
By NidaAlavi

322 69 102

Serena Taylor was proud of her popular seaside cafè. So, it was no wonder that she was shocked, when she was... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 24

6 3 2
By NidaAlavi

Serena was stressed.

As if sleeping with Rick hadn't caused her enough remorse, there was trouble at Cup of Sea.

A waitress had stolen money from their cash register and had disappeared.
This was the first time any of her staff had done so, and it put everyone's reputation at stake.
All the staff was under investigation, and it was getting really difficult to hide it from the customers and to keep her restaurant running smoothly.

Serena had gotten to know a day later, because ever since Rick had left her apartment, Serena had been too busy moping/cursing herself for all that had happened.
She had berated herself for giving into Rick.
Although, she knew that he hadn't forced her, had even asked for her permission, but still...
She hadn't wanted to go that way again..a rich man and just wasn't the best of combinations..and she had her past with Paul to prove it.

Serena had come from Manhattan after doing her masters in culinary arts. When her parents had passed away, there had been nothing to hold her back there, plus her grandmother lived in Florida, and so Serena had shifted here.

Finding a job in a restaurant like The Grill had been a dream come true for her. Serena had had her own recipes, and she had been ecstatic when they had been selected for the restaurant's menu, and she, as one of the chefs.

Paul Carter, the owner of the restaurant, had seemed keen to have her on board, and Serena had been looking for just that kind of opportunity. Serena had been young then, and not so well versed with the knowledge of cunning men. She had been attracted to Paul's good looks and his charms, which he had used on her to perfection.

Serena had fallen for him. He had been that charming. Wooing her with just the right words and actions, he had made her believe that she was the love of his life.
Serena, fool that she had been then, had readily agreed to marry him when he had proposed to her.

Life had been great.
Her fiancé had doted on her, while she had achieved success and become the head chef, because her recipes had escalated the popularity of the restaurant.
Serena was happy, Paul seemed happy, and everything was going great.
Until the day she discovered the truth.

Paul Carter stole her recipes, and sold them to the highest bidder. And to top that, that bidder turned out to be the woman he had been sleeping with behind Serena's back!
Serena would never have believed it if someone had told her that Paul could be unfaithful. But, catching the rascal red-handed with the woman in his bed on a surprise visit, had brought her happy world crashing down upon her.

Paul had tried his best to placate her, but Serena had finally seen through his lies and deceit. He had only gotten close to her so he could use her for his own ends. And she wasn't that dumb, that she would forgive him or take him back.
So, she had quit her job and moved in with her only living relative, her Nanna.

Nanna had helped her get over her trauma, by keeping her busy with her bakery, which she run at Miami Beach.
Anger and frustration had driven Serena, and she had managed to get over the scumbag. Plus, she had gotten to play with ingredients, which was her most favourite thing to do.
And the rest, as they said, was history..
Serena shook away her bitter and some sweet memories, and concentrated on the present.

All leads were signaling towards someone else being the mastermind behind the robbery. Some of the staff even testified that the behaviour of the waitress had been somewhat shady, that she had mostly been seen on the phone when she was not working, or giving everything and everyone suspicious looks.
Serena berated herself for being occupied elsewhere, and not paying enough attention.
But not anymore..focus, woman, just focus! Before your dreams get disrupted again like they had with Paul.

Her lawyer, Jack, had reminded her of the last time her office had been vandalised, and Serena's mind had flown immediately to Mave Malone.
What if this was also his doing?
So, without telling anything to Rick first, Serena had decided to hire a private investigator to find out more about the whereabouts of Mave Malone.

And with that intention, she set out to meet him. But, as luck would have it, his office turned out to be in a building near Rick's office. Trying to keep him out of her head, Serena went and met the detective.
The meeting went well, and the detective assured her of having some results soon, after Serena explained to him about Rick's twin, and his machinations.

Serena felt much better as she left the office of one Mr. Johnson.
She hurried over to the lift, just as it was about to close. And felt grateful when someone from the inside stopped the gates from closing, letting her enter.

'Thankyou very mu..'
She stopped, shocked to see the person who had done her a favour.

'Hello, Serena..'
Paul Carter tipped his head at her.

Serena gave him a derisive look.

'What are you doing here?'
He asked, and Serena glared at him.

'None of your business!'
She snapped back at him.

'Whoa! No need to bite!'
He lifted his hands up as if in surrender.
'I was just asking since you don't live in the city anymore..'

Serena made a face. No point in asking how he knew, because obviously he did.
'So? Is it a crime to come to the city these days?'

'Was just asking..'

'Well, don't!'
Serena looked at the floor display, and sighed in relief as she saw the ground floor was about to arrive.

'You look as beautiful as have you been..'
He watched her intently, admiring her peach skirt and blazer over a white shirt.

Serena ignored him, and as soon as the doors opened, she hurried out, her heels clicking on the mosaic floor.

'Can't we atleast talk for old times sake? Last time we met, I couldn't..'
He followed behind her as she crossed the lobby.

Serena paid no attention, trying to get out of his presence as soon as she could. She exited the building, hurrying over to find the cab she had hired for today.

'Come on..let's have coffee together. You know, I really miss..'
He stopped, as Serena suddenly whirled around to admonish him, but her heel twisted, and she stumbled.
He quickly caught her arm to steady her.
'Are you alright?'

Serena cursed to herself, but let him help her, because falling on the ground didn't seem like a good idea.
'Yeah, I'm fine!'
She righted herself, and made to move from him, but he held on firmly.

'You could have hurt yourself. Are you okay?'
He went on.

'Thankyou for your concern, but it's a few years too late! Let go, I'm fine!'
Serena glared at him, before something caught her eye. She turned her head, and was surprised to see Rick watching them from across the steps.

Paul didn't notice at first, and kept on looking at her, his hand still holding onto her arm. But, when Serena tugged at it, trying to free it, he also looked up to see Rick Malone looking at them.
And the look the man was giving him, was another matter altogether. He reluctantly let go of Serena.

'Hello, Mr. Malone! Fancy seeing you here!'
Paul moved towards him, acting as if there was nothing unusual going on.

Rick tipped his head, eyes narrowed, as he watched Paul leave Serena's arm, and walk towards him.
'That's my office..'
He pointed to the left building, before his gaze shifted to Serena, who stood there watching them, stunned.
She looked as beautiful as he remembered, and all he wanted to do was go up to her and demand an explanation.
But he knew, this was neither the right place, nor the right time, especially with Paul watching.

'Oh, right! Well, nice meeting you! Been long since you dined with us..'
Paul went on, unaware of the sudden tension in the atmosphere.

Serena realised that she had been standing there, staring at Rick.
He looked gorgeous in his suit, and she couldn't help but remember that he looked just as good without..
Jerking herself out of the direction her thoughts were leading her to, Serena shifted her eyes to look around for her cab.

'So, I will see you soon!'
Paul moved to leave, but then turned back to Serena, just as she spotted the car she had arrived in.
'And you too..we will meet again..'
He gave her a smile, and it took all of Serena's willpower, not to tell him off.

Instead, she just descended the steps, and walked away.
Let me reach the car before Rick stops talking to Paul...please, God..
But, her luck ran out too soon.
Just as she was about to shut the door of the car after sitting inside, she felt it being pulled from outside. She turned to see Rick open the door and glare at her.

'Come out!'
His voice was firm.

'I have to get back to the restaurant..'
Serena kept sitting.

'I am very well capable of lifting you out, you know..'
His tone brooked no argument, and she knew he would do it.

'No need..'
Serena saw the cab driver hanging on to their every word, and decided not to grant him any more entertainment.

'Good girl!'
Rick watched her get out, before he handed over a couple of notes to the driver, who looked awed at the amount.
'Thankyou for your may go now..'
The driver was more than happy to obey, and quickly drove off.

Serena watched her ride go, before turning to Rick.
'What do you mean by being so bossy? How dare you..'

'How dare you?'
He caught hold of her arm, his eyes shooting fire.
'Meeting your ex right next to my office! And what do you..'

'Excuse me?'
Serena was surprised at his reaction, but she was not one to be quiet.
'It's none of your business who I meet, or what I do!'

'Oh, really!'
Rick almost shouted.
'You throw me out of your apartment, don't answer my calls, and the next thing I know is, you are hanging onto Carters' arm..'

'What even! I was not hanging onto him..and what is it to you..'
Serena's voice also raised at his blaming words.
'Let go!'
Serena pulled her arm from his, and began walking away.

'What do you think you are doing? I'm talking to you, dammit!'
Rick followed her.

'Well, I'm done talking!'
Serena saw a cab standing on the opposite curb, and she began to hurry towards it.

In her haste, she didn't notice a car coming from the other end, and before she could react, the sound of brakes and a loud scream filled the air.

To be continued...

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