☯☼🏮Ninjago: The Master of Cr...

By boris_5382

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This story is about a girl named Coral. She is the Magenta Ninja and the Elemental Master of Crystal. She is... More

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Rise of the Snakes
Never trust a Snake
Can of Worms
The Snake King
Tick Tock
Once Bitten Twice Shy
The Royal Blacksmiths
The Green Ninja
All of Nothing
The Rise of the Great Devourer
Day of the Great Devourer
Darkness Shall Rise
Pirates vs Ninja
Double Trouble
Ninjaball Run
Child's Play
Wrong Place Wrong Time
The Stone Army
The Day Ninjago Stood Still
The Last Voyage
Island of Darkness
The Last Hope
Return of the Overlord
Rise of the Spinjitzu Master
The Surge
The Art of the Silent Fist
The Curse of the Golden Master
Enter the Digiverse.
Codename: Arcturus
The Void
The Titanium Ninja
The Invitation
Only One Can Remain
Ninja Roll
Spy for a Spy
The Forgotten Element
The Day of the Dragon
The Greatest Fear of All
The Corrider of Elders
Winds of Change
Ghost Story
Stiix and Stones
The Temple on Haunted Hill
Kingdom Come
The Crooked Path
Grave Danger
Curseworld, Part I
Curseworld, Part II
Public Enemy Number One
Misfortune Rising
On a Wish and a Prayer
My Dinner With Nadakhan
The Last Resort
Operation Land Ho!
The Way Back
Day of the Departed
The Hands of Time
The Hatching
A Time of Traitors
A Line in the Sand
The Attack
Secrets Discovered
Pause and Effect
Out of the Fire and Into the Boiling Sea
Lost in Time
The Mask of Deception
The Jade Princess
The Oni and the Dragon
Snake Jaguar
Dead Man's Squall
The Quiet One
Game of Masks
Dread on Arrival
True Potential
Big Trouble, Little Ninjago
Iron & Stone
Radio Free Ninjago
How to Build a Dragon
Two Lies, One Truth
The Weakest Link
Saving Faith
Lessons for a Master
Green Destiny
The Darkness Comes
Into The Breach
The Fall
Wasted True Potential
Questing for Quests
A Rocky Start
The Belly of the Beast
Boobytraps and How to Survive Them
Ninja vs Lava
Ancient History
Under Seige
The Explorer's Club
Vengeance is Mine!
A Cold Goodbye
The Never-Realm
Fire Maker
An Unlikely Ally
The Message
The Traveler's Tree
Krag's Lament
Secret of the Wolf
My Enemy, My Friend
A Fragile Hope
Once and for All
Would You Like to Enter Prime Empire?
Dyer Island
Level Thirteen
Superstar Rockin' Jay
The Glitch
The Cliffs of Hysteria
The Maze of the Red Dragon
One Step Foreward, Two Steps Back
Racer Seven
The Speedway Five-Billion
Stop, Drop and Side Scroll
Ninjago Confidential
The Prodigal Father
The Temple of Madness
Game Over
Into the Dark
The Worst Rescue Ever
The Two Blades
Queen of the Munce
Trial By Mino
The Skull Sorcerer
The Real Fall
Dungeon Crawl
Masters Never Quit
The Darkest Hour
The Ascent
The Upply Strike Back!
The Son of Lilly

The Gilded Path

125 7 0
By boris_5382

(The Resistance continue planning how to save Ninjago unaware that the Sons of Garmadon are spying on them.)

Lloyd: Even if we were to get 'em alone, none of us stand a chance against his power.

Nya: Then we keep thinking until there's a plan that works. (The Sons of Garmadon climb up the Garbage Depot's roof.)

Dareth: (Gasps.) Oh, no. (He manages to get inside to warn them.)

Lloyd: We can't risk an all-out assault. My father is too powerful.

Karlof: Mm. We must, eh, how do you say? Stratergize.

Dareth: It's an ambush! (The Sons of Garmadon swing down on ropes and enter the Depot.) 

Lloyd: Protect the base. (They fight.)

(Killow enters the base with the Mask of Deception on. Griffen Turner fights him but is pushed down buy Ultra Violet. Nya throws a tool box at two S.O.G. surrounding Neuro.) 

Dareth: Sorry, boys. Welcome to Brown Town. (He is about to use his "Elemental Power" but then gets sidetracked.) Oh, not again. Hold that thought. (He goes outside again.)

Coral: And welcome to my foot! (She kicks them.)

Harumi: (With the Mask of Hatred on.) Take the son alive! (S.O.G. start grabbing Lloyd.) 

Skylor: There's too many. We need to get you out of here.

Lloyd: No! We need to fight! (Skylor throws the bikers off Lloyd and P.I.X.A.L. uses her Samurai X Mech against the S.O.G.) 

Neuro: (He coughs as Tox uses her Poison.) Next time, warn me?

Ultra Violet: Hello, mama.

Misako: I am not your mother. 

Izzy: (She appears on Ultra Violet and bites her hand.) Take that as a warning! 

Misako: Thanks. 

Izzy: No problem. 

(Meanwhile Mystake watches the fight up in her booth.) 

Killow: Get Mystake.

Luke: But she's just an old lady.

Killow: (Chuckles.) She's more than that.

Luke: (He goes to her room but it's empty.) How did she...(He doesn't notice a rat walking out.) 

Lloyd: We're losing. (Killow has Shade and Griffin captured.) 

Skylor: We need to endure.

Harumi: I missed you, Lloyd. (She attacks Lloyd and Skylor.) 

Lloyd: And you'll miss me again. (He tries to hit Harumi, but she blocks it with her sword. Coral then tackles her.) 

Coral: Nya! Skylor! Get Lloyd out of here!

Nya: Come on! (She leads him to an armored vehicle.)

Izzy: Hold up. I'm coming too. (She hops on Nya's shoulder.) 

(Coral tries to get the mask from Harumi, but Harumi flips her over. Lloyd, Nya, and Skylor then drive a tank into Harumi.) 

Lloyd: Coral, get in! (Coral gets in and Lloyd sees Misako surrounded.) My mother! We have to go back.

Misako: You are what's important. Go, son.

Karlof: We will hold off! Get Green Ninja to safe place!

Dareth: Wait for me! (He gets on and the tank leaves the base.)

Harumi: After them. After them! (Three Sons of Garmadon chase after them on their bikes.) 

Lloyd: We can't just leave them.

Nya: They aren't my concern. You are.

Dareth: Oh...This thing has everything. Heh. (Gasps.) There isn't a bathroom in here, is there?

Nya: We aren't out of the woods yet. (They activate the cannons and take out two bikers but the last one climbs on the tank.) Nice work, you two.

Dareth: Uh, I know no one takes me seriously, but about that bathroom...

Lloyd, Nya, Coral, and Izzy: No!

Dareth: Fine, I'll take it outside. (He accidentally hits the Son of Garmadon off their tank before he could blow it up with dynamite.) Don't worry, I took care of the last one. We're all clear. (He sees Garmadon on top of a building and goes back inside.) Spoke too soon. (They hear a thud.) 

Lloyd: Did anyone else feel that?

Skylor: We all did.

Nya: (She sees the Colossus.) We've got company. (Skylor fires the cannon but, The Colossus is unaffected. It then steps on them.)

Dareth: Uh, I don't need that bathroom anymore.

Izzy: Gross! 

(Garmadon starts to make the Colossus crush the tank under its foot.) 

Skylor: It won't hold!

Nya: Oh, yes, she will!

Dareth: We're pancakes!

Izzy: Just like the Bounty! 

Lloyd: Please, Dad. Don't do this. (Garmadon hesitates and starts lifting his foot. P.I.X.A.L. then attacks Garmadon.)

P.I.X.A.L.: The Resistance never quits. (Garmadon shoots her down, and the vehicle is freed causing the Colossus to fall.)

Nya: Hold on! (They escape the Colossus as Garmadon watches and Harumi appears behind them.) 

Garmadon: Son.

(Meanwhile in the Real of Oni and Dragons, Wu dreams about his childhood. He, Garmadon, and their father went fishing.)

Past Wu: He took all the worms?

Past Garmadon: No I didn't.

Past Wu: Did to!

Past Garmadon: Well, I'm hungry. We've been fishing all day. And they're wasted on your hook anyway.

Past Wu: But I'm hungry too. Now how am I supposed to catch a fish, Father?

Past First Spinjitzu Master: Boys, boys. You were both born with tremendous gifts. If you think you won't catch a fish, you won't. But if you have faith...well...

(Wu relaxes and starts having faith. Then suddenly he gets a bite.) 

Past Wu: I got a bite! I got one!

Past Garmadon: What? How? That's not fair!

Past First Spinjitzu Master: What is fair? That's faith. And judging from its pull, you've caught quite a keeper.

Past Garmadon: Wu always gets everything! (He throws his pole into the water. Wu wakes up, having aged into a teenager overnight.)

Wu: Huh?

Kai: Look who's up.

Cole: And look who's got longer legs. Even as I'm saying that out loud, that's super weird, right?

Zane: With his augmented growth cycle, that's actually quite normal for a young teenager.

Jay: A teenager? Oh, now we're in for it.

Kai: Jay, all of us except Amethyst are still teenagers.

Jay: Yeah, but grown-up teenagers. (Wu holds his head.) 

Zane: What is wrong, young Master Wu?

Wu: I...I had a dream. I was fishing with my father.

Amethyst: The First Spinjitzu Master?

Wu: And my brother was there.

Cole: His memories are coming back.

Kai: Do you remember anything else? Anything your father said?

Wu:Yeah. He said—(Someone shoots an arrow them. The ninja and Amethyst pull out weapons.)

Cole: Show yourself!

Heavy Metal: There is no escape. You are my prisoners now. (He walks up to them.) Is it true?

Cole: Is what true?

Heavy Metal: What you said. He is the son of the First Spinjitzu Master. Is it true?

Kai: (Whispering) Don't tell him. You remember what happened when they found out about our powers. And when they found out Amethyst was an Oni. 

Heavy Metal: I can hear you. (He shoots another arrow at them.) 

Wu: Yes. It's true. I am the son of the First Spinjitzu Master. I am Wu. (Heavy Metal removes his armor and reveals "he" is actually a "she".)

Heavy Metal: Then the legend is true. You have come back to take the Dragon Armor.

Jay: Whoa. Not what I was expecting.

Amethyst: You're a woman? 

Kai: And Heavy Metal?

Heavy Metal: That is my given Hunter name. My real name is Faith.

Wu: (To himself.) Faith. All you need is faith.

Faith: Please. Tell me. Do you know where the Dragon Armor is?

Wu: That way. (He points in a random direction.) 

Faith: Then we must go. (She stomps out their campfire.) 

Zane: Go? Go where?

Wu: To the armor.

Faith: Iron Baron has his Hunters looking for you. And they never fail. The farther we get, the longer we'll live. (She runs.)

Jay: Yeah, Zane. We're going for the armor. Away from the man with the funny top hat. That's a good thing.

Kai: Sure. 'Cause when has our Master ever led us astray? (Once Faith is out of sight he whispers to Wu.) Why are you leading us astray? You don't even know where the armor is.

Wu: No. But I have faith.

Kai: Oh. Faith. He has faith. (Faith brings back a vehicle.)

Cole: Uh, how are we all gonna fit on that thing?

Faith: We aren't. But it will hold our supplies. What it can't carry, we bury. Iron Baron cannot know I am helping you. Especially you. (She points a weapon at Amethyst.)

Amethyst: Yeah. O-of course. Hehe. You secret's safe with us. I don't want any trouble.

Faith: Good. 

Jay: Now please lower that giant rifle thing. So...(laughs) we have faith.

Kai: (To Wu.) I hope you know what you're doing.

(Back in Ninjago, Lloyd, Coral, and Nya blend in the with disguises.)

Gayle: (On TV) What, by all accounts, looks like a devastating blow to the Resistance. The Green Ninja's secret headquarters has been raided with numerous arrests made.

Lloyd: (He pulls out his gi.) Are you sure I have to do this?

Nya: I already got rid of the vehicle I spend forever building. We need to destroy everything that can give us away.

Lloyd: But this. This is who I am.

Coral: That suit never made you what you are. It's what's inside of you. And I'm sorry I called you weak. But from here on out, we have to hide our identities. 

Nya: They'll be looking for us, and wearing our colors will only draw attention.

Lloyd: (Sighs.) The Resistance never quits. (The flame glows green as he burns his gi.)

Skylor: Who's hungry? (She and Dareth approaches them with food.)

Nya: You didn't steal that, did you? We don't have any money.

Izzy: And I don't even have pockets. 

Dareth: Oh, you're forgetting that she owns a noodle empire. 

Skylor: Eh. And there are still a few kind souls who are watching over us. (They look over to a noodle cart and people waving at them.)

Dareth: (He looks to see three kids beating up an old police car.) This place is kinda sketchy. Are you sure we're safe here?

Nya: For the time being.

Lloyd: What about our friends? My mother?

Skylor: The word on the street is that they were taken to Kryptarium Prison.

Dareth: Garmadon's forces have that place pretty bottled up. And before you ask, no, I cannot use my Brown Power to break us in. Those abilities sadly flushed away.

Nya: They'll be all right. But will you?

Lloyd: I already lost my powers. Now my friends? I couldn't protect them.

Coral: It took us all by surprise. But we have to endure.

Lloyd: Yeah, right. Endure. Living in squalor with the rats.

Skylor: Even those who have nothing find the will to carry on.

Dareth: (He sees a rat.) Ah! Rat, rat, rat, rat. Rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat. (He grabs a mop.)

Rat: Wait! Stop! Don't! (Dareth stops before hitting the rat.) 

Coral: Uh, what the heck? 

Nya: Is that rat talking to us?

Lloyd: Yes. I believe it is.

Izzy: Well this day can't get any crazier. 

Rat: Oh. I'm sorry. Sometimes I forget how unnerving this can be. (Laughs.) Uh, how about this? (She transforms to Mystake.) Ah. Much better.

Izzy: Never mind. It can get crazier. 

Skylor: Mystake?

Nya: Y-you were just—

Coral: (Stammering.) Who? When? Where? What? Why? How?

Lloyd: H-how did you do that?

Mystake: Ooh, food. Ha-ha. I'm famished. (She grabs the bag from Lloyd.)

Dareth: Heh. She made me pee my entire body weight. Don't you know she can do anything?

Mystake: Perhaps now is the time to tell you all who I really am. Or maybe after I eat.

(Back in the Oni and Dragon realm at night, the ninja and Amethyst pull Wu on the vehicle as Faith walks beside them.)

Cole: Oh, my feet. They feel like they're gonna fall off.

Jay: Does this remind you guys of anything?

Kai: Ugh. Like our time tortured in Dead's End?

Jay: No. When this all began. Just the five of us. Hauling Master Wu to who knows where. Ha-ha.

Cole: Whoa, yeah. When we got our Golden Weapons.

Kai: Only now Coral isn't with us and we're heading to the Dragon Armor, which is who knows where 'cause this little liar has us on a wild goose chase!

Amethyst: Shh, Kai. Don't let Faith hear. 

Zane: We must have faith, Kai. To turn back now would be death.

Cole: Yeah, no need to remind us.

Wu: (To Faith.) Why do you wear the mask?

Faith: That was Iron Baron's idea. He didn't want the others to know his greatest Hunter was a woman. He forbade me to ever take it off.

Wu: So the others don't know?

Faith: Iron Baron has a way to control us all. It's either his way, or you are cast out. But when you find the armor, you can control Firstbourne. Then we can all leave this forsaken place.

Jay: (He and the others stop pulling the vehicle.) That's right. I almost forgot. Dragons are the only creatures who can ferry between realms.

Zane: If we can find the Dragon Armor, we can get home.

Faith: What is this place you call home?

Kai: It's called Ninjago.

Faith: Ninja-go?

Cole: A place where nobody forces you to wear a mask.

Wu: It's a beautiful place. At least it used to be. Before my brother soured it. Which is why we need to return. Can you tell me about my father? Some things I remember. Some things I forget.

Faith: Every child in the First Realm knows the tale of the First Spinjitzu Master. Because your father was both Oni and Dragon, he found a bond with the Dragon mother, and she with him. With her fire, and his metal, they forged the Dragon Armor. Stories say he rode the magnificent beast, but not with chains. He would soar through the skies only with the respect they had for one another. Together they sought to put an end to the devastating war, and unite the realm.

Jay: Wow.

Kai: That is so cool. (They go back to pulling the vehicle.) 

Faith: But there were those who would never allow it.

Wu: Why?

Faith: The Oni and Dragon have always been mortal enemies. And there are some divides that cannot be bridged. Seeing there would never be peace, your father was devastated. He took off his armor and left the First Realm forever in hopes of finding the peace he was looking for.

Zane: That is something we are all still searching for.

Faith: (To Amethyst.) But you, you are different. You're an Oni. Why have you helped free the dragons? 

Amethyst: Unlike the other Oni, I wasn't born and raised in this realm. I was born and raised in Ninjago. I have an amazing life there. I used to have a husband before he died and I have a daughter right now. We need to get home so that I can see her and that we can stop Garmadon.

Faith: You sound like you love your home and your family very much.

Amethyst: I do. And I'll do anything to protect my loved ones there. 

Wu: But what of the Firstbourne when my father left?

Faith: She remained behind faithfully guarding his armor, waiting for the day of his return. 

Cole: But he never came.

Kai: Which is why you think Master Wu can find it.

Faith: Think? I know. Or we will die.

Jay: Yeah, but do you have to keep saying that? (They hear a noise, stop pulling the vehicle, and turn around to see some lights approaching them.)

Faith: Hunters.

Zane: We need to hide.

Jay: Hide where? We're in a desert! 

Cole: Arrgh! I'd run away if my feet weren't so tired.

Kai: Well I'm not going back without a fight. (They grab their weapons.)

Faith: Put those weapons down and do exactly as I say. (She grabs some chains.) Quick! Put these on! Do it! If you want to live! (She puts her armor on.)

Jay: Live. Ha-ha. Now there's a word you'd like to hear more.

(Muzzle and Daddy No Legs walk up to them.) 

Daddy No Legs: Aye! You caught them, Heavy Metal!

Muzzle: (Mumbles.)

Daddy No Legs: Yes, I know he knows that, Muzzle. I was just paying him a compliment.

Faith: What do you want?

Daddy No Legs: You can't possibly take them all back by yourself—

Faith: So you can leave.

(Muzzle laughs.) 

Daddy no Legs: Well I can see we are not wanted. We'll just be on our way. I will tell the Baron of the good news.

Muzzle: (He looks at Wu and mumbles.)

Daddy No Legs: Why, yes, he does look taller. But last time he was in a disguise.

Muzzle: (Mumbles.)

Daddy No Legs: Hold it right there! Until we can get all this figured out. (Kai trips them and they point weapons at the two of them.) Or not.

Faith: Tie them up.

Daddy No Legs: (He and Muzzle are tied up in chains.) You're a traitor! Iron Baron will have your head for this! (The ninja steal their vehicles.) Go on and run. You won't get far.

Kai: With your speeders, we'll have a running start. (They take off.)

Daddy No Legs: You're no better than that shapeshifting Oni! You hear me, Heavy Metal!? You'll pay for this!

Faith: Which way?

Wu: That way.

Kai: Into the unknown.

Faith: And then, ninja-ho!

Amethyst: Ninjago! 

(They speed off into the night.) 

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