Never say Goodbye [#wattys201...

By glittered_eyes

12.8K 977 224

(COMPLETED) Best: #27 in Chicklit He was the first drop of rain that touched my skin, He was the first snowfl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Author's Note.
Chapter 37

Chapter 18

284 32 6
By glittered_eyes


I dedicate this chapter to @Washma786 for her continuous votes and comments ^_^


Veronica's POV

Classes were done much slower than usual and I kept myself hiding from the gang I once had. Everyone looks at me like I don't exist which was really advantageous. The girls group I was in, no longer calls me for lunch.

I avoided to walk in corridors when those were crowded. The dull colors and not so interesting pattern on my outfit made me invisible which I wanted the most.

I stood on the bus-stop waiting for bus to get back home before Adrian finds me. I have been successfully hiding from him all day and I wish the same until I reach home.Because I don't want to be beaten up again. My wounds have hardly healed.

"Veronica!!" I heard two voices in unison and made me look up to their faces. Sally and Aron.

I gave a weak smile welcoming to the place I was standing.

"What are you doing here!" Sally asked running breath. It seems she has been running.

"I am waiting for bus" 

"Ryan is at the parking-lot waiting for yo-us"

"Oh.I think today I will go by bus."


"Hey!" Ryan spoke cutting Sally's words.

When did he come?

His shirtless body flashed my mind as soon as I saw him and my lips curved into a smile.

You shouldn't think about him that way when he is here in front of you all suited up. My subconscious told me.

"Um-Hey." I replied.

"Come, Let's go"


I started following him.

Why? I don't know.

As I kept walking, Sally and Aron were making fun of each other.

"Whoa Whoa! Look at the flowers that are blossoming at your foot steps" 


They look really cute together. I hope at least she finds the love that most of the girls keep looking for.

Every girl dreams about a fairy tale, true love.

Every girl dreams about prince charming.

The happy endings movies show pushes up all the hopes and fantasies of a girl.

Right from the childhood, Girls listen to fairy tales and watch them on TVs as they grow into teens.

There comes a point when they think, They have found their love. Little they know, It is no where love. It is just lust and everything apart from love.

At the end of the day, They are broken. Their hearts are broken into pieces and they no longer believe in love.

Girls are destroyed in a way that they can never hope for a new day.

I stood in front of Ryan's car and before I hopped into the back seat, Ryan opened the door of passenger seat for me.

I looked into his hazel eyes which were staring back at me. They were shining with sparks of stars which I have never seen in my life.

"Verooo" Sally sang making break the eye contact and I turned back to look at her.

"Aron and I got to go somewhere. Ryan will drop you home"

"We got to go out?" Aron asked baffled.

"Yes! Did you forget? We had a plan you know-"

"What plan?We did not-"

Sally dragged him before he could complete the sentence.

"Shall we?" 

I looked back at Ryan and answered him with a nod.

He shut the door after I hopped in and got himself seated switching on the engine.

Ryan broke the ice asking me about my day.



"Yeah" I nodded "Um- I am sorry for the jacket."

"You remember that night huh?" He asked fixing his eyes on road.

"Yes I do" I laughed.

"You look beautiful when you laugh" 

I stared at him surprised and he still had his eyes on the road.He expressed it as if it was very casual.Shifting my gaze out of the window, I adjusted hair back that was covering my face.

"Um-I-you- Your car is good" I replied.

"Thank you" He replied.

The ride went on with awkward silence.

He stopped the car in front of my home. I got out of the car and started walking towards the door.


I froze in my place listening to my name through his voice. 

"You forgot your bag."

He walked towards me holding my bag in his hand.

"Thank you."

I ran into the home opening up the door easily without looking back and rushed into my room.Throwing myself on bed, and covered my head with a pillow.

This is bad. Really bad.

Every word out of his mouth is making me want to listen to him more.His eyes are driving me close to him.

My heart is filling up with something really light and all the negative vibes I have which make my stomach churn are just fading away in his presence.

 I don't even now this guy and his looks are effecting me so much.

I have to stay away from him.

I should not let my heart flatter at every person who is nice to me.


I got up from the bed and hugged the figure standing in my room.

"Mom?When did you come?"

"Just a few hours ago.Are you all right?"

"Yes mom."

"Don't lie Vero. We got to know about your accident."

Buzzing of phone distracted me from listening to mom. I unlocked it to see the horrifying message from the beast.

Come back to me or see what has happened to you happened to everyone that loves you.


Before I realized, phone dropped to the floor and mom took the phone and saw the message.

"Who is Adrian? What is going on Ver" Mom asked with utter fear and concern in her voice.

I sat on the bed and started crying. I could no longer hold my tears.

Mom sat beside me hugged tight.

I told her everything that has happened.

"You are a strong girl Ver, He can do nothing at all." She said wiping off my tears. "Look at me. Look at me Ver. Do you remember how you slapped a boy on road when he was teasing you? He was a thug with almost twenty four people with him and nothing stopped you from slapping him. You are stronger than you know sweet heart"

"I am always with you my darling. Remember that. He can do nothing now. You have survived the worst things that could have happened to you. Do not give up. Never give up for the beast." Mom continued.


Ryan's POV

I finished up my work as soon as I could to pick up Veronica. I am not going to let her go alone anywhere until I make sure she is safe.

I stood at the parking-lot waiting for her but I got to know she left already to the bus-stop.

I rushed to the bus stop and saw her standing still there. She was lost. There were numerous buses leaving and she was still waiting there without noticing a single bus.

I called up Sally and told her to brig Veronica to parking-lot. 

Sally came immediately and started insisting her to go with me, which she was denying.I had to convince her to come with me and I had no idea how.

I walked towards her practicing in my mind.

She won't come with you.Taunted my subconscious.

You are my subconscious and you have to encourage me.

I am telling you the fact replied my subconscious.

Stay away from me I mentally slapped my subconscious.

"Hey" I called out.

She looked at me with amusement as if I was standing there shirtless.


"Come let's go"

She nodded and followed me. I could no longer see anything beside me except Veronica.

All the noises around me turned into a romantic music and I felt brightness spread fading away people.

I opened her the door before she sat in the back seat. She saw with amusement again and her eyes were too deep that I could not realize that I was staring straight into her eyes. I started looking for something in her eyes which  she was missing in her smile.

We were soon interrupted by Sally.

Stupid interruptions. 

Yeah. Stupid interruptions. I was lost in her eyes too.She is mesmerizing.

Shut up Mr.Subconscious.

Wow. I am now jealous of my own subconscious. 

"Shall we?" I asked noticing their conversation end.

She nodded and we drove away.

I wanted to talk so much and I had no idea how to start.

"How was your day?"

"Great!" She replied.

I could sense that she was nervous. Not to make her more nervous, I avoided eye contact.

She apologized about the jacket and let out a laugh which was not less than the music of acoustic guitar.

You look beautiful when you laugh , I thought.

She was frozen making me realize I just said out the words I thought.


Ride was pretty awkward after that and I made her really nervous with my words. 

She was completely avoiding eye contact and as soon as we reached her house, She started to run.

I had no idea what went wrong. Her bag was in my car and I called out her name stepping out of the car.

"You forgot your bag."

She grabbed the bag thanking me and ran into her home.

What was wrong? Why is she running away from me? Doesn't she like my presence?

I drove into my parking and went into my room disappointed.Good thing that Aron isn't home yet. I can have some time alone.

I saw through my balcony that her balcony was open and her room was clearly visible.

She was crying hugging her mom. She was talking something about the phone.

I had the curtains open to hide myself but made sure that she was visible to me.

I knew something was wrong. I can see her mom consoling her. 

I wish I cold just know what is happening and get her out of the pain.

She fell asleep after a while and I got myself ready for dinner. I had my tracks on me and I preferred to sleep shirtless. 

I returned to room after having supper and stood in the balcony enjoying the full moon night. My eyes started feeling tired and decided to sleep.

Before I took my steps back to the room, I saw Veronica staring at the window standing in her balcony.She met my gaze and smiled at me, which relaxed my heart and all the disappointment washed away. 

Our balconies so close that I can jump easily into her balcony. I could see her puffy eyes which reveals her tears.

"Hey" She chirped.


"I am sorry about evening. I just ran away"

"It is okay. Totally. Don't be."

"It is a nice view,isn't it?" She looked up to the moon.

"Yes it is" I replied gazing at her "Veronica."

She looked back at me,resting her palms on deck of the balcony.

"Will you go out with me?"

She took her palms off the deck and tangled her fingers. Her face went blank ad I could sense a lot of emotions in her eyes.

"I really want to know you more. I promise I will never hurt you."

"I am sorry. I can't" She started walking away into her room.

"Please? Give yourself a chance. Give yourself a second chance." I pleaded.


She walked away.


Thank you all for the support.

This is the longest chapter I have ever written.

Please the ignore the errors.

Do post your views ^_^

I love to read your comments and messages.

I recommend you to read "Rebirth" which is being written by arjun4ever 

Keep voting,commenting and sharing.

Loads of love


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