06|kiss me.

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kiss me beneath the milky twilight


'I'm gonna go round Kyra's place before we head off.' Josh said, looking over at Eli. 'Martha will be there.'

They were heading back to Dublin in the afternoon, the four of them packed up their things this morning and headed to Eli's where they'd catch a cab to the airport later on. The four of them were ahead of schedule for once, but for reasons that josh and Eli turned a blind eye to. They wanted time to see the girls.

Ryan and Rob did too, they'd become good friends with the three girls they'd met at the pub that night, who happened to be Martha Hendrix best friends. The seven of them got on like a house on fire, a friendship that would remain forever, hopefully.

'Why don't we all go?' Ryan suggested, seeing the awkward expression in eli's face, knowing he'd just shake it off and say it was fine, only to later sit moping around because he didn't say goodbye to Martha.

The two of them spent a lot of time together, and whilst they were both convinced it was strictly platonic, Eli watched as she spoke to Ryan, how she listened to Rob's bad jokes and it wasn't the same. Maybe it was him, he thought,maybe he's the one making it awkward, or maybe she likes him too.

He had plenty of time to let her know though, and he did. There were countless opportunities for him to kiss her, and he so desperately wanted to. He isn't a confrontational person though, nerves tend to get the better of him and when you're a hopeless romantic with a crippling fear of rejection and social awkwardness, things don't tend to go the way you'd want.

'Just kiss her, or something.' Rob said to Eli on the walk to Kyra's. 'You're not even gonna see her for...however long.'

'I know,' Eli nodded, rolling his eyes, sick of their advice yet knowing they meant well.

Kyra opened the door, surprised to see all four of the, standing there. When she opened the door revealing the crowd, Simone and Martha peered round the corner curiously. Simone gave her a subtle nudge and wandered over to say hi as they came in for a flying visit before their flight home.

Ryan gave Martha a hug first, Rob following suit as Eli lingered behind feeling ever so slightly out of place. Simone noticed and struck up conversation though, suddenly he was less out of place, and more slightly saddened to be leaving the people he had grown to love like family.

Kyra flicked on the kettle, Josh hovering next to her in her kitchen with his arm around her. He'd miss her, there was no doubt about it. They were sweet, two people that deserved all the happiness they could get from one another.

Strategically everyone sat done in a way that Eli and Martha wound up together. They all knew that was the plan, a gentle nudge to get the two of them to face whatever was going on between them before they're separated for some time and it's all forgotten about.

'Gig announcement tonight.' Ryan smiled. 'Tickets on Friday, yous buying?'

'The cheek.' Martha chuckled, obviously her friends would be invited as her guests as she's the opener.

'Only going to see our Martha.' Simone said. 'You guys are just-'

'A hot bonus?' Rob asked, to which everybody just burst out laughing.

The conversation turned into the discussion of the gig which was happening in two months time. Everybody was excited for it, to be up on stage again, and for Martha, she'd get to play new music. Although the one thing she couldn't stop thinking about was Eli. Would it be two months until their paths cross again?

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