☯☼🏮Ninjago: The Master of Cr...

By boris_5382

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This story is about a girl named Coral. She is the Magenta Ninja and the Elemental Master of Crystal. She is... More

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Rise of the Snakes
Never trust a Snake
Can of Worms
The Snake King
Tick Tock
Once Bitten Twice Shy
The Royal Blacksmiths
The Green Ninja
All of Nothing
The Rise of the Great Devourer
Day of the Great Devourer
Darkness Shall Rise
Pirates vs Ninja
Double Trouble
Ninjaball Run
Child's Play
Wrong Place Wrong Time
The Stone Army
The Day Ninjago Stood Still
The Last Voyage
Island of Darkness
The Last Hope
Return of the Overlord
Rise of the Spinjitzu Master
The Surge
The Art of the Silent Fist
The Curse of the Golden Master
Enter the Digiverse.
Codename: Arcturus
The Void
The Titanium Ninja
The Invitation
Only One Can Remain
Ninja Roll
Spy for a Spy
The Forgotten Element
The Day of the Dragon
The Greatest Fear of All
The Corrider of Elders
Winds of Change
Ghost Story
Stiix and Stones
The Temple on Haunted Hill
Kingdom Come
The Crooked Path
Grave Danger
Curseworld, Part I
Curseworld, Part II
Public Enemy Number One
Misfortune Rising
On a Wish and a Prayer
My Dinner With Nadakhan
The Last Resort
Operation Land Ho!
The Way Back
Day of the Departed
The Hands of Time
The Hatching
A Time of Traitors
A Line in the Sand
The Attack
Secrets Discovered
Pause and Effect
Out of the Fire and Into the Boiling Sea
Lost in Time
The Mask of Deception
The Jade Princess
The Oni and the Dragon
Snake Jaguar
Dead Man's Squall
The Quiet One
Game of Masks
True Potential
Big Trouble, Little Ninjago
Iron & Stone
Radio Free Ninjago
How to Build a Dragon
The Gilded Path
Two Lies, One Truth
The Weakest Link
Saving Faith
Lessons for a Master
Green Destiny
The Darkness Comes
Into The Breach
The Fall
Wasted True Potential
Questing for Quests
A Rocky Start
The Belly of the Beast
Boobytraps and How to Survive Them
Ninja vs Lava
Ancient History
Under Seige
The Explorer's Club
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A Cold Goodbye
The Never-Realm
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An Unlikely Ally
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Game Over
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The Worst Rescue Ever
The Two Blades
Queen of the Munce
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Dread on Arrival

149 8 0
By boris_5382

(A man waits for the traffic light to turn green on an empty intersection.)

Man: Oh, come on. (He drives anyway but reverses when he sees the ninja, Samurai X and the river monster. They go to the police station.)

Officer #1: (Gasps.) Uh...

Kai: Is the Police Commissioner here? (The officer nods.)

Zane: Don't forget: the best way to defeat your enemy is to make him your friend.

Izzy: That's how we tamed him.

Jay: Aren't you, Crabby.

Wu: Crabby.

(The ninja go in the station.)

Officer #1: Hey, what am I supposed to do with him?

Nya: Take him to the zoo.

Officer: We don't have a zoo!

Cole: Then take him to the aquarium. (Crabby growls at the officer.) 

(Inside the station the Commissioner is painting a model ship but is interrupted by the noise outside his office.) 

Kai: (Offscreen.) We need the Commissioner.

Officer #2: (Offscreen.) He's not taking any visitors.

Cole: (Offscreen.) But it's important.

Officer #2: (Offscreen.) All his work is important.

Jay: (Offscreen.) Don't make me you. (He zaps him and the ninja barge in.)

Nya: Commissioner!

P.I.X.A.L.: So good to see you.

Kai: There's no time to lose.

Cole: Sorry to barge in but it's really quite urgent.

Zane: We have to vacate the city.

Jay: We need weapons. Lots and lots and lots of weapons.

Izzy: And about a lot of handcuffs. (Everyone stares at her.) What? 

Wu: Crabby!

Commissioner: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. One at a time. Just shoot it to me straight. What's gonna do me in?

P.I.X.A.L.: Pardon? Do you in?

Commissioner: Every time something bad happens to the city, first thing they do is can the police commissioner. (Stares at the past police commissioner's portraits.) So what is it this time? Subterranean mutant insects? Indomitable flesh-eating zombies? A pirate genie?

Cole: Pirate genie?

Commissioner: Yes, why not? Anything can happen in this crazy town.

(Jay and Nya share a smile.)

Jay: Argh, don't be ridiculous. It's the Sons of Garmadon.

Cole: They have Lloyd.

Izzy: And Coral. 

Zane: And the three Oni Masks.

Kai: The Quiet One—

Nya: —who is Harumi.

Kai: —is gonna resurrect the evil spirit of Lord Garmadon and then—

Commissioner: Just stop! The princess is behind all this?

Cole: Which is why we need you behind us.

Nya: Along with everyone on your force.

Commissioner: I'm not ready to lose my city just yet. (He dials the phone.) Person on the other end of this phone, get me the mayor. (Someone speaks indecisive over the phone.) Yes, I'll hold.

(The Sons of Garmadon take Lloyd and Coral to the destroyed palace. Harumi has changed her look from green to black.)

Harumi: The spider's in the house. Sleep sleep. The spider bit the mouse.

Coral: Well this is a new low. Hey, thanks for trying to save me, Lloyd.

Lloyd: It's no problem Coral. (To Harumi.) So this is your true face, without the mask. No wonder you covered it.

Harumi: Bite your tongue, Green Ninja. The fight is all but over.

Lloyd: Where are you taking us?

Harumi: Trapped in the Palace of Secrets all my life, it gave me time to make a few...alterations, you could say. Yes, I destroyed the palace, but I was careful not to damage the Temple of Resurrection. (She shows them the temple which was hidden inside the palace.) 

Ultra Violet: The ninja have survived, Quiet One. They are in the city.

(Lloyd looks around and sees cages and S.O.G. working around the palace.) 

Coral: What was that you said about the fight being over?

Harumi: Let them come. If anyone tries to stop me, I always have my insurance policy. (She points to Misako and Amethyst getting thrown into a cage.)

Lloyd and Coral: Mom!

Amethyst: Coral! 

Misako: Lloyd? (Her cage is lifted up.) She's crazy. She wants to bring back your father.

Harumi: I've been so looking forward to this...family reunion.

(Coral tries to get out, but the S.O.G. hold her down.) 

Lloyd: Let them go. This is between us.

Harumi: No, Lloyd. There was never anything between us. (Lloyd looks down heartbroken.) It hurts, doesn't it? There's nothing more powerful than a blow to the heart. 

Coral: (Threatening.) Dont touch him! 

Harumi: (Ignoring her.) We found them after they tracked down young Wu. Helpful of them. Prepare the ceremony. We begin at nightfall. (She turns and leaves.) 

Lloyd: I won't let you get away with this.

Ultra Violet: (Laughs.) Or what? You'll cry? (Pretends to whimper.)

(At nightfall, the ninja hide throughout the city.)

Kai: (Stares at some civilians being shoved by bikers.) We were right. The streets are teeming with SoG. They don't want anyone getting close to the palace.

Zane: We are in place. Operation Undercover initiate.

Kai: Copy that.

(The Sons of Garmadon have Lloyd and Coral trapped in another cage. Harumi walks up to them with a bowl.)

Lloyd: What are you doing?

Harumi: The three Oni Masks alone won't bring back your father. For the ritual to succeed, I also need a hair from the son (she plucks his hair) and from the wife. (Mr. E lowers Misako and Amethyst's cage, making Lloyd and Coral's go up.)

Lloyd: Don't touch her! (She plucks her hair.)

Misako: Ah! You.

Harumi: And I already collected one from the brother, dear little Wu. So are we all ready to begin?

Lloyd: Don't worry, Mom. Our friends will stop this.

Harumi: And if they try, they'll have to make a choice.

Lloyd: A choice? What do you mean? (Mr. E lowers Misako and Amethyst right above the water.) No! (Piranhas start to surround them.)

Harumi: Save your mothers, or their beloved Green and Magenta Ninja.

Coral: Let us out.

Misako: Whatever happens, that man she wants to bring back is not your father. You must not let it happen.

(The Sons of Garmadon are on the lookout.)

Killow: Does the Quiet One need the masks?

Ultra Violet: Not yet. Any sign of the ninja?

Killow: There has been no sight of them.

Ultra Violet: Remember, they're ninja. They don't like to be seen. Be ready.

Killow: (He looks at his mask.) I am. (The police drive to the temple.)

Commissioner: All units, approach with caution! I don't want any heroes out there. (They stop. The Commissioner grabs a megaphone.) Okay. We don't want any trouble. We can resolve this peacefully.

Ultra Violet: Oh, where's the fun in that?

Commissioner: We have reason to believe you have trespassed onto these premises and are about to engage in some pretty illegal activity. But if everyone comes out with their hands up... (Killow uses the Deception Mask and levitates his megaphone.) All right, uh, my megaphone is floating. (Killow throws it in the water.) I guess we can't resolve this peacefully. Light 'em up! (The police turn on their flashlights.) What are you doing?

Officer #3: You said "Light 'em up."

Commissioner: I meant with your guns.

Simon: Uh, we don't have guns, Commissioner. We only have tasers.

Commissioner: Oh, yeah, right. Then, charge 'em up! (They switch to their tasers.) And arrest them. (The officers fight and tase the S.O.G.. The Commissioner grabs his radio.) You wanted a distraction, you got one. Now save the city, ninja. (Kai and Izzy traverse in the water with a boat.)

Kai: Thanks, Commissioner. We got it from here. P.I.X.A.L., get me to the palace.

P.I.X.A.L.: You're going to make the first left, then a right.

Kai: Copy that.

Officer #4: Don't move! (They try to subdue Ultra Violet, but she uses the Hatred Mask.) 

Kai: (He comes across a net.) Uh, P.I.X., I got a fishing net in the way. This path is blocked.

P.I.X.A.L.: I can reroute you.

Kai: There's no time. Hold on. (He cuts the net with harpoons.)

Izzy: Did you just tell yourself to "hold on?" Or did you tell that to me? 

Kai: A bit of both. It felt like the moment needed it. Picking up the others now. (He picks up the others, who are wearing scuba gear.) Hold on. And for the record, I was telling that to the others and you Izzy, not myself.

Commissioner: (Watching the ninja in the water.) Go, ninja, go.

Kai: You got us to the palace. Thanks, P.I.X..

P.I.X.A.L.: Do take precaution.

Kai: We will. You take care of little Master Wu. See you on the other side. (Ultra Violet, Killow, and Mr. E go to Harumi with the masks.)

Harumi: Good. You've brought the masks. Any trouble?

Killow: Nothing the others can't handle.

Harumi: Then the ceremony is ready.

Lloyd: I get it. I hurt you. And you want to hurt me, but isn't the way. You don't have to do this. 

Coral: We will stop you. (The Sons of Garmadon laugh.)

Ultra Violet: Hear that? They'll stop you.

Harumi: You put too much faith in your friends, Lloyd and Coral.

Misako: And you put too little.

Coral: And just like Ultra Violet, your marbles are long gone. 

Harumi: (She glares at them both.) Place the masks in position. (Killow, Ultra Violet, and Mr. E get into position.) Clotho venge. Clotho decer. Clotho haeed! (The masks start floating and the tiles on the floor start moving.) 

Misako: Lloyd, Coral, it's starting. Where are the ninja?

Harumi: Clotho venge. Clotho decer. Clotho haeed! (The masks light up.) 

Lloyd: Don't, Rumi! This isn't you!

Harumi: (She only smirks.) Clotho venge! Clotho decer! Clotho haeed!

(Meanwhile out in the palace gardens, Luke Cunningham sees the ninja's scuba gear and is about to radio in when Nya knocks him unconscious.)

Mohawk: I can't believe we're stuck on foot patrol duty. We're missing all the good stuff.

Chopper Maroon: Tell me about it. I hear she's opening, huh, vortexes and stuff.

Mohawk: Ah, man. Someone better take pictures.

(Back at the temple Harumi is still reciting.) 

Harumi: Clotho venge! Clotho decer! Clotho haeed! Rip the fabric between realms! Oni, I call upon you! Connect me to...the Departed Realm! (A portal to the Departed Realm opens.) Yes. 

(The wind starts picking up.) 

Misako: Son! 

Amethyst: You have to do something! 

(Harumi laughs evilly. Outside the ritual Mohawk and Chopper Maroon are at the gates.) 

Chopper Maroon: So...

Mohawk: So what?

Chopper Maroon: I know we're supposed to watch for ninja, but I feel like all the cool stuff is happening behind us.

Mohawk: I'll look if you look. (They both turn around to see the portal opening.) Wow...that's awesome. (They turn back around to see the ninja.)

Cole: What's awesome? (They take them out.)

Izzy: Don't lower your guard next time. 

Harumi: I call upon thee lord of many names. Lord of Destruction! King of Shadows! Lord Garmadon! Garmadon!

Garmadon: Who...calls me!?

Lloyd: Leave my father alone!

Coral: You're gonna regret this! 

Jay: Did you hear that?

Cole: That sounded like Lord Garmadon.

Nya: We gotta do something. Fast.

Izzy: Well, what are you guys waiting for? (They attack the Sons of Garmadon.)

Harumi: The ninja.

Lloyd: Wait! There's a trap!

Kai: Huh?

Harumi: Start the wheel. (They submerge Lloyd and Coral into the water.)

Misako: My son. 

Amethyst: My daughter. Help them.

Lloyd: You have to stop the ceremony.

(The ninja continue to fight.) 

Harumi: Follow my voice. Feel my presence. Join me, Lord Garmadon!

Garmadon: Who...are...you?

Kai: We have to stop her!

Jay: Or maybe we should save our friends from drowning.

(Zane tries to shoot an arrow at one of the mask but Mr. E blocks it.) 

Kai: I can't get to her!

Izzy: Who's gonna save Lloyd and Coral?

Cole: On it. (He uses his hammer to turn the lever, submerging Misako and Amethyst instead.)

Misako: Lloyd!

Amethyst: Coral! 

Cole: Let's get you both out of here.

Lloyd: Don't help us, help them.

Cole: Oh, yeah. Coming, Mrs. G and Mrs A.

Ultra Violet: (She stops Cole from pulling the lever.) Hm, hello again.

Cole: A little help?

Kai: (He breaks the handle.) Oops. (Lloyd and Coral are lowered into the water and Misako and Amethyst are pulled out.)

Harumi: Lord Garmadon, follow my voice. Follow the shadows. (Zane disarms Mr. E and Nya takes out Ultra Violet.) 

Misako: Someone get them out of the water.

Jay: Nya, you are the Water Ninja.

Nya: You don't need to be a Water Ninja to do this. (She throws a spear on Misako's gear.)

Misako: Cole, get Lloyd and Coral out. Use your lava arms. (Cole uses his earth punch to turn the gears to get Lloyd and Coral up. He frees him.)

Lloyd: Thanks. 

Coral: Mom, Misako, You both okay?

Misako: Stop her, son.

Amethyst: You can do it. I believe in you.  

(Lloyd and Coral try to reach Harumi, but are knocked back by the wind.) 

Jay: It's too fast! 

Izzy: Maybe you guys can do Spinjitzu to get inside. (Garmadon laughs maniacally.)

Kai: That doesn't sound good.

Zane: What's happening?

Jay: You're a nindroid! You give answers, not questions.

Lloyd: It's him.

Harumi: I hear you...feel you. Come...be mortal again! Your son wants to stop you, but I want to make you stronger! It is I, Harumi. Come to me. Follow my voice.

Garmadon: Ha...ru...mi?

Harumi: Your time is now! (To Lloyd.) You cannot stop it. The end is near. 

Izzy: Just use spinjitzu already! 

Coral: She's right. Ninja go! (She uses spinjitzu and Lloyd uses spinjitzu) 

(The other ninja except Jay use Spinjitzu to get Lloyd and Coral closer.)

Kai: Jay!

Jay: On it. (Killow grabs him, but he uses his lightning to free himself and joins the group. Lloyd and Coral manage to knock Harumi aside.)

Harumi: (Garmadon screams as the porfal begins closing.) No...No! (The portal closes. The Oni Masks fall and Harumi falls down in defeat.)

Lloyd: Father...

Commissioner: Come on, boys, let's clean the house. (The police arrive in the temple and arrest the Sons of Garmadon.)

Simon: Madame, you are under arrest.

Harumi: No! (They drag her off.) Don't touch me!

Cole and Jay: (They try to restrain Killow.) We got him. We got him. We got him. (They make Killow fall down.) 

Kai: We did it. (The cops cheer and Lloyd and Coral get their mothers out of the cage.)

Izzy: Good to have you back Coral.

Coral: You to Izzy. (She sees Amethyst.) Oh mom. 

Amethyst: Oh come here baby girl. (They hug in reunion.) 

Lloyd: I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry I dragged you all into this.

Misako: You didn't drag us into anything. This isn't your fault.

Lloyd: I should have known. I should have seen through her.

Coral: She had us all off guard, Lloyd. 

Misako: Your only mistake is that you're trusting, and good, and see the best in people.

Lloyd: (Coldly.) Not anymore. (The cops cheer as the ninja exit the palace. Lloyd and Coral finds Harumi in a cop car and go up to her.)

Harumi: Please. You were right. This isn't me.

Lloyd: Stop. Save it for someone who cares. It looks like you were wrong. You weren't the one who got away.

(Harumi charges at Lloyd but Coral closes the doors on her, smirks, and waves her goodbye. Meanwhile, at the Temple of Resurrection, Garmadon's hand emerges from the pedestal.)

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