☯☼🏮Ninjago: The Master of Cr...

By boris_5382

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This story is about a girl named Coral. She is the Magenta Ninja and the Elemental Master of Crystal. She is... More

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Rise of the Snakes
Never trust a Snake
Can of Worms
The Snake King
Tick Tock
Once Bitten Twice Shy
The Royal Blacksmiths
The Green Ninja
All of Nothing
The Rise of the Great Devourer
Day of the Great Devourer
Darkness Shall Rise
Pirates vs Ninja
Double Trouble
Ninjaball Run
Child's Play
Wrong Place Wrong Time
The Stone Army
The Day Ninjago Stood Still
The Last Voyage
Island of Darkness
The Last Hope
Return of the Overlord
Rise of the Spinjitzu Master
The Surge
The Art of the Silent Fist
The Curse of the Golden Master
Enter the Digiverse.
Codename: Arcturus
The Void
The Titanium Ninja
The Invitation
Only One Can Remain
Ninja Roll
Spy for a Spy
The Forgotten Element
The Day of the Dragon
The Greatest Fear of All
The Corrider of Elders
Winds of Change
Ghost Story
Stiix and Stones
The Temple on Haunted Hill
Kingdom Come
The Crooked Path
Grave Danger
Curseworld, Part I
Curseworld, Part II
Public Enemy Number One
Misfortune Rising
On a Wish and a Prayer
My Dinner With Nadakhan
The Last Resort
Operation Land Ho!
The Way Back
Day of the Departed
The Hands of Time
The Hatching
A Time of Traitors
A Line in the Sand
The Attack
Secrets Discovered
Pause and Effect
Out of the Fire and Into the Boiling Sea
Lost in Time
The Mask of Deception
The Jade Princess
The Oni and the Dragon
Snake Jaguar
Dead Man's Squall
The Quiet One
Game of Masks
Dread on Arrival
True Potential
Big Trouble, Little Ninjago
Iron & Stone
Radio Free Ninjago
How to Build a Dragon
The Gilded Path
Two Lies, One Truth
The Weakest Link
Saving Faith
Lessons for a Master
Green Destiny
The Darkness Comes
Into The Breach
The Fall
Questing for Quests
A Rocky Start
The Belly of the Beast
Boobytraps and How to Survive Them
Ninja vs Lava
Ancient History
Under Seige
The Explorer's Club
Vengeance is Mine!
A Cold Goodbye
The Never-Realm
Fire Maker
An Unlikely Ally
The Message
The Traveler's Tree
Krag's Lament
Secret of the Wolf
My Enemy, My Friend
A Fragile Hope
Once and for All
Would You Like to Enter Prime Empire?
Dyer Island
Level Thirteen
Superstar Rockin' Jay
The Glitch
The Cliffs of Hysteria
The Maze of the Red Dragon
One Step Foreward, Two Steps Back
Racer Seven
The Speedway Five-Billion
Stop, Drop and Side Scroll
Ninjago Confidential
The Prodigal Father
The Temple of Madness
Game Over
Into the Dark
The Worst Rescue Ever
The Two Blades
Queen of the Munce
Trial By Mino
The Skull Sorcerer
The Real Fall
Dungeon Crawl
Masters Never Quit
The Darkest Hour
The Ascent
The Upply Strike Back!
The Son of Lilly

Wasted True Potential

248 7 0
By boris_5382

(In a dream, Coral wakes up to a room filled with pink crystals.)

Coral: Huh? (She walks around the room.) Where am I? (She then walks into a room filled with vengestone statues.) Vengestone? Why is there so much? (Suddenly the room shakes and Coral's vision changes to where she is in Ninjago City, but it's covered in crystals.) What is happening?

(Just then, balls of energy shoot at her from behind. Coral looks behind her and sees the living vengestone statues mixed with crystals who were holding spears.) 

Coral: What the heck?! (She tries to use her powers on them, but they don't work.) Vengestone, of course. (Suddenly a giant flying dragon beast made of crystal shoots a crystal fireball at her. She dodges the blast but encounters the rest of the ninja but they're looking like crystal zombies.) Lloyd, Jay, Nya? What happened to you all? 

(They don't answer, instead just zombie walk towards her. Coral gets frightened and runs but encounters the crystal warriors and surround her.) 

Coral: No! (She wakes up in surprise. She looks around to see she was in her room at the monastery.) Oh thank goodness it was all just a dream. 

Zane: You had one too? (Coral yells in surprise to see Jay and Zane standing near her.) 

Coral: Don't sneak up on me like that! Even though we're ninja, ninja still don't sneak up on friends. 

Zane: Apologies, but my sensors indicate that you had a nightmare. Would you like to talk about it? 

Coral: (Uncomfortably.) No thanks. I'd rather not. 

Jay: Alright then. Now come one! Cole's about to beat Zane's highscore and I don't wanna miss it. Come on! (He grabs her arm and drags her out of her room.) 

(The ninja and Izzy watch as Cole plays Lava Zombies.)

Lloyd: Get the guy on the left! (Cole smashes the zombie on the left, then to the right.)

Kai: Cole, you're on fiyah! (Cole smashes the last zombie and the game finishes.)

Nya: Oh, you did it!

Cole: Woohoo!

Kai: Alright!

Lloyd: Yeah! High score!

Kai: That was awesome!

Izzy: Amazing! 

Cole: Woohoo! Lava Zombie King!

Lloyd: Alright, Cole! (The ninja continue cheering as Jay, Coral, and Zane come in.)

Jay: Aw man, we missed it!

Zane: Congratulations, Cole. That is quite an achievement.

Cole: Thanks, buddy. No hard feelings?

Zane: Of course not.

Cole: (Sighs and rubs his arm.) Good, because my arm is pretty sore.

Nya: I'm sore just from watching.

Kai: Know what I'm thinking?

Ninja and Izzy: (Jump up and cheer.) Hot tub!

Coral: Sounds like just what I need to relax.

(Scenery changes to the ninja and Izzy wearing swimsuits, jumping in the hot tub.)

Nya: (Winks.) Kai, a little heat, please.

Kai: But of course. (Summons a flame, and sticks it in the water. The ninja laugh and sigh happily.)

Cole: (Slurps from his guzzler hat.) Ah, this is the life!

Izzy: (Swimming in the water.) Not bad. 

Kai: (Stretches.) We earned it, pal. Fighting all those bad guys, saving Ninjago. (The ninja looks up as a crash is heard.)

Coral: Uh oh. 

Wu: I can't believe we're back to this. (Lloyd passes gas, shrugs and looks at Wu. Wu stares at him in disgust and Coral hits Lloyd's arm.)

Lloyd(To Coral and Wu.) What?

Wu: After every big victory, you get lazy, complacent, careless.

Kai: Uh, that is not true! (Drinks his soda.)

Cole: (Stretches his arm out.) We're recovering. We're resting our muscles.

Wu: It was months ago.

Izzy: What? 

Nya: Months? Really?

Cole: Are you sure?

Wu: Yes!

Kai: Oh, well, who's counting? (Puts his hand above his head innocently.)

Wu: I am! Look at yourselves! (Pokes his staff at Lloyd's stomach.) You've gone soft. (Points his staff at Jay and Zane.) You do nothing all day, but play video games, and eat cake. (Smacks Cole's sandwich down.) And soak in this... this...

Cole: (Looks around the water.) Hot tub?

Wu: (Enraged.) It's not a hot tub! It's the sacred Bell of Divinity. Out! Out! All of you! (The ninja all complain at once.) Emergency meeting in the monastery. In three minutes! (Leaves.)

(The ninja are chatting in the Monastery as Wu walks around them.)

Wu: (Points at Zane.) You have become soft, lazy, (Throws Cole's sandwich into the air.) flabby.

Cole: (Nya and Coral giggle.) Okay, that's getting a tad personal.

Lloyd: Nobody has gone soft, Master Wu. (Cole slurps his guzzler.) I promise you. We are in perfect condition. (Cole burps.)

Izzy: Meh, nearly perfect.

Wu: (Spins around.) Silence! (The ninja line up.) Since ancient times, the hills around this Monastery have been populated by a species of highly aggressive predator. The first built the walls extra tall to keep them out. They failed. (A box shakes.) Many monks were lost.

Jay: What's in the box?!

Wu: In order to survive, the monks became faster, stronger, more cunning. They evolved into ninja. To this day, it is a test that every ninja must face.

Cole: Uhhh. Test? (Slurps his guzzler.)

Wu: To prove their courage, they must survive five minutes in a room with one of these. (Removes the lock from the box, throws it away passed the ninja, and leaves the room. The ninja stares worriedly as the box opens slowly and reveals a Chicken.)

Chicken: (Clucks.) Bwa-bwak!

Cole: (Gasps, then chuckles.) He had me going there for a sec.

Jay: (The ninja smile at each other happily.) Who knew Wu had a sense of humor? (The Chicken explodes into lightning and attacks the ninja as they scream.)

Cole: Ouch!

Nya: Oh, man!

Izzy: Why me?! 

Coral: Watch out! 

Jay: I looked at it in the eye!

(Wu opens the door as the ninja fall out on top of each other, gasping, with the Chicken back in the box.)

Lloyd: Oh my gosh. (Looks at Wu.) Hey. We got the Chicken.

Jay: Yeah. It's in the box.

Izzy: That wasn't so hard. 

Cole: (Pants.) We're—we're sharp as ever!

Wu: You are weak and slow. A ninja's guard is never down. A ninja expects the unexpected. He is ready for anything.

Cole: R-right! (Cole burps.) That's us! (Nya nods earnestly.)

Wu: (Chuckles.) We shall see. (Leaves with the ninja left in confusion.)

Lloyd: What does that mean? (Chicken clucks.)

Coral: I have a feeling we're gonna find out. 

(Booby-traps are set: Each ninja takes their turn in the traps Wu sets for them.)

Jay: (Opens the cabinet for something in Zane's room. Darts come flying out. Dodges them.) Whoa!

Kai: (Turns on the shower, and the water comes from the bottom.) Whoa! Ow! Ow, ow, ow, ow!

Cole: (Opens the fridge and the Chicken unfolds himself from his place. The Chicken attacks Cole as he screams.) Ah-hAhhh!

Lloyd: (Almost walks on a laser beam and miraculously avoids all of the laser beams. Smiles confidently before a rope grasps his foot and takes him into the air, leaving him swinging.) Wha—

Coral and Izzy: (Opens a package in Coral's room to find out it's filled with spiders.) Aaahhhh!!!! 

Nya: (Wakes up in the middle of the night to find herself in bed on top of the Monastery and screams.) huh-Ahhh!

Zane: (Stares intently while playing video games and a dragon head falls on the couch as Zane flies to the ceiling.) Ahh!

Cole: (Opens the fridge and takes out a cake.) Ganache frosting! (The floor opens as Cole falls inside and the cake plops off the plate.) Ahhh!

Nya: (Enters into the living room full of exhausted ninja and a snake, covered in slime and spider bites.) This... has to stop! (Sees Coral and Izzy in their condition.) What happened to you guys?

Coral: I don't want to talk about it. 

Izzy: I just want a package that won't crawl and bite us.

Nya: Riiight, but anyway, we have to do something, Lloyd!

Lloyd: Okay, okay! Let me think. (Pauses to think.) This is ridiculous! Let's just go and talk to him. Like reasonable ninja.

(The ninja walk up to Wu cleaning outside of the Monastery.)

Lloyd: Master Wu, is there anything that we can do as a group that would prove to you that we have not gone soft?

Jay: So you can stop booby-trapping stuff!

Wu: There is one thing.

Lloyd: What's that?

Wu: (Throws his broom at his staff. His staff boomerangs back to him.) Prove me wrong by defeating me in combat.

Lloyd: Combat?

Nya: But I thought you said fighting never proves anything.

Wu: Except, in this case, it will prove you can still fight.

Lloyd: We can't fight you! You're our master.

Cole: And no offense, but... Well, you're kinda old.

Wu: Is that why? You sure you aren't... afraid?

(The ninja except Coral all laugh.)

Kai: (Sarcastically.) Yeah, right.

Coral: Uh, I'd be wise and not laugh you guys. (They ignore her.) 

Wu: Then prove it! Attack me! (The ninja stare at Wu as he leaps into the air, bring his staff down to the ground, launching them off their feet.) Yah! (Throws off his cloak.) Heeyah! (Defeats Lloyd.) Failed. (Defeats Cole.)

Cole: Ahhh!

Wu: Failed. (Defeats Kai.)

Kai: Auhh!

Wu: Failed.

Coral: Oh man! Aah! (Wu throws her away with Izzy on her shoulder.) 

Wu: Failed. 

Nya: (Leaps at him.) Huh-yah! (Wu grabs her foot, swinging her around.) Whoaa! (Crashes and gasps.)

Wu: Failed. (Stabs Jay and throws him before he can react.)

Jay: Ah-whahhh!

Wu: Failed. Hee-yah! (Defeats Zane.) Failed.

Lloyd: (Gets up and brushes himself off.) Okay, it's on.

Kai: No more Mr. Nice ninja!

Izzy: Or Mrs. Nice anacondrai. 

(The ninja throws on their hoods.)

Cole: C'mon, guys, we can take him. Wanna rumble? (Pounds his fist together.) Well, you got the rumble! (Wu calmly looks over his shoulder as Cole leaps up and brings his fists down behind Wu. Small cracks are made, and Cole looks at his hand in surprise.) Whaat?

Izzy: What happened? 

Wu: Your Elemental Powers no longer obey you. (Strikes Cole.) Hee-yah! (Chuckles.)

Jay: (Summons his lightning power.) Well, I haven't forgotten how to use mine! (Wu dodges Jay's lightning and lets Zane take the blow.)

Zane: (Groans as he is struck by lightning.) wha-lzaah! (Falls down.)

Coral: Ooh! (Cringes.) 

(Nya uses her water and tries to strike Wu.)

Jay: Uh, Zane? (Nya accidentally hits Jay with water.) Oof! Whoaa!

Wu: Haha!

Nya: (Cringes.) Ga-uh. Sorry.

Kai: (Leaps at Wu.) Fire! (Wu successfully deflects Lloyd's energy and Kai's Fire.)

Jay: Get his legs! Hold him! (Nya, Cole, Coral, and Kai grab a pair of white legs.)

Zane: Those are my legs! (The ninja drops Zane and sighs exhausted.)

Coral: Where'd he go? 

Wu: Slow and clumsy. (Wu appears on the roof.)

Kai: How did he get up there?

Jay: (Whining.) This is getting embarrassing!

Coral: Let's just go get him! 

Lloyd: Ninja go! (The ninja leap up and Spinjitzu to the roof. Wu leaps out of the way. Cole and Kai slip off to the other side of the roof.)

Cole: Whoaa!

Wu: Hmm. (Charges and slips between Jay's and Kai's Spinjitzu. He deflects Zane's ice on part of the roof, where Cole slips and falls off.)

Cole: (Slides off the roof and lands on the ground. Groans.) Oh-ho-ho. Ouch. (Shouts in surprise as Jay falls on top of him, with Zane, Kai, Nya, and Coral topping off him.)

(Lloyd and Wu glare at each other in determination to defeat one another. Lloyd draws his sword and charges at Wu. Wu twirls his staff in the air, bringing it down swiftly. Three wooden shingles bounce off and Wu hits them at Lloyd. Lloyd dodges the planks, but loses his balance when Wu taps his foot.)

Wu: Failed. (Lloyd falls on to Coral. His sword lands beside the pile of ninja, with the three shingles following.)

Cole: Ganache frosting.

Kai: Maybe Wu's right.

Jay: I think so.

Izzy: (Slithers off Coral.) Yeah, I see it now. 

Lloyd: We need a quest.

Nya: Yeah.

Coral: Sounds like a good idea. 

(Suddenly the chicken is heard from above.)

Cole: Oh, no.

Jay: Oh, you gotta be kidding me!

(The ninja are heard screaming as the Chicken attacks them continuously.)

Cole: Don't look into its eyes!

Jay: I looked it in the eye!

Cole: What did I just say?! 

Coral: Somebody do something! 

Izzy: Ow! Why me?! 

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