19| leather and lace.

486 11 4

lovers forever, face to face
my city or mountains
stay with me, stay


Eli woke Martha up at his flat with a bagel, except it also had a candle stuck in it and when she asked why, Eli responded that it was him congratulating her on her song being number two on the charity's this week. He'd woken up before her, spent the morning lying next to her in a total state of awe.

The rest of his friends were flying over in the evening, so Martha and Eli spent the day doing very little as they knew they'd be out in the evening time. Martha had meetings about music, and a potential tour, but they were all done over her laptop so she was able to do hem from the comfort of Eli's couch.

Whilst they didn't do very much during the day, just sitting in one another's company, with numerous trips to the kettle and a journey out to the shops to grab a pint of milk and some digestives, it was a day well spent. It's not often they're graced with one another's company and despite being unsure of what was going on between them, these days of mundane activities in one another's company were somewhat special to them. There wouldn't be much chance for those in the weeks to come.

Eli's friends arrived in London, dropped their stuff of at Ryan's and headed straight to the pub. Kyra and Simone were on route too, so Eli and Martha rushed bakc to her place so she could get dressed and ready. She told him to go off and see his friends, but he was adamant on coming with her, sitting on her bed whilst she did her makeup and tried on three different  outfits. He loved it though, watching her prance around her room to her favourite Stevie nicks album.

They eventually wandered round to the pub, hand in hand through the mild spring evening. Martha hadn't seen the boys in a while, for Eli it had only been a couple of days but he was still looking forward to seeing everybody all together again. Their friends were over in the corner of the bar, Martha went to wander over but Eli seemed to head the opposite way.

'I'll get you a drink, you go over.' Eli said.

'Aw, it's alright, I'll come up with you in a sec.' Martha told him.

'Tequila soda lime?' He asked, to which Martha just nodded back with a smile. 'Be with yous in a second.'

Eli gave Marthaa quick kiss before dropping her hand so she could wander over to say hi to everyone. They'd all noticed Eli's gesture, Simone and Kyra were winking at her as she just laughed her way over. Rob was first to open his arms and give her a hug, followed by Ryan and Josh who then questioned where Eli was despite seeing his sweet gesture, encouraging Martha to go and see her friends whilst he got her a drink.

'What a gentleman eh?' Ryan chuckled, shuffling round into the bench they were all sat at.

'Looking awfully loved up there like.' Josh said.

'Oh shut up,' Martha laughed. 'How are yous? Long time no see!'

They delved deep into their catchup, Martha was glad to see them as she'd grown quite fond of the friendship they'd all struck up. Eli eventually wandered over with a pint and a drink for Martha, finding himself at the butt of everybody's teasing remarks about him being all chivalrous.

It was nice seeing everyone back together, all seven of them squashed into some booth of a bar that they'd agreed on being right in between them all. It was only two weeks since they were last together, but it was like no time had passed at all, life continued as it did last time they were together, with Kyra and Josh over the moon to see one another again too.

'Not seen you since the albums been announced, how's that going then?' Josh asked Martha.

'It's good, yeah. So much fun recording it all.' She smiled.

in my sleep | elijah hewsonWhere stories live. Discover now