#2 The Darkest Fire

By AlinaReynolds

121K 2.4K 574

Dawsey FanFiction by Alina Reynolds A.K.A @chicagofdpd_fanbase Sequel to: A Reason To Love More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Authors Note

Chapter Thirty Three

2.3K 50 14
By AlinaReynolds

"Hey Matt, I'm leaving for the OBGYN" Gabby said as she grabbed her purse, Matt walking down the stairs, scratching his head, a confused look on his face. Gabby noticed this and addressed it. "Hey what's going on?" she asked as Matt reached the bottom of the stairs, Gabby placing a hand on his back. "Have you seen Violet? She's not in her room" Matt said, Gabby's eyes going wide. "WHATD YOU MEAN SHES NOT IN HER ROOM?!" Gabby yelled, both of them suddenly hearing a door open upstairs. "Violet?" Matt called out, Violet walking down the stairs, holding her phone. "Where were you?" Matt asked hugging her as she reached him, Violet pulling away. "I was in the bathroom...." she said, Gabby nodding. "Oh ok. You had your uncle worried" "Sorry Uncle Matt" Violet said hugging him, Matt holding onto her tightly. "It's okay. Gabby and I are gonna head to the baby doctor. You wanna come, or do you want to stay here?" "I wanna come!!!" she exclaimed, all of them laughing. "Alright then let's get going, and Matt, you need to get your eyes checked. Look better next time, you nearly gave me a heart attack" Gabby said playfully slapping his shoulder, Matt rolling his eyes.
"Hi I'm here to see Dr. Santiago?" Gabby asked as she wrote her name on a clipboard, looking at her phone, jotting down the date. "Your name?" the clerk behind the desk asked, Gabby smiling. "Gabriela Dawson" she replied, the clerk looking up at her smiling back. "Well Gabriela, I'll inform Dr. Santiago you're here but in the meanwhile, do you mind taking a seat for me?" the clerk asked, Gabriela nodding. "Yeah sure, no problem. Thanks...." she said awkwardly walking away, sitting down next to Matt who was staring at the clerk. Gabby noticed this and waved her hand in front of his face, making Violet laugh. "What's with the staring. The only woman YOU should be staring at, IS ME" Gabby whispered to him, Matt shaking his head. "I know Gabby, but this isn't like that...." "Then what're you doing?" "I think I know her from somewhere. She seems so familiar" he said standing up, walking to the front desk. "Hi this might sound awkward but..." "Matthew Casey, long time no see" the clerk said reaching out her hand for a hand shake, Matt accepting it. "So I do know you..." Matt chuckled, the clerk blushing. "Yeah remember me? Sarah Blart? Your ex girlfriend?" "Yep I sure do" Matt replied, Violet walking up behind him. "Oh who might this be?" Sarah asked smiling down at Violet, Violet putting her hands in her pockets. "I'm Violet, and you are?" Violet asked with a hint of attitude, Matt recognizing it in her voice.
"Young lady, you go sit down this instant" Matt said looking at her, Violet crossing her arms. "Fine, but it's gonna cost yah" "What do you want?!" "Ice cream" "You had that yesterday... You know what?!" Matt said as he looked at Sarah who smiled, Matt looking back down to Violet. "I'll get you ice cream, as long as you go sit down and keep your mouth shut" Matt told her, Violet spinning around and walking away back to Gabby, Violet sighing. "So, did you find out who she was?" Gabby asked handing Violet a five, Violet shaking her head. "I didn't hear much, but she said something about being his ex???" Violet questioned looking at Gabby, Gabby rolling her eyes. "Ah, how nice" she said staring at Matt who was still talking to the woman with jealousy, suddenly hearing her name be called.
"Are you coming with me or do you want to stay out here in the waiting room with Matt?" Gabby asked looking at Matt who was now leaning against the counter, Violet rolling her eyes. "UNCLE MATT LETS GO!!!" Violet suddenly yelled making Matt look, Gabby smirked. "I like you kid. I really do" Gabby said placing a hand on Violets shoulder, Violet shrugging. "Good, I like you too" Violet said giving Gabby a hug just as Matt reached them, Matt looking down at Violet, his eyebrows scrunched. "Violet what did I tell you about yelling indoors?" "Uncle Matt I'm 12. I'm not a baby anymore" Violet responded, Matt rolling his eyes. "Girls..." he then muttered, both Gabby and Violet looking at him, hate flashing in their eyes. "What'd you just say? Are you gonna feel the same way if this baby's a girl?" Gabby asked sounding annoyed, Matt shaking his head. "No not at all!!! If anything, I love girls" Matt responded back out of fear, Violet laughing. "Sorry to interrupt but are any of you even ready to get the ultrasound done?" Dr. Santiago asked, Gabby looking at her and she nodded. "Hi yes sorry. Yes we are" Gabby said walking into a room, Matt and Violet following closely behind, Dr. Santiago closing the door.
"So Ms. Dawson, how're you feeling?" Dr. Santiago asked as she sat on a chair, cleaning off her tools, getting the monitor ready. "Kind of off. I've been feeling this way for the past two months!" "Are you experiencing any nausea? Hard time going to the bathroom?" "Yes, with both actually" she responded embarrassed, Matt holding her hand. "Ah I see, and is this big sister?" Dr. Santiago asked looking at Violet, Violet shaking her head. "Nope this is my niece Violet. She's gonna be the big cousin" Matt said placing a hand on Violets shoulder, Violet nodding. "I can't wait" Violet said shyly as she pulled out her phone, turning on her recorder. "Alright so let's see how baby???" "Casey" Gabby responded making Matt smile, squeezing her hand lightly. "Let's see how Baby Casey is doing shall we?" Dr. Santiago asked as she placed gel onto Gabby's belly, making her shiver. "I know I'm sorry, it's cold" Dr. Santiago laughed making everyone else laugh, the doctor putting the tool over Gabby's stomach, suddenly seeing a clear image on the screen.
"Whoa" Violet said as she stared at the screen amazed, Matt doing the same. "It looks like your baby is doing just fine! You're two and a half months along, and everything seems to be healthy!!!" the doctor said taking screen shots of the baby, Matt looking to Gabby who had tears in the corner of her eyes, Matt wiping them away with his thumb. "Awe are you okay?" he asked leaning over her and hugging her, getting some of the gel on his shirt. Gabby nodded as Matt sat down in his chair, holding her hand again. "Yeah I'm okay. I can't believe this is happening" Gabby replied smiling, Violet doing the same. Dr. Santiago looked at them all and smiled, handing Gabby the pictures and a piece of paper. "You're all set! We'll see you in 7 weeks!" the doctor said leaving the room, Gabby wiping the gel off her belly with a paper towel. "That was SO cool" Violet said holding Matts hand as they walked out the clinic, back to Matts car. "I know! Violet, I don't want you in that room ever until you're thirty" Matt said opening the passenger door, allowing Gabby to sit down, Matt closing it behind her. "Uncle Matt..." Violet sighed as Matt got in the car, starting up the engine. Matt then turned around and stared back at her, giving her one of his famous grins. "Yes?" "You're going to make an amazing dad. I wish my dad was like the way you are with me"
"SYLVIE! PLEASE MAKE IT STOP" whined Kelly as he held Alexa, Alexa throwing her head back, kicking and screaming. "ALEXA SHAY YOU KNOCK IT OFF RIGHT NOW OR NO CHOO CHOO TRAIN!!!" Sylvie yelled as she picked up Alexa's toys that were scattered out and about in the living room. Alexa then stopped her tantrum and looked at Sylvie, looking down in shame. "That's what I thought..." Sylvie replied throwing the toys in the bin, Kelly looking at her amazed. "How do you do that?!" "Sometimes Kelly you gotta raise your voice to get the kids attention" "Sylvie, I'm afraid to raise my voice around her. I don't want to scare her" Sylvie looked at him and laughed, making Alexa laugh too. "What's so funny?!" Kelly asked looking at Sylvie, tickling Alexa's belly. "You spoil her too much..... Can we please hurry up its my first shift back and I don't want to be late!" Sylvie said taking Alexa out of Kellys arms, throwing on a dress, clipping a bow in her hair. "Da... Daddy" Alexa said running back over to Kelly who was sliding on her shoes, reaching out her little arms towards him. Kelly looked at her and smiled, gently poking her little nose. "You're cute as a button" he said standing up grabbing his jump bag, swinging it over his shoulder before picking up Alexa, Sylvie grabbing her purse. "You ready to go?" Kelly asked, Sylvie nodding. "Yep, let's do this"
Matt led Violet to his office and opened the door, allowing her to run in and flop down on his bed, laying her head on the pillow, pulling out her phone. "Are you sure you'll be okay in here?" he asked, Violet looking at him nodding. "Yes Uncle Matt" she replied just as Cruz walked past, waving to Violet. "Alright, I'll be back in an hour or two to check on you and bring you dinner. The TV remote is right there so if you get bored of the phone, you know what to do" Matt said winking at Violet, closing the door. When he walked out to the apparatus floor to make sure all the compartments were shut, he saw Sylvie and Kelly pull up. He looked around frantically and ran inside, shouting to everyone Sylvie was back. Matt then quickly walked into the hallway and hid behind a sign just as the doors opened. "WELCOME BACK" everyone said just as Kelly walked in, everyone sighing. "WHOA! You guys?! I was here last shift" "Eh that wasn't meant for you" Hermann said as Sylvie then walked in, looking at everyone who stood with annoyed looks on their faces. "Well hello to you guys too...." Sylvie grumbled as she walked towards the locker room, Gabby jogging after her. "Sylvie!" she called out making Sylvie turn around and smile. "Hey Gabby" she said hugging her, putting her bag into her locker. "How'd the appointment go?" Sylvie asked, Gabby opening up her locker, signaling Sylvie over. When Sylvie looked in Gabby's locker her heart melted. "Is that baby Casey?" she said sounding mushy looking at the ultrasound photo Gabby had hung up on the door of her locker, running a finger over it. "It sure is. My doctor said everything looks good so" Gabby replied smiling, Sylvie doing the same just as Kelly walked in, opening up his locker. "Hey Kelly, come look at the Casey baby" Sylvie said to him, Kelly throwing his bag into his locker before walking over and looking at the picture smiling. "Wow, that's amazing" Kelly said hugging Gabby, Gabby remembering the boy from a few calls back asking about him. "Oh yeah Kelly, I forgot to tell you. I met a special boy at a call last week. He says he knows you" Gabby said, Kelly crossing his arms. "Really? Who?" "His name was Max? He said he was looking for you"

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