The Shadow Queen of Tywin Lan...


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After the death of his wife, Tywin Lannister knew he would never remarry. However, when the relationships bet... Еще

I. When a Lion & a Dragon Meet, part 1
II. When a Lion & a Dragon Meet, part 2
III. A Dragon can Thrive Anywhere
IV. The Return of the Dragon Princess
V. Unofficial Alliance Between Lion & Dragon
VI. No Rest For The Heroes
VII. Sometimes a Woman has to do Things on her Own
VIII. Help From the Dragons
IX. Fire & Blood, part 1
X. Fire & Blood, part 2
XI. A Trip to Lannisport
XII. Cards on the Table, part 1
XIII. Cards on the Table, part 2
XIV. Meeting the Lion Cubs
XV. Tourney at Lannisport
XVI. Crossing the Line, part 1
XVII. Crossing the Line, part 2
XVIII. Where Madness Truly Started, part 1
XIX. Where Madness Truly Started, part 2
XX. The Aftermath of Duskendale
XXI. Sacrifices for the Greater Good
XXII. The Holy Union Between a Lion & a Dragon
XXIII. The Happiness a Marriage Brings
XXIV. Half Lion & Half Dragon
XXV. The Start of the Rebellion
XXVI. The Final Confrontation
XXVII. The Last Dragon
XXVIII. The Rage of a Lion
XXIX. A Lion Always Defends his Mate
XXX. The Consequences of One's Actions
XXXI. Long Live King Robert Baratheon
XXXII. The Union of a Lion & a Stag
XXXIII. The Story of the WesterLands
XXXIV. 16 Years into the Future
XXXV. The Royal Family Visits Winterfell
XXXVI. Masks & Lies All Around
XXXVII. Revenge is a Dish best Served Cold
XXXVIII. The Start of the War of the Five Kings
XXXIX. Revelations & Heated Moments
XL. The Prodigal Son Returns
XLI. Pre-Battle Arguments
XLII. An Easy Victory...Perhaps Too Easy
XLIII. Not All Lannisters Are Bad
XLIV. A Change of Plans
XLV. A War Benefits No One
XLVI. Meeting Your Idol
XLVII. A Lion Still Has Claws
XLVIII. Undercover Direwolf
XLIX. Brave Like A Lion
L. Even the Strictest People have a Softer Side
LI. The Wolf, the Lion & the Dragon
LII. Dreams of Winter
LIII. Limited Offers & Tough Decisions
LIV. Renly's Pretender
LV. Battle of Blackwater Bay, part 1
LVI. Battle of Blackwater Bay, part 2
LVII. Checking Up on those that Matter to You
LVIII. A Dragon in Court
LIX. Mingling with the Crowd
LX. Visions & Failed Family Reconnections
LXI. Only a Dragon Can Handle a Jealous Lion
LXII. Plans & Private Sibling Discussions
LXIII. Family Arguments & Rising Suspicions
LXV. Private Lion Discussions
LXVI. The Queen of Thorns
LXVII. Small Council Meetings & Bitter Truths
LXVIII. The Game between the Lion, the Dragon & the Rose
LXIX. The Harsh Truth
LXX. Pride Meeting, part 1
LXXI. Pride Meeting, part 2
LXXII. Accepting the Truth
LXXIII. Hidden Agendas & Favours
LXXIV. A Forced Wedding
LXXV. An Unforgettable Wedding Reception
LXXVI. Breaking Fast with Lions
LXXVII. A Walk Around King's Landing, part 1
LXXVIII. A Walk Around King's Landing, part 2
LXXIX. Rising Tensions in the Small Council
LXXX. Arguments, Tears & Premonitions
LXXXI. The Last of the Lions Returns
LXXXII. Secret Deals & Family Conflictions
LXXX. Heartfelt Moments & Sinful Plans
LXXXIV. Arrows, Promises & Fabrics
LXXXV. Garden Walks & Casual Talks
LXXXVI. The Return of Favours & The Deliverance of Gifts
LXXXVII. It's the Small Moments that Count
LXXXVIII. The Purple Wedding, part 1
LXXXIX. The Purple Wedding, part 2
XC. The Purple Wedding, part 3
XCI. The Purple Wedding, part 4
XCII. An Unusual Royal Test
XCIII. The Golden Lion vs The Red Viper
XCIV. Mama Dragon & the Lion Cubs
XCV. Unveiling Past Secrets & Rare Moments of Peace
XCVI. Iron Banks & Pre-Trial Arguments
XCVII. The Trial of Tyrion Lannister, part 1
XCVIII. The Trial of Tyrion Lannister, part 2
XCIX. The Trial of Tyrion Lannister, part 3
C. Daggers, Spears & Poisons
CI. Trial by Combat
CII. Sneaky Plans & Dreams of Dragon
CIII. The Escapee Dwarf
CIV. Confessions
CV. Open Small Council Positions
CVI. Personal Discussions & Spreading News
CVII. Sweet Apology & Sword Naming
CVIII. Jealousy Wears the Colour Red, part 1
CIX. Jealousy Wears the Colour Red, part 2
CX. The Reach
CXI. A Sparrow in King's Landing
CXII. Plans Can Always Backfire
CXIII. The Dragoness Enters the Game
CXIV. She-Dragon vs High Sparrow
CXV. Exposed Family Secrets
CXVI. Fast Spreading Rumours
CXVII. Plotting Dances & Preparing Dornish Trips
CXVIII. Arriving at Dorne
CXIX. Red Viper vs She-Dragon
CXX. A Confession by the Water Gardens
CXXI. Dornish Wedding
CXXII. Catching Up
CXXIII. Dragon Mothers, Scorpions & Past Mistakes
CXXIV. Temporary Truce, part 1
CXXV. Temporary Truce, part 2
CXXVI. Temporary Truce, part 3
CXXVII. The Direwolf Children
CXXVIII. Jaime's Confession
CXXIX. Northern Reunions
CXXX. All Hail 'Queen' Visenya
CXXXI. An Old Lion in Winterfell
CXXXII. Visenya's Arrival
CXXXIII. War Council Arguments
CXXXIV. Love & Friendship Until The End
CXXXV. Reunion of the Wolf, the Dragon & the Lion
CXXXVI. Clearing a Major Misunderstanding
CXXXVII. Winter Sparing & Silent Spying
CXXXVIII. The Dragons Reunite
CXXXIX. Showoffs, Hidden Skills & Shocking News
CXL. War Plans
CXLI. Unexpected Visions, part 1
CXLII. Unexpected Visions, part 2
CXLIII. Silent Care & Dragon Ideas
CXLIV. Dragon Stubbornness & Well-Kept Secrets
CXLV. Family Swords & Haunting Songs
CXLVI. The Rains of Castamere
CXLVII. Before the Big Battle
CXLVIII. Pre-Battle Speech
CXLIX. The Wise Advice of an Aunt
CL. The Long Night Battle...Begins!
CLI. The Battle Continues...
CLII. The Living vs The Undead
CLIII. Wounds, Struggles & First Losses
CLIV. Costly Victory, part 1
CLV. Costly Victory, part 2
CLVI. Shared Grief
CLVII. Ghosts of the Past
LCVIII. Miracles & Trials
CLIX. Let Them Know
CLX. Queen of the Soldiers
CLXI. Brother Plans & Unexpected Decisions
AU - Chapter I
Interviews - I
New Tywin Book!

LXIV. Roses, Lions & Dragons

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The Gardens of the Red Keep, King's Landing – Crownlands – A few hours after Visenya visits the Alchemists


Visenya had returned from the Alchemist Guilt with her mind busy. Those things that Haylene had sent had troubled her and she knew she needed to search more. She also knew that it was a matter of time before Tywin would hear of them, especially if her niece had managed to bring back dragons.

Varys, on one hand, could offer her with all the necessary information; for he had kept his eyes on Daenerys for years. It was one of the main reasons for their 'odd' alliance, mostly because Robert was King and he had no right to be.

Things had changed now, Varys had regained too much power but he most likely still supported the 'rightful heir' to the Iron Throne and it was none of Robert's children. Not to mention that he always did everything for 'the good of the realm' as he would often say to excuse himself. If Robert's children, Joffrey especially, proved not to be what was good for the rest of Westeros, then she knew he would change alliances.

She could try to approach him but she did not wish to give him any leverage.

The eunuch was a man, who did nothing for free and eventually came back to reap what he had planted. A favour from him meant that he would eventually ask a favour in return, something she did not wish to do.

She hated owning favour or debt to anyone, doing her very best not to allow it or quickly get rid of it without much of a hustle. In her mind that was an Irony when one would think of the unofficial motto of the House she was married into.

Visenya had chosen to walk in the Gardens to help clear her head. She would have much preferred to go for some Horse Riding but Tywin would have her head if she dared. After the latest rebellion of the common folk little before the Blackwater battle, it was too dangerous to roam the streets alone; especially if many consider she was the last relative of the King that had starved and burnt them all those years ago.

Her eyes spotted someone sitting on one of the stone benches, a bowl filled with cherries and grapes placed next to them. Lady Margaery was sitting, talking with one of her ladies while enjoying the nice weather.

Seeing her chance, the Dragoness started to approach them with elegant but also confident steps. Her presence was quickly noticed and immediately both women stood up and bowed, both as a sign of respect to her title but also her age.

"Lady Margaery" she greeted with a small nod of her head, seeing the big smile forming on the girl's face.

"Lady Lannister, it is a pleasure to see you again" Margaery said in all friendliness while her lady-in-waiting was standing there awkwardly, too scared to speak to the Dragoness of Casterly Rock.

"The pleasure is all mine," she said and turned to the young girl. "Mind if I borrow your lady for a while?"

The girl shook her head but kept it bowed. "Not at all, Lady Lannister," she said and left rather quickly, almost tripping over her feet in the process.

"Poor girl. She seemed really shaken by your presence, My Lady" Margaery pointed out, sympathy visible in her brown eyes.

"Many get intimidated due to my title and Lord Husband, although I have been told I do not have the most welcoming faces" Visenya said as both women sat on the bench, the bowl between them.

Margaery looked at her, hands on her lap. "I do not think that is true, my Lady. You are a very beautiful woman and I do not believe it is ever a bad thing. My Grandmother is very strict on the face but she still can make us all feel welcomed and comfortable around her"

"I never said I did not consider myself beautiful" she corrected, making the young rose to blush once she realized that her companion was far sharper than she expected. However, because she did not wish to ruin her chance of befriending the young rose, the Dragoness changed the subject. "I heard of what took place today during your return from the Sept" she started, a small smile forming on her rosy lips. "You took the initiative to enter an orphanage and get to know the children and the women there"

The younger girl blushed faintly. "I thought it was only the right thing to do so. I know the war has affected all of the Houses and it is always the common folk that suffer the most. I wished to know first-hand so I know how I can help them once I become Queen" she explained, her words making her sound like a true saint.

There was this small momentary change in Visenya's amber eyes, one that Margaery could not truly understand. There was no judgement or suspicion in them but neither was full comfort and assurance.

"A queen that doesn't know her people can never truly rule them," she said, grabbing a grape and gently chewing on it. "It was a wise but risky choice" she continued, making Margaery play with the hem of her dress. Visenya smirked. "However, I have come to know that all wise and good choices tend often to be the riskier ones"

This made the young rose smile, hearing the faint praise and pride in her words; being offered in the Dragoness' way. It made her feel more confident around her, and a little bit less careful of her posture and her words.

"Thank you for your words, My Lady. I was afraid I might have angered her Grace with my...spontaneous decision"

Visenya took another grape and waved her hand dismissively. "You should not truly bother with her. Cersei has a gap between her and the people, as do more nobles and royals in the Red Keep" she started, earning the full attention of the younger girl. "A Queen is known to take initiative when she has to. If she doesn't, then she is nothing more than a trophy wife meant to look pretty and is not worthy of carrying a title such as that"

There was this personal experience behind the words of the Dragoness, something she had seen first-hand. Her Grandmother and her mother both had been powerful figures, who worked with their husbands or even took control over certain issues, especially when both were considered Queens.

Her sister Rhaella, on the other hand, was too timid and broken by Aerys to ever truly be given a chance to shine. Considering the temper of her husband as the years passed, it was a miracle the Queen had any power to show her face and talk.

It was why Visenya had been so tough when she was presented with suitors, for she refused to become a trophy wife to some Lord. Tywin had been mildly controlling in certain things but he had respected her decisions and often let her take control over certain subjects and incidents that would take place. It was why their marriage had been successful and why the Dragoness had not 'wilted' away as many would have expected her, after marrying such a cruel and strict man like the Lion of Casterly Rock.

Her words seemed to have drawn the full interest of Margaery, who had been listening in silence and was hanging from the woman's every word. The teenager clearly had not heard any other woman speak with such confidence on the subject, criticising Kings and Queens as if they were nothing but everyday people.

In the end, a small smile formed on her lips. "You remind me of my Grandmother a lot, my lady. She had a similar way of thinking, especially when it came to marriages and ruling"

At the mention of the older woman, Visenya focused on the new subject. "Lady Olenna," she said out loud. "The Famous Queen of Thorns"

This made the teenager chuckle. "She is rather proud of that nickname but I guess all powerful women eventually get one. You have plenty from what I have been told"

Visenya gave her an amused smile. "Not by personal choice I must add. People simply love to give names to what intimidates them. Ask my Lord Husband" she said, amusing the teenager more.

"Grandmother is on her way to King's Landing for my wedding. I would like to arrange a supper perhaps with you and her. I like to believe that she will like you, My lady" Margaery informed.

"Is she now?" she asked with interest. She then offered a small smile. "It would be an honour of mine to meet her. After all, you are to be my granddaughter soon and she will be family"

The young Rose seemed ecstatic with the idea of the two of them meeting, mostly because she knew if there was one person, who could make the Dragoness their ally; was her grandmother. However, she would have to silently admit that the Targaryen Princess was not as bad as she had heard.

There were lots of rumours about her, all across Westeros and her grandmother had warned her that the Dragoness was a dangerous woman. Yet, the more time Margaery spent in her presence, the more she found the need to disagree.

Visenya had a sharp tongue and mind, very similar to the Queen of Thorns but she did not truly look dangerous. Tywin Lannister was the epitome of danger and power and while by his side, she seemed to hold a similar title; away from him, she was far less of a threat.

Those thoughts were what the Dragoness had tried hard to bring into her mind, causing doubt about the words that Olenna had told her before arriving at King's Landing. She was a powerful woman but for the young Tyrell, she had to be a far easier and open one. Thankfully for her, acting had always been her strong point and she had become a master of the court game long before she got married or tasted the first enemy blood in battle.

Now, all she had to do was keep acting her role and ensure the older woman would not suspect her.


The Hand's Study, Red Keep – King's Landing, CrownLands – A few hours later


The time for supper had quickly arrived and Visenya had servants bring it into the Study of Tywin since she knew he would not leave that room for a few more hours. The food allowed him to take a break and the two of them sat across from one another, his desk the only thing separating them.

"I presume your plans have been good?" he asked, seeing her less tense than usual as she enjoyed her wine.

She had already finished her plate, having grown quite an appetite throughout the day. Perhaps it was the fact that they were not directly at war or that she had fewer things to worry over that her body relaxed enough to allow bigger quantities of food.

Usually, when out on the battlefield; she was known to eat less. She ate less and merely snacked upon things, always wishing to be at her best if a battle were ever to take place. It also had to do with the fact that she had so many responsibilities and things to deal with, that her appetite was not willing to come.

"I would say quite well" she started, lowering the goblet from her lips. "The Alchemists are once again loyal to us and no one will ever be able to order them around without my permission"

Her words made him narrow his eyes faintly. "Our permission" he corrected her with a small warning.

"Our permission" she repeated to please him, choosing to be a little more careful with her words. "I also talked with Lady Margaery. I suppose you heard of what she did during the return from the Sept"

Tywin leaned back on his chair and crossed one leg lazily over the other, leaning slightly towards the right side. His left hand held his goblet and was currently resting it on the left arm of the chair. He nodded. "I did, although I was not entirely surprised. One day in King's Landing and she has already won the favour of the people; considering the number of provisions her family sends us"

She smirked faintly. "You sound almost as if you admire her" she joked, using his words when they were at Harrenhal with that cupbearer.

They had received news that the child had disappeared not long after they left, something that had displeased Visenya. However, she suspected the child wished for freedom and away from the 'Bad Lions' as many called them.

She would have loved to have her around more but she understood that this was for the best. Perhaps in the near future, they would meet again. She did not mind that her dagger was with the girl for she would most likely need it.

He narrowed his eyes at her, clearly displeased with her humour. "I do not admire a threat but I can recognise one when I see it" he corrected her. "Did you find anything else from her?"

The Dragoness leaned back on her chair. "Olenna is on her way to King's Landing. I suspect she will arrive with the provisions" she informed.

It was rare for Tywin to make any verbal comments or give any sort of reaction other than a few hums here and there. To hear him groan, specifically outside of the bedroom, was something Visenya did not expect to ever witness.

Olenna Tyrell had been a thorn at his side but also a respectable rival all those years. She was a smart and cunning woman, who knew how to use her mind and her influential Lord husband to promote her ideas and keep her house amongst the most powerful ones.

He could even see traces of such cunningness in Visenya, although she was far more straightforward and far more violent than Olenna. The Dragoness would prefer to get her hands sunk in blood than order someone else to do it for her.

That was one of the things that he appreciated and made her truly different from the Queen of Thorns.

However, the fact remained that if she were to be in the city; he would have to be more careful with his plans and actions. If she was around, it could mean trouble. She was not stupid enough to ruin the alliance, now that she had her hands on the Throne but she could cause uneasiness and trouble in the court and within his family.

"I take it that you are not a big fan of hers," Visenya said, after seeing him glaring at pretty much nothing with his grip tight around his goblet.

He finally looked at her and he was clearly not happy with the news. "She is a troublesome woman. Margaery tries to wrap her vines around Joffrey and Olenna will have wrapped hers around the girl" he pointed out, too familiar with her cunning strategies. "She might prove an obstacle in our plan"

"Or a valuable asset," Visenya said and smirked, making him arch a single eyebrow and mentally motion for her to continue talking. "Margaery wishes me to meet her, plans for us to have supper together. Mayhap I can turn those thorns in our favour" she boasted with enough confidence to put Tywin's to shame and drank her wine.

The Old Lion had not finished his food; for he was far too interested in this new perspective as the gears inside his head worked none stop. "You think you can use your charms over her?" he asked with some mockery but also interest.

"Just because yours failed, dear Husband, doesn't mean mine will too," she said with an equal amount of mockery and crossed one leg over the other. "I worked Aerys like a puppet. I am certain I can do something about the Old Queen of Thorns. A powerful woman to another, I know I can be successful"

There were times Visenya had this confidence...this cockiness as some would say but it was not always unjustifiable. She had done a lot of things to prove the basis and keep it as proof of her words, enough successes to be her main motivation behind such bold words. Far too often she would play it innocent and clueless, pretending those triumphs did not exist but everyone had their limit. Visenya might have a mind for battle but she also had the skills for court, perhaps being from the few women truly able to flourish and control such a toxic and vein backstabbing environment.

He eyed her carefully, choosing not to comment on her sudden boost of good mood because she might actually pull it off. If she would manage to succeed, it would make things easier for him while handling the affairs and would strengthen this new relationship between their houses.

"And what if you do not?" he asked her, curious to see what her second plan would be.

Visenya was always a woman with more than one plan in mind, especially when she played with favours and the likes of people around her.

She emptied her goblet in one go. "Margaery slowly starts to trust me. Olenna will not remain in King's Landing for that long and the girl is clearly used to having an older female figure. If worse comes to pass, I will simply use the girl to keep both her grandmother in line and ensure the best out of this alliance"

Tywin could not help but smirk in pride, hearing how quickly she changed from using sweet words to manipulating and using people to ensure the outcome she wished. It was from those times that she truly could be ruthless, as ruthless as him one might say.

Those moments were reminders to Tywin why he never regretted his decision to formally ally with her through a wedding. She had it all in the end, all the necessary skills to make a beautiful but also dangerous woman; like a jewelled dagger that looked pretty but could easily slice the throat of someone with one motion.

He lifted his goblet in salute to her, the tension from the news about Olenna's visit having left momentarily."Well then, let us see what you truly are capable of"

She smirked and lifted her empty goblet. "You should already know what I am capable of" she commented, earning a smirk from him that matched hers.


[A/N] - Another big player enters the game! Now the Veterans are ready to place their pieces on the board and start the match. Who is excited for the arrival of the Queen of Thorns?

As per usual, Tywin and Visenya plan. Makes you wonder if they ever spend time together without planning how to handle and take down their enemies 😂😅

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