His Warrior Queen: A Haikyuu...

By literalsugamama

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Haikyuu!! Fanfiction Tsukishima x OC Ogawa Nakano needed volleyball to live like a fish needs water. She'd b... More

Foreword by the Author
Chapter 1: She Was the Queen
Chapter 2: Enter Sandman
Chapter 3: Killer Queen
Chapter 4: She's Just a Girl
Chapter 5: What I Did for Love
Chapter 6: Kageyama: So Kiss Me
Chapter 7: Let's Get It Started
Chapter 8: I'm Still Standing
Chapter 9: Demons (TW)
Chapter 10: Obsession
Chapter 11: Just One Kiss
Chapter 12: Tsukishima: Only in My Dreams
Chapter 13: Boy, Could He Play Guitar
Chapter 14: Got Me on My Knees
Chapter 15: The Reason
Chapter 16: Tsukishima: A Momentary Lapse of Reason (TW)
Chapter 17: Nakano: The Warrior
Chapter 18: Learning to Fly
Chapter 19: Pressure
Chapter 20: Tsukishima: Ramble On
Chapter 21: Work it Out
Chapter 22: A Moment
Chapter 23: Frustration
Chapter 24: Ladies' Night
Chapter 25: I Think We're Alone Now
Chapter 26: Boys
Chapter 27: The Time of My Life
Chapter 28: Step by Step
Chapter 29: Don't Stand So Close to Me
Chapter 30: Lies, Lies, Lies
Chapter 31: We Are Family
Chapter 32: What You've Done to Me
Chapter 33: We've Only Just Begun
Chapter 34: Dare
Chapter 35: Drowned in Desire
Chapter 36: Love Bites
Chapter 37: Relax
Chapter 38: Weak (TW)
Chapter 39: I Love You
Chapter 40: Brave Face
Chapter 41: You Say It's Your Birthday
Chapter 42: You Wanna Dance
Chapter 43: I Am a Paleontologist
Chapter 44: Passion
Chapter 45: Break Your Walls
Chapter 46: Magic Carpet Ride
Chapter 47: It Was Only a Kiss
Chapter 48: Kuroo: Where Can I Find a Woman Like That
Chapter 49: I'm Coming Home
Chapter 50: I'm Drunk
Chapter 51: All I Ever Needed Was the Music
Chapter 52: Please Let Me Explain
Chapter 53: Nakano: Go Crazy (TW)
Chapter 54: I'm Ready (TW)
Chapter 55: You Did It
Chapter 56: Simply the Best
Chapter 57: A Celebration
Chapter 58: A Hero
Chapter 59: Touch Me
Chapter 60: The Most Beautiful Girl in the World (TW)
Chapter 61: A Kiss From a Rose
Chapter 62: Stars in Your Eyes
Chapter 63: The Rose
Chapter 64: Can't You Come Out to Play
Chapter 65: Let the Music Play
Chapter 66: A Little Drunk
Chapter 67: From Me to You
Chapter 68: Feed Me
Chapter 69: Steppin' Out
Chapter 70: De-lovely and Delicious
Chapter 71: Hinata: Jump
Chapter 72: Nakano: Save Me
Chapter 73: Tsukishima: Stay (TW)
Chapter 74: Tsukishima: Nowhere That I'd Rather Be
Chapter 75: Tsukishima: Never Meant to Cause You Sorrow or Pain
Chapter 76: Isn't it Romantic
Chapter 77: Lay Your Hands on Me
Chapter 78: You Can't Hide
Chapter 79: Get Back
Chapter 80: I Guess I'm Learning
Chapter 81: Goody Two Shoes
Chapter 82: I Won't Give Up
Chapter 83: Up to the Challenge
Chapter 84: Come Together
Chapter 85: Dance With Me
Chapter 86: In Your Eyes
Chapter 87: I Won't Do That
Chapter 88: Eye of the Storm
Chapter 89: Winter Wonderland
Chapter 90: Sleep Now (TW)
Chapter 91: New Year's Day
Chapter 92: Looks Like We Made It
Chapter 93: Rising Up
Chapter 94: Kuroo: This is It
Chapter 95: Bokuto: All Fired Up
Chapter 96: Tsukishima: I Wanna Know What You're Thinking
Chapter 97: Raise a Glass
Chapter 98: Don't Be Sad
Chapter 99: All I Wanna Do (TW)
Chapter 100: Feelings
Chapter 101: Home (TW)
Chapter 102: Take Me Home (TW)
Chapter 103: Try to Remember
Chapter 104: Kiss
Chapter 105: Nothing Else Matters
Chapter 106: Breakdown
Chapter 107: Special
Chapter 108: Kuroo: Same As It Ever Was
Chapter 109: Tsukishima: Two of Us
Chapter 110: Tsukishima: Where Your Destiny Lies (TW)
Chapter 111: You're My Best Friend
Chapter 112: Let's Get Down to It
Chapter 113: Yamaguchi: Welcome to My House
Chapter 115: Kiyoko: Secrets
Chapter 116: Kageyama: I Know You Care

Chapter 114: Kuroo: I've Waited For You For So Long

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By literalsugamama

Ah, this is the life.  Lying on a blanket on the sand...Sun warm on my skin...cold drink nearby...friends gathered all around me having a great time...and nothing to do but enjoy it all for the next four days.

I owe Naka-chan so much.

When she hit up the Bro-sketeers chat with the deets about this whole beach getaway, I gotta say, I was astounded.  Best idea ever.  Not only was I excited to get together with so many great friends, but...if I'm being honest...I really needed to get away from college for a bit.

Don't get me wrong, I'm loving it at Tohoku.  But college is a very different animal from high school.  The schoolwork isn't so bad, at least, thus far.  But couple that with living with Bokuto, being a lot closer to Ama, and the insanity that is college-level volleyball...I've got a lot on my plate!

It's been amazing though.  It's all working out much better than I thought it might.  The Boku-bro and I get on pretty well sharing an apartment.  We very quickly discovered that the best division of labor is that I do the laundry and the dishes, and he cleans the place.  No really, it's best that way.  My bro is a actually a fairly neat sorta guy.  

Now, keep in mind, I have on more than one occasion returned to our apartment to find him in his boxers and gym socks, sliding around the house with some form of cleaning implement and singing at the top of his lungs.  Bokuto likes to sing while he cleans.  It's quite amusing actually.  I think I almost burst a lung laughing the first time I walked in to that.  But hey, he does a great job of cleaning up, and since I am now in charge of the laundry, I won't have to go out and replace all of my underwear again because my bro turned them pink by failing to sort colors.

Daichi and Suga have kept their word and come by a couple times to catch our games and hang out of a weekend.  That and checking in on Karasuno from time to time is their only remaining connection to volleyball.  They're both doing well at Miyagi University, it seems, and now that Sawamura and I are no longer rival captains, we actually get along pretty great.  He and Suga are kinda fun to hang around with, and the former Crow captain is quite adept at putting away beers, I gotta say.  He and Bokuto got pretty impressively wasted after our first game (since we'd won, a celebration had been in order), but it took like two cases of beer to get them there.  Suga and I were not exactly sober either, but at least we were not tunelessly belting out a garbled version of "You Gotta Fight for Your Right to Party" while wrapped around each other barely able to stand.  Neither one admitted to remembering that the next morning, but I'm pretty sure at least the Boku-bro did, given how hard he blushed when Suga and I teased him about it.

The Crows seem to be doing pretty well these days...although something is still off with Naka-chan.  I can see glimpses of it in her eyes from time to time - underneath, buried down inside, something's eating at her.  I've not had the chance yet, but I want to try pull Tsukki aside and find out what's been going on.  He told me about the worries she had when she was made both setter and vice captain for her team, but their showing at the Interhigh Prelims had me figuring she'd worked through all that.  Clearly, that isn't the case, at least not entirely.  I wish I could make her see how amazing she is, both as a coach and a player.  I've got high hopes that we'll be watching the Crows, Owls and Cats in the National Tournament come January - and for that to happen, Nakano is gonna need to get past whatever it is that's bothering her.  Volleyball at that level takes total dedication.  You can't have lingering worries in the back of your mind - they'll swamp you.  Maybe I can wrangle a chance to chat with her during this week...but first, I wanna check in with Tsukki and see what he knows about this.  I've got no worries about the Karasuno boys at all - their showing at the Interhigh Prelims was impressive.  Date Tech just barely managed to get by them.  Ennoshita is definitely making a name for himself as captain.

Speaking of captains, it's good to see Akaashi here as well.  He's found a quiet kind of captain energy of his own, and Fukurodani has been doing well this season.  Tsukki tells me they were killing it at the training camps, so it looks like the Owls will be trying to clinch the number one spot at Nationals this year, if they can.  But honestly...something is going on there too.  Akaashi has always been a more...dignified, reserved sort of soul.  It's not easy to tell what's going on behind those gunmetal blue eyes sometimes...but my instincts say Akaashi has something rather big on his mind.  I've caught him looking...almost wistfully at Bokuto from time to time.  Does he miss his old captain that much?  It's a bit weird...we've invited Akaashi to our place a couple of times, but somehow that plan has always fallen through.  If he misses Bokuto that much, he could come visit him anytime...so why hasn't he?  He's another one I'm going to try to have a little chat with some time this week.

I love seeing Yamaguchi and Yachi so obviously happy together.  I really worried about them, back when they were barely a couple and and they had that fateful encounter with Ojii-san's bottle of fancy tequila.  But they obviously weathered that storm, and are doing very well together.  Just watching them last night, I could see that they both are beginning to come into their own as well.  Yachi has definitely started to really find her voice, as Karasuno's only manager now - she's not nearly so skittish around all of us as she used to be.  And Yamaguchi...well...I think his best friend said it best.  I had commented on how much more self-assured Yamaguchi seemed to be to Tsukki, and that's when my blonde bro let this drop.

"Tadashi is finally letting his inner strength show on the outside," Kei said, a small smile coming over his face.  "It's not that he's not been this person the whole time...he just...seemed to have trouble showing it on his own.  For a long time, it was me that he clung to - he looked to me to be strong, and that allowed him to be strong.  But now, he's got someone looking to him to be the strong one.  He doesn't need me for that anymore...and that means that now, we finally just get to be best friends."

There really is nothing better than Tsukki-bro all in his feels.

But he's right about Yamaguchi.  For most of us, high school is the time when we grow into the person we're truly meant to be.  And Yamaguchi Tadashi is definitely an example of that.  He and his adorable little blonde girlfriend both.  

I couldn't help but tease Yamaguchi a little about it all when he came downstairs this morning.

I'd gotten up kind of early...sunrise at the beach is a delightful thing, and I decided to slip out and grab some morning air and a cup of coffee.  I was in the kitchen making a second cup (plus one to bring to Ama), when Tadashi came downstairs looking a bit disheveled and still in pajamas, but sporting a goofy sort of grin.  It was just too easy.  I was pretty sure nothing too dramatic had gone on in the room across the hall, knowing those two...but I figured this had to be a pretty big milestone.

"Morning, Yamaguchi," I said with a grin, "It's nice, isn't it?"

"Huh...what?" the kid grunted out, clearly confused.  "Uh...morning, Kuroo-san...but...what do you mean?"

"Waking up in bed with your girl after getting to hold her in your arms all night."

Poor guy exploded.  Choked on his own spit, spluttering and coughing.  I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing like a jackass.

"Is...is it...that obvious?" Tadashi gasped out when he could finally get enough air in his lungs again.

"Yeah...it kinda was...at least to me.  Even with a couple drinks in you, it was obvious you two were a little nervous about heading up to bed last night.  But based on the smile on your face this morning, I'm guessing it all worked out, hmmm?  You guys want some coffee?"

Yamaguchi chuckled.  "Yeah...it all worked out just fine.  We'd...uh..." he colored gently, a hand coming up to rub the back of his neck, "...we'd never slept in the same bed before.  But it was really nice indeed.  And thanks, coffee sounds good."

I prepped a couple of cups on a tray for him and told him to impress his little blonde sweetheart by serving her in bed.  We chatted a little bit about our relationships...it really seems like those two are just like Nakano and Tsukishima.  They're made for each other, I swear.  Cutest little shy couple I've ever seen.  Yamaguchi teased me about the possibility of Kei and I actually becoming brothers-in-law one day...and that reminded me that he's got the spunk to keep up with Tsukki, because I confess he caught me off guard with that one.  Not that I haven't thought about that a time or two...but hearing someone else say it out loud got me blushing just a bit there.  

Gotta admit, I do rather like the idea.

But the person I'm most happy to see here, honestly, is Kenma.  When Naka-chan told me he was on the guest list...well...I was all ready to go to war.  Spam his phone with messages...call him several times a day...nag the heck out of him until he agreed to come.

"Tetsu-chan," the Pretty Setter said to me as I outlined my plan of attack, "he's already agreed to come.  In fact, he said he was looking forward to it."

What was I saying about people coming into their own during high school?  Kozume Kenma, agreeing to spend a week at a beach house with fifteen other people.  Of his own free will!  Who would have believed it?  I confess, I was thrilled to hear it...

...but also a little hurt.  Guess my best friend doesn't need me to drag him into being sociable anymore.  But then again, it's like Tsukki said.  Kenma and I can just be best friends now.  

Of course, being willing to socialize does not instantly turn one into a social butterfly...and Kenma's social battery drains pretty quick.  In fact, by eleven o'clock this morning most of the group was headed out to the beach...including me and my lovely lady.  I popped into the kitchen to grab a couple of cold drinks when I spotted a weird lump of blankets in front of the big screen in the main room.

I'd recognize that lump anywhere.  It was Kenma, all buried in blankets and playing Doom.  The video game equivalent of comfort food.  I handed Ama the drinks, gave her a quick kiss, and cocked my head towards my best friend.  She giggled and told me she'd see me outside later.  I love that girl.  She's a peach.

I walked over and plunked myself down next to the blanket pile.

It sighed.  "What do you want, Kuro?"

"Playing Doom, huh?"


"You know...they're probably gonna get a game of beach volleyball going out there at some point."

"You've got other setters.  You don't need me."

"Dunno about that one, my friend."

It was at that moment that Kenma at last turned to look at me.  I kept my eyes on the screen...mostly because I could feel the tears beginning to swim in them.  No matter what else happens...I'm always gonna need Kenma.  We've been best friends for far too long.  I mean, I'm happy that he's connecting with other people too...but...well...he knows I'll always be there for him.  And I know he's always gonna be there for me, too. 

After staring at me a long moment, he turned back to the game.

"Don't be so lame, Kuro.  Go ahead outside, I'm just gonna relax by myself and play for awhile."

Instead I settled myself in a little more comfortably.  "Okay with you if I play a bit?" I asked, grabbing up a controller.

I could the little smile on his face out of the corner of my eye.  I made a point of not looking at it, but seeing it made me grin.  "Yeah, fine, I mean, if that's really what you want, Kuroo."

It was kinda nice, just me and my best friend, hanging out and playing video games.  We talked a little bit...but not much honestly.  We keep up with each other, so we each know what's going on in the other's life.  That wasn't what we needed.  

We just needed the chance to be.  It felt great, just to be together, just him and me.

Although, at one point, during a particularly intense moment in the game, Kenma spoke up.  This is the way of the Kenma.

"Hey," he started, eyes still glued to the screen.


"Will you...will you be mad if I don't play volleyball in college?"

Kenma waits to drop these things on me until we're in the thick of a game because he knows I'll get all emotional if he just comes out and says them.  The game is a distraction and a focus and keeps me from getting too all up in his face about my feels.  Kenma can only handle emotions...especially the emotions of others...in small doses.  But that's okay.  I'd kinda been expecting this one.

I scoffed at him while trying not to die in the game.  "Of course not, you idiot.  Honestly, I'm kinda surprised I'm still playing volleyball in college.  It's all Bokuto's fault."  The tiniest chuckle issued forth from my bestie.  "So...have you decided where you wanna go to college yet?"

"I've got some ideas...but they're all in Tokyo.  And...well..."  He paused, but I just waited.  He saved my butt in the game, we kept on going.  Finally, Kenma sighed.  "I like volleyball...but it's not as much fun without you," he said, his voice small.

Well that tore it, I started to tear up, and of course I died in the game.  Kenma scoffed at me, bumping his blanket-covered self against my side.  "You're such an idiot," he said, and I could hear the laughter in his voice.  I turned and gave him my best shit-eating grin.  

We sat and played for a quite a while, until Hinata came bounding in yelling for Kenma.  

"Kenmaaaaaa!" the Chibi-chan shouted out, "Come ooooon, you're gonna miss all the food!  Tsukki and Bokuto are making yakiniku and yakitori and Naka-chan is making..."

The blanket pile shuddered and Kenma emerged.  "What?  I told her no cooking...why is she cooking?"

"I dunno.  But if you guys don't hurry, you won't get any food!"

Kenma stretched and started making his way outside.  "Thanks, Shoyo," he said as strode purposefully towards the beach exit from the house.

"When did you and Kageyama make it here, Hinata?" I asked the tiny middle blocker as I shut down the game.

"Hey Kuroo-san.  Just a few minutes ago, actually.  I can't believe how well that worked."

"How well what worked?"

"Naka-chan told me to tell Kenma she was cooking - she isn't - but that if he heard she was, Kenma would for sure be mad and come out and investigate.  What's up with that?  Nakano's a great cook!"

I did my best to explain to the Chibi-chan through my laughter.  Naka-chan really is something else.  And so are Kageyama and Hinata.  The entire Karasuno first year set from last year really did all pair off.  It's funny to see Kageyama and Hinata together now...they're still just as loud and crazy as ever.  But...every once in a while, I'll catch one of them stealing a kiss from the other.  It's just stupidly cute.  Of course, about ninety percent of the time, this kiss-stealing is immediately followed by them chasing each other around like mad, yelling taunts and insults at each other...but hey, if that's working for them, who I am to say anything about it?  Hinata laughs and smiles a lot through all this...while Kageyama tends to remain a bit stoic...until he can't anymore and he bursts out laughing or blushing or whatever.  Even as I'm lying here on the beach, still full from lunch, those two are chasing each other around through the waves, Kageyama yelling at Hinata to go sit down and stay out of the water for at least an hour after eating or he'll get stomach cramps.

The best thing about all this is watching Suga watch his former first years.  He looks like a proud mama hen, beaming at his adorable little chicks all paired off and precious.  But I swear Suga almost exploded with glee when Tanaka and Kiyoko arrived during the tail end of lunch, strolling up hand in hand and looking fabulous.  They make such a sweet couple.  And Kiyoko keeps her man in line, let me tell you.  She is definitely the one in charge in that relationship!

And yet, you can see just how much she really appreciates him.  And he absolutely dotes on her.  

So now we're all assembled.  Sixteen volleyball pals, all sharing a beach house.  You know what's coming, my friends.  We all know.  The only real question is who will be the one to bring it up first?  

I've decided it isn't gonna be me.  I'm very much enjoying just lying here, full and warm and happy and sorta kinda half asleep.  But only half.  You see, I am very much aware of the fact that my smart ass girlfriend is currently attempting to tiptoe close to me with a bucket of sea water in her hands.  So I am doing my level best to look like I am completely asleep, even as I can sense Amalie approaching me oh-so-carefully.  I have to time this just right, or it won't work.

She's moving slowly forward, trying hard not to 'wake' me up.  Wait for it...wait for it...

Just as she seems to be about to make a move with that bucket, I kick my foot right up into the bottom of it, tossing the water all over my lovely lady.  A fair bit gets on my legs as well...and it is cold...but it's worth it to see her frustrated pout.  I cackle at her.

"Thought you were gonna get me, huh?" I ask when I can finally breathe again.

"You are so mean, Kuroo Tetsuro."

I lunge forward and pull her down and into my arms, her pretty emerald green bathing suit (it matches her oh-so-lovely eyes) cold from the water but her skin warm.  "Full name, lovely?  Am I really in that much trouble?" I ask as I nuzzle into her, peppering her with little kisses, shifting her around to make her more comfortable in my arms as she giggles and swats at me.

"You are a mean and vicious and cruel-hearted boy and I don't want you anymore," she says and her pouty voice is just too damn adorable, "I only like nice boys.  I'm gonna go hang out with Daichi...I bet he'll be nice to me..."

"WHAT?? Am I to be tossed aside...abandoned like old driftwood left to rot on the seashore?  I...I am so...so wounded..."  I strike a most dramatic figure, head bowed, body limp, and a hand coming to lie tragically across my forehead.  

Amalie attempts to put the bucket on my head, but it's too small and just topples off again.  "You are such a dork," she says, stealing a kiss from me as I continue to pout, "but I love that about you, Sexy Tree."

"I like that part, do that bit again."


"Kiss me."

And she does.  

And that's when it comes.  And it comes from our dear Naka-chan, of all people.  

"Alright gang!  Who's up for some beach volleyball?!"


Well, this is a curious turn of events.  

When Naka-chan called out for us to start up some beach volleyball, I was not expecting to wind up playing in an impromptu tournament...much less to actually lose out of said tournament and be sitting here on the sand, cheering on my lovely lady as she plays in the final.

Turns out Nakano's call of 'who's up for beach volleyball' really meant 'okay, everyone, we're all playing beach volleyball.'  Only Yachi and Kenma really tried to avoid playing the game, and all it took was sharp glares from Shoyo and I to convince my little blonde best friend he wasn't getting out of this one (did I mention Kenma bleached his hair again?  He's properly blonde for summer, and he cut it shorter too.  It looks good on him.  Naturally, he'll be a pudding head again in no time, which honestly, also looks kinda good on him.  But I digress, massively) and he just accepted his fate.  Yachi took a bit more convincing, but in the end, she kinda had no choice.  Nakano wasn't going to be taking no for an answer.

"If you don't play, we'll only be fifteen.  It'll be a much easier set up if we're four teams of four.  Five teams of three just makes things too complicated, and three teams of five is even worse.  Besides, it's beach volleyball...it's not like were really going to be following regular rules or anything.  This is purely for fun..." Nakano said, effectively shutting down all of Yachi's arguments in one go, "and bragging rights, of course, for whatever team comes out on top."  

"And just how are we choosing up these teams," Suga called out.  I had to admit, I was wondering that myself.  But Nakano, naturally, had a plan.

"Okay...team one is Kags, Yachi, Tsukki and Tanaka...team two is Noya, Ama, Cap and Kiyoko...team 3 is Yams, Akaashi, Suga and me, and that makes team four Shoyo, Kuroo, Bokuto and Kenma."

There was a moment where we all just kinda stared at each other, and then the Chibi-chan spoke up.  "Why those teams?"

"Well...team one is all wearing white swimsuits...team two is in green...team three is in blue and purple...and team four is everyone else."

I believe it took literally five minutes for us all to stop laughing.  Especially when Tsukki looked at his girl and said, "That was very Bokuto of you."  To which our dear bro said, "What?? I think it makes perfect sense!"

At any rate, that was how we ended up in some very oddly mixed teams.  We were kind of gathering by team to talk a little strategy when Sawamura chimed in with this rather interesting statement.  "Hey Naka-chan, you said we weren't going to be following regular rules...how about we open this up wide and make it a free for all?  No rules - just don't let the ball fall on your side of the court.  Other than that - anything goes."

This suggestion was met with general acclaim.  "Sounds good, Cap.  But...I recommend keeping one rule in place - no double contact," Nakano replied.  And that was that.  We had our rules, or I guess, rule.  It took about twenty minutes for us to get the court laid out and the net up, and then match number one got underway with Team One facing off against Team Two.  Hinata agreed to be scorekeeper, and the rest of us kinda scattered ourselves around the edges of the court to watch and act as de facto line judges.

Several things amazed me about that first game.  First of all, I had no idea playing volleyball on sand would be quite so different from playing on a court.  I mean, there's the added distraction of everybody being in swimsuits (especially hard to focus when all four of the ladies present look positively smashing in their suits - even Yachi is looking quite fetching in her white two-piece with all the pretty ruffles), but its way more than that.  I could see it at once in the way Tsukki-bro was moving.  And sweating after like two minutes of game play.  Moving and jumping barefoot on sand is a pain!  I mean, we set up down close to the shoreline so the sand is fairly wet, but still.  I was actually grateful for the chance to watch other people play on that surface before I had to.  

Second thing that impressed me was just how good the ladies were.  Yachi was kinda shy at first, just standing there and letting the guys handle the ball.  Yamaguchi was encouraging her like crazy from the sidelines, and finally, Tsukishima went over and had a little talk with her.  I don't know what he said...but after that, she started really getting into the game, jumping around and bouncing and sometimes just smashing the heck out of the ball!  She might not have finesse, but she had heart, and really gave it her all.  Looked like she was having a great time too, which is really all that counts.

My beautiful Amalie was also giving it her all.  I know she's not played a whole lot of volleyball - just messed around with me and Bokuto some - but it turns out my girl is pretty good at moving the ball around the court.  She didn't spike much, but she really got good at passing the ball over to Noya, who became the primary setter for Team Two.  I was so proud!

Kiyoko, on the other hand, looked like she's been playing beach volleyball all her life.  Woman is a force to be reckoned with!  Daichi was no slouch either, but Kiyoko was definitely that team's heavy hitter.

So much so, that Team Two won their game 20 to 25 and 11 to 25.  I think Tsukishima and Kageyama were incredibly grateful to have lost!  By the end of the second set, they were both drenched in sweat, covered in sand, and looked like they were ready to just lie down and take a nap.  In fact, I think they both did nap during most of the second game, which was Team Three against my team - Team Four.

Now, going into our game, it seemed to me like we had a pretty decent chance of doing well.  Hinata and I to put up some good blocks...Bokuto to smash the really big shots...and of course, Kenma as our setter.  Contrast that with what Team Three had as their line up...three setters and a middle blocker/pinch server.  Seemed to me like we had this one in the bag.

Oh how wrong I was.

I'd watched the first game carefully.  I'd paid close attention, and I thought I was ready to deal with the difficulty of an uneven and very malleable surface as our court.  I'm a reasonably graceful guy...a pretty decent dancer...I've got good spatial awareness...I figured I might need a little time to adjust, but I'd get the hang of it quickly enough.

I was like a damn tailless horse.

I just couldn't seem to get my feet to do...well...anything!  I can't even begin to count the number of times I fell down.  Just moving around the court was bad enough, but jumping was worse!  My feet kept slipping out from under me and I would spastically fly sideways instead of up.  I clearly was not cut out to be a beach volleyball player.  Hinata seemed to have similar issues.  He definitely couldn't pull off his crazy wild jumps and high speed moves across the court the way he can in sneakers.  He flailed around almost as badly as I did.

Now, don't get me wrong, it was still tons of fun.  But...it was also a bit embarrassing.  The setter squad plus Yamaguchi beat us in straight sets, 25 to 14 and 25 to 13. 

The Boku-bro was not happy about that one.  But he got over it quick enough and is now cheering for Team Three as they take on Team Two in the final. 

I gotta admit, this is a pretty amazing game to watch.  I can't help but be proud of my lovely lady, and I'm cheering her on as loudly as I can.  Kiyoko naturally has a one-man super-loud cheering section in Tanaka as well.  Tsukki-bro is doing that wordless communication that he and Naka-chan do all the time - every time she looks over at him, her smile gets more and more devious.  Really makes me wonder what it is they are saying to each other.   Yachi is literally - and I do mean literally - jumping up and down and cheering for Yamaguchi.  All she needs is a set of pom-poms and she'd be a proper cheer squad all on her own.  But...and I find this rather surprising...the person who seems to be the most affected by having someone cheering him on...is Akaashi.

Once Bokuto got over his crankiness at having lost out of our little tourney...well, he decided to throw all his support to his former setter.  The first time Bokuto belted out his crazy loud 'AAAAGGGGAAAAASSSSSHHHHHHIIIII!' I thought poor Keiji was gonna pass out.  His head whipped around, and as he stared at Bokuto his cheeks began to burn so brightly I thought his face might pop.  Poor guy almost dropped the ball!  Bokuto gave him two thumbs up - and that was all it took.

Akaashi was suddenly a man with a fire in his eyes like none I've ever seen before.

He's become the main setter for the setter squad, and let me tell you he is giving Suga and Nakano some choice sets!  Team Three is crushing it out there...but Team Two is lead by the incredible beach volleyball goddess that is Shimizu Kiyoko.  The two teams are pretty evenly matched, and the score shows it.  Team Two took the first set, 25 to 21, but Team Three roared back in the second set 20 to 25.  This will be the decider, and neither team is giving any quarter.  It's exciting to watch...and by the gods we're all having way too much fun!

Kageyama seems to have returned to the land of the living, sitting up and cheering for his 'little sister.'  "You got this, Naka-chan!"

Amalie throws the raven-haired setter a hurt look.  "Really, Tobio?  You're cheering for her and not me?  I'm the newbie in this game, you know!"

Kageyama scoffs.  "Nice try, Amalie, but you've clearly been learning from Kuroo-senpai and Bokuto-senpai."

Bokuto preens at this statement, and I just blow my girl a kiss.  She's a little distracted at the moment though, as she gives Daichi a rather nice pass and he puts it away.  Point for Team Two!  I roar my approval, and she gives me an excited grin.

"Damn, for a newbie, you're really kicking butt, Amalie!" Tanaka shouts as our two ladies high five each other.

Hinata is watching the game intensely.  "I wonder why it was so hard for me to play on the sand?  Amalie and Kiyoko seem to be doing great, and they don't even play volleyball!"

"Maybe that's why, Chibi-chan," I reply, "Your body is used to playing on a nice, smooth court, not on a surface that moves and changes all the time."

This makes Hinata look both thoughtful and irritated at the same time.  "But I wanna be able to stay on the court longer than Kageyama, regardless of what the court is made of!" he grouses.  Kageyama snorts and and pulls his ginger boyfriend down into his lap, giving him some intense noogies.  "Dumbass!  You'll never beat me, hard wood, sand or any other stupid surface!"  The two sort of wrestle about for a bit, until Hinata manages to sneak in a kiss, causing Kageyama to blush and fall back as the rest of us catcall them.  

As the pair settle back into watching the game, Hinata resumes that intense study of the game he was doing  before.  "I'm gonna have to learn more about beach volleyball," he says, and there's a passion in his voice that surprises me.  I think it surprises Kageyama too, given the look on his face.

"Do you want me to find you some videos of Japan's beach volleyball teams, Hinata?" Yachi asks, "Maybe by studying beach volleyball, you can learn something that will help the team!"

"Yeah!  That would be great, thanks Yachi!" Hinata cheers in response.  Well well well, Yachi has definitely begun to make the manager position her own, that's for sure.  It's a great thing to see.

As this little exchange is wrapping up, Naka-chan slices a wicked cross court shot right past Daichi and Amalie.  I can't help but cheer for that one - almost as loud as Tsukishima does.  Which earns me a glare from my girlfriend.  "What?" I call out, "You gotta admire a great cross court smash like that, Ama."

She sticks her tongue out at me, and I can't help it, I crack up.

We're coming down to the end of the set, with Team Three currently up by three points.  Kenma, who is sitting on the sand next to me, suddenly stands, yawns, and stretches.

"I'm gonna go take a shower," he says.

"You're gonna leave before the winner is decided?" I say incredulously.

"It's a backyard beach volleyball game, Kuro, it hardly matters who wins.  What does matter is that, when it's all over, everyone is gonna want to shower off.  So I'm gonna go do that now before I have to fight you all for hot water."  He starts heading back to the house, but then turns back.  "Plus, once Amalie's team wins, you know they are gonna be hungry.  So if I've already showered, I can start dinner while the rest of you clean up."

"Good idea!  I'm starving!"  Wait...what did he say?  "Did you just say when Amalie's team wins...but Naka-chan's team is up by three points... what..."

"Trust me," he says with a small smile, as Daichi scores, "I've got a feeling about this one."

And off he goes.  Once again, I collapse back into the sand, laughing so hard I've got tears running down my face.  I can't imagine a better way to relax than this.  Damn, I am so lucky to have friends like these guys.  Tsukishima is on his feet, cheering Nakano on for all he's worth, which is a hell of sight to see.  I get myself up, cheering for Amalie equally loudly as the blonde levels a smirk at me.  Oh it's on, bro.  Let's just see who can be the more supportive boyfriend.

I am so gonna crush this.  


Well friends, if Kozume Kenma ever gives you a stock tip, I suggest you invest heavily.

Damned if he wasn't absolutely right about the outcome of the volleyball tournament - Team Two came charging back and won the whole deal.  And if you don't think my lovely girlfriend has been lording that win over her sister all night long...well...you don't know Ogawa Amalie.

Kenma was also correct that everyone wanted a shower after all that...and when we were all clean, we were indeed ready for dinner.  Last time Kenma had come to visit us, he'd mentioned having chawan mushi at a dinner out with his family and Ama was intrigued...so that's what he prepared for us, in honor of Team Two's big win.  An excellent choice.  Filling, but not so heavy that it made us all crash afterwards.  The crab and mushrooms were fabulous...and he paired it all with some fresh fruit salad as well.  A delightful, delicious meal.

Over dinner we finally got Kiyoko to explain her domination of beach volleyball.  Apparently her family has been vacationing at the beach every year since she was little...and such vacations always involve playing beach volleyball.  No wonder she was the ace of Team Two - she's been playing the game most of her life!  She insists her older brother is better at it than she is...but I have to wonder if the raven-haired beauty of the group isn't just being modest.

Anyway, now we're all just kind of hanging around in the main space and lounging.  Which would be delightful except for the fact that Amalie is about to push her sister over the edge.  I can tell that Naka-chan is trying not to get upset over a silly beach volleyball game...but every time Ama pokes her about it, her laughter is getting more and more strained.  Tsukki-bro knows it too, and he's starting to get irritated on Nakano's behalf.  There's a limit to what Naka-chan can take...and Amalie is clueless about limits sometimes.

I may not be at Nekoma anymore, but I'm still a sly cat.  Time for me to step in and smooth everything over with a game everyone will enjoy, win or lose.

"Let's play a game, shall we?  I've got just the thing!  Go ahead and settle in around the big table while I get what we need."  So saying, I pat my girl on the knee and take off upstairs to get what I think will work best in this situation.  

It takes me only a few moments, as I know exactly where the game is.  There's lots of chatter and speculation about what I'm up to as I return to the kitchen area and grab a bottle from the liquor cabinet.  

Kiyoko's eyes widen as I approach the table, taking the last remaining spot next to Amalie.  "Is that...a magnum of Bailey's Irish Cream?" she asks, rather rhetorically, as I set the bottle and a tray of shot glasses down on the table.

"Of course Kuroo-senpai is going to have us play a drinking game," Nakano says, her voice full of mirth, "What else would you expect?"

"YES!" the Boku-bro shouts as he fist pumps, watching me set up the pieces for the game, "Drunk Jenga!  This is one of my favorites!"  

Nishinoya tosses his head back and laughs heartily.  "Do we get drunk first, or get drunk while we play?"

Sawamura is looking at me with the biggest grin on his face.  I had no idea how badly he wanted to be a part of the Kuroo drinking game crowd.  "We play like normal, except each block has a challenge on it, many of which involve taking a shot.  Whatever block you pull, you have to do what it says on it.  So you'll be directed to drink as you play, Nishinoya.  And since we're using Bailey's for our shots, we'd have to play for quite a while for anyone to get really drunk.  So...think of it more as Tipsy Jenga for this evening."  Nakano laughs at this, as I knew she would.  I give her a wink and continue my set up.

"I've never seen a Jenga set like that one before..." Hinata says in awe.

"Made it myself," I reply proudly, "Painted the blocks, and then did the decorations in permanent marker.  I hope you'll find it fun.  Also - no pressure to drink the Bailey's...feel free to grab whatever you prefer instead for your shots.  Plus, everyone should have water to sip on as we go along."

Kenma stands up from next to me.  "I'll get some waters for us," he says, heading for the kitchen.

To my surprise, it's Yamaguchi who grabs the Bailey's bottle and begins pouring shots, setting one in front of everyone who wants one.  No one turns him down, so it looks like we're all in for the game tonight.  By the time Kenma has gotten water for everyone, the game is ready.

"As architect, I claim the privilege of the first go," I say, reaching towards the tower and pulling a block from near the base.  I hold it up, so everyone can see the writing on the side.  "Rock, Paper, Scissors.  So...I get to challenge someone to RPS.  Whoever loses takes a shot.  Boku-bro, you're up, my man!"

My bro and I solemnly chant the appropriate incantation, with me throwing scissors and Boku-bro throwing paper.  There is general laughter as I announce "And the first shot goes to Bokuto!"  He tosses the shot down with gusto, smacking his lips and pouring himself another right away.  I finish by placing my block on the top of the tower, and then turn to Amalie on my left.  "All right, lovely, you're next."

She grins and selects her block.  "Never Have I Ever!" she calls out.

I laugh, of course that one would come up early.  "It's three fingers friends, and whoever goes out first, takes a shot.  Kick it off, Ama."

Amazingly, it's Yamaguchi who takes the next shot, by virtue of having make a prank call (it was apparently to Tsukki, who was quite aware of who it was and was not amused), having held his breath for more than a minute, and having licked a teammate (we decided managers counted as teammates, and OH MY GOSH did those two blush like crazy). The kid is now impressively red-faced, and I don't think it has anything to do with the shot he just drank.  He looks a bit surprised at his empty shot glass.  "Wow," he says, "that's really good.  It...doesn't really taste like alcohol."

I grin.  "The goal is to have fun, not wince every time you have to take a drink.  I chose something I was pretty sure everyone would enjoy."  

Nakano is still giggling as she chooses her block.  "One shot," she reads, "Guess I'm drinking!"  She takes the shot into her mouth, and I can see her tasting it, rather than just throwing it down her throat.  "Mmmm," she hums before swallowing, "You're right, Tadashi, that is good."

Tsukki-bro, as expected, takes his own sweet time, examining the barely-changed tower and seemingly analyzing every possible move before selecting a block.  He seems to hardly touch it with one long finger and it comes sliding out...and I lose it.

There's a mustache drawn on his block.

I'm hyena-laughing and wheezing and Tsukki is just staring at me with a disgruntled look on his face and one eyebrow cocked at me.  He knows this cannot mean anything at all good for him. And he is so not wrong.  He'll never do it.  He'll take the shot...but oh my gosh I hope Nakano will make him do it, for a second or two at least.

"What is this, Kuroo?" my blonde bro asks of me.

I get myself under control as best I can and chuckle out, "A mustache, Tsukki."

"Which means..."

"You have to place it between your nose and your upper lip and..." I start to snicker again, I can't help it, "...and keep it there for the rest of the game."

Now everyone is beginning to laugh, and several people are egging Tsukishima on, anxious to see my oh-so-serious bro with a Jenga-block mustache.  "No way in hell," the blonde grouses, "I can take a shot and get out of it, right?"

"But Tsukki-bro..." I begin.

"Don't even, Kuroo, it's not happening."

"Not even for me?"  Nakano is looking at him with the sweetest pleading eyes I've ever seen.  I'd fall for those eyes, and she's not my girlfriend.  I can see Kei's armor beginning to crack.  Go for it girl.  "Come on, Kei...just for a moment.  You'd be so cute!"

He's gonna cave!  He's got the block in his hand...and his eyes are softening...

Akaashi has his camera at the ready.  I love that man.

And then...my girlfriend ruins it.  "Yeah!  Come on, Kei!  Show us all your adorable mustache!"

Kei turns an annoyed pout on Amalie, and then smirks, tossing down his shot and deftly placing his block on top of the tower.

"Dammit, Amalie...I really wanted to see that," Kageyama complains, making all of us laugh.

"There was no way that one was ever going to happen," Yamaguchi says as he removes a block from the tower.  Tsukishima snorts and mutters a "You got that right, Yamaguchi," as Tadashi holds up his Most Embarrassing Moment block.  "Okay... tell us about your most embarrassing moment, Yamaguchi, or it's another shot for you," I tell him.

The middle blocker is already blushing as he looks down at his shot, clearly contemplating just drinking again as his little blonde sweetie giggles at him.  Finally he takes a deep breath...and starts babbling.  "So...one time at volleyball tournament I might accidentally have gone into the ladies' bathroom instead of the men's room," comes rushing out of his mouth as his face gets even redder.  

There's general laughter as Yachi pats her sweetheart's shoulder.  "When was this?" Daichi says through his own chuckles.  

Yamaguchi can't seem to meet his captain's eyes.  "It...uh...it was after the game against Wakunan.  When I...you know...kinda messed up...with my serves and then...well...Naka-chan yelled at me, and then I wanted to kinda splash some water on my face before I went to go talk to Coach Ukai...and I guess I wasn't paying attention.  I just went into the first bathroom I came to."

"You yelled at him?" Daichi asks Nakano, looking at her incredulously.

"Were there any girls in there?" Bokuto chirps at Yamaguchi at the same time.

"Uh...yeah...at least one..."  Yamaguchi's face goes crazy bright red and he seems to be ready to just dissolve on the spot.  "'Cause she screamed bloody murder when she saw me at the sink."

We all crack up, and Yachi reaches for the tower as Suga affirms that Yamaguchi has indeed shared a most embarrassing moment.  He kinda looks like he wants to take the shot anyway.  

Seems like he's gonna get his wish.  "Neighbors drink," Yachi reads from her block, "I guess that means the two people on either side of me?"  I nod at her, and she laughs.  "Okay, Tadashi, Kiyoko...down the hatch!"

Kiyoko pulls the Go Again block, and follows it up with one labeled Find a Hat.  "You've got thirty seconds to get a hat on your head or you take a shot.  Go!"  I call out.  

The dark-haired beauty looks around frantically.  "Does it have to be a real hat?" she asks.

"Nope! It just has to be on your head!  Twenty seconds!"

Kiyoko is moving around the room now, trying to figure out how to get something to stay on her head.  Tanaka is hysterical, laughing like a lunatic as his girlfriend tries a pillow...then a game controller...and finally a remote for the big screen TV before I call time.  "You might have helped me," she grouses to Tanaka as she resumes her seat, drinking her shot and pouring another.  Tanaka is overcome.  "Sorry," he gasps out, "but you looked so cute with the pillow on your head..."

I think that statement saved him, as Kiyoko gives him a kiss instead of the smack it was looking like she wanted to give him.

Tanaka grimaces at the block he pulls.  "Drink Water?  Where's the fun in that?"

"You can tell this game was made by Kuroo-bro," the ridiculous horned owl bastard reaching for the tower after Tanaka says, "He's the only person I know who'd have blocks that make you drink water during a drinking game."

"Because I care about you all, and don't want to see you suffering tomorrow," I intone dramatically, laying a hand across my forehead and sighing, "It would pain me deeply to see any of you hurting."  Tanaka scoffs as he sips his water and complains he'll never have to worry about a hangover from the game at this rate.

"Take a Shot!" Bokuto crows, downing his second drink of the game.

Tanaka is now grousing about it being no fair that he had to drink water while Bokuto, Yamaguchi and Kiyoko are two shots in.  But he's smiling while he does it, so I think he's still enjoying himself.  And immediately thereafter, Akaashi commiserates with him, having also pulled a Drink Water block.

Kageyama chuckles.  "How many of those did you put in the game, Kuroo-senpai?"

"Quite a few actually...just in case we decide to play this with something stronger than Bailey's," I reply as Sugawara pulls the Ladies block.  "Ah, ladies...time to take a shot."  

Kiyoko chuckles.  "At the moment, I'm rather grateful we're not using vodka tonight," she quips as she downs her third shot.  "I'd be well on my way to being bombed if we were."

"And the problem with that would be..." Tanaka says suggestively as Daichi begins his turn.  Kiyoko pushes him backward as we all laugh at him.

"Staring Contest?" Daichi asks me.

"Pick a partner," I explain, "and begin.  Whoever blinks first takes the shot."

A wicked grin comes over Daichi's face.  "Kiyoko, you're it."

She snorts.  "Are you all trying to get me drunk?"

"If you can out-stare me, you've got nothing to worry about."

She couldn't, and now Kiyoko is four shots in.  Her cheeks are looking a bit pink...from the shots and from a little embarrassment, I think.  Tanaka seems to approve, however, cuddling her and kissing her as she giggles.

Kageyama is looking at his block in confusion.  "Uh...Kuroo-san?  What does Tribal Council mean?"

"We are the Council.  We are met.  And now we shall determine who drinks," I say in my best deep, solemn voice, making Amalie laugh at me.  "On the count of three, point to whoever you think should take the next shot.  One...two...three!"

There's fingers pointing everywhere, but with five of them aimed at me, it looks like I'm drinking.  I take up my shot glass and salute the Council before indulging.

"Give a Shot," Hinata sings out, "so I get to pick who drinks, right?  Ummmm...Akaashi, you haven't had one yet!  Go ahead!"

The blue-eyed setter salutes Hinata with his glass before drinking.  Meanwhile, it's finally Kenma's turn - the last of us to have a go.

"Please don't tell me this means I have to start dating someone," he says, looking at me with a grin.  He's holding up the block labeled Dating.

"You know what it means, you big dummy."  This is gonna be quite the impressive round...because everyone who is currently dating someone drinks.  More than half us raise our shots, coming in to the middle to toast before downing our drinks.  

We continue on, going around the table again.  Plenty of shots are being taken, especially when Nakano chooses her blonde middle blocker as her Partner, meaning he has to take a shot whenever she does.  On top of that, Tsukki-bro pulled Two Shots for himself, meaning that he got caught up to Nakano right quick.  We play Categories and a couple of other really silly rounds as the level in that magnum gets lower and lower.  Tanaka, however, is completely devastated to pull another Drink Water block on his turn.  He's had a couple shots thanks to other people's pulls, though.

The tower (as well as several of the players) is looking a little wobbly.  Finally, as Yachi goes to remove a block...

The crash makes the little blonde jump and squeak, which makes everyone laugh aloud, oohing and aahing and applauding as we reach the end of the game at last.  Yachi quickly falls to giggling too as the group insists she take the final shot for toppling the tower.  Yamaguchi goes to pour her one...but the bottle is empty.  So Yachi grabs up the only shot remaining on the table...

The one still sitting in front of Suga.

I know I was the big...uh...winner or loser, depending on how you want to think about it, as I ended up taking seven shots during that game.  But did...

"Suga!" I find myself calling out, "did you never even take one shot?"

Sugawara just grins at me and shakes his head.

"Oh hell no," Daichi says, "That's not happening!  Set it up again, Kuroo.  We got another bottle of Bailey's or what?"  The man is on his feet and purposefully striding towards the kitchen headed for the liquor cabinet I am quite sure.

Well, well, well...looks like we might be getting pretty hammered tonight after all.


Sunrise at the beach is lovely, but I think I'll give it a miss this morning.

Good gracious, we all got pretty wasted last night.  Sawamura quickly found the second magnum of Bailey's I brought, and I made people down as much water as they could as I took my own sweet time rebuilding the tower.  The whole group stayed in for a second full round, and damn if we didn't empty that entire second magnum as well.  

But that wasn't why we got so plastered.  Well, not all of us anyway.

Several people did end up pretty far gone after our second round of Drunk Jenga, my dear Tsukki-bro among them.  He was talking almost constantly by the end of the round, and when Kiyoko, who was equally drunk, knocked the tower down with her unsteady grab at it, Kei babbled out the following.  Not too loudly...but loud enough.

"Man, I really hope we're done now, 'cause this is fun but I'd rather get Roses to take me back to the bedroom.  Maybe she'll pull my hair for me tonight, 'cause I really like that and it really turns me..."

Nakano managed to catch Kei's mouth in a kiss designed to silence him before he said anything too bad, her face red both from her drinks and embarrassment, I was quite sure.  Once Tsukki stopped trying to talk into her mouth, the Pretty Setter pulled him to his feet.  "Goodnight, everyone," she said through her tipsy giggles as they made their way off to their bedroom.  Kinda makes me wonder exactly what went on in that downstairs bedroom last night...but we didn't hear anything, so unless I plan to ask my bro this morning, I guess I'll never know.

I don't think Tanaka took more than one shot that entire second round...but that turned out to be a good thing.  Kiyoko was an adorable mess, all blushy and slurring her words, and apologizing for being out of control and knocking down the tower.  She was edging close to tears when I suggested that maybe Tanaka needed to take her upstairs and help her get settled to sleep it off.  

And that was when Nishinoya laughed and said, "We can't be done yet!  Suga still only had one shot!  Same as Kenma!"

Kiyoko broke at that point, sobbing that she couldn't drink anymore.  Tanaka caved, gathering up his sweetheart and carrying her upstairs.  Suddenly, Hinata, who by this time was eleven shots in and had been just sitting and looking around the room with a goofy smile, banged both hands on the table and roared, "LE'S PLAAAAAYYYYYY AGAINNNNNN!" 

And then promptly fell over, giggling like a madman.  Apparently Hinata is one of those who seems perfectly fine when he drinks...until suddenly it all hits at once and he's entirely wasted.

Kageyama got rather unsteadily to his feet, grabbed ahold of his tiny boyfriend by the collar and dragged him away.  "This was fun guys, but I think we're both wasted enough.  Come on, dumbass, let's get ready for bed."  The best thing about it was the fondness you could hear in Kageyama's voice when he said 'dumbass.'  It was just too sweet, I swear.

Yamaguchi and Yachi also bowed out, tottering upstairs leaning on each other and being positively adorable.  And that's when Daichi said, "Set us up again, Kuroo!"

"I would," I replied, "but we're out of Bailey's."

"Didja bring rum?" Bokuto said, eyes bright and voice excited, "We could play with rum Coke thingys!"

And that, my friends, is why the rest of us at that table, including Sugawara and Kenma, got absolutely jacked up.  I insisted we sip on mixed drinks, not take shots, or not a one of us would have been able to stand up after that third round.  As it was, more than a few of us, including me, had quite enough trouble making it upstairs to the bedrooms.

And did I mention that Amalie had been at least as drunk as Tsukki-bro and Kiyoko before we started the third game?

I pushed water on everyone as usual...and hopefully it worked okay.  Ama and I poured ourselves into this room and made out like mad for awhile until the exhaustion dragged us both down.  

And now, here I am, awake too early in the morning, and kinda wishing I could get up to go pee, but not wanting to wake up my lovely sleeping lady.  At least I don't feel any after effects of our three rounds of Drunk Jenga.  I'm hoping Amalie won't either.

But as that thought moves through my brain, my girl comes awake with a groan and is out of the bed and shrugging on a robe even before I can properly sit up.

"Hey," I ask, a bit concerned, "you alright?  You don't feel sick, do you, lovely?"

"Nah," she mumbles sleepily, "but if I don't pee in the next thirty seconds we are gonna need a mop in here."

I laugh...and then realize I should probably do the same.

After taking care of necessary business we both return to the cozy bed, stripping back down and slipping back under the covers to cuddle skin to skin.  Amalie and I have kept to our rule - mostly - no more than five sleepovers a month.  I think there was one month she stayed over with us six times, but it was a stressful time and we both needed the comfort of having one another close by.  Anyway, I think it was about two months into the semester when she finally confessed to me that she usually sleeps in the nude.  I heartily approved of this idea, and since then, we always sleep together naked.  I love the feeling of her skin warm against mine.  It's wonderfully soothing and comforting and I find I drift off to sleep much faster this way.

But not this morning.  This morning Amalie is awake, her precious little hand playing about on my chest.  She's definitely got something on her mind.  I wonder how long it will take her to come around to it.  

"This is really delightful," she sighs, "Getting to sleep like this for so many nights in row."

I hum my agreement and snuggle her a little closer.  Amalie is not so great with feelings sometimes.  She has to kind of sneak up on them...especially the kind of feelings I think are welling up inside of her right now.  So I wait...as patiently as possible.

"Kinda...you know...makes me think about how nice it would be to have our own place....uh....someday.  Not that I don't adore Bokuto...but..."

"Yeah," I say with a grin, "I'm enjoying this too."  I give her an extra squeeze and she chuckles just a bit.  Now, if I'm any judge of how Ogawa Amalie deals with emotions...next she'll shy away from them.  Talk about our friends instead of us.

"Everyone seemed to really have fun last night too...even if we did all end up rather hammered."  She sighs again after this statement, tiny fingers tickling over my chest, making my nipples perk up.  "I'm so glad Naka-chan has such a terrific group of friends...and that we get to be a part of that group, you know?  They're all amazing."

As expected indeed.  "Mhmmm," I respond, "You're right about that for sure."  I'm not gonna engage about the side topic, Ama.  You're gonna have to start dealing with what's really on your mind, lovely.  

She falls silent again, her hand rubbing soft circles on the skin of my belly.  There's one of two ways this can go...she's either going to keep that hand where it is, tracing nervous shapes while she tries to give voice to the emotions she's got trapped inside...or that hand will wander lower, and she'll bury whatever she's feeling in favor of pleasuring me.  Not that I don't enjoy that aspect of our relationship...but I'm hoping the feelings win out this time.

"Tetsuro..."  Full first name.  I think it's gonna be feelings.  "Seven months," she mutters after another long pause.


"S-seven months.  Of us.  Like, being official, and all.  You asked me to be your girlfriend seven months ago today."

"Well, well.  Good for the me of seven months ago - he was a smart fellow.  Happy Anniversary, lovely.  I'm sorry I don't have a present for you."

She chuckles a little at my quip and shakes her head.  "I wasn't fishing for a gift, I promise.  In fact, I'd really like to give you one...because...because I...I..."

I was pretty sure this was what was happening in her head.  Ogawa Amalie has been just as hurt by love as I have...maybe more, in some ways.  We've talked a bit, each of us, about our past relationships and the scars they've left.  Amalie will talk about love, she'll wax poetic about it even.  But she's afraid to tell you she loves you.

Because every time she's told a boy she loves him, he leaves.

I've seen her almost say it to me, a couple times, kind of naturally.  But then she'll catch herself at the last second, turn the words into something else, something safer.

But here, now, she's trying so hard to be deliberate about it.  She wants to say it...but she's so afraid...so convinced that if she tells me she loves me, that will be the beginning of the end of our relationship.

She's so wrong.  I'm not leaving.  Because I love her just as much.  Maybe, instead of just listening to her stammer around trying to explain how she feels without saying those three little words...maybe...

"Amalie?  I promise, you can tell me you love me.  I'm not going to leave you if you do.  Because, you see, I love you too.  So very much.  I've waited for you for so long, lovely, and I'm not about to run away.  So go ahead.  Go on and say those words.  Give me the gift of your love, Amalie.  I promise to be worthy of it...to be worthy of you.  I love you."

Maybe I should say it first.  

My poor, sweet, wonderful, lovely girl.  I think I broke her.  She's looking at me like I've just said the most unbelievable thing ever.  Her bright, beautiful green eyes are wide and just about to overflow with tears...tears, from Ogawa Amalie.  Who never cries anymore.  But now she's a heartbeat away from crying, and it's making my heart clutch in my chest.  I love her so much.  

"You...you...you l-l-luh..."

"I love you.  I love you, Amalie.  I really, really love you."

Staring.  Did I press too far?  Was this too much?  Maybe...maybe this isn't what...

Two of the biggest, fattest tears I've ever seen a human being produce (and I've watched Bokuto cry, friends) slip down Ama's cheeks and splash against her skin, shattering like crystals and scattering bits of themselves all over us as my girl begins to laugh in a sad sort of way.  "Dammit, Tetsu, how?  How did you know?  How did you know that all I've wanted to do for the past two weeks is find some way to tell you how much I love you...because I do, I truly do!  But I guess I just needed to know that you loved me too before I could get those words out.  I'm sorry I couldn't..."

"Sorry?  What are you sorry about?  Sorry that you love me?  Sorry that I love you?  Sorry that we're in love?  Because I am not sorry about any of that.  So you'd better not be sorry about it either."

"I'm not!  I not sorry that I love you!  I'm sorry I couldn't say it properly until you said it first!"  

She is legit getting pouty about this, and for some reason, that entirely cracks me up.  It's barely past dawn, so I keep the laughter under control, but I do laugh...and that earns me a smack on my chest, and I grunt while laughing.  "Dammit, Tetsuro, why are you laughing at me?  I should be able to tell the man that I love that I do, in fact, love him!"

"Lovely, you just did," I point out, still laughing.

She blinks.

"Three times, in fact, if I recall correctly," I add.

"I love you, Tetsu," she says softly.


She grins.  "I love you!"


She giggles, and I gather her up and pull her close, kissing her full on the lips.  We linger in the kiss, both sort of chuckling at first as Amalie continues to mutter 'I love yous' and I keep counting them for a bit...but before long, our kiss has gained speed and passion and suddenly I remember we are both naked as her hand trails down my body to find me hard and the moan that leaves my lips as she strokes me is louder than I expected it would be.

"Shhhh, Tetsu, shhhh...we don't want to wake the others, do we?"

My hands are roaming her delicate curves and I love the feeling of her skin against mine and she's so warm and soft and before I know it we've rolled over so I'm on my back and she's straddling my waist and my dick is resting against her ass and every time she moves it feels so damn good...

My mouth finds her left nipple as she leans over me, her long brown hair trailing over us and tickling me and the sweetest sounds coming out of her mouth.  "Tetsu..." she says, part moan and part name, "Please, Tetsu...I love you.  I want you.  Please...I want to feel you inside of me."

Her words are like a bolt of lightning through my body.  My dick twitches, and I fall back from her chest, gasping.  "Ama...lovely...I want you, too...but I..."  And suddenly, I can feel my face heat up as a hot blush cascades across my cheeks.  "Ama...I'm...I've never..."

Her hand, which usually feels so warm, feels cool instead as she cups my heated cheek.  "Let me take care of you then, Tetsu.  Please, Sexy Tree, will you let me make love to you?"

I'm robbed of breath, robbed of sense.  I feel myself nod as I fall into the emerald green of her eyes that look at me with total adoration, total trust.  My mouth opens, but nothing comes out, and suddenly her lips are on mine.  My eyes close as we kiss and kiss and kiss and I feel like I'm kinda drunk again...a weird mix of being incredibly sensitive to every touch and yet also like I can't quite feel everything that's going on.

"I'm going to take care of everything, Tetsu, I promise."  Her lips are soft as she whispers against my cheek.  "But you need to be quiet for me, you know that right?"  I nod again.  "Alright, darling, just stay still.  You don't need to do a thing."

The bed shifts, and her weight is gone from it and from me and I groan with loss, but she shushes me at once, her tiny fingers ghosting over my lips for a moment.  Then she's moving in the room, I can hear her, and when she returns, she straddles me again, but this time, she's lower down, touching my cock with her tiny hands and making me moan.  I try to stay quiet...but oh gods she's...

She's putting a condom on me.

It dawns on me that I'm about to have my first time.  Right now.  After we've just said 'I love you' to each other for the first time.  What even is this?  What is happening?  My eyes are still closed.  I feel like I should be saying something profound, or at least romantic, or...or...doing...something...not just lying here like this...I should be an active participant in something as intimate as...

She's kissing me again.  Biting and sucking on my lower lip...and then my tongue...and it's good and I start to try to return the favor when suddenly I'm gasping as I feel her, warm and wet and so amazingly fucking perfect around me.  Like we were made for this. 

My eyes fly open and so does my mouth, but I can't speak.  I am aware of only two things.  

This is literally the best I have ever felt in my life.

I am going to come embarrassingly fast.

Amalie rides me soft and slow and her eyes are locked on mine and I've never seen or felt anything so beautiful in all my life as this.  My hands come to hold her waist as she moves because I want...I need...to be touching her, just to feel her skin and her warmth and her body as it moves perfectly on mine.  

It's going to end too soon, and yet I feel like my orgasm has been building for days, coiling up inside of me sweet and slow and intense.  "Ama...Ama...mnn...please..." I try to warn her, try to tell her that I need to feel her come with me, to hurry, because I can't hold on much longer, but words are not working.  My hips are starting to move on their own even as I try to will them to be still.  "Yes...Tetsu..." she gasps out, and I can tell she's trying to stay slow but her body too is seeking that tipping point, that moment right before you unravel, like the peak of a rollercoaster, poised to drop.

When we fall, we fall together, both of us breathing out the other's name and holding on to one another for dear life as she squeezes around me so perfectly and I spill deep inside her.

Once we settle, and we're breathing normally again, I flounder my words out, trying to apologize for being a typical virgin boy who couldn't last more than a few minutes, but Ama just shushes me, kissing me tenderly.  She insists I stay still, cleaning us both up and taking care of everything.  I'm suddenly weary again, and I must drift a bit, because the next thing I know she's slipping under the covers, cuddling up to me and I smile.

"I love you, Ama," I whisper, and I can feel myself drifting off.

"Love you too, Tetsu," she says, "How's about we sleep until noon?"

I chuckle.  "Sounds like a plan, lovely."

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