[dead soul]...

By mi_riku

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˜"*°•.˜"*°• ˜"*°•.˜"*°• ˜"*°•.˜"*°• ˜"*°• All her life Y/N was the most perfect person in everything. Working... More

1. the chosen one
2. I suppose this is goodbye
3. threats won't work on me
4. Better swim for your life
5. weak
6. "He" "fatui"
7. Vision
8. quarrel
9. Fever
10. Start over despite memories
11. Miracle
12. Jealousy
13. Hot spring
14. Romance
15. Ruby
16. Drown once, drown twice
17. Arranged marriage
18. Immortality curse
19. Last day
21. training
22. Perfect dad
23. Test of courage
24. awakened makoto
25. last act of obedience
26. fatui in disguise
27. one final kiss
28. gnosis hunt
29. spy squad
30. future prediction
31. evil cat
32. therapy session
33. the party ruiner
34. sleeping pills
35. meteorite
36. new life, new encounters
37. lost connections

20. Sweet injury

201 11 58
By mi_riku

Dear Y/N,

How have you been lately? I missed you so much eversince you left for a trip to Watatsumi Island. From talking everyday to hanging out with you, i was so fortunate to meet you.

I know it's inappropriate to mention it like this but y/n, i love you. If you haven't left for a few days i would've never realized how my life has changed since you're not in it.

Let's meet up again soon.
Oh i also sent you a gift, a precious ring for you to prove how much i love you.

I hope you'll accept it to be my girlfriend.

Sincerely yours,


Knock Knock

I knocked twice but no one answered on the door. I raised my hand to knock again when the door opened with scaramouche wearing an open chest shirt with some shorts I'd rather not stare anymore.

I kept my cool and asked "don’t you want to work today?"


Uhhhhh damn it.

"So what should i tell sara about your retreat today?"

"Whatever, just don't waste my time."

Screw you.

After we left watatsumi island he's been totally mad since yesterday. All he had done was to answer me with few dry words and expression full of resentment. I had no clue why he was this angry nor did i know how to start a conversation just so i can understand his reasoning.

Also the ring i received from god-knows-who had disappeared ever since. I figured they might be related but with scara's rude behavior towards me, we weren't getting anywhere.

I've been wondering all night what i did wrong to hurt his feelings or why is he even mad at me. Could i said something that i shouldn't have said? Did he had a fight or something? Could i have made him jealous by hanging out with gorou? Is he still mad that i punched that girl from the village who spoke ill of me? Did i ruin some affair by doing that? Wasn't he able to call off his arranged marriage? Did my conversation with kokomi provoke her not to call it off? Could it be possible that kokomi loves him and when i said i also did, she took turns to stole him? Did i misjudged anyone by any chance?

I shook my head to release all negative thoughts and abolish these nonsensical overthinking. One of them could be a justifiable reason but how could i know? It's like finding a needle in a haystack.

Scaramouche who was utterly bothered by my physical existence and not intellectual, shut the door right there and then.

Coming to my senses with his outburst, i once again fall on the door calling for him.

"Wait don't go! I'm not done, we need to talk!"

He ignored my calling and gave no response in return. "Please?"

After waiting there for quite a while and getting no confirmation from him i tried out a different method.

"Scara!! Can you please teach me sword fighting now that we skipped requests for today?"

Luckily my trick worked and he answered but not the predicted words i wished to hear "No."

Ugh, what are you? A brat?

"You promised you'll teach me once we come back? Remember?"

Opening the door, he rushed out and i followed him to the garden were he usually sparred with the army while shogun's sparring ground was the one beautiful chamber in the Tenshukaku.

I stood infront of him with a blade he tossed to use. The sparring ground was a beautiful place to relax more than to spar. It was a surrounded by a lot of cherry Blossom trees. and the weather was magnificent as always without the shoguns Madness get in the way. it was the right time to Spar with the wind blowing in our way. letting all the Blossoms fall around the place. most likely a heaven.

Looking at him, he was wearing a suitable dress for sparring though i continued to wear my usual clothing, the shrine maidens one. another thing that caught my attention was that he was holding a real blade instead of using some crafted wooden swords. I was just the Beginner. I had never experienced even holding a sword let alone fighting with the real one. It kind of concerned me but that concern wasn't for nothing. I had some suspicions about how is he going to deal with the situation. he probably had a more experience than I could ever have in my whole life yet i believed that he's doing all of this because it's some sort of a technique that can help me learn sword fighting easier and better or maybe even sooner.

He was just standing there holding that Sharp sword. I couldn't lie that I wasn't a bit terrified. could he possibly be using this as an opportunity to get rid of me? I thought so but if he really wanted to get rid of me then he would have done that already but let's not forget about how clingy I was to stay here. yet we formed a better friendship, I knew he was mad but the real problem was, why?

We planned before that he'll be teaching me sword fighting but now I just mention it because I just wanted him to get out of his room and talk to me no matter what the situation is, I just wanted him to talk. So after doing that we can go fulfill his promise.

As planned I spoke up first.

"what are we exactly going to do?"

"It's a challenge for you to see how much you can handle this."

He responded with the smirk on his face, I didn't have a good feeling about it so I asked again.

"What do you mean a challenge, what am I supposed to do? I've never wield the Sword in my entire life."

He convulsed maniacally then pointed his sword at me.

"Fight me. that's an order."

I sighed in disbelief. I don't know how is this the right way he's supposed to teach me.

He didn't care about me getting injured with a real swords. He just jumped there attacking me. I was terrified at first but at least I could hold a sword, it couldn't be long until I lose my balance and the sword was intentionally a heavy one. Holding it was one problem, and being on defense to dodge his attacks was another.

He was coming at me with so much speed in his attacks, while I was just falling back and going backward. I had to do something about it but I didn't even have time to think properly. Scara’s sword fighting skills were unique as if he had practiced for hundred years.

And me I was just trying to survive. I was so scared so I just yelled at him.

"Stop this what are you doing? I know you're mad but I don't know why, yet you are here attacking me on purpose."

He acted as if I didn't say anything. So I just yelled again.


"You're so brave, little lady y/n. Criticising the situation like I am at fault. But don't worry about it I'll teach you some manners, myself."

And with that he stroke a blow towards me with his sword. I gasped in fear. the blood was oozing from my chest, it was a simple blow but I wasn't a fighter to feel numb towards these. I slowly moved my shaking hand and place it on my belly. it was bleeding and the pain was unbearable. My body has been physically hurt lately so keeping this up became so hard for me to handle.

Standing there and then, he gave me a dead glare. I was shivering with the amount of pain and the blood i was loosing. With tears in my eyes, i took a look at him. He had a strange expression, it was mixed with pity and aversion.

"Don't look at me with teary eyes, you make me feel guilty."

I gasped for air, my body temperature was falling down immediately. Before i knew it i released it and fall on the ground.

Heizou appeared out of nowhere and pulled me up "what have you done this time?"

He was probably paying a visit to the kujou commission, working on some cases with sara. The sparring ground and the kujou commission were closer than any other buildings so far.

Heizou shook my body calling me several times "y/n????? Y/N!! are you alright?"

"She already lost consciousness." Scaramouche roared and placed his sword on heizou's neck "now it's your turn."

Heizou clenched his fist "haha idiot."

With his comment, scara stabbed him too but it wasn't an lethal strike. He just wanted to kill him but living here with limited laws wouldn't let him do it so scara tried hurtful attacks yet being careful not to damage any important organs.

Heizou stood up and grabbed on Scaramouche's sharp sword with blood dripping down from his palm.

"See? You just hurt her, that's who you are."

Scara hold onto the sword and was careful not to hurt him more since it'll be troublesome to deal with later. He just stood there "so what? You can protect her? I can get rid of you in a blink of an eye, hazelnut."

Scaramouche said it and continued "how about killing you now? Then I'll be the one to protect her without you existing."

Heizou was fidgeting to rush me out of there but scara was on the way. The red haired boy spat out hurtful words to defend his right to live "i did that on purpose! I wrote that letter on purpose and asked kazuha to give it to you, though kazuha was clueless of the details. I wrote that on purpose to show y/n and even you that you don't love her!"

Scara burst into rage "oh? So you intentionally framed me so y/n would hate me?"

"Did i force you to harm her? No! That's the point I'm trying to tell y/n. She's dear to me! I love her unlike you who is using her."

Scaramouche's eyes widened "why would i use her? What's in that for me?"

"Because i know who you are." Heizou said with determination in his eyes and scara could tell that he knows way too much.

"Finally, someone who's not dumb in the whole entire nation." Scaramouche clapped for heizou.

"The fact that you didn't deny it says it all, balladeer."

Heizou had certain look on his face while Scaramouche was emotionless. The truth that heizou somehow knew didn't scare scaramouche at all. He needed more than that to terrify a harbinger.

"Now that you know y/n wasn't even aware of anything and yet hurt her, she'll never forgive you. She even thought you were planning to surprise her with a ring. It was time I'd show her not to get her hope up for a murderer like you." Heizou said it with certainty.

"What if she does forgive me?"

Without another words from the injured boy, scaramouche called the guards "from now on you're prohibited from entering Tenshukaku even for work and you're not allowed to see y/n ever again."

"Do you think that would stop me from protecting her from the storm that is about to come?" He yelled at scaramouche.

Scaramouche definitely went stone cold crazy.

"I will protect her myself."

"Liar! Her injured body here is a solid proof that you never trusted her enough not to doubt her and harmed her for you own desires."

Then more guards arrived and surrounded heizou and pulled him up so they can kick him out before things get out of hand.

"Hear me out, she might forgive you again because she loves you but don't ever forget that if you continue to hurt her with your selfish behavior over and over again, that's when things turn for the worst! You'll see for yourself! Y/N can forgive the one she loves again and again but once she reaches her limit, you'll be left with nothing to hold onto." Heizou said it all before being dragged out from the palace.

Scaramouche sat down close to y/n's body "sorry, you'll have to get involved with the storm that's about to come but I'll be the one to protect you."

He said all that to my unconscious body.

"Call the priestess, it's safer if she heals y/n herself."

"Yes, your highness."

"By the way, eloise. Tell the agents to keep an eye on that boy for me. I don't want him to get involved with my business here."

Eloise, the fatui agent who recently came as a spy dressed in maids outfit replied "consider it done, I'll cut his tongue if anything goes wrong."

Scaramouche smiled "that's great, eloise. If you do you're job perfectly, I'll promote you to be my right hand assistant. Now leave."

She bowed to him not as his highness but as the sixth harbinger, the balladeer.

I'm alive but it's the 5th time I've got sick after releasing last chapter🧎‍♀️🤧
Thank you for supporting me with comments you leave here, ily<3

Btw i wonder if you guys get anxious while reading some angst chapters? I was curious that is my writing good enough to cause emotions while others are reading or does it need improvement?🤔 pls tell me it means a lot to me.

Bye bye for now!!!

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