in my sleep | elijah hewson

By honeystuckwithyou

21.5K 537 194

martha hendrix, upcoming musician stumbles across some familiar faces at a show of her own, little did she kn... More

00|in my sleep
01| perfect places
02|no hard feelings.
03| thats where youre wrong.
04|honey sweet
05|now you got me
06|kiss me.
07| this must be my dream
08|mardy bum.
09|one for the road.
10| dark red.
11| pencil full of lead.
12| 1901
14| live forever.
15| ballad of a homeschooled girl.
16| from eden.
17| radio.
18|stop dragging my heart around.
19| leather and lace.
20| sweet dreams, tn
23|shine a light
24| soundcheck
25| crazy little thing called love.
27|that's entertainment.
28|i wanna be yours.
30| smile.
31| treacherous
32| slide out the window.
33| business.
34|shes casual.
new book| perfect storm
35| the louvre.
37| dublin in ecstasy.
new book.

29| outside

431 11 6
By honeystuckwithyou

i know i've pushed boundaries at times
she's just as bad
i've missed this
i was bound to

Martha's been back in London, working on last minute things before the album releases in two days time. It's such a stressful time, knowing there's not much you can really do besides cross your fingers.

She wanted to celebrate releasing her debut album, it's so special to have this album out. Martha has spent her entire working for this moment and now it was here, she felt like she just had to celebrate it. Even the thought of releasing her album had her on the brink of tears at times, she just couldn't believe it.

Her label let her rent out a karaoke bar, a really girly kind of place where she invited all her friends and they'd celebrate the release of the album. Martha had the sweetest invites written out, she'd perform the album karaoke style for fun and it was a free bar for a couple of hours.

There's been so much promotion, last minute photoshoots and praying everything is perfect about the album, it's all been so stressful but at this point there's nothing more to do other than just wait. Simone and Kyra came round to her flat today, they could sense she was stressed about the record and so brought coffee and snacks so they could have a day of just doing nothing.

They were trying to figure out what to wear to Martha's big celebration night. Martha was unsure, so the girls lended a hand and helped pick out potential options. She hasn't shared her album with them, she hasn't shared it with anyone yet, so it was hard to figure out what to wear, hard for her friends to help.

'You heard from Eli?' Simone asked her.

'Yeah,;' Martha sighed. 'They can't make it, it's Freddie's birthday, but I'm not worried it's just a night of like...drinking and shit karaoke.'

'What?!' Simone exclaimed. 'That's so shit, sorry, it is though.'

'It's a shame.' Kyra said.

'It's so shit!' Simone said again, frustrated. 'His friend have another birthday, his girlfriend, full on girlfriend now by the way, will never release a debut album.'

'It's alright, I said to them all I wasn't worried what they did.' Martha told them. 'Honest. Eli will phone me and if I wasn't doing this whole party thing then I'd not really celebrate it anyway.'

'We'd have celebrated it girl, you know we'd have had a listening party.' Kyra chuckled.

'Yeah, and it's like your big achievement so far, I'm pissed Eli's not here.' Simone folded her arms, more angry than Martha even was. 'I'm pissed at them all, they should all be here.'

'They'll all celebrate in Dublin for you, I'm sure.' Kyra smiled, giving Martha's shoulder a rub just in case.

Kyra was the only one who knew the truth. They aren't planning on missing out on Martha's night tomorrow, they'd figured it all out but for the time being, they're pretending they won't make it. Simone doesn't know that part, Josh told Kyra the truth after she texted him upset they weren't showing up. Kyra hadn't had the chance to tell Simone yet though, so she had to just sit and fight Martha's side.

'He better send you the biggest bouquet of flowers, and a million chocolates and champagne.' Simone said. 'Honestly, I'll be having words with those lot, I'm so pissed off.'

'Simone, it's fine.' Martha chuckled.

'Yeah, hence the name of your album.' Simone joked. 'I'll be giving them a piece of my mind when I see them. Anyway, red heels or boots?'

Just like that delved right back into the conversation over what to wear. Martha was silently upset about Eli not coming, she deep down really wanted them there to celebrate with her. She knew it was her own fault, if she would've just told them that they probably would've been on the next flight.

Meanwhile Eli was feeling more guilty than ever, even though he knew he'd make it there, it stressed him out lying to her. He wanted to surprise her though, because he knew what Martha was like. She told them all not to stress if they couldn't make it, knowing Martha deep down wanted them all there. In a way it made him smile, she was too selfless for her own good sometimes.

They were all together, trying to put their minds together to make new music with a takeaway. They got the go ahead for album two, now it was the process of making it all. Collectively they had a couple songs, it was just the process of getting together and working on it properly now before the label gave them the deadlines.

'Mate I feel bad about lying to them lot you know,' Josh said, sitting down on the couch. 'Kyra said Simone's proper going in on us like.'

'Kyra not told Simone?' Ryan asked, josh shook his head. 'Martha?'

'No clue, she said Martha's saying she's  bothered  but she's kind of bothered.' Josh explained.

'Sounds about right.' Rob laughed. 'What'd she say to you?'

'That it wasn't a bother and to have fun, she'd see us soon.' Eli chuckled. 'Bless her she wouldn't say she was upset, hence the album.'

'I actually feel so bad, why do we have to act like bad friends so you can surprise her?' Josh said.

'Well it would be worse if all yous went and I was the only one not going.' Eli told them. 'Will be worth it, I swear.'

'Who's all going?'

'All her mates, Sam, couple people she's met which is fuckin scary cause then we have to like...act cool.' Eli sighed. 'Think some of catfish too.'

'Oh shit.' Josh said. 'Van you reckon?'

'Maybe, she's not sure.' Eli shrugged. 'Can't say much though, Orlas been right in her face and I don't reckon he's as bad as that.'

'Probably not, doesn't seem like it will be too bad you know.' Rob added.

'Might show up outta respect, dunno, don't sweat it.'

'Yeah, I'm sure it'll be grand.' Eli shrugged. 'Anyway, question mark over the chorus on love will get you there, I'm of sure.'

They sat there for a while, the four of them trying to put their minds together to work on some new songs. It was Freddie's actual birthday today, a couple people were going to the pub to celebrate, there wasn't really a massive celebration the same night Martha's album comes out, it's all just a cover. Tonight though, they've got to attend and act as if they're not there.

The girls said they'd be careful, they were invited to London too and even though they didn't know Martha too well, they were so moved to have been  invited by her, so of course they didn't turn it down. Plus, Martha was Eli's girlfriend, so she was practically family to them regardless of whatever Orla may say about it.  Martha extended the invitation to Orla, who as expected, was never going to attend.

Martha wasn't as offended about the girls not going, they owed it to Freddie more than her. She was just disappointed the boys weren't coming, they acted as her biggest fans, her number one supporters throughout the album making process so she was slightly upset, but she understood their loyalties to a childhood friend. Eli not being there hurt a little more, but she wasn't dwelling on it much, she'd have a great time with her friends.

Once they all got ready to go out, they had a couple beers to themselves and then left. Eli had time to call Martha, he felt terrible for lying about going to London after hearing Kyra mentioned to Josh she was slightly upset. He called just to check in and say hello, she seemed stressed, but by the end of the phone call she was back to her usual self, giggling away at the other end of the line.

Martha only left Dublin a few days ago, yet Eli was really missing her. When she was back, he had more fun than ever before. Being able to share a part of himself with her and have her here in his hometown was special to him, he wished it didn't have to end so soon. He'd get to see her soon though, that's all that matters.

It was a casual night at the pub, just a quiet drink and then home before it's too late as Eli was getting up early tomorrow. People were coming and going, Freddie didn't usually make a big deal of his birthdays so it was nice just to be able to swing by for a pint and head back home.

'London again tomorrow?' Freddie asked Eli.

'Yeah, for a bit.' He smiled.

'Twenty two, how's it feel old man?' Rob joked, swinging an arm round Freddie's shoulder. 'I think I see a grey hair there, you know.'

Rachel and Ciara showed up with Orla, Eli immediately went all tense and tried to sink the last of his pint. However, Rachel and Ciara just arrived and it felt rude to vanish straight away, even if they'd understand why. Instead he took himself out for a smoke, keep the peace.

Although it didn't last long until Orla appeared, presumably curious as to why Eli had been so weird since she arrived. In his mind it all made sense, he didn't feel like he was being awkward however to everyone else, him freezing up and going quiet made his dislike blatantly obvious.

She didn't approach him, he thought it was a relief and he'd escape any awkward confrontation. That was until she failed at lighting her cigarette, tossed her lighter into the bin and looked at him.

'Can I use your lighter?' She asked, to which Eli yet again froze up. He wasn't good at that kind of thing, being friends with exes or knowing how to go about it all. Orla didn't make it easy either. 'Don't worry I'm not trying to shag you.'

'I'm' He sighed, passing it over.

'You're being so weird.' Orla said, passing him back his lighter. 'Whats wrong, miss your girlfriend?'

'I do, yeah.' Eli mumbled.

'How come she left so quickly?' She asked.

'Work stuff.'

'Thought her album was finished?'

'You don't know about all that stuff Orla.' Eli sighed.

'Don't mansplain music to me.' She rolled her eyes, a smirk on her face as if getting under his skin brought her some sort of satisfaction. 'I'm not trying to argue with you every time we talk.'

'You're always so passive aggressive.'

'I'm allowed to be a little pissed at you, Eli.' Orla said.

'Not at Martha, she didn't do anything.' Eli said. 'Hate me all you like but not Martha, she's innocent in all of this. It was wrong of you to make her feel so singled out when she was here.'

'Christ, she's a grown woman, Elijah.' Orla rolled her eyes. 'Does she know about the first time you were home?'

'No.' He shook his head, a smirk appeared on Orlas face and he'd never felt more shame in his life. He didn't want to say anything more, so instead tossed his cigarettes and walked back inside, letting the door slam shut behind him again.

He went straight over to Josh, who was looking at him curious as to what had happened outside with Orla. They all knew something would've gone down, it seemed to be the case with those two. This time, the frustration was present on Eli's face, their whole group of friends could sense something was wrong and Eli couldn't hang around there without letting it eat him up.

'You okay?' Josh asked.

'Yeah, I'm off back home.' He said, 'See yous tomorrow.'

'Eli you good?' Ryan asked, confused as to why Eli was heading off so early.

'Yeah fine,' he said with a smile Ryan knew meant he was lying. 'See you later, yeah?'

'Alright, let us know you get back okay.' Ryan said, giving him a quick hug. 'Sure you're okay?'

'Yeah, thanks though, see yous later.'

Eli walked back out the door, right by Orla on his way but he turned a blind eye, walked right by with his hands in his pockets. He hated that every time he was back here he was on edge because of Orla, perhaps it was his own fault, some sort of karma for past mistakes.

Martha's debut record was coming out and if Orla ruined her big night eli would never forgive himself, hence his decision to leave and not give Orla his time of day. He missed Martha, and it really was getting to him, even though it had only been a matter of days. He hated how Orla spoke about her too, she didn't have the right to be unkind to Martha, who's never said a bad word about her.

Once he got home, Orla was the first person he messaged. He wanted to call her, just to hear her voice and for everything to feel normal once again, but she had the girls over and he knew his place. Nobody was home when he got there, his parents were away until tomorrow morning and everyone else was elsewhere besides him and the dog, so Billie had to put up with his rambling whilst he waited for Martha's response.

@ryanmcmahon added to their story!

@marthahendrixxx added to their story!

i am excited to hear buddy
also what r u saying
spelling mistake?

thanks hehe so scared lol
omg idk what i meant to say

buzzing!!!!! so gutted we can't make it on friday:((

aw don't sweat it u won't miss much i doubt
catch up soon

would've been ace to be there but celebrate ur DEBUT soon


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