before pushing open her door. My sisters eyes snapped up as she saw my murderous face. I look around the empty room as i narrow my eyes. I walk straight for her closet as i swing it open. Her clothes rattling on the hangers in the process .

"Hey!" She yelled at me as i barged into her bathroom . The only thing being in there in her wash water with the faint smell of pineapple. I sigh as i walk back out. My sister folds her arms as she taps her foot impatiently.

Yeah no im not doing this.

"You can't just barge in here and come into my space you unhinged caveman!" She stomped her foot like a kid and a small breathy chuckle fell from my lips as i walked forward and nuzzled her head. She whined and hit my arms. Her hits doing absolutely nothing to me. After we sort out shit out. I could finally breathe again in this house without being scared of ticking her.

She pushes away from me as her hair sticks to her flushed red cheeks as she pants and runs to throw me with a pillow. I dodge it as i run with all my speed towards her . Her eyes widen as she yelps and tries to run. Before she has time to blink. I throw her over my shoulder as i run down the stairs in all my might.

"Zaid diego gonzales , i swear to god if you try to do anything . I will kill you !" She yells as she thrashes and hits my butt. I chuckle as i run out the backdoor and onto the grass. The rain pouring down on us hard as her screams gets silenced by the rain.

"ah! Are you insane. We're gonna get hypothermia you estúpido !" I dont make out her words as i run to the side of the pool. She stiffens as she gasps "dont you dare..." i take a step closer.

"Zaid , c'mon. We can just go inside and call it a night yeah?" She chuckles nervously and i roll my eyes . I take a step closer and she sucks in a breath "fuck-

Her fowl words gets wiped out as i throw her into the pool and i do the same as i do a backflip and the water drowns out all of my senses as darkness invades me. My lungs start to burn as i push up for air and slowly everything comes back to me as the sound of the harsh rain splatters everywhere and lia hissing out profanities.

" ...i can't believe you actually did it ! You big mother-

I raise an eyebrow at her as she sighs as the water reaches her neck "you big mother fricker" and i get out of the pool as i hold my hand out to her. She eyes it skeptically "at this point im not suprised if you'd just throw me back into the pool" she said as her chin quivered and i sighed "What was that you were saying again about "hyporthermia"..." i trail off and she doesn't waste a second as she grabs my hand and i lift her out of the pool like she weighed nothing . She shivers as her teeth chatters and folds her arms.

"I can't believe you threw me into the pool. " she groaned stomping her foot.

"I could've thrown you into the mud and get some into your hair..." i offer and she shakes her head as she slaps my bare arm "that would've taken weeks to get out you pendejo" i raise an eyebrow "did you just cuss me out in our native language?" I take a threatening step forward and she squeels as she runs into the house. I sigh as i look up at sky. The rain splattering against my face. A week without talking to estella romano will have you at your knees. Sure i stalked her while I sat with miguel and rahul at lunch. As much as i hate to admit it.

Ive grown close to those two since ive been here. As much as i wanna drive ramos face into the ground and call it a day. His complaining about a specific blonde directs my attention from fox so i can think properly. And romano...jesus. Last week I ate his sister out and he still doesn't know anything. Him flashing me that million dollar smile everyday makes guilt run into my veins even faster.

And estella. Oh god. I was the biggest fuck up. How the hell do i do something that intimate and just give her the cold shoulder afterwards. Her flipping out and heading home that morning was bound to happen. I wouldn't have been suprised if she didn't stab me with a knife in my sleep.

I dont say anything as i walk in silence into the house. I walk up to my room and the sound of my sister playing music in her room eases me . I walk into my room and dying to have a hot shower. But im one step away from the bathroom went my phone goes off. Notifying someone messaged me. I grab my phone and see its manny.

You in for a fight tonight?

I bite the inside of my cheek as i conteplate. I could really let loose of all this anger.

Give me 20 and ill
be there.

Before i put my phone away . I make sure to send one last text to someone. I take out my sweatpants , hoodie and gear i always fight in and tuck it into a backpack. I walk out to my sisters room as i push it open . Shes all freshly showered and dried and in her strawberry pajamas. She looks up from her book as she raises an eyebrow.

"Be ready in twenty , were going to the den" I tap my fingers against her door and her eyes light up like a fucking christmas tree. I walk out her room and close her door as i silence her squeels of excitement. Lia and manny always had a special relationship. She basically looked up to him as a father figure. And i didn't mind it one bit. Manny was there for lia and i in a bad time when we didn't have anything besides the clothes on our back.

I walk back into my room as i head for the shower and wash away the uncomfortable feeling of the wet clothes sticking to my body. I almost moan at how good it feels. My joy is short lived as lia comes barging into my room. I hear her scolding me behind the door along the lines of "men never clean after themselves" i chuckle as i grab a towel and start to dry myself off. When im done and dressed in sweatpants and a hoodie and sneakers . I walk out of the bathroom and into the room. Noticing that its spotless. The spiderweb that was building between my lamps were even gone. I snorted.

Control freak

My sister sits at the edge of my bed as she looks up and sees my arrival "as much as i love the idea of coming with you and seeing manny. Why couldn't i have stayed at home. Im old enough to look after myself , you know "

Ofcourse i trusted her to be alone at home. It may seem hard to believe but lia was more matured that most 15 year olds and i could leave the stove on and went out and she would instantly turn it off and scold me like a little kid.

"I know , but i feel more at ease when you're with me , god knows anything can happen when im on the other side of town" i grumble as i begin to pack my other shit into my bag. She comes to stand infront of me as i look at her atire. Shes dressed into a sweatpants. A huge hoodie paired with another zip up hoodie ontop of that. Her two long pigtails are covered by a grey cap with kitten ears one each side and her blue converse.

I chuckle "you look cozy"

She folds her arms "yeah im not like you. I dont have the body heat of the damn sun" i narrow my eyes at her as i flick her in the head to which she gasps at. A ping sounds off on my phone signaling our ride is outside.

"C'mon kid , our ride is outside" she frowns as she stares at me "you're not taking your own car?" I shake my head. As much as i wanted to . I'd but tired out by the end of the night. And id like if me and lia returned fully intact at home than on the side of the road in pieces.

We walk down the stairs with lia on my tail. I wait for her at the door as i close it behind her. The sound of the rain coming down harsh. I take my sister under my shoulder as we run to the car. I open the door and push her inside of it as i get in after her. She pants as she takes off her hat. Her hair sticking to her face as she looks at the two grinning fools staring right at her.

"Well aren't you cute" miguel coos and it takes everything in me not to slam his head into the dashboard.

"You've gotta be kidding me , they're our ride?" My sister mutters to herself as she gives me a questioning glance. I shrug as i lean back in my seat.

"Hey! What's wrong with us?" Miguel frowns as he narrows his eyes at her. She folds her arms as she looks out the window.

"Rory said you're a butthead and that i shouldn't be engaging with the enemy"
She gives him her significant attitude and his lips part as fury takes over his features.

"Yeah , well tell your lovely "rory" she wasn't saying that when i was hitting her ass three ways to sunday" he smirks and my sisters cheeks glow a soft tint of red and i growl.

"Can we get the fuck out of here now before i put ramos in a casket?" I push romanos seat indicating for him to move and he chuckles as he starts to drive to our destination. It doesn't take us long. In about 15 minutes we're there and the rain has seem to calm down a bit.


I turn to my sister but she opens her mouth first "Can we go ? Im dying to see manny. We didn't finish adventure time the last time i was here" she jumps in her seat as a huge grin takes over her features. Miguel snickers infront and she narrows her eyes at him.

"Whats so funny , butthead?" She taunts him and his smile wipes off his face as he turns around in his seat. Romano follows his movements as he does the same.

My sister groans as she face palms herself "Seriously, can we go? If i stare at this bafoon any longer I'll literally die of boredom. How do they know about this place anyways?" She hits me with two questions and i sigh.

"Seems to me you'll be seeing more of my face tonignt , sugarplum" miguel tries to tug her pigtail but she slaps his hand away "what are you talking about? And don't call me that " she warns and romano chuckles.

"So change of plans..." i trail off and my sister narrows her eyes at me "go on..."

I take a deep breath "manny won't be able to stay with you in his office tonight while i go fight. He'll be to busy with his new employees and teaching them the robes about this place. So that's why i summoned this knuckleheads to look after you in there , while i fight" i explain gesturing to the two idiots infront.

Dead silence rings out in the car as my sisters left eye twitches in annoyance "please tell me i atleast get to watch you fight" she breaths and I nod at her.

I avert my gaze to the two idiots "if you so much. And i mean as so much take your eyes off her for one second. I'll kill you and then burn your remainings in acid and throw it into the ocean" i threaten them. Miguel smirks at me and romano looks at me like I've got two heads.

"Relax Jeffery Dahmer. Sugarplum will be safe with us" miguel shrugs as he gets out of the car. I look at my sister "I want 200 new books for this. I don't care" she announces as she gets out of the car and i stare at the crazy girl. I sigh as i follow suite. I walk to the opening of the huge underground beat down building as i push it open. We walk in silence as our feet clank against the floor on the way there.

"Oh shit ! Is that a spider. Ah!" My sister whisper yells as i turn around to see her jumping on miguels huge form as his eyes widen "did you say spider? Oh fuck no. Lets move it" he says as he speeds past me with my sister on his shoulder.

I roll my eyes as i stare at romano. He looks at me as i shake my head "not a word" i say and he nods seeming to understand how a grown ass boy could be scared of a damn spider.

We arrive and the sounds of screams penetrate the air as a small smirk tugs at my face . I fucking love this. Miguel holds my sisters hand like shes some little kid as romano and I walk behind them. My sister suddenly squeals as a murderous look takes over my features as i search for her . I calm down as i see her running towards manny.

He lets out a raspy chuckle as he picks her up and throws her in the air . He puts her onto the floor "My god , have you grown. I haven't seen you in ages" he chuckles and my sister rolls her eyes at him "you literally saw me 3 weeks ago manny" and he shrugs "feels like forever. Hows the new school ? Do i need to beat any fuckers?" He nudges her as she shakes her head "its great ! Ive got great new friends..." she smirks as she stands on her tippy toes to reach his ear. She stares directly at me as she does so. Miguel and romano are too invested in the fight thats happening on stage to notice anything.

"...zaid even has a little crush" she giggles like a school girl and i glare at her. Manny looks at me in surprise and i give him a look that says "don't ask" and he nods as he comes forward and takes my hand and brings me into a hug. I smile as he pulls back. Although i saw manny a week ago. I always miss his presence. He clears his throat as he stares at romano and miguel.

Miguel snaps his gaze to manny seeming to only look at his features now. Miguels eyes light up as his lips part "Holy shit dude , you look badass . Like the fucking terminator" he blurts and i facepalm myself.

"Manny. That idiot is miguel" i gesture and i point at romano " thats rahul. They're friends"

Manny nods as he folds his arms "Good to meet you , boys. You interested in fighting?" He raises an eyebrow and romano looks up at the stage and points to a guy being plummeted into the grown as the punches come ruthlessly "To look like that? No thanks. I'd rather not" he chuckles and he looks at miguel "eh , why not. Where the fuck do i sign up?" He questions and manny takes him to the corner and "talks to him"

I look for my sister and see she's under romanos arm and I sigh in relief. Miguel trots back as he flicks my sisters in the head and snorts .

"Zaid " manny calls me and i raise an eyebrow at him "You're up" he announces and I turn to the others "remember what i said. Do not loose sight of her , oh and miguel?" I look towards him he nods at me "I allow you to be your annoying self" i smirk at my sister as a look of horror takes over her features "you'll pay for this !" She calls out and i chuckle as I follow manny.

He leads me into the changing rooms as i wrap my knuckles in white cloth and my feet. I put on my shorts and my chest stays bare showing off all my tattoos from head to toe. I roll my neck as i hear a satisfying crack. Oh fuck yes.

"....ladies and gentlemen. ZAID GONZALES!" The announcer calls out and i hop in place as I stretch my limbs. I run out and as the cheering sounds come closer . I follow. White light shines on me as the crowd screams wild. I smirk as i see my opponent.

He goes by the name knuckles. Rumor or so has it. He can kill someone with just his hands. Lets test out that theory shall we? I smirk as i take a step closer. He looks at me up and down. Hes a small guy. About 6'2 and i could take him out with the flick of my wrist.

"You have time to run , you know?" I taunt him as i jump on my feet and circle him. He lets out a growl as i almost chuckle at his animal nature.


"Last chance?"


"You don't wanna embarrass yourself infront of all these people ,would you?" I look out into the crowd as my breath gets stuck into my throat. My smirk wipes off my face as i try to see if im not hallucinating. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up as an electrical bolt swipes through me. It can't be right? Its not possible.

1 !

The announcers voice screams and before i can take my eyes away from the hazel ones. Air gets wiped away from me as i feel a strong kick get lunged into my stomach as i fall over and break eye contact with the source.



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