With All My Heart → Transform...

By primuskat

51.6K 2K 382

*Uncover series spinoff book* This story follows the life of Kaelyn Olivia Hide, Azalea and Ironhide's very... More

Hell & Chicken Nuggets
Evil Twins & Deep Thoughts
Father Knows Best
New Kid
Family Fun
Good Sauce
Playful Banter
Out On the Town
Base & Breaks
Getting Ready
A Family Dinner
Long Nights
Steak & Potatoes
Base Antics
Welcome To the Family
Utter Nightmare
Shattered Screens
Dinner Plans
Casts & Punches
Unfriendly Reunion
Declaration of Hatred
Surprise Visit
Game, Set, and Match
Story of My Life
Family Talks
I Will Return
You've Got A Deal
Secrets & Promises
Idiot Break-In
On Edge
Who Are You?
Small Talk
I'll Always Be Here
Ready To Go?
I'm Here
Help Me
You're Back
With All My Heart

Patiently Waiting

982 41 31
By primuskat

*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

Three hours wasn't really a long time to most people, but to me and my dad it felt like years. Also, I absolutely hated being in hospitals, especially under these particular circumstances. I never expected this to happen after I came home from school, but it did, and it scared the living shit out of me. All I wanted was for my mom to be okay and the suspense was literally killing me inside. Ratchet would have figured out what was wrong with her in under fifteen minutes, but these doctors were slow and it made me so angry. My mom could die!

I wasn't the only angry one though. My Cappy was here, as well as Carly, Sam, Ethan, Bumblebee, Optimus, and Dino. Most everyone in the room had Ratchet as a caretaker, so we weren't really used to how slow everything was going here in this monstrosity of a hospital. Everyone was anxious and a bit on edge because of it. The only thing remotely good about this situation was the fact that the Witwickys bought me McDonald's. I didn't think I'd be able to eat it seeing as I was so stressed out, but I scarfed it all down in under ten minutes.

Currently I was curled up on my dad's lap, playing with the strings of my dad's Nike hoodie. His holoform wearing a hoodie was one of the strangest things in the world. He was more of a leather jacket and v-neck shirt kind of person, but I didn't complain. His hoodie strings were a very nice distraction for the time being and a good distraction is exactly what I needed.

The strings didn't do anything to distract me from the freezing cold hospital air though. I didn't understand why hospitals had to be so damn cold all the time. I knew that the morgues were supposed to stay cold to keep the dead bodies from decaying so quickly, but if I'm not mistaken this was not the morgue. This was the sixth floor, damn it.

I shivered against my dad and he looked down at me. I probably looked rather pathetic. My eyes were tear-stained and I was trying to keep myself warm while wearing a sleeveless shirt. He moved away from me, and I whined in protest, but once I noticed what he was doing I stopped. He removed his hoodie from his body and handed it to me, so I gladly took it a put it on. It was very big on me, but that was to be expected. It was just another article of his clothing that he would not be getting back. I smiled in content with the warmth of the hoodie and leaned back into his chest. He wrapped his arms protectively around me and placed his chin on the top of my head.

"How come you guys don't treat me like Hide treats Kaelyn?" I heard Ethan whine.

"Because we don't like you, Ethan. We've discussed this," Sam retorted. I snickered at their playfulness.

"What horrible parents you are."

Carly was about to respond when the hospital room door opened. A woman in a white jacket walked in. She looked a bit startled by the amount of people in the room.

"Um, are all of you immediate family?" she asked as she looked around at all of us.

"No, we're close friends of the family," Sam answered.

"I'm sorry, but I'm going to to have to ask any non-family member to exit the room," she spoke. This wouldn't have to happen if Ratchet were here.

I rolled my eyes and looked up at my dad. "Can I punch her in the face?" I whispered so only he would hear.


"Sir," the doctor spoke as she looked at my Cappy. It was only me, him, my dad, and her in the room. Everyone else exited just as she asked.


"Are you family?"

"Damn it. He's her father. Can you just tell us what's wrong so we can take her and go back home? You're really getting on my nerves," I snapped. My dad clamped his hand over my mouth and pulled me close to him. I was not sorry though.

"She's a bit stressed, sorry. Can you just tell us what's wrong?" my grandfather asked her.

The doctor lady looked at her clipboard. "Um, we ran an EKG on her, and it turns out Azalea here has atrial fibrillation tachycardia which is a rapid heart rate caused by chaotic electrical impulses in the atria," she explained.

"And what exactly caused that?" my dad asked her. I could tell he was annoyed.

"High blood pressure."

I have told that woman over and over again to stop eating so much salt.

"She is going to be fine. We're going to prescribe her some medications to help regulate it. She should be awake within the next few minutes too. If someone could come with me to sign some discharge papers she'll be free to go," the doctor explained.

My dad lifted me off of him, and before I knew it he and the doctor were walking out of the room. I just groaned and walked over to sit down beside my Cappy on the couch. He smiled and wrapped his arm around me, and I wrapped mine around his front.

"You need to learn to control that mouth, Kay," he playfully scolded.

"Maybe she shouldn't have pissed me off," I chuckled.

He shook his head at me. "Just like your mom."

"You're damn right she is," my mom's voice sounded. I immediately removed myself from my Cappy's side and ran over to my mom.

"You're awake. You scared the hell out of me," I exclaimed as I swatted her on the arm.

"Woah there. There is no need to hit me," she said, brushing her hair out of her face.

"Are you feeling okay, baby?" my grandfather asked as he sat down behind me.

She nodded. "I feel so much better than I did ear-wait, am I in a hospital?" she questioned, looking around at her surroundings.


She looked down at her arms and nearly passed out. "Fuck. Somebody better get these needles out of my body right now," she exclaimed, pulling at her IV.

Suddenly a hand was on top of her own. "I think you should stop."

"And I think someone better get these needles out of my slagging arm. I'm going to flip shit, Ironhide," she countered.

My goodness.

My dad sighed and gently removed the needles from her arm. She sighed in relief and sat up. I was still wondering why the hell she was acting so normal when just hours ago she was on the verge of death. I mean, I was more than happy that she was alive, but it was still kind of weird.

"Am I allowed to leave?" she asked. "Please tell me I'm allowed to leave. I hate hospitals."

I just shook my head and walked out of the room. She was absolutely ridiculous.

I walked down the hall a bit until I came to the waiting room. Everyone was sitting inside talking among themselves, so I went on. Almost instantly everyone turned to me and I made a face.

"She is awake and acting her normal self which is kind of bad if you think about it," I chuckled. That statement received a few laughs.

"Is she being discharged?" Carly asked as I sat down on her son's lap. He groaned at the sudden weight, but I just laughed.

"Yeah. Odds are she's going to want to go out and eat since everyone's here. Now would be the perfect time to save yourself," I answered.

Optimus and Dino got up and I couldn't help but laugh.

"We'll be seeing you, young Kaelyn," Optimus parted.

"And next time you cover my beautiful body with that putrid human goo, I will murder you. Have a lovely rest of your day, bellissimo," Dino followed. He ruffled my hair before walking out the door with Optimus.

A few minutes later the waiting room door flew open to reveal my mom, dad, and grandfather.

"Hey everyone, we're going to eat and you're all going to come with us," she started. I knew it.

Ethan pushed me off of him and I groaned. He smiled and stood up, and I wasted no time after that in jumping on his back. He caught me before I could fall back to the floor, and in seconds we were all headed back out the door.

"Where are we going to eat?" I asked as I played with Ethan's hair. This boy needed to wash his hair.

"Rasika," she answered as we stepped into the elevator. "And maybe you can bring your little boyfriend?"

I nearly choked on the air. Everyone was now looking at me, expect for Ethan considering I was still perched on his back.

"He's not my boyfriend," I denied. Yes, we told each other we liked each other, but we weren't together.

"But, what about what you said ear-"

"Mom. Shut up," I told her. Her eyes seemed to spark with realization and she nodded before turning back around.

"At least I finally get to meet the boy my niece is obsessed with," Sam chuckled.

I just groaned and leaned my head on Ethan's shoulder. I had a long night ahead of me.

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