The protectors of Kanezaka (K...

By Pie78904

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For most of Y/N's life bad luck has been surrounding his life. Everywhere he went misfortune would always fol... More

Arriving in Kanezaka
Do you believe in spirits?
Training Time!
The First Mission.
A Celebration of victory and the Tengu
Lemon Chapter 18+ (April Fools)
The Idea of Family
The Wrath of the Onryo
Let's sink a yacht!
The Goddess of Love
A Confession between a Fox and a Crow
Defend the Shrine!
An Old friend
Heir to a Kingdom
Finding Peace
The Fall of the Hashimoto Clan.
Peace returns to Kanezaka
Thank you, Behind the scenes and a QNA
A New Opportunity
New Agents of Overwatch
Escort the Payload
A Bank heist filled with Explosions
Family Reunion
The Cursed Man and the Witch
The Invasion of Ilios
The First of Talon's Elites
A Funtime in Busan
An Old Battlefield
Gladiators of the Colosseum
Another Lemon Chapter 18+
The Imposter

The River Spirit

722 11 9
By Pie78904


Shimada Castle

No one's POV

Shimada castle once home to the Shimada clan was taken over by the Hashimoto clan. After the death of Sojiro Shimada and disappearances of both of his sons.

Now the newly reformed Hashimoto clan calls this place "home". Until they can reclaim back Kanezaka.

The leader of the newly reformed Hashimoto clan, Katsuo speaking to his second in command. A member of his version of the Hashimoto elite Naoki.

Naoki:Tell me boss what is this mission that we are doing?

Katsuo:I wish to open a small base of operations by river, East of Kanezaka. One where we can oversee the town.

Naoki:Until we can eventually get what rightfully belongs to you. I heard Talon is willing to fund the entire project.

Katsuo:I don't like working with them or Null Sector, especially Null Sector. Personally i want them gone. Because if they keep on destroying the damn world then there won't be anything to rule over.

Naoki:Ah so that's why you asked one of our engineers to put an emp intk the base.

Katsuo:Precisely, i don't want any of those damn bots coming into Japan. Soon Akande himself will visit the base and check on us. I want to put on a good impression for our investors.

Naoki:Someday we'll be able to stand up against the great Doomfist ourselves.

Katsuo:Akande is just a stepping stone towards our true goal. We need Talon's wealth to fund our projects.

Naoki:Ah yes because that disgrace of a cousin of yours-

Katsuo:Don't you dare mention my uncle's offspring! The only good thing he has ever done was vacate the throne for me.

Naoki:Yes, our only true savior. Someday you'll rule like the god that you are. Please forgive me for my insolence.

Katsuo:You are forgiven. Speaking of that worm, i heard that he's been traveling around the world.

Naoki:How so?

Katsuo:Apparently he's apart of a group called Overwatch. They must be desperate if they wanted him to join.

Naoki:Well they certainly went to the wrong Hashimoto for help.

Katsuo:Indeed, I would've built them an army based off loyalty. Atleast my talents are being used for something else.

Naoki:Boss, I'd like to present with you something that some of my men had collected.

Naoki gives Katsuo a briefcase. He opens it up for his boss revealing stacks of cash inside.

Naoki:My men were able to steal this from wealthy man out of town. We are donating it to you to help rebuild the organization.

Katsuo chuckled as he took a yen from the suitcase.

Katsuo:Money it's truly something that is powerful. How a piece of paper controls so much of the world. Money buys loyalty and respect from others. But it also buys luxurious items such as the wine i drink at seven. But it also buys weapons and tools.

Katsuo placed the yen back into the suitcase with Naoki closing it and handing it over to his boss.

Katsuo:Thanks to my uncle i wasn't able to live in such luxury. My mother had to keep me in hiding and we had to live off in a shack.

Naoki:This is where you truly belong sir.

Katsuo:Indeed i do, Naoki.

Katsuo sat down on a chair as he grabbed an old photograph. One that pictured the old Hashimoto elite.

Naoki:What are you looking at sir?

Katsuo:Oh some old soldiers that were once loyal to my uncle.

Naoki walked over and got a good look at the photo.

Naoki:That guy looks like Takeshi.

Katsuo:That's because it is. These were once powerful allies loyal to my uncle and his command.

Naoki:Sadly both Takeshi and I are your only members of your Hashimoto elite.

Katsuo:That's the way it is. But soon we'll look for more spirit users to fill up your ranks.

Naoki:I've heard stories about them, some personal ones from Takeshi. But some from the returning members.

Katsuo:Well if they told you that they were so great then why did they lose to Yōkai?

Naoki:That is something that i can't answer.

Katsuo:I must admit some of their spirits are useful. Such Chikako's Jorogumo and Venus's Goddess of Love. Tell me what type of spirit do you have again Naoki?

Naoki:A Kappa.

Katsuo:Yes, a Kappa.

The leader of the new Hashimoto clan put his arm on his elite's shoulder.

Katsuo:Naoki we are only 5% complete to our goal of reestablishing our control. Now do you know a way to contribute.

Naoki:To prove myself like the elites in the past did.

Katsuo:Yes... Prove yourself to me that you are far better than the elite of the past.

Naoki:i will and i will prove it.

Katsuo:How so?

Naoki:I will bring the head of your cousin and that girl he's been with to you.

Katsuo:Then i will hold you to that promise then. You will prove your worth to me.  Remember if it wasn't for me you wouldn't even have your spirit.

Naoki:If i managed to prove my self to the River Spirit thanks to your guidance. Then I'll surely prove myself to you.

Katsuo:That's what i want to hear. Your orders are plain and simple then. Oversee development of the base and kill any intruders.

Naoki nodded to his boss as he left his office. As of right now the Hashimoto clan are playing the waiting to game. To see when it will be the time for them to full strike and reclaim Kanezaka again.

Katsuo walks over to a board as he looked at the board. His plan to reclain what was one his father's. Stolen from him by an uncle who murdered his father and a cousin he never knew even existed.

He looks at Step 2 of his plan to remove all Familial bonds. He grabs an eraser and rewrites Step 1 and Step 2. Making step 2 to be to reclaim Kanezaka.

Katsuo:To think that i almost forgot about my claim. Until that old man seeked me out.

His spiritual energy begins to glow around him, due to the resentment he has towards his uncle and his son.

He looks at a photo he has of his cousin walking with a girl in a shrine maiden outfit.

From what he's heard those are the two mainly responsible for the fall of the Hashimoto clan. Defeating the elites, sabotaging their business and taking the fight to the original tower.

He chuckled at thought of facing his cousin in a fight. Knowing that he wouldn't lose to a bastard such as Y/N.

Watchpoint Gibraltar


It has been a week since the Eichenwalde attack and recruiting Niran into our group.

We welcomed him into our ranks and had gained another member to help us in our fight against Null Sector.

I now sat in my room bitting into a sandwich that i had prepared myself earlier.

Despite often going out most of the time to grab a meal. I pefer to eat something that i had made.

I just got to make sure that I don't get any crumbs on the floor.

Baptiste is out for a while right now, so i kind of have the room for a while to myself.

I don't really have much to do right now. Since most of the time i spend it just talking with Baptiste.

I also kind of wanted to ask Lena if i can train with her. Just to test out my throwing speed of my kusarigama's. In case if i ever have to face off against any enemies that are faster than me.

Y/N:Maybe i will ask Lena for some help.

Kiriko:Help with what?

I turned around and saw that Kiriko was inside of my dorm. She more likely just swift stepped inside.

Y/N:Kiri! Have you not learned anything back in our apartment days?

Kiriko:Oh come on, it's not even like Baptiste here. So i don't think i need to knock.

Y/N:So why did you teleport in here?

Kiriko:Just to check on you. So why do you want Lena's help for something?

Y/N:Nosey today are we? Well i wanted to ask her if she'd be willing to help me on dealing with faster enemies.

Kiriko:So you want a faster reaction time, huh?

Y/N:No, just wanting to deal with faster enemies.

Kiriko:Then just predict where they're gonna go. That's really simple.

Y/N:Easy enough said then done.

Kiriko:Well it'd be easy for me.

Y/N:Well when your weapon of choice is meant for range. It makes it sound easier.

Kiriko:Aren't yours a range type as well?

Y/N:Well i pefer the term hybrid. Besides if i miss one kusarigama then i have to rely on the other one for defense until i can retract the other one.

Kiriko:Excuses huh?

Kiriko's ringtone began to play and she took out her phone from her pocket and answered it.


A distinct voice came from the otherside of the phone.

Kiriko:Hey Ryōta, what's up?

Y/N:It's Ryōta?

Kiriko:Yeah Y/N's with me? You want me to put it on speak. Alright then.

Y/N:What is it?

Kiriko put the call on speaker, with Ryōta's voice coming from the phone.

Ryōta:Kiriko, Y/N. You remember how you told me to be on the look out for a newly reformed Hashimoto clan?

Kiriko:Yeah, did you get anything?

Ryōta:Indeed, i have.

Y/N:What do you have for us? Do they plan on making their first move?

Ryōta:Not yet but they plan on building a base. One that's near the River of the east to Kanezaka.

Y/N:Wait there's a river by Kanezaka?

Kiriko:You've never been there before? My mom used to take me there when i was 7.

Y/N:Guess when this is done we can travel over there.  Ryōta had you or the others made any attempts to seek it out.

Ryōta:I was debating on it. But i don't know how well heavily guarded it can be.

Kiriko:Come on Ryõta it's probably just some regular grunts. Easy enough prey for you and the others.

Ryōta:Heard one of their elites would also be on watch.

Y/N:An Elite? Like a Hashimoto spirit user elite?

Ryōta:I don't know you two were the one's with the spirits. And i would be in deep trouble if i was caught.

Y/N:A spirit, huh? It's been a long time since Kiri and I had faced another spirit user.

Kiriko:Well Ryōta remember what i told you what would immediately happen if any Hashimoto business came out.

Ryōta:That you two would come back to town immediately.

Y/N and Kiriko:Yes!


Y/N:Oh come on

Kiriko:You owe me a doughnut now Y/N.

Ryōta:So what would you all like for me to do.

Kiriko:Well Ryōta, call both Nobuto and Sakura. We're gonna get the gang back together.

Ryōta:Very well and where would you like to meet up?

Y/N:The warehouse, it's time for a nice trip of nostalgia.

Ryōta:Alright, I'll be sure to contact both Nobuto and Sakura. We'll wait for your arrival.

Kiriko:And we'll be there.

Kiriko hung up the phone and put it back inside of her pocket.

Y/N:Guess i won't be practicing my timing then.

Kiriko:That can wait. You know what time it is right.

Kiriko got close up to my face with a confidence smile. Hoping i would give her the same answer that's on her mind.

Y/N:Round 2.

Kiriko:Yeah exactly what i was thinking.

Y/N:Then it's time that we get a first look at my cousin's work with the clan. Let's see how much of a threat he is compared to my father.

Kiriko:Time to show your cousin that even if we are far away from home. Our presence in Kanezaka will still be felt.

Y/N:Then we'll send him a message then. So when would you like to get ready to leave?

Kiriko:Give me one second.

Kiriko swift stepped out of my room and then came back immediately.

Kiriko:Alright, lets go now.

Y/N:Where did you go to?

Kiriko:To get some extra kunais.

Y/N:Of course.

I take out a paper and pencil and begin to write down what's happening, incase Baptiste comes back.

Then both Kiri and I head out of my dorm and walk to where the Orca's are located at. We then get inside of the ship.

Kiriko:So do you know how to drive?

Y/N:No, but that's why autopilot is a feature. Athena please take us to Kanezaka, Japan.

Athena:Of course, but before i can. May i ask for what purpose and does Winston know?

Kiriko:Can you please tell Winston for us. It's for a mission that is very important.

Athena:And what is this mission so i can report it to him?

Y/N:We're gonna take a quick look at one of Talon's allies.

Athena:Is it related to your cousin?

Y/N:How do you know about that?

Athena:I overheard your conversation with Winston. Very well i will infrom Winston of your mission and autopilot the ship to Kanezaka.

Kiriko:Thanks for doing us the favor, Athena.

Y/N:Well let's save our energy.

Kiriko:To smash Hashimoto fools in the face. I'm down.


Athena:Now arriving to Kanezaka.

The Orca landed at the same area when Genji and the others came to recruit us.

Kiriko:We're probably going to be gone for more likely a day Athena. Think you can handle yourself?

Athena:Like all ships it is built with a defense system. So please attend whatever business you two have and leave the ship to me.

Y/N:Alright, we'll be back Athena.

Kiriko and I walked out of the Orca, then we began to walk to Kanezaka.

Walking back into the town flooded my head with memories.

Kiriko:It's great to be home.

Y/N:You said it.

Kiriko:Do you mind if we make a quick stop?

Y/N:I already know where you want to go and my answer is yes. I'm never going to deny you the chance to see them again.

Kiriko:Thanks, Y/N. I know we can always call them but it's not just the same.

We walked through the streets of Kanezaka and made the trip over to Yamagami's blades.

Kiriko opened the door and we both walked into the shop. Toshiro was behind the counter waiting for a customer to stop by.

Toshiro:Welcome to Yamagami's Blades how can i- Kiriko, Y/N.

Asa walked into the same room holding a broken sword in her hand.

Asa:Toshi, do you know where we keep the spare swords. I broke another one during a teachi- Kiriko and Y/N!


Y/N:How are you two doing?

Both of Kiriko's parents were very surprised to see us here.They both walked up to us and gave us a group hug.

Asa:What are you two doing here? I thought you were off doing your Overwatch business?

Kiriko:Well Y/N and I decided to come over and well stop by.

Toshiro:And you didn't want to tell us.

Y/N:Didn't want to ruin the surprise.

Asa:So what brings you both here?

Kiriko:Well it's more of a business reason.

Y/N:Let's just say i have some more family issues to finish tying up.

Asa:What did Masaru get out of jail or something?

Y/N:No he's still rotting in there. But it's another family member who i need to deal with.

Kiriko:It's some cousin of his who thinks he can be a big shot.

Asa:So there's a chance that another Hashimoto clan rule might be possible.

Kiriko:That's why we're here mom to stop them.

Toshiro:Even if you have to fight a world ending threat. Your love for the town always comes first.

Kiriko:Well it is my home.

Asa:Well is there anything we can do for you?

Y/N:Not really, Asa.

Toshiro:How about this! You two finish with what you are doing. Then when you come back Asa and I can prepare you two a meal.

Kiriko:That sounds really nice. That will go nice with the doughnut that Y/N owes me.

Asa:Then we'll continue our discussion at dinner then. You two do what you need to. We'll be here waiting for you.

Y/N:Then it sounds like a plan then.

Kiriko:Bye mom and dad we'll see you later.

We waved goodbye at them and left Yamagami's blades.

Y/N:Alright so we have dinner with your parents tonight.

Kiriko:Yeah, guess we're gonna have to defeat this Hashimoto fools in record time. I can't wait to eat my parents cooking again.

We began to walk to the route that we used to take to the warehouse. What was once our base before moving to Watchpoint Gibraltar.

As we arrived to the warehouse we realized that it was empty.

Kiriko:Looks like nobody is here.

Y/N:They should be here. Contact Ryōta again to see where he is.

Kiriko took out her phone and called Ryōta. We then heard a loud ringtone playing in the warehouse.

Nobuto:Ryōta, why isn't your phone on slient! Now how are we gonna suprise them?

Sakura:Well Nobuto your loud yelling surely isn't helping.

Ryōta:This was a dumb idea anyways. We literally could've just waited for them outside like normal people.

Kiriko and I looked inside of the warehouse.

Y/N:Something tells me that they are in there.

Kiriko:We know that you're in there.

Nobuto:See Ryōta look at what you did!

The three of them came out of hiding from the warehouse.

Sakura:Welcome back you two!

Y/N:Sakura hope everything has been going well for you.

Sakura:Oh it has. Been getting a lot of job offers to make outfits for people.

Nobuto:Boss and Y/N! It's so good to see you! Do you have my autograph?

Kiriko:Yeah about that.. The guy you're looking for didn't rejoin Overwatch.


Y/N:But we did meet his daughter and well she did give us something.

I took out my phone and showed Nobuto a video. The Video featured a man with full grown blonde beard wearing engineer clothes. It was Brigitte's father.

(I have 1 million hours on him, hammer only)

Törbjorn:Is this thing on? So Nobuto my sparkplug told me that she has some friends who has a friend that is a big fan of my work. That is great to hear that i had inspired a fellow engineer. I would like to see what you have been working on. Keep up the work young engineer you have a future ahead of you.

After watching the video Nobuto began to fanboy crazy.

Nobuto:I gotta go back to my workshop and prepare a video of my inventions.

As Nobuto began to ran away from the warehouse Sakura grabs him by the ear pulling him back.

Sakura:You aren't going anywhere.

Nobuto:But my inventions!

Sakura:It can wait.

Ryōta:I can't believe that you two left me with him of all people.

Sakura:Hey what about me?

Kiriko:Alright that's enough everyone. Now it's time for us to get into business.

Y/N:Indeed, Ryōta has told us something that got our attention. We're sorry if we disrupt you all from your lives. But we have a mission that is important.

Kiriko:Ryōta if you'd like to do the honors.

Ryōta stood up and took out a map and placed it on the board. He took out a marker.

Ryōta:As you all know the Hashimoto's are back.

Nobuto:Again!? How many releatives do you even have Y/N?

Y/N:I don't know i just barely found out that my cousin existed.

Sakura:Why are you even suprised? Ryōta literally came to see us and told us personally about it.

Ryōta:That's probably because he was too busy playing his music on 100 while he was working on something.

Nobuto:Hey you can't work without music!

Ryōta:Anyways.. They are building a small base by this river.

Ryōta draws a circle on the river detailing it's location.

Y/N:As of now we don't know how big the Hashimoto forces are nor do we know how well complete it is.

Kiriko:But what we do know is that we're not gonna stand for it. Let's show these fools that Yōkai is still here. Nobuto what do you have for us?


Kiriko:Excuse me what?

Nobuto:I thought we wouldn't have to deal with the Hashimoto's anynore. So i just went back to begin inventing other things.

Sakura:Nobuto you had one job.

Nobuto:Best things i got are explosives. Will that settle?

Kiriko:I guess. I mean we're just gonna blow whatever of that base has been built anyways.

Y/N:So Kiriko on your order.

Kiriko:Right! Everyone let's go find this base and put an end to whatever Y/N's cousin is up too.

Normally we'd do our missions at night. But now it's time for Yōkai to strike out again. It's time to remove any comfortable place my cousin has found in Kanezaka.

We all began to run to the location of where the base would be at. We left Kanezaka and began to make it towards the river.

We hid inside of a bush, as we watch construction. Many men of the Hashimoto are working on building the base.

Hashimoto clan member 1:I still don't agree with the boss's idea. What if Yōkai shows up.

Hashimoto clan member 2:Haven't you been keeping up with the news? Two of their prominent members are in Overwatch. They're probably busy with that than dealing with us.

Hashimoto clan member 1:Atleast we have Naoki to look over us.

Kiriko began to whisper as she divised up a plan.

Kiriko:Alright we're gonna split up and take on the Hashimoto on different flanks.

Ryōta:I'll go in the west.

Nobuto:Sakura and I will take the East.

Sakura:Please can i just go with Ryōta.

Nobuto:Nope because he already left.

We turned around and noticed that Ryōta was already gone.

Kiriko:If only Niran was here to pull him back. He always thinks it's a good idea to rush in by himself.

Y/N:Then Kiri and I will take this portion and deal with the guards right in front of us.

Nobuto:Alright then let's head out. Come on Sakura.

Sakura:I was looking forward to working as a team again until now.

Nobuto:Ah, stop your complaining.

Sakura and Nobuto got out of the bush and began to walk east of the base.

Kiriko:Come on Y/N let's try go deal with any guards in the surrounding area.

Y/N:Well there are two right in front of us.

Kiriko threw a kunai at one of the guards he immediately collapsed onto the floor.

Hashimoto clan member 1:Wh-what! Hey get up please don't play a joke like that on me!

He looked at the kunai and got a terrified look on his face. I then dashed towards him at slashed at him with my kusarigama.

Kiriko:Come on now let's go see if we can get some more useful information.

Naoki's POV

I hid inside of the river, thanks to my spirit it has granted me the ability the breathe longer in the water. Longer than any ordinary human.

I've been doing this since construction began. My spirit's job is to hunt down any tresspassers and drag them into the water.

I sense someone nearby my spirit's location. I grinned knowing it was another tresspasser.

Either the clan member can deal with them or i will. Let's just see who gets to the tresspasser first.

Ryōta's POV

Hashimoto clan member 1:He's over there.

They began to fire at me, but i used my blade to cut them down.

I'm grateful that Kiriko's mom gave me some lessons to be a better swordsman.

Another Hashimoto clan member began to fire at me. I used the hilt of my blade to strike him. He held onto his stomach as i kicked on the face.

Two more guards of the western portion of the river was left over. Soon i can meet up at the bridge and join the others.

Ryōta:You Hashimoto's are stil quite pathetic. Can't even beat somebody like me.

Hashimoto clan member 3:Sh-shut up kid! Just wait till our boss gets a hold of you!

The last two began to fire their weapons. I jumped at the other one and peformed an overhead with my blade. Then punched the one in the stomach and impaled my sword into him.

I cleaned off whatever blood there was from my blade as i continued to walk for the bridge.

I then felt something grabbing my legs, it knocked me down and began to drag me.

Ryōta:What the!

I felt my body getting dragged to the destination. It was the river.

Ryōta:No No No!

I used my blade and stabbed onto the ground. Holding onto it trying prevent myself getting dragged any further.

Only for my grip to loosen and getting dragged, again straight into the river.

Sakura's POV

Both Nobuto and I taking the portion of this nearly constructed base. I walked with him looking for any Hashimoto's in the area.

Sakura:Have you noticed anything odd?

Nobuto:No not yet, haven't seen a Hashimoto in sight.

Sakura:They can be anywhere in sight.

Nobuto:Hopefully when i get back i can find a new motivation to create a new invention. Especially if we're gonna go back to war with the Hashimoto's.

Sakura:I wouldn't say this mission is fighting again. It's more like scaring them off.

Nobuto:By fighting them... You're logic doesn't make sense.

Sakura:Yeah and nearly everything you say doesn't make sense!

We then heard the sound of chatter coming from the north of our direction.

Sakura:Quick hide!

I push Nobuto into a bush and hid with him. I then watched as two more Hashimoto clan members are patrolling the area.

Nobuto:Tell me when you're rea-

I opened Nobuto's mouth covered his mouth with my hand. Whispering to him.

Sakura:Keep your big mouth shut. On my go we go alright.

Nobuto nodded his head then we waited for the Hashimoto patrol to move by.

Sakura:Alright now!

I ran out towards one of the Hashimoto guards and subdued him by putting him in a chokehold. I then realized that Nobuto was missing.

I groaned in annoyance knowing i had to take one these two myself.

Hashimoto clan member 2:Hey let go of my friend! Before i cover your entire body with lead!

Hashimoto clan member 1:You better listen to him. He'll kill both of us!

I apporached the other clan member slowly trying to make it look like I'm surrendering.

After i got close to him, i grabbed both his head and the other member. Then i forced their heads to collide into each other.

Hashimoto clan member 2:You'll Pa-

I punch the Hashimoto clan member in the throat causing him to fall down. I then looked back at the bush.

Sakura:Nobuto you are so dead! Having me fight them alone, that is an all time new low for you!

I checked the bush trying to see if he was hiding like a coward. In reality he wasn't there. I began to grow concerned.


I looked around the area trying to find him.

Sakura:Nobuto! Where are you!? This isn't funny! If this is a prank then I'm sorry for the way I've treated you!

Nobuto:Sakura Help me!

I ran over to the direction of his scream. Nobuto was being dragged by an invisible force into the river.


Nobuto:Sakura, something is going on! I can't control my body! I'm going to the River!

Sakura:Don't worry i'll help you.

I ran over to Nobuto and grabbed onto his hands. Trying to get a hold of him. Eventually i managed to pull him towards me. It was as if whatever grabbed him let go of him.

Sakura:Don't worry i got you.

Nobuto:Thanks Sakura.

I then felt a quick slash on my arm. I look down and notice blood coming from the slash marks.


Nobuto then was pushed back to the ground and began to get dragged again.


I tried to catch his hands but he looked at me. As if he wanted me to not share the same fate he's about to have.

Nobuto:Sakura, get out of here! Go tell Y/N and Kiriko about this thing!

I watch as Nobuto was dragged straight into the river. I began to panic as i can be next for whatever is taking us down.

It probably got Ryōta or maybe Nobuto was it's first victim. Either way i have to get out of here.

I ran out of area i was at and began to run straight for the base under construction. Hoping i can regroup with Kirko and Y/N.


After infiltrating the construction sight and defeating every Hashimoto in our way. With only one being left unconscious who we are interrogating.

We want to look for the elite member to interrogate whoever they are. To get more information of my cousin.

Y/N:Where is the elite?

Hashimoto clan member:I don't know where he is!?

Kiriko:He's lying probably hiding in some underground portion of the base.

Hashimoto clan member:I'm telling you the truth! I don't know where Naoki is!

Kiriko:Tell us a little bit about him and maybe we might let you go.

Hashimoto clan member:All i know is that he's the boss's second in command that's all i know!

Y/N:You're probably hiding something from us aren't you.

Hashimoto clan member:Please i don't even know him that well. Just let me go!

Kiriko:Alright we'll let you go.

I place a misfortune symbol on a tree nearby, as Kiriko unties the Hashimoto clan member.

He then pushes Kiriko away and begins to run away.

Hashimoto clan member:See you later sucker!

He began to run only for a tree's branch to catch him from the collar of his tie.

Hashimoto clan member:H-huh?

I then hit him on the back of the head with the handle of my kusarigama.


Kiriko:We looked everywhere in whatever is built and he's nowhere to be found.

Y/N:Guess it's time to do it the hard way then.

We both summoned our spirits to locate the elite. As we tried to find a path, Sakura ran into Kiriko's arms.


Sakura:Kiriko, Y/N! Nobuto he needs your help!

Y/N:Woah Woah Sakura calm down. You look like you've seen a ghost.

Sakura:In a way i did!

Kiriko:Wait Sakura calm down take some deep breaths then tell us what happened.

Kiriko held onto Sakura's hands helping her to calm down.

Sakura:Nobuto and I were patrolling our part of the area. Then we tried to take down some Hashimoto goons. Only for Nobuto to not help me. Once i took down both of them i noticed he was getting dragged into the river. I tried to help but something scratched me and it dragged Nobuto back into the river.

Kiriko:You think it might've been a spirit?

Sakura:I don't know? I couldn't see what was dragging him?

Y/N:What about Ryōta where's he?

Sakura:I don't know!?

Kiriko took out her phone and attempted to call Ryōta, only to get nothing.

Kiriko:He's not answering.

Sakura:Then that thing must've got him also!

Y/N:Sakura question were you able to see whatever the thing was?

Sakura:No it was invisible.

Kiriko:Well then we are in quite of a pickle now are we?

Y/N:So that must be the elite's spirit then. He's probably somewhere around the area. Letting his spirit do all the dirty work for him.

Kiriko:It's more likely that the spirit is picking us off 1 by 1.

Y/N:Sakura stay by us at all cost!

Sakura:That's what i was planning to do.

Sakura then groaned in pain as she clinged onto her arm. Feeling the pain from the scratch.

Sakura:It hurts still.

Kiriko:Here let me get a look at it.

Sakura put her arm out the scratch mark it didn't look like a human's or an animal's.

Kiriko placed an ofuda on Sakura's arm healing the wound and stopping the bleeding.

Sakura:Thank you for that.

Kiriko:Alright Sakura, tell us where was the last place that you saw Nobuto?

Sakura:You two follow me.

Sakura ran in the direction that she came from. We both followed behind her taking us near the River.

Sakura:This was the last place that i saw Nobuto!

I inspected the ground and saw some of Sakura's blood as it had dried up. But there was no signs of Nobuto.

Kiriko:And you said that he got dragged into the river.

Sakura:Yes, whatever got him just dragged him inside.

Y/N:One of us is gonna have to jump in to see if we can find him or Ryōta.

Kiriko:Hopefully none of them have drowned yet.

Sakura:Well don't look at me I'm terrified to even go near the river. I might just develop Aquaphobia after this.

Kiriko and I looked at the river as it continued to flow.

Kiriko:Y/N how long can you hold your breathe for?

Y/N:Why are you volunteering me to go in there?

Kiriko:Just asking

Y/N:Possibly for a minute at best, what about you?

Kiriko:Same amount.

Sakura:So your spirits don't grant you any breathing abilities?

Kiriko:Sakura, last time i checked foxes don't swim.

Y/N:Neither do crows.

I looked down at the river knowing that two my friends are trapped there. I began to remove my coat.

Y/N:Kiri look over Sakura. If anything goes wrong yell for me and i'll come up.


I removed my shirt and got near the river and jumped inside. I held my breathe and looked deep into the river.

I couldn't find anything, i swim over to another portion and couldn't find anything.

I came up for some air and looked at the two.

Kiriko:Did you find them?

Y/N:Nope not yet.

I continued to swim to a different part of the river trying to see if i can find Nobuto and Ryōta. But like before i found nothing.

My head came out of the river then i got out of the river. With nothing to bring back.

Kiriko:How about now?

Y/N:Nothing sadly.

I put both my shirt and coat back on. Sakura then headed towards the river.

Sakura:Do you think they atleast were flown near the shore?

Kiriko:All we can do is walk and hope that we find them.


Kiriko and I watched as something from the water grabbed Sakura by her collar.

The hand had some sort of scales on it.

Sakura:It's that thing it ha-

Sakura was then pulled into the river. Kiriko and I immediately panicked.


Kiriko ran towards the river trying to see if she can find her. I rushed after her.

A scaly hand grabbed Kiriko by her hand and attempted to drag her into the river.

Kiriko:Y/N! The spirit it has my arm!

I turned around and looked at a misfortune symbol. A small groupof rocks were flowing into the river.

The rocks collided into the hand as they flow through the river. Causing the hand to let go of Kiriko's arm.

I pulled Kiriko back away from the river.

Y/N:You alright?

Kiriko:Yeah, thanks for the rocks.

We watched as something began to come out of the River. It was some turtle looking creature.

Y/N:What's with the ugly looking turtle?

Kiriko:That's the spirit I'm guessing? A Kappa of all things.

The Kappa stared at us with it's deadeyes. The only thing we can question is where is the owner of the spirit?

Y/N:So what's the plan how are we gonna deal with this thing?

Kiriko:Look for it's user and kick them directly in the face.

Y/N:Yeah that idea sounds all good and all. But there's no sign of that person anywhere. You think the spirit might be rouge?

Kiriko:No, spirits have to link themselves to their user. Other than that there's no other way a spirit can manifest itself into the physical world without taking a different form.

The Kappa opened his mouth revealing sharp teeth. The Kappa then lunged at Kiriko and I.

We dodged the the Kappa's lunge. It turned it's head around.

Y/N:How are we supposed to even defeat that thing?

Kiriko:I don't even know if our weapons are even effective against it.

I threw a kusarigama at the Kappa only for it to phase through it.

Y/N:Well that goes against our only chance.

Kiriko:Tell me how did those rocks manage to hurt it?

Y/N:It was from my crow spirit directly. But that's the problem, we would have to look for misfortune symbols.

Kiriko:Maybe if i got under my spirit's influence. The only person who could possibly hit that thing is Genji.

Y/N:Give it a try and see if it works out.

Kiriko summoned the two Tokki gates with her Kitsune already standing alongside her.

Kiriko now empowered by her spirit, threw a kunai straight at the Kappa. It hit the spirit in the chest.

Kiriko:Woah that actually worked?.

The Kappa looked at us in surprise that we managed to hit it. The Kappa rushed towards Kiriko and swung it's claw at her leg.

Kiriko fell to her knee as the Kappa got closer to her. She threw a kunai at it's neck.

The Kappa stumbled as it began to remove the kunai from it's neck.

Kiriko's leg began to heal on it's own and she stood back up then she turned to me.

Kiriko:Y/N! Go look for the elite who is in control of this spirit.

Y/N:What about you?

Kiriko:I'll hold it off for as long as i can.

Y/N:And what if it drags you into the river as well.

Kiriko:I'd like to see it try.

Y/N:Fine, but I'm gonna need something before i head out.

Kiriko throws a suzu at me, i catch it and put it in my jacket pocket.

Kiriko:Show me what crazy idea you have this time to fake your death again.

Y/N:I will!

I began to run and crossing the bridge that was over the river. My crow spirit was out to look for the Hashimoto elite around the area.

If i was able to find Venus back when Kiriko was under his control. I can find the user of the Kappa spirit.

Y/N:Alright little buddy sense any spiritual ability that's similar to the Kappa spirit.

My crow spirit began to travel near the edge of the river. I chased after in pursuit of the Kappa user.

Kiriko's POV

I looked back at the Kappa, my fox spirit is by my side. Granting me the ability for my kunais to even interact with the spirit.

Kiriko:Y/N is right you are one ugly looking turtle.

The Kappa got furious by that comment and charged at me in full rage.

I dodged the swipe and threw a kunai straight for it's hand.

Kiriko:Your user must be one hell of a coward.

The Kappa leaped towards at me again, it took a bite on my arm.

I used my kunai to stab it's head trying to get it off. Eventually the spirit let go

Kiriko:No matter how much damage i deal to you. It won't kill you.

The Kappa began to laugh at me.

Kiriko:What are you laughing at?

I threw another kunai at the Kappa's chest. It turned around and used it's shell to block the kunai.

Kiriko:So you are learning, impressive.

The Kappa swiped again at me, i dodged it and implanted a kunai into it's arm. It retaliatied back by scratching my arm.

The Kappa then slashed my right leg causing me to kneel down. It grabbed my injured leg and began to drag me into the river.

Kiriko:Hey let go of me you damn Kappa!

I threw a kunai into it's eye. The Kappa screamed in pain letting go of my leg. The Kappa then stumbled back into river.

I got up and watched as the Kappa retreated back into the river.

Kiriko:Yeah go back into the water.

I stared at the river as it's headpopped out. It was taunting me to jump inside.

I threw a kunai at it, but it blocked the kunai with it's arm. Then it splashed some water on me.

I began to feel some weird feeling coming from the water that splashed onto me.

I fell down again onto the floor feeling paralyzed. Similar to when that stalker grabbed me a week ago.

The Kappa smiles as it gets out of the water. It grabs my legs and begins to drag me into the river.

Then the Kappa stopped again, as it looked to the west of the river. It let go of my legs as it jumped back into river. It began to swim.

Then i realized that's the direction where Y/N was headed. I reached into my pocket and threw a suzu and had it splash on me. Removing the paralyzed feeling i had.

I got up and ran across the bridge following the Kappa. I began to throw kunai's trying to have the Kappa leave it's trail.

It then got deep into the river to the point that i couldn't see it anymore. Best thing i can do is regroup with Y/N and defeat the spirit once and for all.


My crow spirit took me to a portion of the river that was far from the base. But was connected to the river.

I looked down in the water as a misfortune symbol began to glow in the river.

I think i found the user of the Kappa spirit. He's in the river. That confused me a little but i have to find him.

I threw off my Jacket and tossed it to the ground. As i prepared to jump into the river. I felt a bite on my arm. I look as the Kappa was biting onto my arm trying to drag me into the river with it.

Kiriko:Hey freak! Get off him!

Kiriko threw a kunai at the Kappa landing on it's mouth. Letting go of my arm.

Y/N:So what happened to holding him off?

Kiriko:I think he sensed that you were close to his user. Probably came to defend him.

Y/N:Well then let's put an end to this.

The Kappa began to swim and circle around it's user similar to a shark.

Y/N:Think you can throw a kunai in there?

Kiriko:No, it'll just block it. The spirit has more power while in the water.

Y/N:Then we're gonna have to play into it's own game then.

I jumped straight into the river with the spirit beginning to attack me.

I watch as Kiriko jump inside also after me.

The Kappa began to slash straight st me attacking me. I took the hits, my flinching caused me to break my hold on my breath.

Kiriko's POV

I watch as Y/N began to struggle against the Kappa. The damn thing can almost drown him if i don't do anything.

But i know what his plan is, he's the diversion, while I'm the real threat.

As i looked around inside of the river, i noticed a person who was sitting down in the water. A man that was wearing a Kappa designed suit.

I swam towards him with my kunai in hand. I then planted the kunai inside of the person's shoulder.

The person began to scream underwater, disrupting his ability to hold his breath.

I grabbed him by his hair and began to swim back to the surface. The person began to struggle against me trying to punch me.

As our heads reach the top of the river. I drag the guy out of the river, as i begin to cough from the water.

Kiriko:Thought that you could hide from me, huh?

I look at the guy as he stares at me angrily.

Kiriko:Heard your name was Naoki, right?

Naoki:Yeah so what about it?

I put a kunai up to his throat threatning him.

Kiriko:Tell me all about the reformed Hashimoto clan.

Naoki began to laugh at me, i then heard another laugh from the Kappa.

Naoki:You think you can control me. I have the upper hand here. Your friend is captured from my Kappa.

I look at the Kappa as he held onto Y/N attempting to drown him.

Naoki:Let me tell you something, Kiriko Yamagami.

Kiriko:So you are familiar with me.

Naoki:Well everyone in the Hashimoto clan knows you. My boss will be very pleased when i kill all of you! Especially him.

He points to Y/N who is still struggling on dealing with the Kappa.

Kiriko:So you really want to impress Y/N's cousin that badly, huh?

Naoki:If it wasn't for him then i wouldn't be here today! He offered me friendship and even told me about spirits which lead to me gaining my Kappa! I will not allow you to get near him!

Kiriko:So a blind loyalist, huh?

Naoki:It's not blind loyalty it's called respect!

Kiriko:Something that scum doesn't deserve. Both he and his uncle are both scum of the earth.

Naoki:Don't you compare him to that man! Atleast he's taking the mantle that he rightfully deserves. Unlike that illegitimate excuse of a human being over there.

I punched the elite in the face, knocking him backwards.

Naoki:You bitch!

He threw several punches at me, but i can tell that he isn't much of a fighter.

Kiriko:Oh come on even your predecessors put more of a fight then that.

Naoki:Don't test me! As their successor i will show you I'm just like them.

He threw another series of weak punches. This isn't even a fight at this point.

He then landed a punch to my face, i rubbed it from the mark.

Kiriko:Nice hit, now let me show you how it's done.

I kicked the elite hard in the face causing him to fly back. I walked up to him cracking my knuckles.

Kiriko:Now where are my friends?

Naoki:How about this your lives for theirs?

Kiriko:Sorry bud, but i only accept unconditional surrenders.

Naoki:Alright then. Kappa drown that asshole into the river with you! Then once you're done finish the other 3!

I watch as the Kappa takes Y/N under the river.

Naoki:He was just holding back. Now he has my full on permission, to drown him.


The spirit takes me deep in the water attempting to drown me. I can sense the feeling drowing. As i can't hold my breath for that long.

I then reached into my pocket for the one thing that has saved my life multiple times. I smashed the suzu against my leg purifying me but it also knocked the Kappa backwards causing it to let go of it's grip on me.

I began to swim up the river with my head popping out of the river.

Y/N:Like always Kiri, thank you for making the suzu.

Kiriko:Y/N nice to see that you are okay.

Naoki:Kappa don't let him get out of the damn river.

The Kappa began to follow after, as i swam out of the river. Kiriko threw a kunai straight at the Kappa damaging it's arm.

My hands touch the land and i get out of the river. Standing up and looking at the elite.

He begins to nervously smile as i approached.

Y/N:Noaki is it?

He then spit on to my face.

Noaki:I refuse to talk to you of all people! Son of Masaru!

Y/N:I understand why my cousin is mad at my existence. The only thing we share in common is the disdain for that man.

Naoki:Then why don't you just screw off then. If you are no longer interested in Hashimoto affairs! You gave up your claim, and he took it and is beginning a new for us!

Y/N:Because I'm not gonna let the people of Kanezaka go through hell again.

Naoki:Do you know who i am? I am somebody that is worthy to fight on his behalf.

Kiriko:Stop talking nonsense. Now tell us what you Hashimoto's are planning now.

Naoki:I'd rather die then to betray my king. I will not tell neither of you a single damn thing! I am Noaki head of his Hashimoto elite! Soon more will join our ranks and see our vision while you two perish in water!

The Kappa jumped out of the river and joined alongside Naoki.

Naoki:He was the one to tell me about my spiritual potential. He was the one who helped me form a bond with the Kappa! He helped my rise through the rags i once lived in to the riches that I'll soon live in. I will prove my loyalty to the true heir of the Hashimoto fortune Katsu Hashimoto!

Kiriko rolled her eyes as Noaki continued to speak.

Naoki:Kappa! Prove that you are stronger then this fox and crow!

The Kappa went in for a punch that was aiming at Kiriko's stomach.

I threw both of my kusarigamas onto both of Naoki's shoulders. I then pulled him down on the floor.


Y/N:Naoki, since you won't tell me about your boss. Then do me one thing. Tell "your king" that as long as we stand. We're not going to give up on taking down the Hashimoto.


Kiriko interrupted his sentence by kicking him again in the face. The kick caused him to fly into the river.

The Kappa spirit then disappeared as it's user has lost his consciousness.

Kiriko:And go back to the river like the coward you are.

Y/N:Glad to see that we still have it in us.

Kiriko:Of course we do. These Hashimoto's no any one else can match up to our strength as a duo!

Kiriko and I were victorious in this battle against the new Hashimoto elite. Even if we're fighting against Null Sector and Talon. We still know how to fight spirits.

However we shouldn't celebrate too early, Sakura, Nobuto and Ryöta are still missing.

Kiriko then tapped onto my shoulder as she pointed at something in the river.

Kiriko:Y/N, over there!

I look as the River was floating three unconscious bodies down the stream. 

Y/N:Is that them?

Kiriko and I ran back to the river and took them out of the river. Dragging them back to land.

Kiriko:You know how to do CPR?

Y/N:Lucky for me my best friend is a combat medic.... So.

Kiriko:I'll get Sakura, you get Nobuto. Whoever finished first gets Ryōta.

I go over to Nobuto and remove his mask. I then begin to pump his chest giving him CPR. Until i hear a wheezing sound coming out of his mouth.

Nobuto:What the? Where am i?

Kiriko finishes giving Sakura CPR with her waking up.

Sakura:I'm guessing that we're still by the river.

Nobuto:Atleast thing i remembered was getting dragged into the river then everything going black.

Sakura:Kiriko, Y/N Please tell us that you managed to defeat that thing?

Y/N:Indeed, we have. So you have nothing to worry about when getting close to the river.

I walk over to Ryōta and begin giving him CPR, however unlike with the other two he's not waking up.

Y/N:Kiriko, can you come take a look. Ryōta's not responding yet.

Kiriko walked over in a rush and began to give him CPR, just like last time nothing happened.

Y/N:Kiri, you don't think.

Kiriko:I hope not come on Ryōta!

Nobuto:No, No Ryōta!

Nobuto pushed Kiriko out of the way as he got close to his body.

Kiriko:Hey, watch it!

Nobuto:Breathe darn you!

Nobuto began to punch Ryōta's stomach. Kiriko, Sakura and I watched in confusion.

Nobuto continued to punch Ryōta's stomach until a wheezing sound came out of his mouth.

Ryōta:Nobuto, stop punching me you idiot!

Ryōta then pushed Nobuto away from him, as he began to breathe again.

Kiriko:It's good to see that the three of you are alright.

Y/N:Yeah we thought that we almost lost you.

Ryōta:I don't even remember what happened before i blacked out.

Nobuto:I'm guessing that you got dragged into the river also.


Kiriko:Well we have a story to tell you three then. How about i tell you while we make our way back to that base.

The whole team agreed and we began to start walking back to the unfinished base. Telling the team about our battle with Naoki and his Kappa spirit.

We then arrived back at the unfinished base to finish our job.

Y/N:Nobuto the explosives please.

Nobuto:Here you all go.

Nobuto handed us each an explosive and we began to plant the charges throughout the unfinished base.

Once all the charges were planted we got far away as possible from the base.

Kiriko:This is message to your cousin, Y/N! Hopefully he'll get the memo first try.

Y/N:I doubt that he will.

Kiriko presses the button on the detonator blowing up the unfinished base.

Nobuto:Another job well done.

Ryōta:It was fun to work with the two of you again.

Kiriko:Yeah it was!

Y/N:Well i know that we'll still call you three again. If we need any more Hashimoto business.

Sakura:I just hope that it doesn't involve anything to do with water anymore.

Nobuto:Awwww scared of water are we?

Sakura punched Nobuto in the head. It was nice to fight alongside with the old gang again.

Kiriko's phone began to buzz she then took it out of her pocket. Kiriko then showed me the messages from her mom.

It was her asking how long would it take for her to come back.

Y/N:I guess we should start heading back now.

Kiriko:Yeah, don't want to get mom worried. Listen it was nice hanging out with you guys again. But we have a dinner to catch.

Ryōta:Understandable. Yoh two enjoy yourselves. If i ever find anything suspicious relating to the Hashimoto's well i'll call you.

Nobuto:Till we meet again, i promise that next time i'll make an invention that will be useful to the mission.

Sakura:Bye you two and thank you all for saving our lives.

The trio waved goodbye at us as they headed back to Kanezaka.

Kiriko:Guess we better start moving.


Kiriko:You still owe me that doughnut by the way.

Y/N:Oh come on that Jinx was from the morning. Besides we just survived an encounter against the spirit.

Kiriko:The kitsune never forgets, Y/N. The kitsune never forgets, Y/N.

We began to start walking out of the area near the base and headed for Kanezaka as well.

We first stopped by a doughnut shop so i can buy one doughnut for her. She tried to get me to buy her 4 boxes even using her puppyeyes. But I've managed to fight through it.

We then headed back to Yamagami's blades and walked inside.

Kiriko:We're back!

Y/N:Asa, Toshiro!

Kiriko:Hey Y/N do you smell that?

A sense of hot delicious food was coming from the second story of the building.

Y/N:I do it smells delicious.

We both walked upstairs and followed the smell. We open the door reveling Toshiro and Asa setting the meal.

Toshiro:Oh hey you guys are here.

Asa:I was getting worried, thought the Hashimoto's did something to my little girl and her boyfriend.

Kiriko:They were no match for us, mom. You have nothing to worry about.

Both Kiriko and I sat down at the table.

Asa:I want you to know that we've prepared you a place to stay in the room next door.

Y/N:Thank you, Asa.

Toshiro:Alright you two dig in!

Kiriko and I were amazed with the delicious food right in front of us. I've always enjoyed Asa and Toshiro's cooking. Especially after the christmas dinner. I took a bite of the Teriyaki Meatball and fell in love with it.

Y/N:Alright who made the meatballs?

Asa:That would be me, it's an old family recipe.

Y/N:Thank you Asa they taste amazing. You'd think you can pass it down to me?

Asa:It's a Kamori secert. Not even Toshi knows the recipe.

Kiriko:Don't worry Y/N, when we get married I'll be sure to make you some.


Toshiro:You guys are talking about marriage now, huh?

Kiriko:Not right now, i only said that as a future insight thing.

Kiriko's face began to turn red in embarrassment. As her parents chuckle towards her.

It felt nice to be back at home with Kiriko and her family. Even though we'll be leaving again tomorrow morning. I can't wait for the day when our service in Overwatch is over. So we can return to this life of peace.

3rd POV


Törbjorn's workshop

The man that was featured in the video in Nobuto can be seen working on something.

Despite declining the request to rejoin the organization. Törbjorn is still at work trying to see what he can do to help out.

Right now he is working on a machine that has a turret slapped onto it. One that the Overwatch team can use for any future threats.

Törbjorn:Alright, i just need to get it out of the prototyping phase. Then i can contact Winston on where to send it.

He then got a look at the map, trying to find a safe way to locate the turret. He knows that Talon or Null Sector can possibly intefer with the transfer of the turret. So shipping it over to Watchpoint Gibraltar was out of the question.

Then he circled the country of Italy on where to send the turret over and have Winston to send a strike team over to pick it up.

To be continued

Alright everyone another chapter has been finished.

So the goal of this chapter was to make a chapter that feels like it would come from the first arc. Because i kind of miss the first arc.

But the Kappa was a spirit that was meant to be for the first arc. As i did cut out the Kappa guy from the Yökai crew. So in replacement for him there was gonna be a Hashimoto elite with a Kappa spirit.

In which it was reused for this chapter.

This will be one of the few times that we will return to Kanezaka. As the our next return to Kanezaka won't be for a long time.

But in the next chapter we will be heading to Italy mainly the map Coloesso.

In which let's just say Kiriko and Y/N will be meeting with a familiar face that chapter.

Hope that you will all look foward to the next chapter.

I will see you all in

Gladiators of the Arena.

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