☯☼🏮Ninjago: The Master of Cr...

By boris_5382

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This story is about a girl named Coral. She is the Magenta Ninja and the Elemental Master of Crystal. She is... More

OC information
Rise of the Snakes
Never trust a Snake
Can of Worms
The Snake King
Tick Tock
Once Bitten Twice Shy
The Royal Blacksmiths
The Green Ninja
All of Nothing
The Rise of the Great Devourer
Day of the Great Devourer
Darkness Shall Rise
Pirates vs Ninja
Double Trouble
Ninjaball Run
Child's Play
Wrong Place Wrong Time
The Stone Army
The Day Ninjago Stood Still
The Last Voyage
Island of Darkness
The Last Hope
Return of the Overlord
Rise of the Spinjitzu Master
The Surge
The Art of the Silent Fist
The Curse of the Golden Master
Enter the Digiverse.
Codename: Arcturus
The Void
The Titanium Ninja
The Invitation
Only One Can Remain
Ninja Roll
Spy for a Spy
The Forgotten Element
The Day of the Dragon
The Greatest Fear of All
The Corrider of Elders
Winds of Change
Ghost Story
Stiix and Stones
The Temple on Haunted Hill
Kingdom Come
The Crooked Path
Grave Danger
Curseworld, Part I
Curseworld, Part II
Public Enemy Number One
Misfortune Rising
On a Wish and a Prayer
My Dinner With Nadakhan
The Last Resort
Operation Land Ho!
The Way Back
Day of the Departed
The Hands of Time
The Hatching
A Time of Traitors
A Line in the Sand
The Attack
Secrets Discovered
Pause and Effect
Out of the Fire and Into the Boiling Sea
Lost in Time
The Mask of Deception
The Jade Princess
The Oni and the Dragon
Snake Jaguar
Dead Man's Squall
The Quiet One
Game of Masks
Dread on Arrival
True Potential
Big Trouble, Little Ninjago
Iron & Stone
Radio Free Ninjago
How to Build a Dragon
The Gilded Path
Two Lies, One Truth
The Weakest Link
Saving Faith
Lessons for a Master
Green Destiny
The Darkness Comes
Into The Breach
The Fall
Wasted True Potential
Questing for Quests
A Rocky Start
The Belly of the Beast
Boobytraps and How to Survive Them
Ninja vs Lava
Ancient History
Under Seige
The Explorer's Club
Vengeance is Mine!
A Cold Goodbye
The Never-Realm
Fire Maker
An Unlikely Ally
The Message
The Traveler's Tree
Krag's Lament
Secret of the Wolf
My Enemy, My Friend
A Fragile Hope
Once and for All
Would You Like to Enter Prime Empire?
Dyer Island
Level Thirteen
Superstar Rockin' Jay
The Glitch
The Cliffs of Hysteria
The Maze of the Red Dragon
One Step Foreward, Two Steps Back
Racer Seven
The Speedway Five-Billion
Stop, Drop and Side Scroll
Ninjago Confidential
The Prodigal Father
The Temple of Madness
Game Over
Into the Dark
The Worst Rescue Ever
The Two Blades
Queen of the Munce
Trial By Mino
The Skull Sorcerer
The Real Fall
Dungeon Crawl
Masters Never Quit
The Darkest Hour
The Ascent
The Upply Strike Back!
The Son of Lilly


195 5 0
By boris_5382

(With the original four ninja gone, the Sons of Garmadon took over Ninjago.)

Ultra Violet: (On TV) Welcome back to Ultra Hunt! The place where hunting traitors couldn't be more fun. (Laughs.) The game show where you, the viewer, can win cash and rewards, or even the Grand Prize if you help us catch the Green Ninja.

Woman: (On TV) I won! I made the call! I did that!

Ultra Violet: (On TV) Today's fugitive is the Police Commissioner! (Chopper Maroon goes up to a figure wearing green.)

Chopper Maroon: Hey, haven't you heard? The color green has been outlawed. Emperor Garmadon's orders. (He rips his cloak off, revealing Dareth.)

Dareth: Fine. You found the Brown Ninja. But I may not go quietly. Ugh!

Chopper Maroon: (He digs through Dareth's bag and brings out a Puffy Potsticker.) Brown Ninja? Is he even on the list?

Mohawk: No list I know. Is his power hoarding food?

Dareth: I will have you know (He takes the Puffy Potsticker) my intense training requires a high calorie intake. And for the record, your insensitivity to this matter is downright cruel.

Chopper Maroon: (Laughs.) He's just a wannabe. Cut him loose.

Mohawk: Thanks for the breakfast.

Dareth: The Resistance will make you pay!

Chopper Maroon: What resistance? (They laugh and leave with his food. Dareth goes to a secret location.)

Dareth: It's freezing.

Misako: So they'll never bother to look here. Did you get food?

Dareth: Yeah, they took everything. Except...(He pulls out the now-stale Puffy Potsticker.) Ah-ha! Mr. Chen's Puffy Potsticker. I was gonna save it for later, but it's yours. Eat up, Lloyd. You lost your Elemental Power, but not your appetite.

Lloyd: Uh, uh...they're just as hungry as I am.

Misako: No, son. You need your strength.

Nya: And we're here to protect you, remember? We insist.

Lloyd: (He reluctantly eats it.) Hmm. Puffy.

Nya: Break's over. Let's go again. (Nya fought Lloyd while everyone else but Coral watches.)

Dareth: How goes the training for the leader of our resistance?

P.I.X.A.L.: Truthfully, not so well. Lloyd says he doubts he can lead us without what makes him powerful.

Dareth: But Nya and Coral still have their power. Doesn't he believe it'll come back?

Misako: He wasn't talking about his power. He was talking about his friends.

Dareth: Ah, man. I miss those ninja too. It's only been a week since Emperor Garmadon's taken over, and now everything's upside down. If it means anything, I'll protect the little green guy with my life if it comes to that.

Misako: We all would.

Dareth: And what's with her? (He points to Coral who is furiously hitting and punching bag and a sparring dummy.)

Izzy: Ever since her mom's demise, she has been more aggressive than ever.

P.I.X.A.L.: She even takes out her anger on some of us.

Dareth: She seems to have a few pent up issues.

P.I.X.A.L.: Indeed. Perhaps we should reach out to the other Elemental Masters.

Dareth: I mean, seriously, what have they done for Ninjago lately? Besides, Harumi probably has them all rounded up.

(An angered Coral creates a crystal dagger and throws it at Dareth.)

Dareth: Ahh! (He barely dodges it.)

Coral: Don't say her name! That bratty little princess took away everything from me even after I shared my pain with her! But we don't have to say her name every day in my presence! (Her eyes turn purple for a second.)

P.I.X.A.L.: Coral, you need to relax.

Coral: Never tell me to relax. We've been here for a week. We should be having a plan to take down that demon emperor, but instead we're stuck here while Lloyd continues to mope!

Misako: He's trying his best, Coral.

Coral: Well his best is not enough. As much as what Garmadon did to Lloyd, Lloyd still doesn't have the strength or confidence to hurt his father. He's weak.

Nya: Hey! He might be a little unreliable right now, but at least some of us have the strength to keep pushing him to achieve!

Coral: Then why don't you lead the resistance then?! All that's happened ever since we became ninja to protect, is pain, pain and more pain. Well you know what? I'm done. I'm through going through pain!

Nya: You can't quit. Ninja never quit.

Coral: Then I guess I'm not a real ninja then. Ninjago has changed. I've changed. It's over Nya. (Coldly.) I quit. (She turns to leave.)

Nya: Coral...(She tries to stop her, but Coral aggressively punches her down hard in the face.)

(Everyone gasps. Coral takes out her mask and throws it on the ground before walking out the door. Everyone stares saddened.)

(Meanwhile Harumi and Mr. E ride an elevator to the top of Borg Tower where Garmadon is.)

Harumi: Emperor Garmadon. The city-wide sweeps have proven unsuccessful.

Garmadon: I don't understand. I have all the power, and he has nothing.

Harumi: We believe there could be some dissenters harboring him.

Garmadon: Then we should squeeze the city until the traitors scurry out for us to crush him. (As he raises his hand, the colossus also raises its hand.)

Harumi: Ninjago City has fallen. Their fear controls them. Any more could make them desperate. Desperate people take desperate actions. (Garmadon lowers the colossus hand.) May I suggest something more surgical? (She looks to Mr. E.) He won't rest until he finds him, because he doesn't need rest. He's built to be a cut above the rest.

Garmadon: Find my son. (Mr. E and Harumi bow before leaving.)

(Meanwhile in the realm of Oni and Dragons, Kai manages to find foil under the Bounty's debris.)

Kai: Foil. I found foil! Ah! Yes! We have foil!

Zane: (He grunts as he sets up a radio.) Okay. Let's see if it works.

Cole: Say we're lucky enough to reach someone in Ninjago. After everything that's happened, is there even a home to go back to?

Amethyst: One way to find out. Here goes nothing. (She flips a switch but nothing happens.)

Zane: And that sounds like nothing.

Kai: Unh! We're never getting home!

Jay: So it doesn't work. I'm telling you guys, I've been feeling so much better now that I've accepted our situation. This is our new home.

Cole: You don't sound like yourself, Jay.

Jay: I'm just saying you don't have to freak out about it. Heh. It could be worse.

Kai: Worse? Worse!? A strange tea just marooned us in the Realm of Oni and Dragon. A realm, mind you, we know nothing about, with no hope of getting home, and no clue as to what else is out there!

Jay: Uh, Oni and Dragons, duh?

Cole: Sure, Jay. We've all seen Dragons. But aren't you the least bit concerned about coming across an Oni other than Amethyst? I mean, we hardly know anything about them.

Zane: Except that they like to destroy, Amethyst is a full blooded one, and Master Wu is part one.

Wu: (Now a child.) I'm hungry.

Cole: Sorry, Master, but I thought we told you. We're rationing our food.

Zane: Hmm. Perhaps there is some useful guidance you could impart on us in this difficult time?

Cole: Master Wu?

Wu: I'm hungry.

Jay: (Laughs.) Ah, man.

Kai: You not freaking out is freaking me out!

Jay: Kai, baby, it's much easier coping with life's problems when you let go of hope. Whoo-hoo! Hey, turn up that music. That's my butter and jam. Yeah-ha!

Cole: Yeah-ah! He's totally lost it.

Jay: Nope. I've totally found it.

Amethyst: No, you've lost it like Ultra Violet.

Wu: Still hungry.

Kai: We all are.

Zane: Be patient. He's a growing boy. At his excelled growth rate, we'll have our old Master soon enough.

Kai: We're low on food, Master. How about you go out and find some?

Wu: I don't wanna.

Cole: Now, Master, don't put off till tomorrow what can be done today.

Jay: Pfft, ha. That's rich. Now we're giving him lessons he taught us. Haha.

Wu: Will you...will you come with me?

Cole: (He nods.) Okay, you guys fix the radio. We'll go see what food we can scrounge up. Come on, Little Master.

Wu: Why do you call me that?

Cole: Uh...Habit, I guess.

Jay: Quit messing with my tunes, man. (Cole and Wu trekked the realm, still not finding food.)

Wu: It feels like we've been walking forever.

Cole: Yeah, well, ninja never quit.

Wu: I'm not a ninja.

Cole: Ah, ha. One day, you will be. (They hear a dragon and see a baby one eating food.) It's okay. I used to be scared of them too. But Dragons are our friends. (He comes out of hiding and approaches it.) Hi, little fella! Whatcha eating? Mmm, looks delicious. (They Dragon gets into a stance.) Oh, oh, oh. It's okay, we just wanna share. (Stormbringer approaches and chases them shooting out lightning.)

Wu: It's a Lightning Dragon!

Cole: I can see that!

Wu: You said they were our friends!

Cole: I was wrong! They're mean! Keep running! (Stormbringer starts flying.) They're a lot bigger than I remember too. (The baby starts chasing them too.) Run! We'll take cover. Uh, uh, in there! (They ran in a cave and Cole blocks the entrance with his earth.) That was a learning experience.

Wu: What is this? (He looks at paintings on the walls.)

Cole: Huh. It looks like we're not the only ones in this realm. We need to warn the others.

(Kai holds up a torch as Zane fixes the radio.)

Kai: No sign of Cole. Or Wu for that matter. So, whatcha doin', Jay?

Jay: It's my new video game console. I built it myself. (He plays his "game" on a piece of wood.) Ugh. Eh. (He keeps playing.) 

Kai: Uh-huh. (Their radio starts humming.) Is it working?

Zane: It's working!

Kai: Really? Jay, do you believe it?

Jay: Ain't no video game console with unlimited plays.

Amethyst: Oh brother. 

Kai: You hear that?

Man: (On radio) In place—

Jay: Is it a message?

Man: (On radio)—On my count.

Jay: From Ninjago?

Man: (On radio) Have mark? Waylay.

Zane: It doesn't sound like it's coming from Ninjago. It's possible we've intercepted a transmission originating from this island.

Jay: Who do you think it is? Oni?

Amethyst: I wasn't born in this realm, but I don't think Oni have radios. 

Man: (On radio) Mark too. Waylay. Waylay now.

Kai: Who's Mark? And what's a waylay?

Zane: A mark is another way of saying "target." And a waylay is an ambush.

Kai: Ambush? They're talking about us. We gotta get out of here!

Jay: Where?

Kai: Anywhere. (They see some searchlights and someone throws a weapon at them.) Run!

Jay: I second that! (They run away as they are being chased.) 

Kai: Where are they?

Zane: I don't have a visual. (Something drags him away.)

Jay: Zane! (A chain grabs him and Kai.) Aah! (They are dragged away.)

Amethyst: Jay! Kai! (She runs before also getting grabbed.) No! (She is dragged away too.) 

(Meanwhile back in Ninjago, Lloyd fights P.I.X.A.L. and her Samurai X Mech while Nya and Izzy eat some noodles.)

Nya: Embrace your power. Before you can use it, you must find it within.

Lloyd: (He tries to summon his Energy.) Come on. (P.I.X.A.L. restrains him with chains and he falls to the ground.)

Nya: Fight it, Lloyd. Be stronger than what holds you back.

Izzy: You can do it Lloyd! 

Lloyd: Let me out.

Nya and Izzy: Fight it!

Lloyd: I—I can't. I can't! Just let me out of these stupid chains, okay? (Nya unties him.) I can't.

Nya: Or won't? You're not the only one who lost everything. I lost my friends. I lost my friendship with Coral. I lost my boyfriend. My brother. They'd want us to fight.

Lloyd: What if—What if—What if my powers don't ever come back? And what if Coral was right. 

P.I.X.A.L.: Then we fight on with what we have.

Nya: And we build what we don't. We get stronger. Each and every day. But we need you to believe in yourself.

Lloyd: I watched the Bounty get crushed to pieces. And the others... They all gave their powers to save my life. And I-I couldn't do anything. All I could do was watch.

Nya: There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of them. And Coral may have hurt me. But as long as I have my power, and breath in my body, I'm going to protect you. And you are going to defeat your father. Because what else is there for us to do? Give up? Unlike Coral, I don't give up.

Lloyd: Then maybe Coral was right. Maybe you should lead the Resistance. (He walks away saddened before Misako and Dareth come barging in.) 

Misako: We have to leave.

Dareth: Like, pronto.

Izzy: What's wrong? 

Misako: Garmadon's forces are sweeping the entire block.

Dareth: And we're not talking brooms and dustpans, but a full-on battalion. (They leave, and the Sons of Garmadon checks the alley before Mr. E finds their hideout. Mr. E finds food and P.I.X.A.L.'s mech.)

Killow: Ooh, they're close. Spread out and make a five-block perimeter. We'll box 'em in. (The Resistance try to escape but S.O.G. are blocking their way.)

Nya: We have to go the other way.

P.I.X.A.L.: They're coming this way too.

Misako: We're blocked in.

Lloyd: (He looks at the rooftops.) Do you think we can all make it to the top?

Dareth: Uh. Gonna be honest with you. You might have to carry me.

Izzy: No time for that. (They hide instead using trash bags, just as the S.O.G. drive down the alley.)

Killow: Hold. (After a few seconds.) Let's keep moving.

Misako: That was close.

Dareth: (Pants.) If I were a lemon, I'd be lemonade.

Nya: Let's get out of here. 

(They start to walk away but Lloyd sees a picture of him and his friends.) 

Lloyd: The Bounty. This is where it was destroyed.

Nya: We have to move on. We're all that's left. (Lloyd looks on the back of the portrait and finds a leaf.)

P.I.X.A.L.: Is that—It appears to be a tea leaf. Traveler's Tea.

Lloyd: I only see one thruster. Do you see the other?

Nya: No. (Gasps.) And there's only one sail. I see the anchor but no rudder. This is only half the ship. That means—

Misako: The other half is somewhere else.

Lloyd: They could still be...alive. (They cheer but are surrounded by Sons of Garmadon.)

Dareth: Everyone get outta here. I'll hold them off.

Nya: Dareth, there's too many!

Dareth: I told you the Brown Ninja would give his life to protect you. I may be slow and out of shape, but I keep my word. (Mr. E jumps to him swinging his swords.) Aah! (Someone hits Mr. E before he could attack.)

Karlof: Back in Metalonia, it is not polite to scare weak man.

Nya: Karlof?

Shade: (He appears behind Nya.) Hello, gorgeous.

Griffen Turner: (He runs out, hitting down every S.O.G. biker.) It's been a while—but it looks like—you—could use our help.

Lloyd: The Elemental Masters. (They run into an alley where they meet Skylor, driving a garbage truck. Coral is also there riding in the back.) 

Coral: What are you guys waiting for? 

Skylor: Get in.

Lloyd: Coral! You came back! 

Coral: Of course. I couldn't just let them get you. I've done some thinking. You were right Nya. Ninja never quit. 

Nya: Skylor, how did you know?

Skylor: Let's just say we've had our ear to the ground.

Lloyd: P.I.X.A.L., we need the mech. (Everyone else jumps onto the garbage truck.)

Nya: You thought we were alone in this. But we have friends.

(Cole and Wu returns to their campsite but don't see anyone.)

Cole: Guys? Hello? We've got dinner! Some weird vegetables or fruit, or something like that.

Wu: Where's the flying ship?

Cole: That's not a good sign. (They see some tire tracks in the mud and sand.) 

Wu: Tire tracks. They lead this way. (He follows them.) 

Cole: Where are you going?

Wu: To find our friends.

(The others are being led into a lair blindfolded by some hunters.)

Jay: Ooh, are we playing hide and seek?

(One of the Hunters tries to push Kai to his knees)

Kai: Get your mitts off me! Argh! (Struggles against the Hunter, but is easily restrained.)

Amethyst: Whoever you are, let us go! 

(The captive quartet are pushed to their knees)

Zane: Careful!

(Four Hunters remove their blindfolds.)

Leader: Lost...are we? (The Hunters start laughing at them.)

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