Heirs To The City: The Quartet

By AidinWhite

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It had been one year since Adrian Winters ascended to the position of CEO of Winters Group, and had begun bui... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty

Chapter Fifty One

61 5 0
By AidinWhite

Olivia Thorne

I watched Adrian's darkly clad figure leave several hours earlier then he usually did as I was walking to a meeting with a few of the Directors. I still had an hour worth of meeting to do, and whatever files and articles I had left for the evening.

It was only after suffering through the rest of the days work that I finally collected my jacket and phones off of my desk before leaving the office towards the elevators at quarter to seven while I moved down to the lobby. I knew that there was going to be a car waiting for me, it was just the way that things like my boyfriend's never ending attentiveness would allow. During Thornbrook I'd gotten so used to him being around all the time, that the year we'd not lived with one another had seemed like walking across coals, or kneeling in rice for hours. It had also allowed me to get used to the never ending availability of luxuries. Many men had tried to flirt with me though one way or another, they vanished from the city. Most of them were then noted to have moved, and I knew that wasn't an accident. Adrian had likely either bribed them, or threatened them. It was his style after all no one ever had gotten close enough to either of us to threaten our relationship. Adrian was clear on his limits with other women, and ensured that they kept their distance for one way or another. 

There was a time where I had through that wasn't true with Aria since the two of them had secrets that had included a one week recovery relationship after Adrian had broken up with Savannah. That however got cleared up, and I'd been around Aria enough during the last year at Thornbrook that I knew that Adrian's kindness was nothing more then him simply caring about the people around him. It was also the reason that I trusted Adrian to make smart decisions when it came to the people around him, because he would hate to have anyone see that he wasn't as crude as he made himself out to be.

Getting down to the lobby I spotted the long wheel base S-Class parked along the curb while security stood next to the vehicle. I didn't mind the chauffer but I did want to know what made it so that Adrian didn't come to get me even if he'd left hours ago, and likely was up to something, though I hadn't the slightest clue of what it could have been.

Unless it was a surprise.

He'd done this before choosing to go off and plan an entire evening because he wanted to make sure that I felt appreciated, or simply he was in the mood to do so, though if I had to guess this was an apology one for the fact Kate had to come talk to him about valuing his life knowing that he could be targeted at any point.

There hadn't been an assassination attempt, but I also knew well enough that there was no need for him to not give off the kind of image a dictator, secretary of state, or the don of a mafia family would.

He was also known for his gestures and in the world of Adrian Winters gestures did have baggage usually to make something happen.

Unless it was me or his family.

Stepping out of the glass doors and into the brisk weather of mid November I walked down to the car waiting for me outside and pull the coat I wore tighter around me though I did catch some of the looks from pedestrians moving through the city staring at me as I climbed into the Mercedes.

I'd gotten looks before, ones of contempt others of appreciation, others still of some kind of desire that would surely get all of them with canceled visas, and documents saying they were from their heritage country.

Lots of people would have seen Adrian's actions as controlling, secretive, or down right manipulative; something I'd fallen into in the past with Demetri the only differences were that, Adrian had a clear moral compass, he was open with me about everything if only I ask, and he'd kill anyone who ever laid a hand on me, while also willing to put himself behind bars if he ever hurt me.

That was also why I didn't see them as bad traits, he kept the parts of himself that would be dark enough to make everyone in New York blind for a year, for other people. For me it was like all the evil in the world found a mirror in Adrian when he was alone with me.

Pulling the door shut I put on the massage seats, and the heat before leaning into them removing my jacket so that I don't get steamed in the wool coat.

The vehicle then moved away from the curb and I glanced to the building beside me a hundred twenty yards wide, curved in dark glass that in the upper levels was turning black, then in half an hour red laser security that would electrocute any intruder in an instant upon contact. That tower was Adrian's proof of success, no one else had a thirty billion dollar tower to run their company out of.

It was also my greatest pride to see him get everything he ever wanted. When I'd met the morose billionaire orphan whose name was whispered as being the definition of tall dark and mysterious. He was seen surrounded by bodyguards and getting out of cars worth what my mother paid for her townhouse. Our world's were polar until he'd given me everything, and shown me that everything I ever could think as not being worthy as mine,was worth him giving freely, promising I was worth the world.

And now he could buy the world. Or at least the Nominal GDP of Germany

I now wondered, allowing my mind to trail off to the idea that his ancestors would have been in shock knowing that the ninth Winters Heir had reached the point that the family business could have the same monetary control as the country that they had began.

Then my mind reached a point that skepticism about what my boyfriend had planned was the only thing I could think of.

As the car got to One57 my anticipation reached a feverpitch where I now needed to know what he'd spent three hours doing. Getting into the elevator as fast as possible, I ascended to the top floor where once I got out I hear music playing, and the dining table had been moved to the living room where a candle lit dinner had been set up in grandiose detail.

Adrian stood with his sleeves rolled to his elbow, he'd changed from his suit to what I'd have suspected the devil would show up in to seduce any young woman who didn't know any better. The problem was I knew better, and still he was the owner to my heart and soul.

"Bellissima, I believe I've made every dish you like, love, or never quit talking about when it's on a menu," he says with a smirk.

"The only reason I like most dishes is because you've made them, and certain dishes remind me of your cooking," I protest taking in the dozens of dishes set expertly in a display on the twelve person table even if only two chairs are present.

"Just good enough to ensure you don't starve," he says pulling me to him and kissing me softly. "You're perfection, and I wanted to have something to make you feel as appreciated as you make me feel". The addition finds its home quickly in my stomach and I couldn't help but feel instantly at ease.

"I feel like the most beautiful girl in the world with you," I reply, and the appreciative smile he gives me, fills me with a warmth I only seem to get when he's done something like this, or we've woken up together, and he's brushing my hair with his fingers.

"As you should, if a woman as lovely as you didn't I've clearly been fucking something up horrendously," he comments and I laugh softly.

"You couldn't fuck up if you tried, you're a little too controlled for that," I say giving him a quick kiss and stepping back.

"I need to change, I'm not eating the meal you made in work clothing," I say and he nods.

"Don't worry I have to find an appropriate bottle of scotch to have with my meal. I need liquid courage when it comes to your dinner outfits," he says and I laugh as I moved to the stairs.

Getting to our room I undress and begin to flip through all of the outfits I have until a sly smirk played at my lips looking at a dress I'd bought and then never had the confidence to wear anywhere because I'd be putting someone's life in danger.

Adrian's self control however was a different game.

Pulling it on I stared at myself in the tight fitting black dress that was what I'd call a classy club dress considering the nearly knee length it had, it just happened the V neckline was low enough that I'd be drawing unwanted attention in the wrong place if I wore it to a bar, clubbing where I could put something else under it was different. For dinner however I was going to leave what the dress was meant for be clear and I had always found Adrian's control realm slipping with me amusing.

I'm still not over being put on his desk.

Leaving the bedroom I went back downstairs and found Adrian pouring one of his Japanese Malts for dinner, though I waited for him to set the bottle down before clearing my throat and he turned going from passively amused to flabbergasted in an instant. He swallowed once as he took me in, and scanned me making me. Wonder if it was too much.

"Jesus fucking christ Olivia, you in that bloody dress is apparition that could kill a man," he says his accent making the words have more emotion then they should. "I'm going to need the alcohol to make my virility go away," he adds downing half the glass and likely focusing on the burning feeling rather then the interest his body had with me.

"Then I've done my job, I just don't want you drunk," I say taking the opposing seat to his.

"Why, am I going to need to peel that dress off you in an hour," he tests and the image makes me use my half filled glass as a cover for the blush rising to my face at the mental image.

"Don't hide, whatever that pretty little head is thinking, I'll make it come true. Just wait until after dinner," he says a smirk so clearly cut for making me melt I subconsciously pressed myself straight backed for stability.

"How do you plan to do that?" I challenge feigning confidence even as a violent storm of butterflies fervently tried escape.

"You wait and see bellissima," he replies and I know deep down I'm in for it.
Will I write the smut that will follow probably am I going to start tonight God no. I'm going to bed. Comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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