
By nickinacpattywack

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just read my child. More



842 67 16
By nickinacpattywack

"i want my baby robyn." mahogany gritted at me. i sighed rubbing my forehead in stress. this shit here is blowing me. it's been nearly a year and this whole thing with mya and those girls....i can't.

apparently it's my fault that all this is happening. actually it's hers...nobody told the bitch to sleep with my husband. and i damn sure wasn't about to lose him over some whore who couldn't keep her legs closed.

so i did what i needed to do.

made her fall in love with my brother, and kept her on my pay roll. not a trace of that child came back to my husband, and that was done purposely. he doesn't even know about the kid. he doesn't even know that i know about the affair. it should stay that way.

"mahogany there's nothing i can do. they have her permanently. with the law."

"you need to figure out how to get her back. i'm in this because of you. i told you i didn't wanna keep sending her around and you-"

"first of're in this because of your damn self. keep your legs closed and it'll all be good. but it's too damn late. i don't know what you want me to do."

"i'm getting her back one way or another. so either you handle it, or i do."

i gave her a stare before taking a deep breath. there's literally no way i can just get this child back. and there's no way that i'm gonna try. getting that little girl back for her would mean she'll have to be around my brother...he also has a child by her.

knowing him, he wouldn't take well to having another kid in the house that's a product of his wife sleeping with his sisters husband. although they're only married because of this situation. but that's neither here nor there. i'm not risking it.

"my part is done. i paid you to keep your mouth shut while i handled the kid. there's nothing for me to handle anymore, she's out of our hands."

"robyn i will tell him right now."

"you're gonna keep your mouth shut, that's what you're gonna do."

"bullshit. i want my child. i can't do this anymore."

"mahogany you have a whole other kid!" i slightly raised my voice but lowered it being that we're in a school. why is everything always happening in my place of work? they can never wait. plus she's supposed to be teaching a class...


"bitch you getting on my nerves. you shouldn't have committed if you knew you would want her. doesn't matter if you wanted her from the beginning. i refuse to let my family be broken because of you."

"you can't blame me for something that takes two people."

"nobody blaming you."

"you're not blaming him!"

"he doesn't even know that i know about you!"

"this isn't fair."

"i have two kids by him...little ones. a man that i love slept with another woman and got her pregnant. at the time, i hadn't even had his child. so imagine how i felt going through all that. that man is the love of my life but he meant nothing to you. so don't tell me what's not fair alright? leave that little girl alone. she's happy where she is and she's out of our hair. this is something you agreed to. you could've fought through this the moment you gave birth and i approached you. but agreed.

so everything happening is because you allowed it to. i'm not helping you get her back, and i'll make sure that you don't get her back. you're not breaking up my family."

"this has nothing to do-"

"you think my brother is gonna stay with you having that child in his house? the plan was to stay with him to ensure that you kept quiet. and he didn't agree to taking on another kid when the kid was to be kept away. i can guarantee that that child wouldn't wanna come with you anyways."

she stared at me with tears in her eyes before getting up and storming out. finally. i was tired of talking.

but i have something to take care of now. i need to make sure she doesn't try anything. there's a feeling in my body that she's gonna pull some shit that'll get her ass whooped.

sitting back in my chair, i thought about a connection. who could i use to get inside? those girls are smart and it's hard to get through to them. they don't be trynna hear shit!

blue....shes been sending me death glares since the beginning. i could use her.....


it'll be hard but i think i can get through to her. probably bribe her with something. she's a teenager, they believe anything as long as it benefits them in the end.

grabbing my phone, i dialed the intercom.

"blue ivy knowles, please report to the main office. blue ivy knowles please report to the main office." i put the phone back and sighed, looking at my desk. how am i gonna do this?

i can't let that girl get that child back. and i feel like she's gonna go low.... i have to be on my toes at all times. make sure she doesn't have any type of links to anything. keep my husband on my line and out of the way of her.

as blue came in my office i gestured for her to close the door and sit down. she hesitantly did both before staring at me.

"so...i have a couple questions."

"about what?"

"umm....well....hows things going at home?"

"why?" she scrunched her face at me. i huffed rolling my eyes. oh my goodness. maybe i should've thought about this before doing it.

"nevermind. have a great day, you can go."

"weirdo." she mumbled before leaving.

beyoncé pov - myanas school - 3pm

i sighed getting out the car to pick up mya from school. she wanted me to get her early so she could prepare for cheer practice. i'm excited that she's excited to start back. she's been serious about the gym and being on schedule.

love that for her.

as i went inside the school, i saw her in the front office waiting. i'd called them and let them know i was coming..she jumped up as i signed her out.

"come on. you wanna get some food?"

"no. i don't wanna eat before practice."

"why not?" i opened the door for her and we headed to my car. she shrugged and skipped to the front seat. i'm about to get some food, i'm not about to let her go to practice on an empty stomach. that's insane. "you ate lunch?"

"mmhm. the food nika made was super good."

"right? i tore it up at practice this morning." i chuckled. well since she ate her lunch i'll leave her alone. but after practice i know she's gonna be ready to tear down some food.

i took her to the apartment first, letting her see onika. she was knocked out before i left but i feel like she'd be awake by now. especially if she's realized that i was gone.

"nikkkaaa." mya ran to the back while i packed her some snacks for practice. she's saying she doesn't wanna eat but when they break she'll wish she'd eaten. practice will make you sooo hungry.

after that i went to onikas room. she was under the covers with mya sitting on her stomach.

"nika you never wear clothes."

"yea i do mya, stop saying that."

"well you don't. and guess what!"

"what?" onika pulled her down into a bear hug. one wrong move and a boob will slip out. she better be careful.

"my friends said they would give me birthday gifts!"

"really? well what do you want from us?" onika tried it. mya just shrugged her shoulders and slid off of her. "mya!"

"i'm going to practice nika!" she skipped out. i chuckled at them. they're so precious.

"why won't she just tell us?"

"do you think she's had birthday parties before?"

"i'm sure. i would hope so, i mean she's old enough to remember."

"mmm." i walked up to her, pulling the blanket up so i could peek inside. she smacked my hand, mushing it away before rolling to the other side. "come back."

"no. go take her to practice."

"give me a kiss first." i crawled in the bed over her. she smiled and i leaned down, going in strong. sucking her lips and tongue hearing her moan in my mouth.

leave her with something to think about. i'll be right back to do the rest.

"mmm." i licked her lip and grabbed her neck. as soon as i was about to grab a titty, my phone started ringing. my mission was to ignore it but onika made me stop kissing her.

"answer your phone."

"it's not important."

"stop. answer it."

i smacked my lips and saw that it was blue.


"you're an asshole."

i chuckled sitting in the bed.

"why did ms. fenty call me in her office today?"

"and said what? you in trouble?"

"no. she asked how things were at home... like it was so random. first she called me on the intercom and then when i went down, she had me close the door. then said she had some questions. proceeded to ask me how things were at like...why? and after that she said nevermind and sent me off."

"the fuck?" i mumbled. that's weird. asking her how things are at home? "has mama ever just talked to her?"

"no. hell no. i made sure of that. the most is over the phone and that's barely ever cause i blocked the schools number from her phone."

"girl." i chuckled. that's so something i would do. actually i did do it. "ok...."

"she has to think i live with you guys. that bitch is up to something."

"oh....that bitch huh?" i laughed at that. blue is hilarious i swear. she's so young and so reckless.

"it was so weird bey. and then, myas mom works at the school too. she's a teacher, ms.j, and i hate her. but she had went to the office and came back up with tears in her eyes saying she was leaving for the day. minutes later i get called to the office...."

"yea it's something weird. just keep out the way. don't talk to them much. if they ask you any questions, never answer. tell them to call me."

"what's happening?" onika poked my leg. i looked down at her and smiled small. she's so cute and tiny.

"yea i just thought i would tell you."

"alright. if anything weird happens or if they start bothering you, let me know. don't hesitate or try to handle anything yourself. got it?"

"ay yi captain. bye bey i gotta go to dance."

"bye." i hung up and got out the bed. that's so odd. we haven't heard anything from the mahogany chick. and she works at blues school..... "did you know myas mom works at blues school?"

"yea. the day i found out he was with someone else, was because blue told him his child was upstairs with her."

"mmm. i didn't know that. they have something going on." i explained what blue had just told me. she felt like she needed to tell her mom so she called her.

in the meantime i went to take mya to practice. she was sooo excited. she didn't want me to come inside with her though so i stayed in the car.

"have an amazing day and call me if you need anything."

"ok. bye bye yoncé!" she got out quickly and ran inside. i chuckled at her hair bouncing before pulling off.

i love her whole life.

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since y'all wanted to get on me about it, HERE ! love you guys. enjoy. a oneshot turned into a book.
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