
By nickinacpattywack

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just read my child. More



933 69 15
By nickinacpattywack

LA Hospital - 4:30pm

i grabbed my belongings after clocking out and i went around the front desk to be sure i left out of everything on the computer. my work here is done, i can't stay any longer. i have plans tonight. i'm sure my baba is waiting for me to get home.

once i saw it was all clear i said goodbye to those in sight and headed to my moms office. i need to get an update on the mya situation. i've been hoping and praying that it all works in myas favor.

"hey mommy."

"hey baby. how was your day?"

"well. i got a new patient and he's such a cute little bug." they're all cute little babies.

"aw that's cute. what brings you by?"

"mya. have they decided what to do?" my eyes scanned her face as she was typing away on the keyboard. this woman can work her butt off but likes to talk about me.

"oh yes. at first they wanted to take her so i was packing some stuff for her. but the same night they called and said that she could stay but they'll be doing random pop ups. they also want to do a visit at you guys place to be sure she's safe in every environment. i'm thinking it has something to do with what that girl said. she thinking she giving good info and they're thinking otherwise."

"mm. well that's great actually. it's no problem with them checking our place. i'll have to let beyoncé know."

"yes, do that. i would suggest you two make one room you guys' and the other hers. just for the pop up."

"think they'll trip about that?"

"you never know."

right. they would probably try to make it a big deal that she's sleeping in our beds. the system has its ways of being messed up.

"true. well we'll work on that. thank you."

"no problem. see you later."

"later." i left and made my way to the parking lot. i'm a little bit tired but that'll have to be pushed to the back of my mind. it's the end of the week so all of my tiredness is coming together. hopefully beyonce has a lot energy. that'll give me a good boost.

which i'm sure she does. it's beyoncé.

the drive home was fine. of course the curbs were in my way but it was all good and i safely got there. beyoncé called me like twice i'm pretty sure trying to see if i took overtime. i wouldn't dare.

when i walked inside the house she was sitting on the couch biting at her nails. i smiled small as she looked at me with some relief.

"hey baba." i walked to her, bending down to give her a kiss. she tried pulling me in but i didn't want to since i still have these scrubs on. i've been puked on like twice. "i thought you would've been getting ready."

"i did everything, i just have to get dressed."

"oh ok. well let me go get ready." i pecked her lips and walked to my room.

oh crap i forgot to tell her about the mya thing. having random caseworkers pop up is gonna be weird. hopefully they just pop up here once. it's not like we're gonna be here every time. most likely one of us will be gone. if not both.

i went straight to the shower after plugging in my curlers. two birds one stone, yes?

since i knew i could take forever i tried not to spend a lot of time washing myself. i shaved and everything yesterday since i knew i would have the most limited time. literally an hour and a half.

we're leaving at six and our reservations are at 6:30. i'm ready to eat sooo much when we get there. i haven't eaten all day, not even lunch. being on a baby floor can take so much attention to the point where you can't even take a break. their adorable-ness takes it away though.

getting out the shower i oiled my body and put my towel on. going to my closet to grab the dress i wanted, i glanced over seeing bey on my bed. she was dressed and stuff, looking all beautiful on my bed.

i had to go to her first.

"you look so pretty baba." i mumbled and leaned in to kiss her. she smiled in between grabbing my hands tightly. my lips couldn't leave hers.

"ok mama, go get ready."

"you look so good though."

"thank you."

"like so good." i mumbled. it felt like i couldn't get away from her. why does she look so good right now? "we can wait a little-"

"nooo. i'm ready to see what you have planned." she poked her lip out and i sighed. i'm getting carried away. let me snap out of it before i have her legs spread and we be late.

but i want some.

"baby come on." she pouted and i gave up. she's really ready for this date, i can't even blame her. we've never been on a date before. "we can be nasty afterwards remember?"

"i know i know. you just look so good."

"ok. go get ready so you can look so good."

"got it." i slipped away to get dressed.

"i asked you out so you have to let me take the lead." i mushed her hand from the door and opened it. she chuckled walking out the apartment with her purse. my eyes were going in the unholy direction.

oh goodness she's looking godly. i sighed snapping out of it before locking the door and following her to the elevator. we held hands the whole time until we got to my car. i'm thinking of getting a new one....

i opened the door for her, making sure she was comfortable before getting in myself. for some reason i feel very anxious. this night has to go well.

"you okay baba?"

"yea i'm okay." she looked at me for some time. i think she could tell i was feeling this way.

"great." i sighed and pulled from the parking garage. it literally took forever to get out because cars wanted to be coming in at the same time. my eyes continued to dart at the time.

now we really have thirty minutes. i started biting my nails but stopped instantly. can't let my nerves get the best of me.

beyoncé grabbed my hand and rubbed it. i let out a deep breath.

"it's okay. we're gonna make it and even if we're late it'll still be fine baby. calm down."

"no it won't."

"it will babe." she placed my hand on her thigh. i rubbed it softly as we finally made it out the garage. this is gonna be a special day so i can't let my driving be an issue. i was on my best behavior.

driving like i had an instructor down my neck. my baba deserves the best of the best today. plus she's looking so good i'm ready to get her in my bed.

"oh yea, with the mya thing, they're not gonna take her baba."

"yes. thank goodness."

"but they're gonna do random pop ups. my mom said it would be best to make one room look like it's myas and the other like we share."

"yea social workers are weird." she mumbled. i gave a small nod but my focus was the restaurant. i'm glad we picked a friday because it wasn't ready packed. or at least the time we came is an advantage.

"don't touch your door."

"baby i can get out." she chuckled but i gave her a look. i'm serious, i wanna be in charge. i got out to open her door and closed it afterwards. we held hands. holding her hand makes me feel good.

she's taller than me but i don't care. in this case height doesn't matter.

"reservations for maraj." i smiled at the front desk lady. she nodded her head and led us in a direction of tables. the one we had was secluded and i made sure it was that way. we'll be able to talk and enjoy ourselves without too much noise from others.

especially knowing how bey is. she doesn't like to share me at all.

"here baba." i pulled her chair and kissed her cheek. she thanked me as i sat down myself. there were glasses for champagne already there so i poured her a glass.

"it's so beautiful here nika."

"you're so beautiful." i'm honestly mesmerized. nothing matters but the way she's looking. i can't believe she's this gorgeous.

"i had to do my big one baby." she gave this cocky look making me laugh.

"i'm glad you did." really. "i was nervous that you would've told me no about the date."

she looked at me crazy. that's the truth. with everything that's been going on i felt like i was on a thin line. like she didn't care and would tell me no in a heartbeat.

"why would i tell you no baby? i'm glad you asked, you had me feeling like a high school girl."

"that's good."

"tell me why you thought that nika."

"because....ive been like...on your bad side lately. especially with making you feel like i'm a liar."

"i know you're not a liar nika that's what was making me so upset. you weren't too much of lying but you were doing unnecessary protecting which made it seem as though you were just flat out lying to me. i understand your purposes but....i rather you tell me everything than anything else."

"i know...and i'm sorry. i'm still getting used to some things. but i thank you for not holding those grudges against me. i'm getting better, i promise. i just ask that you check me before it gets too far, if you catch anything. i'm not too good at reading the room."

"oh i'm gonna check you alright." she raised her eyebrow with a smirk. it made me smile small but i had to get it together. i don't need to think that way until it's time. she knows i get turned on in the slightest way.

the waiter came to the table for our drinks, us both ordering a water. he gave us time to read the menu but it didn't take long. i kind of read it before i got reservations here so i would know if either of us would like anything.

i knew exactly what she would order.

we gave him the menus back and he left.

"baba you really look good."

"is that all you're gonna tell me tonight?"

"if that's okay with you."

"i don't mind. but i wanna talk to you as well, not just hear how good i look my love." she reached over and rubbed my hand. everything was making me blush. i've never been on a date like this before, with me in charge, so it was new.

i'm supposed to be making her feel like this.

"so..." i pulled my hand back. "how's everything going? work?"

"great. i've been enjoying it all especially coaching the little girls. mya has really improved although she's been amazing."

"aw. i love to hear that she's enjoying herself as well as you."

"yea...but i've also been thinking." she glanced at me and her hands. aw boy. now i'm getting nervous. what could she say right now? "i wanna move."

"huh?" my heart dropped. why would she wanna move? did we do anything? "wait why? what'd i do? am i invading your space in any way? you can just tell me and i'll-"

"onika...use your head mama."

"i'm sorry i'm not understanding." i slouched. all i'm getting is that she wants to move but..

"i want you guys to come with me onika. why would i move without you? i can't even sleep without you." she spoke softly while smirking. i felt a relief. oh. that makes a lot of sense.

she chuckled at me and grabbed my hand again. i couldn't let my eyes off of her. it's sweet to hear that she wants me to move with her. we could use the space....

"so what do you think?"

"i think it would be nice."


"yea. why not? i think our relationship is maturing now and we have a lot of adding on happening."

"soon you'll be walking around with my baby."

"baba...let's not." i cringed. she's serious about me having a baby. which i don't mind but not soon. "i have no problem with having your baby though. just not all of them. you're talking about five kids..."

"you'll look so sexy." she trailed her foot against my leg. it made me chuckle more than anything because wow. me being sexy because i'm pregnant is crazy.

the food came out while we talked and i was really happy she was enjoying herself. just the red tent on her face let me know it was going well. she's so pretty.

" really good." she covered her mouth after taking a bite. i nodded taking a bite of mine as well. we shared nods. "can i try yours?"

"sure." i slid my plate over and let her have some. of course she did the absolute most because it just had to be "better than hers." it's not even all that. but it's beyoncé so....

"i think our next date should be us cooking together."

"together?" i gave a look of surprise. beyoncé would really bother me in the kitchen. more than she would ever know. but i'm sure it'll be nice to have fun with it. just have to prepare myself.

"yeess. i wanna learn some of the things you do. you always look so good when you're cooking. gotta learn how to be your little house wife." she bit her lip and winked at me. i slightly rolled my eyes with a smirk. beyoncé couldn't be a house wife, she doesn't like being inside enough. only when i'm inside.

"i wouldn't mind. but it doesn't have to be a date baba, we can do that anytime. you just have to tell me."

"let's make some stuffed chicken this weekend." that seemed to get her excited. out of everything i make that's one of her favorites. she'll sit patiently on the counter as i cook it so she can be tasting as i go.

"that's fine."

"i'm so happy we're on a date. you're such a chill person but that's what makes it so much better. you being able to be yourself and i know that this is you....i love you."

"aw i love you too...i hope i'm not being too boring." i scrunched my face. this is supposed to be a night to remember.

"no. no you're not being boring, you're being my nika. and i love it."

"ok....after you wanna go for a walk in the park?" i had to think of something. bey is an active person whereas i'm not. so i have to think fast with her. a walk in the park would make her happy i'm sure. if not then i'll try to think of something else.

"i know you don't wanna walk in the park baby."

"no i will. if you want to baba, just tell me."

"i don't wanna walk baby, we can go home and do what we said we would. you opting out?"

"oh never."

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