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be my valentine
you could try to shoot me down
you'll never shoot me down


Ciara met Martha and her friends, pulled them through the crowd to stand with her and Rachel who were a couple rows from the front. It was the first time Kyra and Simone had met Rachel and Ciara, but they knew right away they'd all get on perfectly.

Pulling Martha through the crowd was the hardest part. Once people started to catch on she could barely move, but most people were kind about it. They let her though after she stopped to speak to them for a couple of seconds. I'm a way, it was nice to feel so welcomed in that crowd, everybody was so kind to her there and it put a huge smile on her face.

There was still some time before the show was set to start, a couple of the girls in front of them turned around to all talk to Martha and her friends. Martha loved it, it was so wholesome in the sense nobody was pushing or shoving, everybody was so sweet telling her how much they loved her set and how they' been converted into Martha fans if they weren't already.

After a little while, the lights went out and the entire arena cheered in anticipation. Martha's heart dropped as if she'd never seen them before, this time was different though, she'd never seen them knowing at the end of the night Eli would be lying there next to her.

The very second the lights went up they all cheered with the biggest smiles on their faces. Eli found Martha in the crowd far too easily, although for him she'd be hard to miss. You could her his smile in the way he sung, and he flashed her a subtle wink that had Martha's friends jokingly nudging her and a couple of the girls in front all turning to take a glance.

This was the venue of their dreams, none of them up there could quite believe everybody here was there for them. You could see the pride on all of their faces as they stared out into the crowds in a total state of awe. It felt like such a fever dream, they couldn't be happier.

Fans were taking pictures and videos of the stage, Martha would be in the back of them but when she realised she wa sink used in their video she'd just join in singing with them. Eli saw them all have the time of their lives and it made him so happy, seeing Martha with two of his friends, and their fans all singing together was just so pure.

Kyra wouldn't stop looking at Josh, she kept giving him a wave which made him smile, and she was taking pictures like a proud mother would.

'Dublin, we're inhaler thanks for having us,' Eli spoke into the mic, waving out into the crowd. 'Just before we get into the next song we Wanna say a massive thanks to the venue for the utmost support and love, for having us here tonight this is a real dream come true...and a massive thanks to Martha Hendrix who came over to open the show for us,'

The second he mentioned her name the whole crowd cheered, those around her all hugging her and looking at her, putting the spotlight onto laughs without even meaning to. Though nobody seemed to mind, Eli looked out into the crowd, saw Martha with all these people around her showing her love, applauding her and cheering her on, and he couldn't help but grin. Even the rest of the boys on stage wore a little smirk when Eli said Martha's name.

'Brilliant,' Eli laughed, staring out at the crowd all cheering for Martha. 'Anyway this is a new one, we've got a couple new ones for you tonight, but we'll start with this one.'

It was a really interesting sounding song, Martha listened out to see if there were any lyrics she recognised from Eli playing her little verses at a time. She remembers all those moments clear as day, all the lyrics he's sung to her in the mornings with half finished tea's on the coffee table.

in my sleep | elijah hewsonWhere stories live. Discover now