To Love Again | Sequel to Sar...

By Jessicah_M

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Jessie Lee was once the main vocal for SM's girl group, JinHai. Jessie found everything there, Friends, siste... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 • Final

Chapter 5

213 11 6
By Jessicah_M

To Love Again | Sequel to Saranghae
Chapter 5
And Again
Jessie's POV

"Oppa, how was it?" I asked, hanging off Haekyeon's arm. He swung me lightly with a smile.

"It was good." He said. I smiled and looked over to Hyuk who was chatting with Ilhoon. We all decided to hang out, to welcome Vixx back. We decided the park was the best option. We had so many memories already there, it only seemed right.

"Hyukie." I called. He looked over. He raised an eyebrow.

"Want to see what Dae made me do?" I asked him. He furrowed his eyebrows. Dae came to walk with us. He playfully pushed my shoulder.

"I didn't make you do it. It was your own free will. " he said and I stuck my tongue out at him. I turned back to the Hyuk.

"So want to see?" I said with a grin. He came over and nodded.

"You didn't do anything bad right?" He asked skeptically.

"Depends on what you think bad is." I sat down at the swing set and pulled up my pants leg. I got the tattoo. I went with Dae and Minhyuk that day, they tried to get me to get a skull over the scar, but I had other plans.

It was a nice sweet tattoo. Around the base of my ankle there was watercolor tattoo shoreline. It was very artistic and coming out of the shoreline were seven light green turtles leaving foot prints in the sand.

It went around my whole ankle and it held something dear to me. The seven turtles represented the girls I left behind. I did it so I wouldn't forget them. I did it, so they could be with me.

Each of my tattoos has a small purpose, if any. This is my third tattoo. The first one was the Boston horizon line on the inner side of my foot, and the other foot had the Seoul horizon line.

I got the second one a couple of months after I came to Cube. Dae had persuaded me to get that one too. I didn't mind. I told him about wanting to get it after he found my first one.

Dae is pro tattoos. He has five himself. The first one was the word love in three different languages on his wrist. He got it in Chinese, Korean and English. I thought that one didn't fit him, but it does now.

The second one was a star that was located right below his ear, on his neck. He said he got it when he was 18 and he wasn't really thinking when he got it. He said he doesn't regret that choice though. He said its a part of himself now.

The third was a a bird symbol he got on his upper arm. It was delicate and casted around both sides of his arms. It was very detailed. When he told me about it, he said he was flying away from home. He left a lot in China. Some stuff he's still uncomfortable with talking about.

The fourth was the Seoul tattoo. He got the same one that day, right on the same spot. I told him he didn't have to, but he wanted to. I remember how he smiled and said we matched. I couldn't help, but to smile with him.

The last one was two lines that went around his wrist. It was strange but unique at the same time. One line was thick while the other one was thin. It complemented his skin tone nicely.

Hyuk touched my leg. His eyes wide. "What the hell did you do?" He asked.

"I wanted to cover the scar up. " I explained. I wanted to bring them closer to me. They will always be my friends even if they don't think so. I can't leave that part of my life in the dark.

When you leave a footprint in the sand, it's bound to wash away. I just don't want everything to wash over. I don't want to forget.

"It looks good though. " he looked over to where Leo was. "Does he know?" He asked. Leo isn't one for tattoos. He told me I should stop getting them.

"No. " I said sheepishly. I squinted my eyes. "I thought he would yell at me!"I said to him in a hushed yell.

"Who yell at you? " Ravi came over with Ken. Ken gasped and pointed to my leg. He touched my ankle.

"It's so pretty!" He exclaimed. "Is it covering the scar fully?" He asked looking up. I nodded.

"What's going-" Leo cut off. I looked up sheepishly. "You fucking did it again. " he said, his eyes set in a glare.

"Sorry Oppa, its cute though." I said, while twisting my ankle for him to see it.

"Yeah Oppa, its so cute. " Peniel laughed as he came around behind me on the swing. I looked up and laughed. He grabbed on and leaned back behind me.

"Aw, you and Oppa, so cute. " I said and poked his stomach. He nodded and looked over to Leo with a smirk on his face.

"I know, if only Oppa will notice me." Peniel said sighing. He struck out a pose. His hand on the top of his hip and his other had flaunted in the air. "I take care of myself so well, but he looks over me." He said, faking being exhausted.

"Peniel hyung, no one likes you. " Sungjae said. Peniel openly gasped.

"What about Penjae?" He cried out. "What about our ship?" He asked. "Do I mean nothing to you?" He asked.

Sungjae looked over his shoulder. He pointed to the ground. "The dirt means more to me. " he said and walked away.

Peniel snarled, his upper lip curling up as he started walking after him. "Yo, Pisshead." Peniel called as he chased after him. Sungjae was laughing.

"Aren't they fun?" Eunkwang asked aloud. His sigh heavy in the air. We looked over to see Minhyuk, Hyunsik, and Hongbin playing on the playground.

Haekyeon sighed and threw his arm around Eunkwang's shoulders. "Our boys." He said heavy and in a parent voice. All the dissappointment in just two words.

I laid back later that night, sleep drifting over my features. I pushed my head deeper into the pillow. I closed my eyes, I remembered the way he looked at me, the pain in his eyes.

If I hadn't stopped myself, I would have pulled my arms around his torso. I would have felt his chest against my cheek. I would have relished in the warmth he had. I would have done so many things.

I'm still wondering if I did the right things.

Sehun's POV

I sat back, watching a drama in the common room. I looked over when the door opened. Jongin slipped in with Hee-Young on his arm. Their giggles filling my ears. I looked away.

I stopped talking to all of the girls, I can't even look their way anymore. It hurts too much.

When Jessie left SM, Yvonne went up to Main vocal and Sang took her spot. It disgusted me what really happened, after Jess left, Mi-Ok blew up. She was on a rampage after the performance. She was yelling at Sang, at everyone. Depression hit most of them.

When it was announced that she was leaving SM, everyone took it hard. It felt like we couldn't breath, that it was impossible. I felt horrible. I didn't want that to be our end. I can't let that just end like that.

Its been a week since I seen her. Since she stumbled in the coffee shop full of giggles.

They were laughing in the corner of the kitchen. A couple of months after the ordeal they got together, so did Yvonne and Kyungsoo, and Chen and Ja-Eui. It was mainly them depending on each other. JinHai went through a horrible year since they left.

There was several scandals and larger amount of stock drops. I'm not really sure what happened, but after their second album, Capsule, They were getting so much negative attention Hi-Sook blew up in front of fans. She started drinking then.

They have been getting better thanks to the guys.

They were all so close. Sometimes I can't bear it when they talk to me about their girls.

It just reminds me of the one I lost.

I looked over when Chanyeol was running into the room. I perked an eyebrow up. "Hyung?" I asked as his eyes were wide. He had his tablet in hand.

"You aren't going to believe this." He said exasperated. I sat up, Jongin and Hee-Young stopped laughing and rounded over.

"What is it?" Jongin asked. Chanyeol looked to me unsure, but I nodded to urge him on.

"Jessie and Dae are preforming at the MAMA awards." Chanyeol said. What?  I noticed how Hee-Young froze in the corner of my eye.

"Jessie?" She asked quietly.

"Yeah," Chanyeol said. "It was confirmed an hour ago. They're preforming a song from the Change me album and Jessie is doing a solo too, something from her solo debut album." Chanyeol said gruffly.

"Oh, that's good..." Hee-Young said quietly. "I hope she's doing good. " She said and sat down. Her eyes on the floor.

"She is." Jongin said and we snapped our heads to him. We thought we weren't going to say anything about seeing her the other day. We didn't want to stir up any trouble. He looked to us and shrugged. "What? Should we just hide everything? Maybe she could help."

"Help with what?" Hee-Young asked. Her head perking up.

"Getting her to talk to all of us again. " Tao said coming into room. He leant his body against the wall opposite of us. I told him everything.

"You're what?" Her voice raised as her eyes darted from Tao to Jongin and then to me. "Are you serious?" She asked. I nodded.

"Don't you want to see her again?" Jongin asked. He sat down next to her on the other couch. His hand rested on the top of her knee. She looked up.

"Of course. " she said. "What are you guys doing? What happened? start from the beginning." She said and I nodded.

"We saw her the other day." I began. "At a coffee shop, down in that section we always go to, to avoid fans, she was there with Dae and the guys from that other band. What was it again?" I asked looking to Jongin.

"Btob, they're a band from Cube entertainment too. " Jongin answered.

"Yeah, we saw her with them. " I continued. "Before we had any chance to talk to her, that Dae guy pulled her out." I said. I remember the way she looked at me before I dropped my eyes.

"So what are you guys going to do?" Hee-Young asked.

"Well," Chanyeol took over. "We were planning something a lot more complicated before, now cause of the performance, its easier. " He said and I nodded in answer.

"So what's the first step?" She asked. We really planned it out then.

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