Marriage and other threads

By Goerks97

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This story is a vampire/ werewolf au. Where reader is a werewolf and has arranged marriage with a vampire. Th... More

The meeting
Hurt Feelings
A short conversation
The wedding
A new beginning
The grand tour
A dinner with Werewolfs
Full moon
A meeting with the alpha
A strange feeling
Vampires and Werewolfs
A unexpected turn
The plan
No risk no fun
Time to heal
Time to heal part two
The library
Old memorys
Sadness and cuddles
The door
Hanging out with friends
The fight
A sad story
Back to normal
Sweet gestures
Another plan?
The barn
Treason and bloody hands
I love you
The ex-girlfriend
A new case
A proposal
First practice
The silver book
A moment of doubt
The need to talk
The deepest trust
The gift
A nice dinner
In the library part one
In the library part two
Bad news
The sweet sound
Nightmares or Visions?
Hard decisions
You are never a bother
The date
We need answers
Fear and guilt
Leave her?
The search
Hard times
Stress and fear
The white room
On the inside
A light in the dark
The cathedral
What's next?
Hurt and comfort
A promise
The Queen
Save you
Take me back
Back to life

Look inside my heart

40 2 0
By Goerks97

Y/n's pov:

You had promised to stay at Sua's side while Siyeon worked on the antidote. The small girl looked like a statue. Only her chest moved a little when she breathed but that was only the case once in a minute. Her heart frequency was lower than Dami's as well as her body temperature.

"What am I supposed to do? I need to protect you all and the only way to do that is when I become the Alpha but I'm so scared." You told your sleeping friend. "I know that Dami can feel it. She doesn't want me to do it but it is the only way. She only wants to protect me too but her well-being is my first priority and if I'm only able to protect her while becoming the Alpha I will do it."

You stood up from the chair you were sitting in and walked over to the window. It had started to rain and mist covered the city.  Was it the right decision? Was becoming the Alpha the only way? You were not sure. Maybe Dami could help you but she wasn't completely neutral about that topic. Not anymore. You thought About a way to talk to your wife when suddenly some arms wrapped around you from behind.

"We need to talk," Dami whispered in your ear.

"Yes," You sighed. "Why don't you want me to do it?"

"I'm scared that you do it because of the wrong reasons. I know that you feel helpless and anxious. You want a change but is that the right way, darling?" Dami said while hugging you tight. "You were always so scared to be the Alpha and I can feel that you still are. Maybe you should wait and think about that decision. It will be a huge step."

"I don't know what else I can do. We need to finally get rid of the Skugga before they kill more of our people and destroy our residences." You replied.

"If you really want it then I will not stand in your way. I will support you as well as I can." Your wife mumbled and kissed your cheek. "I love you and I want to be part of your future."

"I love you too." You turned around in her arms to face her and were surprised to see the tears streaming down her face.

Dami slowly let go of you and you suddenly realized what the issue was. You could feel the insecurity and fear in her eyes.

"She thinks that she will lose me if I become the Alpha." You thought.

"Oh, baby," You whispered and pulled her closer. "I will be always at your side for the rest of my life. I promise that nothing will tear us apart."

You held her until she stopped crying and once you faced her again she grabbed your cheek and leaned in. Her lips pressed against yours as a warm feeling filled your chest. It made you feel strong and weak at the same time and you knew Dami was the only one that could make you feel that way. She was your biggest strength and as long as she was at your side you didn't need the Alpha title to be strong. All you needed was her love and support.

"I will think about it." You promised after her lips parted from yours.

"However you decide I will stay at your side." Your wife smiled.

A few hours later:

Siyeon's pov:

Sweat rolled down her face as she mixed another ingredient into the antidote. It was almost finished. Soon Sua would be healed and then the Alpha could wake her up again. Y/n's plan was risky and there was still a potential that Sua wouldn't wake up but Siyeon banned that thought from her mind.

"She promised. She will come back to me." Siyeon thought.

Her hands were shaking and sweat covered her entire body. It was up to her if the antidote would work or not. Siyeon worked well under pressure but this was something completely different. If she failed, her wife would die. It took her another two hours to finish the medicine and once she was done a huge stone fell from her heart. Without wasting time she ran to Sua's room. The door was closed but that didn't hinder her from getting in. As soon as Siyeon stepped inside Y/n shot up from her seat. She had sat next to her wife in some uncomfortable-looking chairs. They were placed by the wall next to the window. Y/n was still holding Dami's hand but didn't dare to say anything.

"I'm finished," Siyeon said a little out of breath while looking into Y/n's hope-filled eyes.

"Great job Siyeon." Dami smiled.

Without another word, Siyeon walked closer to the small girl who still lay in the hospital bed. Sua looked so plale like no life was left in her but Siyeon could see her chest moving a little. After a deep breath, she put the antidote in the little tube that was attached via a needle in Sua's hand. She used half of it the rest she would put right into the scar. For that, she took away the blanket that covered Sua's fragile form and pulled up her hospital shirt.

"I know you hate needles. I'm sorry baby but this will increase the effect." Siyeon mumbled and slowly put the needle into Sua's skin. 

After she was done she pulled the shirt back down and covered her wife again so the small girl would be safe and warm. Time seemed to pass but for Siyeon it stood still. it was quiet in the room until Y/n's voice broke it.

"She looks so peaceful." The Werewolf girl pointed out.

"Yeah, like she would just sleep." Siyeon agreed.

"I mean that is what she does and tomorrow the Alpha will come to wake her up." Dami joined the conversation.

The two girls joined her side and she could feel Y/n's hand slipping into hers.

"If you need anything-" Y/n started but Siyeon interrupted her.

"I know. Thank you." The blonde girl said.

"Is it okay if Y/n and I leave?" Dami asked and Siyeon nodded.

After both girls gave her a tight hug, they left. Now, Siyeon was alone with her statue-like wife. The only thing she could do was wait so she grabbed Sua's hand tightly and moved closer to her wife. 

"I will stay at your side," Siyeon whispered before she pressed a gentle kiss to Sua's lips.


The Alpha's pov:

He stormed into the mansion without paying attention to anything. There was something he needed to investigate immediately.

"How was Y/n able to use that? She is not the Alpha yet but still, she could use 'the golden strength'. Y/n was always special but this should've been impossible for her." The Alpha thought and walked straight to his library. 

Felix and Handong were no longer there so he had enough space to investigate. After he strolled around the tall bookshelves for a while, he found the right book.

"This book holds all the information from past Alpha's and their abilities. Maybe it can help me find out how Y/n was able to do that." He mumbled and sat down at the table with the heavy book.

The Alpha skipped his own entry and started to read. It was a miracle that Y/n had gotten out of the tungsten chains. For a normal Werewolf, it was impossible. The tungsten must've absorbed Y/n's energy and at that point, the poor girl shouldn't have been able to move but somehow she managed to rip the chains out of the wall and make it to her wife.

"And she had a broken arm also." The Alpha thought.

Time passed and he didn't find anything useful. His eyes already burned and it was long after midnight. Maybe it was time to rest but when he wanted to get up he noticed that someone was inside the library. The person felt familiar and was for sure not a threat. He could feel it.

"Who are you." He asked calmly.

"You don't know me but I know you. I watched over you and your granddaughter." A man's voice reached his ears.

"Why?" The Alpha wanted to know.

"Maybe I was just bored?" The man chuckled and stepped out of the shadow.

He was an elderly-looking man and carried a lantern but the candle was not lit. A friendly smile was on his face and the Alpha could swear he saw him somewhere.

"I know you. You were with Y/n when she was crying in the forest." The Alpha remembered.

"True. She needed my advice but today it is you who needs my advice." The old man replied and stepped closer.

"I could use a little help." The Werewolf admitted. "But first you have to tell me who you are."

"Maybe you should start with the first page in the book." The man smiled and pointed at the book on the table. "Or maybe I can tell you so we don't waste time."

"The first page? You must be the first Alpha." The current Alpha was hocked and his jaw dropped.

"I am. My name is Minho." The man with the lantern said. "You want to know how it is possible that I'm here, right? But I'm afraid that it is a story for another time. We need to talk about Y/n and how powerful she is. She could be our only chance to destroy the Skugga once and for all."

"I know that she has a lot of potential. She is able to do things that a normal Werewolf can only dream of." The Alpha agreed.

"There is a reason why. She is the reincarnation of me and I was the most powerful Werewolf to ever exist. It took me way too long to come back because the afterlife was too tempting but I always kept an eye on the Skugga and once I saw that they would rise again I decided to come back. My first three attempts were a failure. The Skugga were close to extinction and we were even able to kill their queen. We thought it was over but somehow they survived." The first Alpha explained.

"Queen of the Skugga?" The current Alpha was confused.

"It's a long story but you will soon find out what I'm talking about. Back to Y/n. You need her to read the last page of the silver book. She is the only one who can read it because I was the one who made it. I used an old formula so only my reincarnation could decipher it." Minho said and placed the latter on the table.

"She is not sure if she wants to be the next Alpha. She hesitates and I don't want to pressure her." The Alpha replied.

"I know but too much is at risk. I need to make this right so no one ever has to suffer under the Skugga as I did. They took away the one thing that was important to me and I swore vengeance. Back then I was a coward. The only thing I was able to do was to help a Vampire and a Werewolf get married and place the Alpha status in safe hands." Minho took the book and turned a few pages.

"How many times did you reincarnate?" The Alpha wanted to know.

"Since I have to deal with the Skugga it was four times but before that, I can't remember. Before I reincarnated as Y/n I had a hard life. I had enough of this torment and spent a few hundred years in the afterlife before I decided to come back." The first Alpha smiled. "It was not my idea. My partner asked me to do it. They were always at my side since I knew them. We even made a soul transfer after our first life ended because I never wanted to stay away from them." 

 "So, your partner reincarnated as Yubin." The Alpha mumbled and suddenly everything made sense.

That's why Y/n and her wife matched so well. They had spent all their last lives together and the Alpha's supposition was true. They made a soul contract and exchanged a part from their souls.

"But how are you able to be here? Shouldn't you be Y/n?" The Alpha asked.

"No, I bound a part of my powers to the silver book, and the moment Y/n will read it she will get them back or should I say I get them back." The first Alpha said.

"That's why you were able to talk to her." the Alpha pointed out.

Minho nodded and said: "And also with her wife at some point and with other Werewolves who are close to Y/n. My current reincarnation is strong and she will get even stronger once she inherits her birthright. You need to make her understand that she needs to accept the Alpha title and get her full powers."

"I will do my best but Y/n is a little stubborn." The Alpha chuckled.

"I wonder where she got that from." Minho chuckled as well. 

"She is the key." The current Alpha said.

"I fear she is but she will be capable of changing the world for the better," Minho mumbled

"I will talk to her." The Alpha promised.

"But don't say anything about what we just talked about. " At this state, she wouldn't understand. Let her read the last page. I will help her." The man with the lantern started to fade away and soon the room felt empty again.

"Minho. Now, I finally understand why Y/n is the chosen one. I had doubts before but now they are washed away." The Alpha mumbled and grabbed the book.

The first page was open and The Alpha started to read about the life of Minho. His heart felt a little heavy because he was not allowed to tell Y/n but it was nice to know the truth. Y/n was the key and if they did it right they could stop the Skugga and their horrible doings. 

Dami's pov:

After they were finally home Dami thought they would talk about everything but Y/n excused herself. She said that she needed some time to think. Dami respected that and gave the Werewolf girl time. Y/n disappeared in her room and the only thing Dami could do was wait. Deep in her heart, she knew how Y/n felt. The emotions her wife never talked about and the anxieties that troubled her. All of them were never outspoken.  These emotions were so deep inside of Y/n that the Vampire girl couldn't reach them but Dami was sure once her wife would finally talk about them their connection would reach a whole new level.

"Maybe it is time to push her a little," Dami mumbled and was about to knock on the door to Y/n's room when it suddenly opened.

A red-eyed Y/n stood in front of her and she knew her wife had cried. They just looked at each other for a while until Y/n grabbed Dami's shoulders and pulled her closer. The hug said everything the Vampire girl needed to know. Loud sniffs could be heard as Y/n cried into Dami's shoulder.

"It's okay. I know that you are not ready." Dami said as she softly rubbed her wife's back.

"I'm so scared." Y/n sniffed.

"It's alright. You don't have to do this." Dami assured her. "But we need to talk about something. It's about you and me."

Y/n pulled back and nodded. She grabbed Dami's hand and guided her to the bed where both girls sat down.

"You wanna talk about our connection, right? I can feel it too. It used to be stronger, especially when we were in that damn cathedral." Y/n said and brushed the last tears away from her face.

"So, you felt it too?" Dami asked a little surprised.

Until this moment she thought she was the only one that felt it.

"Yeah, there was a moment when I was tied to the wall. I saw the sunlight getting closer to you and I knew if you would die there it would also be my end. I couldn't let you go after having you for such a short amount of time. I needed to save you no matter the cost and if I had to cut off my own arm to get to you I would've done it." Y/n replied. "You are my everything."

"What did you feel?" Dami wanted to know.

"I suddenly felt so strong like nothing could stop me. All of my powers were back but even stronger. The tungsten was no longer weakening me. It was amazing. I was so powerful and the only thing that counted was to save you." Y/n answered.

"Was there something else?" The Vampire girl needed to know if Y/n felt how strong their connection could be if they opened up to each other even more.

"I don't know. I mostly felt scared because you were in danger." The Werewolf girl said.

"So, nothing more?" Dami was a little disappointed but maybe it was better that way.

She turned her gaze away from her wife and bit her lower lips so she wouldn't start to cry. Why was her wife not able to feel it too? 

"There was something but I think I just imagined it." Y/n chuckled. "The moment was so chaotic and everything happened so fast I was probably under too much stress puls the pain was tricking my brain."

"Tell me about it," Dami said as she turned her gaze back to her wife.

Y/n had tears in her eyes as she searched for words.

"I don't know if I can describe it but it felt like our hearts beat at the same time and you could read every of my emotions. It was like we communicated without saying a word. Your soul called out for help and my soul answered." Y/n explained. "For that small moment, I felt more love than I ever felt before and all of that came from you. I gave me enough strength to escape the chains and get to you."

Tears started to roll down Dami's face as she heard Y/n's words. She felt so happy that her wife was able to feel it too. 

"I know a lousy description. It is just indescribable for me but if you look into my heart you know what I mean." Y/n mumbled.

"I don't have to look into your heart because I felt the same." Dami smiled and knew that they were a step closer to strengthening their connection. "But why didn't you say anything? We could've talked about this."

"I was not sure if it was real or if my mind was playing tricks on me and after I woke up you were in grief. I didn't want to burden more on you and let you heal from your father's loss." The Werewolf girl replied.

"I understand," Dami mumbled and was not sure if she should address the other topic she wanted to talk about so desperately.

Y/n's insecurities and anxieties stood in the way for their connection to grow but maybe it was too early to talk about it. 

"She will for sure block me and keep it to herself." Dami thought as she reached out with her hand to touch her wife's face.

As soon as her hand touched Y/n's face the Werewolf girl leaned into her touch and closed her eyes.

"Can you tell me why you are so scared?" Dami whispered.

"No, but maybe I can show you," Y/n said after she opened her eyes.

"Show me? How?" The Vampire girl wanted to know.

"I worked on something I read about in the ancient library. We wanted to know more about the Bloodrage but I found this book." Y/n moved a little so she could pull out an old leather-bound book from her nightstand. "It's about soulmates."

"You didn't show me." Dami pouted.

"I wanted to surprise you by learning one of the things this book describes," Y/n replied.

"And what does it say?" Dami wanted to know.

"We already know about the sending thought thing, right? But there is more written. Things soulmates can do. Like the white room, you pulled me in to give me some information about your location." Y/n explained.

"Aha, seems interesting. Tell me more." Dami smiled as she saw the soft glow in Y/n's eyes.

They always seemed to sparkle a little when Y/n was excited.

"I got stuck on this page." Y/n opened the book and showed it to Dami. 

It took the Vampire girl a while to read it but after she was done she understood what Y/n wanted to try.

"You want to let me see inside of your heart and mind." Dami pointed out.

"Yes, you will be able to see my deepest emotions and most secret thoughts. Things I never talk about and feelings I never show." Y/n replied.

"Are you sure? I mean you will show me everything." Dami was touched.

Never had her wife offered to open up like that before and the Vampire girl was overwhelmed.

"There is nothing I want to hide from you anymore. I trust you and I want you to know how I feel." Y/n smiled.

"I would love to see more of you." Dami smiled as well.

"Good, close your eyes," Y/n demanded and Dami did what her wife said. "Focus on me. Try to feel my emotions like usual."

It took a moment until Dami felt the familiar love from her wife in her chest and she immediately felt happy.

"I can feel it," Dami whispered, scared that too much noise could break the connection.

"I will now open a door for you." Y/n's said and Dami was a little confused until a picture appeared in her mind.

She saw a door in front of her while she was wrapped in the warm love of her wife. The door slowly opened and Dami hesitated before she stepped through it. For a moment it was dark but then pictures rushed by in front of her. They showed herself and Dami realized that she saw everything from Y/n's point of view.

"This is how we first met," Dami said. "Our first hug, our first kiss."

Emotions started to fill Dami's chest and she knew it was what Y/n felt at that exact moment. It was amazing to feel what Y/n felt.¨

"She must've already loved me so much back then." Dami thought and let the pictures and emotions enter her body.

Their shared moments rushed by but soon other things came. The moment Y/n accidently injured that poor boy and the depression she had in her school days. How lonley the Werewolf girl must've felt in college and the betrayal after she found out that Irene cheated on her. Dami could feel how wounded and sad her wife was back then and wished she would've been there to hold Y/n in her arms. Dami thought it was over but she entered another level of Y/n's emotions. 

"Her panikattacks." Dami realized.

It was a horrible feeling and suddenly there was something else that tightened Dami's chest. It was Y/n's current anxiety level. Y/n's thoughts were so present in Dami's mind. She could hear her wife's voice.

"You're not enough. A failure. You are not strong enough. Mr. Lee died because of you. You can't save anyone. The Skugga will kill all the people you love. Sua will never wake up. You can't protect your wife. She will die. You will have to watch the life leave her body. You will be alone. No one will hold you. No one will be there. You will be alone." The voice said and Dami understood why Y/n felt so scared.

"She thinks she will lose everything. Even me and that makes her hesitate. That is the reason why she doesn't want to become the next Alpha. " Dami though and was suddenly pulled back to reality.

Y/n's pov:

Dami slowly opened her eyes. You had watched her the whole time and saw each of her reactions. It looked like she could feel everything you felt even the emotions you tried to hide from her and the thoughts you never spoke out loud. Her brown eyes gazed into yours as you waited for a reaction. A single tear rolled down her face before she grabbed your face and placed her lips on yours. You knew she understood the reason why you didn't want to be the leader of all packs. Dami's lips moved gently against yours as you heard her voice in your head.

"I will never leave your side. I choose you and I will never leave you alone, my dearest puppy."

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